Society/Culture Nobody has anything new to say about God.

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30,000 odd thousand plant species. 30,000 odd fish species.
500,000 odd insect species.
7.53 billion people on earth all uniquely individual.
Just a few amazing numbers.
Give me a logical explanation how an egg evolved. Mathematically impossible. Hysterical stuff.
Couldn't be bothered Milk, I've posted well over 500 posts in various threads, this one and alike over the last few years, if you feel inclined you could search my posts.

I'll give you an in short on the highlighted- Billions of years and infinite petri dish possibilities makes life inevitable, ie. the universe is infinite, it's proven and it's called evolution.

The thought of an omnipresent, judgmental, participatory, all seeing, all knowing religious style creator/god is laughable in the extreme to me.

Although I am open to a yet unknown, unproven connection to the natural world that will be exactly that... NATURAL, not some bearded man who lives in the sky and is pre occupied with what we do with our own and others genitals.
Give me a logical explanation how an egg evolved.

The answer to your question is "partially"

Partial embryonic calcification evolved in to encapsulated embryonic calcification, and this continues today because eggshells are a favorable evolutionary trait.

The egg moves in to the uterus where it is bathed in calcium and bicarbonate ions via controlled release resulting in the CaCO3 outer shell known as "the eggshell". The inner egg itself is protected from this buildup of CaCO3 by its outer "mucosa" layer.

Mathematically impossible. Hysterical stuff.

A truly stupid response.
A explanation as to what an egg is and nut shelled as 'evolution; to make it palatable plus calls me stupid, nice. Evolution provided as the logical explanation except its not. Evolution itself is a mystery but espoused as absolute fact.

So a chicken lays its egg. That is the easy part, but the baby (a fully formed functioning chick at birth) needs water or it drys up in the egg and never gets born. On top of that it needs food, quite a bit. Suddenly a whole heap of egg yolk appears and says, "I'm here". You need it you have got it! The white part comes along makes up the water required. Hold on, an inner lining of leather stuff and a shell comes along as well to provide the protective casing for the process.

But there is more. How does the animal get out? Each animal in it's shell need a little to beak or claw or similar tool to make its escape. The animal grows along using the provisions of the egg, in unison, a fully formed animal within its remarkable life sustaining cocoon.

My point is all these things have to happened; the egg and chicken at once. One part of the egg process or animal growth embryo process misses and its all over. The egg white and egg yolk without a casing just splatter everywhere an the chicken dies as a species. Turtles bury there eggs in sand. A strong casing required. Then just to confuse it even more all these animals lay eggs.
  • Birds. Flight and flightless birds
  • Lizards. All species of lizards including those giant monitor lizards which many call komodo dragon.
  • Crocodile. ...
  • Alligator. ...
  • Crabs. ...
  • Lobsters. ...
  • Shrimps. ...
  • All fishes
Does that not mean that all these animals were complete from the beginning? Sky, land and sea animals. Fascinating.

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A explanation as to what an egg is and nut shelled as 'evolution; to make it palatable plus calls me stupid, nice. Evolution provided as the logical explanation except its not. Evolution itself is a mystery but espoused as absolute fact.

So a chicken lays its egg. That is the easy part, but the baby (a fully formed functioning chick at birth) needs water or it drys up in the egg and never gets born. On top of that it needs food, quite a bit. Suddenly a whole heap of egg yolk appears and says, "I'm here". You need it you have got it! The white part comes along makes up the water required. Hold on, an inner lining of leather stuff and a shell comes along as well to provide the protective casing for the process.

But there is more. How does the animal get out? Each animal in it's shell need a little to beak or claw or similar tool to make its escape. The animal grows along using the provisions of the egg, in unison, a fully formed animal within its remarkable life sustaining cocoon.

My point is all these things have to happened; the egg and chicken at once. One part of the egg process or animal growth embryo process misses and its all over. The egg white and egg yolk without a casing just splatter everywhere an the chicken dies as a species. Turtles bury there eggs in sand. A strong casing required. Then just to confuse it even more all these animals lay eggs.
  • Birds. Flight and flightless birds
  • Lizards. All species of lizards including those giant monitor lizards which many call komodo dragon.
  • Crocodile. ...
  • Alligator. ...
  • Crabs. ...
  • Lobsters. ...
  • Shrimps. ...
  • All fishes
Does that not mean that all these animals were complete from the beginning? Sky, land and sea animals. Fascinating.
What about the banana? Are you Kirk Cameron or Ray Comfort?
A explanation as to what an egg is and nut shelled as 'evolution; to make it palatable plus calls me stupid, nice. Evolution provided as the logical explanation except its not. Evolution itself is a mystery but espoused as absolute fact.

Evolution is a scientific fact.

Scientists themselves most often use the word "fact" to describe an observation. But scientists also use scientific fact to mean something that has been tested and/or observed so many times that there is no longer a compelling reason to keep testing or looking for examples (even though this continues so that the "model" of evolution can continued to be refined/improved). So the occurrence of evolution in this sense is fact.

Scientists no longer question whether descent with modification occurred because the supporting evidence for such is so overwhelming. No piece of evidence ever discovered, across a variety of fields, including biochemisty, comparative anatomy, bio-geography, comparative embryology, molecular biology, palaeontology and radioisotope dating, amongst others has falsified evoluton. There is no longer a compelling reason to keep testing or looking for examples (even though this continues so that the "model" of evolution can continued to be refined/improved).

The model of evolution is 'scientific theory'. The model is adjusted in the light of new evidence being discovered or new observations. Adjusting / tweaking the model does not falsify evolution as a fact.
. Then just to confuse it even more all these animals lay eggs.
  • Birds. Flight and flightless birds
  • Lizards. All species of lizards including those giant monitor lizards which many call komodo dragon.
  • Crocodile. ...
  • Alligator. ...
  • Crabs. ...
  • Lobsters. ...
  • Shrimps. ...
  • All fishes
Does that not mean that all these animals were complete from the beginning? Sky, land and sea animals. Fascinating.

I acknowledge that you are confused.
Thought experiment

So anywho there is an observer and they are performing the double slit experiment, yet they can only view the result in their peripheral vision and unbeknownst to them an optical illusion exists, that is, if they attempt to observe the slit the particle travels through they are given an optical illusion of an interference pattern, and if they do not attempt to observe the slit the particle travels through they are given an optical illusion of single slit pattern. But if the result is in the eye of the beholder, does this make the result true?

Now a second person enters the room and can look directly at the experimental result, meaning the optical illusion loses its effect. This person is both ignorant of the expectation of the experiment and that there is an optical illusion in effect. As a result both observers see two different results. Would it be that now their minds are entangled, until one finds out the truth, that is, when one finds out the truth the second knows the “correctness” of their observation instantaneously...

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Was reading about the Hunting Wasp the other day. Incredible miracle of evolution. To begin with they have a lifespan of 2 months. It comes out of an egg a cute little baby wasp. In a month it is fully grown and has eggs of its own and now in the 'blink of an eye' the eggs need food, to be exact a 'live' insect. Lets say a Cicada. So how did a wasp with such a short life span work out it needed live food, as putrefaction would be fatal to the egg, grub, species.

The Hunting Wasp figures this out. Now the wasp has to paralyse the Cicada (or any other insect) in order to do this. It has to figure out exactly where to sting the Cicada so as not to kill it. This would require the Hunting Wasp to have a complete working knowledge of varying insect anatomies in order to ensure survival of the species. In the case of the Cicada, it is covered in a scaly armour, yet the Hunting Wasp flourishes using its stinger with astonishing surgical precision.

It has long been recognized and documented that insects are the most diverse group of organisms, meaning that the numbers of species of insects are more than any other group. In the world, some 900,00 different kinds of living insects are known. Each unique and complete.
Was reading about the Hunting Wasp the other day. Incredible miracle of evolution. To begin with they have a lifespan of 2 months. It comes out of an egg a cute little baby wasp. In a month it is fully grown and has eggs of its own and now in the 'blink of an eye' the eggs need food, to be exact a 'live' insect. Lets say a Cicada. So how did a wasp with such a short life span work out it needed live food, as putrefaction would be fatal to the egg, grub, species.

The Hunting Wasp figures this out. Now the wasp has to paralyse the Cicada (or any other insect) in order to do this. It has to figure out exactly where to sting the Cicada so as not to kill it. This would require the Hunting Wasp to have a complete working knowledge of varying insect anatomies in order to ensure survival of the species. In the case of the Cicada, it is covered in a scaly armour, yet the Hunting Wasp flourishes using its stinger with astonishing surgical precision.

It has long been recognized and documented that insects are the most diverse group of organisms, meaning that the numbers of species of insects are more than any other group. In the world, some 900,00 different kinds of living insects are known. Each unique and complete.

There were once these people called, natural theologians, and these guys made the argument that they could prove the existence of God by searching for evidence of a benevolent creator in nature.

Behold! The lion gently snaps the gazelle’s neck in a loving embrace before disembowelling it and feasting on its innards.

The natural theologians then found a wasp that paralysed a caterpillar and deposited its eggs inside the still-living caterpillar. When the eggs hatched the wasp larvae devoured the living caterpillar. Which disproved their hypothesis.

Thus the natural theologians wrote a publication entitled “We were wrong”, and went off to do something more productive with their lives.
So how did a wasp with such a short life span work out it needed live food, as putrefaction would be fatal to the egg, grub, species.

I highly doubt the wasp intellectually formulates plans to conduct this behavior.

The Hunting Wasp figures this out.

No it doesn't.

Now the wasp has to paralyse the Cicada (or any other insect) in order to do this. .

We'll come back to the bolded section.

1) It has to figure out exactly where to sting the Cicada

2) so as not to kill it. .

1) No it doesn't have to do that.
2) It's venom does not kill, it only paralyses.

Hunting This would require the Hunting Wasp to have a complete working knowledge of varying insect anatomies in order to ensure survival of the species.

No it doesn't.

1)In the case of the Cicada, it is covered in a scaly armour,

2) yet the Hunting Wasp flourishes using its stinger with astonishing surgical precision.

1) Your disengenuous use of a Cicada is now highlighted. Various wasp species utilising paralyzing venom's randomly select all sorts of prey.
2) There's nothing "astonishing" to it.

It has long been recognized and documented that insects are the most diverse group of organisms, meaning that the numbers of species of insects are more than any other group. In the world, some 900,00 different kinds of living insects are known. Each unique and complete.

Isn't evolution amazing?

Please don't post any more biological related content.

Nothing lasts forever. Humans, planets, stars, galaxies, maybe even the Universe itself, everything has an expiration date. But things in the quantum realm don't always follow the rules. Now, scientists have found that quasiparticles in quantum systems could be effectively immortal.

That doesn't mean they don't decay, which is reassuring. But once these quasiparticles have decayed, they are able to reorganise themselves back into existence, possibly ad infinitum.

This seemingly flies right in the face of the second law of thermodynamics, which asserts that entropy in an isolated system can only move in an increasing direction: things can only break down, not build back up again.

Nothing lasts forever. Humans, planets, stars, galaxies, maybe even the Universe itself, everything has an expiration date. But things in the quantum realm don't always follow the rules. Now, scientists have found that quasiparticles in quantum systems could be effectively immortal.

That doesn't mean they don't decay, which is reassuring. But once these quasiparticles have decayed, they are able to reorganise themselves back into existence, possibly ad infinitum.

This seemingly flies right in the face of the second law of thermodynamics, which asserts that entropy in an isolated system can only move in an increasing direction: things can only break down, not build back up again.

Getting in early: theoretical physics LMAO


Nothing lasts forever. Humans, planets, stars, galaxies, maybe even the Universe itself, everything has an expiration date. But things in the quantum realm don't always follow the rules. Now, scientists have found that quasiparticles in quantum systems could be effectively immortal.

That doesn't mean they don't decay, which is reassuring. But once these quasiparticles have decayed, they are able to reorganise themselves back into existence, possibly ad infinitum.

This seemingly flies right in the face of the second law of thermodynamics, which asserts that entropy in an isolated system can only move in an increasing direction: things can only break down, not build back up again.

In the September 2017 issue of NeuroQuantology, a peer-reviewed journal of neuroscience and quantum physics published a ground-breaking paper that could accelerate science’s understanding of consciousness:

“Our brain is not a “stand alone” information processing organ: it acts as a central part of our integral nervous system with recurrent information exchange with the entire organism and the cosmos. In this study, the brain is conceived to be embedded in a holographic structured field that interacts with resonant sensitive structures in the various cell types in our body.”

Some research is done here, but not enough to be mainstream yet. Few eminent neuroscientists support non-local consciousness theories now.

Posting one more time

Science is headed in the right direction! Still lots of work ahead of us and we need an open mind. Bohrs and Planck said it a million times. The famous physicist Wheeler too. I agree with Johnny Wheeler’s observation that Consciousness is the organizing principle of the universe.
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I have often thought you and cc were one in the same.

Note- I should have started a new thread with that post ie. Debunking the God Delusion... If the Universe is eternal no need for a creator.

There's some understanding that our brain might be a quantum computer, however there is no way to test this hypothesis. But noted physcists from the likes of Bohm, Bohrs, Penrose, Wheeler etc have supported this hypothesis. There is no way however to test this as Heisenberg;s uncertainty principle will always prevent us from finding out which way the quantum particles chooses to interact out of all possible options.

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I have often thought you and cc were one in the same.

Note- I should have started a new thread with that post ie. Debunking the God Delusion... If the Universe is eternal no need for a creator.
Leave me out of it, I’ve only been granted the privilege of being able to post in this thread again in the last few days and much live the quantum world, I’m ****ing unpredictable!👍

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Society/Culture Nobody has anything new to say about God.

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