Play Nice Hot Topic : Tribalism in Wrestling

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Especially when it’s the same people, having the same match over and over. Ricky Starks has gone missing, Miro is having another long absence, so people that can provide a different match, are being over looked for the flippy guys.
Also just what id call the pointless spots in matches.

Darby Allin jumping through glass in Stings final match after guy moved off it 15 seconds earlier with glass spraying towards the crowd added nothing for anyone. It being Stings final match was MUCH more important then Darby Allin trying to do stupid unnecessary shit. Any smart booker with a brain would have told him its a big fat NO and if he wants to do something that dumb to do it another time

Not sure how anyone could have been OK with that spot and didnt think it was selfish garbage. They think it helps the brand when it simply doesnt. A extremely niche amount of fans want to see that. A larger majority are not interested and see it as lame. They then turn off as a result

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