From a cartel villa in Tuscany
We should try adding in 1 year option with a trade for a second rounder clause.I'm no expert, but I am sure in the NBA they have all sorts of things built into contracts, and something which could easily be done here is to build in a trade-on clause.
If you're a superstar, you could build in a no trade-on clause. Or a team could offer you more, but without the clause. So you have the choice. Take the 8 year deal at $1m a year with the trade on clause, or only take 4 years @ $900k with no trade on. Which would they choose?
It becomes another bargaining tool, because at the moment contracts just seem to be pay & length. Could even be structured, for example you have a player on an 8-year deal, but first 4 years is protected so can't be traded on, but final years can be traded on.
There was also talk of capping contract length. I don't mind that.