New Worst Decision Award

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Saints player runs into centre square before ball is bounced, fair enough, free to Swans ruckman Goodes. Bounce goes at a 45 degree angle towards Saints goal, Goodes grabs it, all have stopped due to the whistle prior to bounce, Goodes runs on ....goal.

The free was before the ball was bounced, how can advantage be played?
The decision not to pay Mark Johnson's screamer on Friday night was pretty fuggen ordinary, as were the decisions to pay firstly Richo's, and then Stafford's half volleys as marks one after the other, were very bad as well. The Richo goal when Hay tackled him thru the points and the CH9 commentators went spack over had to be holding the ball - how fuggen long can you hold the ball whilst being tackled, for Ablett's sake?!?! Then again, there were about 20 crap decisions made today in the Port/Crows match that rated pretty highly on the shyteful scale : Burgoyne's shirtfront on McGregor after he took a mark went unrewarded (50m penalty to take him to about 25m out) )by the umpire and cost the Crows a goal; Smart molested Tredrea in a race for the ball that woulda seen him arrested in the street; Guerra was pinged for incorrect disposal when no prior opportunity and ball was knocked loose in the tackle; Bode took on 3 Port players, got pinged = ball-up by some white maggot; the list goes on..

All in all, a pretty ordinary weekend for the white maggots from the 2 games I was privy to..

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Originally posted by Falchoon
The free was before the ball was bounced, how can advantage be played?

Doesn't say anything in the rules that it can't.

17.3.1 Paying Advantage
Where the field Umpire intends to or has signalled that he or she intends to award a Free Kick to a Player, the field Umpire may,instead of awarding the Free Kick, allow play to continue if the field Umpire is of the opinion that doing so will provide an advantage to that Player’s Team.

17.3.2 Recalling the Football
Where the field Umpire has allowed play to continue instead of awarding a Free Kick to a Player, but having done so, it becomes immediately apparent to the field Umpire that allowing play to continue did not provide an advantage to the Player’s Team, the field Umpire shall stop play and award the Free Kick to the Player where the infringement occurred.
Originally posted by PortPremiers'02
The decision not to pay Mark Johnson's screamer on Friday night was pretty fuggen ordinary

He was ripped off. The Didak free/reversal was also ordinary.

The again, the players stuff up so why should the maggots be any different?
Originally posted by Falchoon
Saints player runs into centre square before ball is bounced, fair enough, free to Swans ruckman Goodes. Bounce goes at a 45 degree angle towards Saints goal, Goodes grabs it, all have stopped due to the whistle prior to bounce, Goodes runs on ....goal.

The free was before the ball was bounced, how can advantage be played?

Just one of many appalling decisions in the Swans v Saints game, and let me add not all against one team. Some of the decisions late in the game for the Saints were hard to believe.

If Thomas gets fined for mentioning the Goodes decision, it will give inadequate and poor umpires carte blanche to do anything they want. The AFL must allow coaches (who have seen their team get beaten by umpire decisions the previous week, and now have pathetic decisions go against them the following week) at least mention their dissappointment.
I didn't see the incident, but if the ball bounced towards the Saints goal, doesn't that mean that Goodes was behind his mark.

If so, he can play on....I can't see where advantage comes into it.
Originally posted by Falchoon
Saints player runs into centre square before ball is bounced, fair enough, free to Swans ruckman Goodes. Bounce goes at a 45 degree angle towards Saints goal, Goodes grabs it, all have stopped due to the whistle prior to bounce, Goodes runs on ....goal.

The free was before the ball was bounced, how can advantage be played?

the play on rule is often an unfair advantage to the side getting the free kick. the opposition player who would normally have a chance to chase or tackle stops when he hears the whistle allowing an uncontested passage for the player who earnt the free kick. a better way would be to not blow the whistle and just signal play on. however this is a new skill that the umpires would have to learn and they can't handle the interpretations of the laws as they are.

for the 20th week in a row, we were robbed by the maggots and i won't be convinced differently by anyone. :D ;)
Re: Re: New Worst Decision Award

Originally posted by Dave

Doesn't say anything in the rules that it can't.

17.3.1 Paying Advantage
Where the field Umpire intends to or has signalled that he or she intends to award a Free Kick to a Player, the field Umpire may,instead of awarding the Free Kick, allow play to continue if the field Umpire is of the opinion that doing so will provide an advantage to that Player’s Team.

I disagree, "allow play to continue"

I contend that the free had occurred before play had started, therefore play can't "continue".

(c) Where the field umpire awards a Free Kick to a player before bouncing the football, he/she shall signal time on, blow his/her whistle “and give the ball to the player”. The timekeepers shall acknowledge commencement of play.

The free was paid because a player ran in prior to the bounce.

(b) no Player (other than the 4 initial Players) or Team Official shall enter the Centre Square from the time the field Umpire commences his or her approach to the Centre Circle to bounce the football until the football touches the ground, in the act of bouncing, or leaves the field Umpires hand, in the act of being thrown up;
(c) where a Player or Team Official contravenes Law 11.3.4(b), the field Umpire shall award a Free Kick to the Player of the opposing Team who is nearest to the Centre Circle;

That wasn't Goodes either!
Re: Re: New Worst Decision Award

Originally posted by Joffaboy

Just one of many appalling decisions in the Swans v Saints game, and let me add not all against one team. Some of the decisions late in the game for the Saints were hard to believe.

If Thomas gets fined for mentioning the Goodes decision, it will give inadequate and poor umpires carte blanche to do anything they want. The AFL must allow coaches (who have seen their team get beaten by umpire decisions the previous week, and now have pathetic decisions go against them the following week) at least mention their dissappointment.

I agree, the umpiring was terrible yesterday. There were just so many mystifying decisions. Goodes being allowed to play on was just the most obvious of them.

Then again, a lot of the playing was mystifying yesterday as well.
Ok...3 decisions...(plus many more I am sure) that stood out for me on Friday Night.

1) Ball comes into Richo, he gathers and evades Hay and starts running into an open goal, he takes a bounce, fumbles....Hay catches him from behind and drags him to the ground. Then while on the ground, he kicks the goal. Now when is holdings the ball holdings the ball????

2) Ball kicked to Stafford, hits ground before he marks...mark paid, he then kicks to Ottens, ball hits ground before he marks....mark paid! Goal. Ok, you can stuff up maybe 1, but 2 in a row?

3) Richmond player has the ball held to him for quite a while, all players stop expecting to hear the whistle for a ball up. Ottens grabs ball of teamate and kicks a goal. (Yes, they shouldn't have stopped, but consistency with the time frames please umpires)

Hawks lose by 14pts and are sitting 10th instead of 7th.

I know these others have already been stated before, but I just wanted to have my say. I also know that there was probably the same amount of silly decisions paid the other way, but never let the facts get in the way of a good whinge. My overall conclusion, those decisions cost the Hawks a spot in the Finals...;)
Looking at the replay I think the tiges had a tactic of the player with the ball, once tackled, make no attempt to dispose and hold the ball in front of them waiting for another richmond player to take it off him, with no handpass to speak of. As noted this resulted in a goal to ottens and only one free kick to the hawks for holding the ball, even though it happened several times.

Perhaps the hawks could have woken up to this and gone in and stolen the ball from the tiger player on each occasion.

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This call made me spit, even though it favored the eagles!! (perhaps the most shocking calls are those that can be recognised as such by opposition supporters during the game??)

Brisbane kicking inside their 50m, Embley and Jonathan Brown are pushing and shoving in a marking contest, very tight. Brown gets (correctly) pinged by one field umpire for holding Embley's jumper, meanwhile the ball spills out, and is gathered by a Brisbane player. The other field umpire thinks the call was against Embley, so he blows advantage for Brisbane. They kick on goal-and then the other Umpire calls a 50m penalty against them presumably for playing on and refusing to bring the ball back. How in heck can a team be given a 50m penalty for doing something the umpire told them was okay?! I can't believe you can be held responsible for an umpires mistakes in this manner, the sensible thing to do would be just to bring it back for the WC free.
Re: Re: Re: New Worst Decision Award

Originally posted by Falchoon
I disagree, "allow play to continue"

I contend that the free had occurred before play had started, therefore play can't "continue".

(c) Where the field umpire awards a Free Kick to a player before bouncing the football, he/she shall signal time on, blow his/her whistle “and give the ball to the player”. The timekeepers shall acknowledge commencement of play.

11.2.2(c) refers to play commencing at the start of each quarter. Until the umpire bounces the ball the quarter hadn't started. In this case it had, therefore 11.2.2(c) doesn't apply as play had started.

Nice try :)

That wasn't Goodes either!

The player who is supposed to get the free doesn't have to have the ball for advantage to be called.
Originally posted by Falchoon
Saints player runs into centre square before ball is bounced, fair enough, free to Swans ruckman Goodes. Bounce goes at a 45 degree angle towards Saints goal, Goodes grabs it, all have stopped due to the whistle prior to bounce, Goodes runs on ....goal.

The free was before the ball was bounced, how can advantage be played?
It wasn't paid.

If the ball had to be bounced and the players in question were jostling then there is a free kick paid. Then the advantage was paid.

The Goal was disallowed because the whistle had already gone causing a stoppage in play.
I think that plain, uncomplicated errors that umpires make are even more annoying. At least with Goodes there is some ambiguity in the rule.

In Showdown 12 the umpires did not pay Edwards a mark in the forward pocket that he clearly grabbed, yet they did pay one to Carr which he dropped. The umpires also did not pay a diving mark to Burton, even though three other diving marks were paid where the ball was held fro less time. Finally, why didn't McGregor get 50?

Then there was the whole fiasco with a free paid for an act of retaliation, then 50, then the umpire at the other end of the ground had to pay a reverse free to keep the first umpire from looking like a total ****.

No complicated mistakes, just plain dumb stupid errors. These I find are the most annoying.
Re: Re: New Worst Decision Award

Originally posted by suzi_olsen

It wasn't paid.

If the ball had to be bounced and the players in question were jostling then there is a free kick paid. Then the advantage was paid.

The Goal was disallowed because the whistle had already gone causing a stoppage in play.

Dill :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Nice to see that nothing ever changes at Moorabin.The same old pathetic whingeing about umpires:even the coach carries on the tradition.The only reason the tragic Linton street filth bother going to the footy is to hurl abuse at the umpires at half time and at the end of the match,and yet cheer off their second rate football team.What a fu**in joke you are!!
Originally posted by Mead

Brisbane kicking inside their 50m, Embley and Jonathan Brown are pushing and shoving in a marking contest, very tight. Brown gets (correctly) pinged by one field umpire for holding Embley's jumper, meanwhile the ball spills out, and is gathered by a Brisbane player. The other field umpire thinks the call was against Embley, so he blows advantage for Brisbane. They kick on goal-and then the other Umpire calls a 50m penalty against them presumably for playing on and refusing to bring the ball back. How in heck can a team be given a 50m penalty for doing something the umpire told them was okay?! I can't believe you can be held responsible for an umpires mistakes in this manner, the sensible thing to do would be just to bring it back for the WC free.

What ****ed me off most was the free kick went from inside Brisbane's fifty, to past the far corner of the centre square, it had to be close to seventy metres.

Surely it can't be too hard when there is lines all over the field?

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New Worst Decision Award

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