Ovens and King Football League 2013

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Being an ex player with Both Greta and All Blacks, it is disappointing to see where the 3rds are at now compared to when I was a pup :( and if Alex and Yea have 3rds in the mountain comp, they May not like to join a league then that doesn't have 3rds.
I have already stated on this post to try 2 divisions in the O&K like the Picola League rather than having the current structure with so much difference in standard. So why not trial next year the top 8 teams in a northern group and the bottom 6 with anyone else who wants to join in the southern group, like Longwood? Probably wouldn't suggest to go any further away than Thornton, as distance from Greta is starting to get too far to travel. But at least if you don't have 3rds you could start matches a bit earlier like ressies at 11:30 and Seniors at 1:15 so that everyone can get home earlier if having extra travel?

TS it's not about the money it's about numbers and the lack there of and it will stay that way for years to come. As someone posted a bit earlier, divisions or new leagues can't fix that problem..

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swanpool is having a crisis meeting this week to see what they will do now only option is to merged with gooroombat and tatong! so if they merge will they be swanpool-tatong-gooroombat (stg) for short lol
swanpool is having a crisis meeting this week to see what they will do now only option is to merged with gooroombat and tatong! so if they merge will they be swanpool-tatong-gooroombat (stg) for short lol
why not the all blacks too...Then they can become the STAG's ..... seen plenty of Samba ones over Tatong way over the years so would be a great team name.... :p
Congrats to the NEAFL for making the right decision, Three teams merging is the only way to go will create a stronger league, competitive team football and netball, generate more money and create a cross town rivalry with all blacks. Unfortunatley the three clubs have had more than ample time to create there own succsess in the O&K and have failed, This should have happened years ago. BENALLA AND DISTRICT SUNS 2014 UPWARDS AND FORWARDS
Congrats to the NEAFL for making the right decision, Three teams merging is the only way to go will create a stronger league, competitive team football and netball, generate more money and create a cross town rivalry with all blacks. Unfortunatley the three clubs have had more than ample time to create there own succsess in the O&K and have failed, This should have happened years ago. BENALLA AND DISTRICT SUNS 2014 UPWARDS AND FORWARDS

The hardest part for the clubs is to get people interested in starting a new entity. A lot of hard work to be done when melding clubs and cultures etc, secondly, getting players to play for a new entity could also be another issue...A lot of headaches ahead if they choose to go down that track.....
A big Congratulations to the Milawa Football and Netball Club . Winning 6 flags is a fantastic effort . Also Congratulations to the Glenrowan Football Club which shows what can be achieved in 12 months . It should give inspiration to all other struggling clubs .
It is easy to derogative to both these clubs . Any other Club that is envious of their positions can try and find reasons why or how this has happened . Sure both these Clubs may be financial but I can assure you that these things don't happen by accident and the scary thing for all other Clubs is that I guarantee that both Clubs along with all the other Clubs that have been successful this year will be striving to improve next year . I think people who are looking for excuses to make themselves feel better should maybe not waste their energy on being negative but start getting busy cos I guarantee you Clubs like Milawa , Glenrowan , Tarrawingee and Moyhu are going to go hard for next years flag . I find it impossible how anyone could be realistically negative towards the efforts of Milawa and Glenrowan unless it is to protect their own poor efforts they have shown this year ..... Well done Milawa and Glenrowan and bring on next year !!!!!
The hardest part for the clubs is to get people interested in starting a new entity. A lot of hard work to be done when melding clubs and cultures etc, secondly, getting players to play for a new entity could also be another issue...A lot of headaches ahead if they choose to go down that track.....
Agree Slim, many headaches ahead if the three ex District League Clubs merge. Complete overhauls from board down needed. No silly old w***ers from each club getting involved. An unbiased coach would have to be appointed, all players would have to prove themselves to the new coach and contracts renegotiated. Would all the clubs pool their money together? What happens if one club doesn't want to give all its coin to the cause? Disagreements about what players are worth? There will be that many issues and before you know it, it will be December and no one will have a thing organised.
If the three sides amalgamate, which I don't think they will because the old heads will be too proud to merge and play with rivals, I think Chooka Frampton should coach. He would sort them out don't worry about that!
A big Congratulations to the Milawa Football and Netball Club . Winning 6 flags is a fantastic effort . Also Congratulations to the Glenrowan Football Club which shows what can be achieved in 12 months . It should give inspiration to all other struggling clubs .
It is easy to derogative to both these clubs . Any other Club that is envious of their positions can try and find reasons why or how this has happened . Sure both these Clubs may be financial but I can assure you that these things don't happen by accident and the scary thing for all other Clubs is that I guarantee that both Clubs along with all the other Clubs that have been successful this year will be striving to improve next year . I think people who are looking for excuses to make themselves feel better should maybe not waste their energy on being negative but start getting busy cos I guarantee you Clubs like Milawa , Glenrowan , Tarrawingee and Moyhu are going to go hard for next years flag . I find it impossible how anyone could be realistically negative towards the efforts of Milawa and Glenrowan unless it is to protect their own poor efforts they have shown this year ..... Well done Milawa and Glenrowan and bring on next year !!!!!
Trooper, well said. In defence of some us of, most of the comments towards these clubs come more out of envy & jealousy than anything else which is entirely understandable. Many of us would give anything to be in their position right now. Have no doubt every committee behind the scenes is doing their best to improve but it seems like a fruitless task at times. Have got to acknowledge that whatever decisions have been made within these clubs in recent times have been very good ones.
Congrats to the NEAFL for making the right decision, Three teams merging is the only way to go will create a stronger league, competitive team football and netball, generate more money and create a cross town rivalry with all blacks. Unfortunatley the three clubs have had more than ample time to create there own succsess in the O&K and have failed, This should have happened years ago. BENALLA AND DISTRICT SUNS 2014 UPWARDS AND FORWARDS

I doubt that they should have Benalla in their name is they will not be a Benalla team... Unless they base their trainings in town with shared home games between the different grounds? There is already 2 Benalla Sides & you would hate for the league to think this megaclub would be stealing players (& subsequently driving up player prices).

Also there is already a thirds team with the Suns attached - unless the League & NEB are willing to allow this team to be with the 'new' club.

To this concept of 'stronger leagues, competitive football/netball, more money', these things already exist - They are called Major Leagues - O&M, GVFL... last I checked O&K was not a Major League (pretenders though?) and as a volunteer at football/netball clubs over many years: Screw your money, I don't do it to have blokes who might be able to play a bit of good footy turn up & take whatever I contribute to a club. My boots, memberships, shirts/stubby holders & tickets to functions are always paid up & not done through deals. To go that way and all about the money, all honorarium positions (Prez, Sec, Treas etc.) should all be paid accordingly - don't be an Inc. go with Pty Ltd.

But as a shit footballer who won't get a game anymore because I just don't have the time to play a semi-professional sport (or the talent) but loved the game anyway? Thanks, thanks for nothing.

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I doubt that they should have Benalla in their name is they will not be a Benalla team... Unless they base their trainings in town with shared home games between the different grounds? There is already 2 Benalla Sides & you would hate for the league to think this megaclub would be stealing players (& subsequently driving up player prices).

Also there is already a thirds team with the Suns attached - unless the League & NEB are willing to allow this team to be with the 'new' club

To this concept of 'stronger leagues, competitive football/netball, more money', these things already exist - They are
called Major Leagues - O&M, GVFL... last I checked O&K was not a Major League (pretenders though?) and as a
volunteer at football/netball clubs over many years: Screw your money, I don't do it to have blokes who might be able
to play a bit of good footy turn up & take whatever I contribute to a club. My boots, memberships, shirts/stubby
holders & tickets to functions are always paid up & not done through deals. To go that way and all about the money,
all honorarium positions (Prez, Sec, Treas etc.) should all be paid accordingly - don't be an Inc. go with Pty Ltd.

But as a shit footballer who won't get a game anymore because I just don't have the time to play a semi-professional
sport (or the talent) but loved the game anyway? Thanks, thanks for nothing.

Well said. I know how you feel! Hope you can still find somewhere to run around and have a kick next year champ
i dont blame the OK, they never wanted the ex B&D clubs in the first place. John and the NEAFL that are the problem. They didn't realise that the B&D served a purpose. It provided a low standard league for guys and girls to play that didn't have much talent or just wanted to play social football/netball. If it wasn't for clubs like us many players wouldn't have had the chance to play football at all. We have had guys come through that have come from overseas and have never payed aussie rules before, and actually have turnede out to be fairly handy players. These guys would have never got a chance if it wasn't for clubs like us.
Everyone is asking why Goorambat has been appointed the lead agent in the three club consolidation, it is because they burnt Tatong and Swampool, we were all in discussions about other options as a group, but by the looks of it we were being played. How can the review panel just appoint a lead agent without consultation from the other parties involved. I cant see how any consolidation will work whenthe other two parties involved have lost trust and respect for the lead agent.
Feedback from most other clubs is that they don't necessarily want to see our demise, so if the league decide to take on these reccomendations, i think we should put a vote of no confidence to the board and have them all stand down. Return to a delagate run league which would be much more advantagious to us all.
If what I'm reading is correct and Goorambat have under cut Tatong and Swanpool, that is just the most disgusting thing I've heard. 3 clubs, futures uncertain, why wouldn't the three clubs be equally involved to try and get the best outcome possible. What Goorambat have done is a disgrace. If I was Swanny and Tatong, I'd get together and propose a merge, leaving Goorambat out, so Swanny and Tatong become one club, Goorambat are left out and hopefully they fold and their snake like behaviour bites them on the a***
i dont blame the OK, they never wanted the ex B&D clubs in the first place. John and the NEAFL that are the problem. They didn't realise that the B&D served a purpose. It provided a low standard league for guys and girls to play that didn't have much talent or just wanted to play social football/netball. If it wasn't for clubs like us many players wouldn't have had the chance to play football at all. We have had guys come through that have come from overseas and have never payed aussie rules before, and actually have turnede out to be fairly handy players. These guys would have never got a chance if it wasn't for clubs like us.
Everyone is asking why Goorambat has been appointed the lead agent in the three club consolidation, it is because they burnt Tatong and Swampool, we were all in discussions about other options as a group, but by the looks of it we were being played. How can the review panel just appoint a lead agent without consultation from the other parties involved. I cant see how any consolidation will work whenthe other two parties involved have lost trust and respect for the lead agent.
Feedback from most other clubs is that they don't necessarily want to see our demise, so if the league decide to take on these reccomendations, i think we should put a vote of no confidence to the board and have them all stand down. Return to a delagate run league which would be much more advantagious to us all.

I can't comment on wether this is a good move or bad as I don't know what has happened behind closed doors!

But I highly doubt that putting a vote of no confidence will help. Starting to sound like local and federal government!
I don't think It needs to get messier than it already is!
If what I'm reading is correct and Goorambat have under cut Tatong and Swanpool, that is just the most disgusting thing I've heard. 3 clubs, futures uncertain, why wouldn't the three clubs be equally involved to try and get the best outcome possible. What Goorambat have done is a disgrace. If I was Swanny and Tatong, I'd get together and propose a merge, leaving Goorambat out, so Swanny and Tatong become one club, Goorambat are left out and hopefully they fold and their snake like behaviour bites them on the a***

Doggies I expected better from you mate. In situations like this there is always going to be rumour and speculation about what has transpired. Goorambat has not uder cut the other two clubs we have been involved in exactly the same process as them. We were told (and this is fact) Tatong, Swanpool and Goorambat will be offered a merger. Goorambat is to be the hub of this arrangement with the biggest percentage of home games to be played there as well as most of the training. We were told we agree to this or we do not have any where to play footy. SO NO CHOICE. If the other clubs wish to merge then the particulars will have to be worked out.

Personally I really do feel for both Swanpool and Tatong as this whole process to me has been floored and has not considered community impact. 60 netballers will now not be playing every Saturday and I would of thought that not to many if any footballers from Tatong or Swanpool will make the journey out to Goorambat. All Blacks and Benalla stand to gain more footballers from this than what Goorambat do. IMO. Why will players drive another 15 kms past these other two clubs.

Goorambat have been dictated to by the review panel as much as the other two clubs but I accept with a more favourable result. This was not Goorambats 1st option of choice. We would have liked to be playing into the future as our own entity, with our own identity matching the history of a proud club that has been struggling of late but with the challenges of becoming competitive with in a competion that we are still only a very young club.

It took All Blacks many years before they were able to have an impact on ground and it was only last year 2012 that people involved with the Benalla Saints were telling me that Benalla as a town could not sustain a Goulburn Valley League football side. I think that they may be singing a different tune now.

I hope that people involved with all clubs can take the emotion out of this and make good sound decisions for the people that they represent. Hard to do because football is an emotional game and when you are taking something away from a passionate community emotions are hard to supress.

In finishing for the record if Goorambat was in Tatong or Swanpool's position i would be outraged, despondant and emotional.

Cracerjack - like said, "If what i'm hearing is true"
If it's not true then I am happy to withdraw my previous comments. I, like you wish the best of luck to all the clubs involved in this mess and when I'd heard that Goorambat may have been under cutting I was quite taken aback.
Thanks for clearing it up. You may need to do the same with the Presidents of Swanny and Tatong also.
Trooper, well said. In defence of some us of, most of the comments towards these clubs come more out of envy & jealousy than anything else which is entirely understandable. Many of us would give anything to be in their position right now. Have no doubt every committee behind the scenes is doing their best to improve but it seems like a fruitless task at times. Have got to acknowledge that whatever decisions have been made within these clubs in recent times have been very good ones.

Bunyip the most rounded and balanced comment we've heard from you all year ...New found respect ..Well Done !!!!!!
My guess on why Gbat would the hub of a new entity would be for a few reasons...1..Proximity to Benalla, 10ks closer than the other two...I'm assuming thata large % of players from Tat and Swanny live in Benalla anyway....2....Gbats ground is the better out of the 3 in terms of size and consistancy in the playing surface.....3... The facilities are good, having said that tho so are Swanny's and Tatong's new rooms will also be good.
Doggies I expected better from you mate. In situations like this there is always going to be rumour and speculation about what has transpired. Goorambat has not uder cut the other two clubs we have been involved in exactly the same process as them. We were told (and this is fact) Tatong, Swanpool and Goorambat will be offered a merger. Goorambat is to be the hub of this arrangement with the biggest percentage of home games to be played there as well as most of the training. We were told we agree to this or we do not have any where to play footy. SO NO CHOICE. If the other clubs wish to merge then the particulars will have to be worked out.

Personally I really do feel for both Swanpool and Tatong as this whole process to me has been floored and has not considered community impact. 60 netballers will now not be playing every Saturday and I would of thought that not to many if any footballers from Tatong or Swanpool will make the journey out to Goorambat. All Blacks and Benalla stand to gain more footballers from this than what Goorambat do. IMO. Why will players drive another 15 kms past these other two clubs.

Goorambat have been dictated to by the review panel as much as the other two clubs but I accept with a more favourable result. This was not Goorambats 1st option of choice. We would have liked to be playing into the future as our own entity, with our own identity matching the history of a proud club that has been struggling of late but with the challenges of becoming competitive with in a competion that we are still only a very young club.

It took All Blacks many years before they were able to have an impact on ground and it was only last year 2012 that people involved with the Benalla Saints were telling me that Benalla as a town could not sustain a Goulburn Valley League football side. I think that they may be singing a different tune now.

I hope that people involved with all clubs can take the emotion out of this and make good sound decisions for the people that they represent. Hard to do because football is an emotional game and when you are taking something away from a passionate community emotions are hard to supress.

In finishing for the record if Goorambat was in Tatong or Swanpool's position i would be outraged, despondant and emotional.

Doggies I expected better from you mate. In situations like this there is always going to be rumour and speculation about what has transpired. Goorambat has not uder cut the other two clubs we have been involved in exactly the same process as them. We were told (and this is fact) Tatong, Swanpool and Goorambat will be offered a merger. Goorambat is to be the hub of this arrangement with the biggest percentage of home games to be played there as well as most of the training. We were told we agree to this or we do not have any where to play footy. SO NO CHOICE. If the other clubs wish to merge then the particulars will have to be worked out.

Personally I really do feel for both Swanpool and Tatong as this whole process to me has been floored and has not considered community impact. 60 netballers will now not be playing every Saturday and I would of thought that not to many if any footballers from Tatong or Swanpool will make the journey out to Goorambat. All Blacks and Benalla stand to gain more footballers from this than what Goorambat do. IMO. Why will players drive another 15 kms past these other two clubs.

Goorambat have been dictated to by the review panel as much as the other two clubs but I accept with a more favourable result. This was not Goorambats 1st option of choice. We would have liked to be playing into the future as our own entity, with our own identity matching the history of a proud club that has been struggling of late but with the challenges of becoming competitive with in a competion that we are still only a very young club.

It took All Blacks many years before they were able to have an impact on ground and it was only last year 2012 that people involved with the Benalla Saints were telling me that Benalla as a town could not sustain a Goulburn Valley League football side. I think that they may be singing a different tune now.

I hope that people involved with all clubs can take the emotion out of this and make good sound decisions for the people that they represent. Hard to do because football is an emotional game and when you are taking something away from a passionate community emotions are hard to supress.

In finishing for the record if Goorambat was in Tatong or Swanpool's position i would be outraged, despondant and emotional.


Crackerjack. That is the biggest load of shit I have read on this forum. IF and that's a big IF you were apart of these meetings with the other clubs and doon you would know the direction these clubs wanted to go. And a three way merger was never mentioned. Things that all clubs said would stay during those meetings would stay confidential yet found their way back to the hub. Now this comes out. If the proposal was put to you guys first why didn't you consult swanpool an Tatong before going back to the hub with your answer? Why weren't you represented at the meeting Monday night? Why? Because your president is spineless and was just worried about himself and goorambat and just played the other clubs. And slim yeah bats ground is larger but to say the surface is better the swanny or the tong? What planet are you on? Worst surface in the league. All the clubs wanted was transparency and they have been shafted by the hub and the bats.
Crackerjack. That is the biggest load of shit I have read on this forum. IF and that's a big IF you were apart of these meetings with the other clubs and doon you would know the direction these clubs wanted to go. And a three way merger was never mentioned. Things that all clubs said would stay during those meetings would stay confidential yet found their way back to the hub. Now this comes out. If the proposal was put to you guys first why didn't you consult swanpool an Tatong before going back to the hub with your answer? Why weren't you represented at the meeting Monday night? Why? Because your president is spineless and was just worried about himself and goorambat and just played the other clubs. And slim yeah bats ground is larger but to say the surface is better the swanny or the tong? What planet are you on? Worst surface in the league. All the clubs wanted was transparency and they have been shafted by the hub and the bats.

Cruising you are entitled to your take on things mate and no I was not directly involved with the meetings that were held between the 3 clubs. When meetings were held with Tatong, Swanpool, Doon, Alexander, Yea and Goorambat in regards to doing there own thing, when the pressure was applied to start and put some things on paper and to own some actions the three most southern sides were not interested. This was a good concept but was never going to get off the ground.

Since when has what the three clubs wanted been on the agenda. If you know the process that has taken place then you would know that this has not been a negotiation. I will repeat from my earlier post " Goorambat was told that a three way merger with Goorambat to be the main hub of this consolidation was THE ONLY OPTION for Goorambat to be playing football next year. If we refused we would have to fold.

As far as I know we were not invited to the meeting on Monday night as the NEAFL were delivering the decision that THEY had made. It was not negotiating an outcome.

I do not like this result and as I said earlier do not support the process or the agenda of the review.
simple fact tatong & swanpool should stop complaining about being hard done by
by neafl the hub or any one else . Neafl has moved on this because these club have no answers there self and just dont get it . there are simply not enough player in the area to support all these side thats the way it is .they carnt attract player so there player numbers
are getting worse the score against are getting higher and I would say there support
at games is pretty low. It is not ideal for any club to have to merge , but you wont be the first & wont
be the last. so stop complaining and get on with it and find way forward that will retain some
football in your area . I am sure if a combine side works together they might just become a club
other club might struggle to beat
Just a little trival fact here King Valley is actually merged side of edi, myrree, Whitfield, Chesthunt and King Valley I think those were the towns. They had their own league before the war. Not sure anyone knows that but there you go lol

I honestly dont think the proposed merger is a bad idea unless they do a Glenrowan and open the check book up but you got to remember what happened to Devenish. By combining all resouces they can form a pretty strong club. From what i've heard the Benella junoir league is dead and that two teams are joining the wangaratta junoir league (which is going to push Bright further away) so the numbers around Benalla are low from the sounds of things.

You have to think about teams like Mitta united, corowa rutherglen and Brisbane that have been very successful. But anyway I'm not a player, surporter or comittee man who bleeds for any of these clubs I'm just a bloke putting his two bobs in.

Either way best of luck

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Ovens and King Football League 2013

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