Offical "I Hate Cena" thread

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his matches with sabu lynn were fantastic he was wonderful in japan yes in WWE/F he was just a massive spot wrestler but he could pue on some fantastic matches. But yes he is forver tainted by a mediocre run in the big leagues

No need to defend Cena with me mate i dont cheer for him and find him boring (as a face enjoyed heel rapper cena) but he does his job well keeps his section happy looks clean cut is the enw age Hogan basically.

Jerry Lynn is hugely underrated and can have a great match with anybody. Sabu and RVD suit each others styles superbly. But the ring psychology and general pacing of his matches is what stops him being one of the best all round performers ever.
OK, before I ask this question, I will clarify my own position. I don't cheer for Cena, but I respect him for what he's done and what he has had to cop from the crowd.

Now, my question, and I'm hoping I get a clear response:

Why do people not like John Cena?
Basically because his in ring work in average he has his move set (a small set) sand just uses that same set and basic stpry in all matches and is always after any break in the title [icture without faile when other beleve better wrestlers edge kennedy etc deserve their time as champion.

Happens to alot of wrestlers many disliked young rock, micheals and HHH got it too (howd they kill for a micheal HHH title run now), just part of wrestling
Jerry Lynn is hugely underrated and can have a great match with anybody. Sabu and RVD suit each others styles superbly.
anothe lynn fan is a mammoth jerk off but a fantastic wrestler

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Basically because his in ring work in average he has his move set (a small set) sand just uses that same set and basic stpry in all matches and is always after any break in the title [icture without faile when other beleve better wrestlers edge kennedy etc deserve their time as champion.

Happens to alot of wrestlers many disliked young rock, micheals and HHH got it too (howd they kill for a micheal HHH title run now), just part of wrestling

Lol, a smart answer...I was waiting for an answer from someone without any brains so I could point a couple of things out to them :p
Lol, a smart answer...I was waiting for an answer from someone without any brains so I could point a couple of things out to them :p
mate been a wrestling fan for a long time, and many champions get this kinda crap but gald you like d the answer lol
mate been a wrestling fan for a long time, and many champions get this kinda crap but gald you like d the answer lol

Lol, yeah I know, I mean, I'm not the biggest Cena fan myself, but I find it very annoying the way people just say 'he sucks' and 'i hate him' without saying why.

Are they sheep like Santino says? ;):D
add me to this list. Out of the people to win the Royal Rumble why Cena? His gotten so many opportunities and has already worn the gold. The Rumble was originally used to give superstars pushes and to establish themselves. Raw was just fine with out Cena but now it going to be his show AGAIN! WWE has no care for the mid cards and it's really ruining the development of future stars. Why make him a star when to the majority of the fans despise him. I actually want to cheer for someone I like not someone I hate!

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I don't hate the bloke. I just don't think his performances have warrant or justified the amount of push and upper echuelon (sp?) status he is receiving.

Well not at least when you compare it others in the same boat such as HHH, Taker, Edge and to a lesser extent Lashley & Batista
Cena is pure image, and I don't really like that image much at all... Cena was once the worst 'wreslter' (And I mean in the literal sense skill wise) on the roster for IC or US belts let alone the World Championship... He is A LOT better now but it is still the same image... His style and attitude resonates moreso with younger people obviously due to the influx of what is cool...

He didn't earn this Rumble win, and thats what pisses me off... Half the reason I was happy to see Jericho lose to Orton and have a different feud before being handed the belts... He hadn't earnt it..

And Jabso, while the Observer is a pretty good article, there is always going to be bias... If people don't like a wrestler they aren't going to like the matches... If they do like the wrestler they will (Why I loved so many of Angle's matches ;))... His best outing was against Umaga, but thats just me... I also really hate the way the WWE uses Cena but whatever...

I agree to an extent... His success has halted the WWE's development for a while, but when he makes MONEY (Which contradicts you statement that the 'majority' hate him) they are going to use him... It was not smart at all to give him the best for OVER a year (Which is total crap for anyone to have the belt that long) and it did harbour a significant amount of hatred... Too many easy and quick opportunities for Cena, but again I am bias against him to a degree...

Then you have to admit the likes of HBK, Flair are stunting the development of future wrestlers... They aren't exactly great performers these days and their matches get worse and worse (cannot stand watching HBK matches lol) as they continue to wrestler into an age when they simply shouldn't... No matter how good they WERE does not mean they will still stay at the level... HBK, Flair hopefully retire at WM...

Anyway, looking at the future talent of the WWE and how they are being used, I would not exactly be ecstatic to see them in the ME... But I guess we have to give the kids time in order to grow and actually elarn the fine points... ANYWAY, god I hope TNA gets a weekly show just to see Angle more consistently lol :)
Well thats what i don't understand about the Cena bashing (If you look in that awards thread, im Cena's biggest critic). When you look at the contenders, there is sweet f'''''''''''all. The Flair/MVP match should of been replaced by a ECW title match with MVP getting a push or at worst, taking Chavos spot (like seriously WTF was he doing in there?).

Agreed in that Cena holding onto a belt for 1+ yrs is a complete joke. Maybe a bigger joke then Khali holding the belt for 1+ day/s.
Please add me to that list..
Cena sucks withered old man balls, period...:thumbsdown:
His arms look like a condom full of walnuts. He is shite and just spoils my enjoyment. Was the poo icing what was a already disappointing PPV.
Well thats what i don't understand about the Cena bashing (If you look in that awards thread, im Cena's biggest critic). When you look at the contenders, there is sweet f'''''''''''all. The Flair/MVP match should of been replaced by a ECW title match with MVP getting a push or at worst, taking Chavos spot (like seriously WTF was he doing in there?).

Agreed in that Cena holding onto a belt for 1+ yrs is a complete joke. Maybe a bigger joke then Khali holding the belt for 1+ day/s.
I think you mean a big a joke as Khali actually getting into the WWE.

What's his move set?
1. Neck grapple(for half the match)
2. Modified Batista bomb
3. Pull an ugly face.
Wrestling fans AMAZE me!

When Bobby Lashley threw in the towel recently, I read of people hating him because he had no charisma, good wrestler, but no charisma, therefore people where happy to see the back-end of him.

Now we here people whinging about Cena, somebody who has a limited move set, but, contrary to most held beliefs on this forum, he entertains the crowd through his charismatic persona.

I'm sorry guys, not everybody has the mic ability, coupled with the wrestling ability, it'd be too hard to just concentrate on one aspect surely.

I personally am a fan of John Cena, I'm also a fan of Bobby Lashley. They are both good at what they do, good at entertaining people in their own special way. Obviously the WWE have got an angle to go with Cena's RR win, maybe we'll see Cena whipping out some new moves... who knows? It just amazes me how people here just can't be pleased!

Might I also add that Cena obviously has a large following, because wasn't he voted PWI #1 wrestler in the PWI 500 for 2006 & 2007?

I'm glad Cena's back. Orton frustrates me. He ticks no boxes. He's not entertaining to watch, has the most minute amount of charisma and is the most arrogant person on screen, and he's apparently like that off screen too!
I actually thought that HHH should have won the Rumble, and then Cena and HHH could have feuded, and if they were keen on giving Cena the belt back, when he earned the chance to win, make it a Triple Threat at the Rumble, or at the next PPV, have Cena vs. HHH with some stipulation, the winner would go onto Wrestle Mania, bringing him back like that and having him win the Rumble isn't good.

Also, the use of Shelton Benjamin shits me... and god I hate Edge and Randy Orton...

But on topic, no I don't hate John Cena

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Offical "I Hate Cena" thread

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