Ovens and Murray

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Highltes & Lowlites of the Morris Medal

Biggest Suprises : Chrissy Greve (A Grade netball) Todd Bryant (Rising Star)

Not so Biggest Suprise : Jake Ryan (Morris Medal)

Best Dress : Eliza Campagna : (Jake Ryan's Girlfriend)

Most Supportive Table : Myrtleford (Cheered for everything Myrtleford)

Most Disrespectful Table : Nth Albury (Talked through speaches)

Funniest Conversation overheard : A larger man getting his meal of Sirlion served up, excuse me miss, you have f*cked up and gived me the kiddies meal only to have his meal replaced with chicken.

Bad Points : Jugs off the beer menu early in the night

Good points : "Waitress" 14 middies please

Drunkest person : An official Nth of the border

Congratulation to all the winners on the night and all the best for a lots of great Grand Finals in all Footy and Netball Grades ! Hopefully it will be a bright sunny day:thumbsu::thumbsu::thumbsu: !

Heard it took the Myrt Bus 2 and a half hours to get home from the night as almost everyone on board had a turn at throwing up!!!
i hope the BMM takes on board your suggestion. some access to the GF related articles in the lead up to those not able to purchase the paper would be appreciated

also spot on re the GF venue. LPO is definitely the best venue in the league at the present time. it is only on a 1 year contract at the moment tho and it is to be reivewed come season's end. the norm minns oval would require a bit of upgrading i'd think to host 15,000 at a GF. the word in the pipeline tho is that the local council are committed to doing what it takes to get the venue to the standard that it can host a night time pre-season afl practice game. an upgrade of the lighting could perhaps even lead to the local derby being played on a sat evening/night down the track?

as for this week's game i don't think the venue will be an issue at all. didn't seem to trouble wang in last year's GF nor earlier this year when they took lavi to the cleaners. as someone said earlier in this thread if wang brings their A game or close to it lavi will be struggling to finish within cooee. However wang have stuttered a bit over the last 5-6 weeks and there is some hope it will be a contest, altho the last 1/4 of the 2nd semi was a good sign for them becase they were challenged hard on a day when they were well off their A game and got themselves over the line. Wang by around 7-8 goals i reckon

Yes the lvo is a good venue for the grandfinal however i believe the ovens and murray is a regional league and a grand final out side of nsw would be a nice change... As for the norm minns facilities not being up to scratch for playing the gf, the proposal that was put to the oandm board out lined several upgrades/improvements that the club and council would commit to making if they were given delegated the gf (making it a superior ground to the lpo oh I know this will be shock and oar stuff for some of you cretins to comprehend), as is the situation the old adage of "build and they will come" will most likely have take place and it will probably take being instated the official home of the murray bushrangers and getting 20 thousand to a afl preseason game to make the albury centric league hierarchy remove their heads from their arses and give someone off the border a go.
Yes the lvo is a good venue for the grandfinal however i believe the ovens and murray is a regional league and a grand final out side of nsw would be a nice change... As for the norm minns facilities not being up to scratch for playing the gf, the proposal that was put to the oandm board out lined several upgrades/improvements that the club and council would commit to making if they were given delegated the gf (making it a superior ground to the lpo oh I know this will be shock and oar stuff for some of you cretins to comprehend), as is the situation the old adage of "build and they will come" will most likely have take place and it will probably take being instated the official home of the murray bushrangers and getting 20 thousand to a afl preseason game to make the albury centric league hierarchy remove their heads from their arses and give someone off the border a go.

Well all you Wangaratta Whingers put ya money where ya mouths are and start upgrading ! time for talking is over, get off ya arses and start doing some of the huge upgrades use will need to get the GF

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as neither a wang or lavington supporter, can anyone tell me what the point would be of changing the venue? LPO is a great facility - surface, seating, standing hill etc... i just cant understand why it would be worth having it in wang?
there is no point changing gf venue its not broken why fix it.The wang (bogons) who have won 1 flag in god knows howlong think that now they have won a flag they are now a powerhouse in the o&m after being easy beats for so long need to realise that you have to play finals footy for more than 1 year to be classed as a powerhouse and because they lead a very lonely life down in (mexico) wang they dont understand it takes a lot of hard work to be a competitive in the o&m and that buying a flag doesnt give you the right to all of a sudden start demanding changes. if they want to talk about whinges who was it that started after last years gf ? any player who crosses that white line declares himself fit to play and is fair game
Good question.

guys it would not worry me at all where the grand final was played, as long as my side was in it, i could not care less... but the facts are until wang upgrades it ground and facilities, that it continues to get played at the best ground/facilites to accomodate a large attendance and that would be panther park...
there is no point changing gf venue its not broken why fix it.The wang (bogons) who have won 1 flag in god knows howlong think that now they have won a flag they are now a powerhouse in the o&m after being easy beats for so long need to realise that you have to play finals footy for more than 1 year to be classed as a powerhouse and because they lead a very lonely life down in (mexico) wang they dont understand it takes a lot of hard work to be a competitive in the o&m and that buying a flag doesnt give you the right to all of a sudden start demanding changes. if they want to talk about whinges who was it that started after last years gf ? any player who crosses that white line declares himself fit to play and is fair game

That's neither here nor there. The status of the club itself should have no bearing upon where the game is played.

Fact is, the Wangaratta Showgrounds is due for a huge overhaul, and should it all go to plan, will be an equal if not superior facility than what Lavvy is.

In my opinion the GF should probably rotate around between Wangaratta and Lavvy in future years after Wang is fixed up. It wouldn't hurt, and it'd bring alot to Wangaratta - a town that brings alot to the competition with two teams. It is one of the best footballing towns in the North East/Gouburn Valley area, and one of the best in Victoria in terms of the standard coming out of its two major league clubs.

I know the quality of the clubs has no bearing on where to GF is played - and nor should it - rather, the quality of the facility needs to be considered, as well as other factors, such as overall benefit to the competition and the district etc.

Oh, and by the way, Lavington as shitloads more bogans than Wangaratta does. Guaranteed. :thumbsu:
as neither a wang or lavington supporter, can anyone tell me what the point would be of changing the venue? LPO is a great facility - surface, seating, standing hill etc... i just cant understand why it would be worth having it in wang?

I am also not a supporter of any of the finals teams, but believe too that Lavington is a much better oval mainly due to the terraced hill. It is usually a nightmare to get out of but waiting back a while usually fixes that.
If Wang has a huge upgrade as expected, it then is all about preposals, and you never know what may happen.
But hey, a lot of our grounds/facilities need upgrades !:)
there is no point changing gf venue its not broken why fix it.The wang (bogons) who have won 1 flag in god knows howlong think that now they have won a flag they are now a powerhouse in the o&m after being easy beats for so long need to realise that you have to play finals footy for more than 1 year to be classed as a powerhouse and because they lead a very lonely life down in (mexico) wang they dont understand it takes a lot of hard work to be a competitive in the o&m and that buying a flag doesnt give you the right to all of a sudden start demanding changes. if they want to talk about whinges who was it that started after last years gf ? any player who crosses that white line declares himself fit to play and is fair game

you don't like the fact that wang 'bought' a flag? why not, should that concept remain the domain of the border teams only? please. as recent history shows in the o&m you have to spend big to get yourself in a position to have a crack. since the mid 90's and the demise of the rovers dynasty mainly it has been the cashed up border teams that have dominated the recruiting stakes and in turn the premiership stage. yarra and c/r have had a turn but again paid good dollars to do it. Myrt got close a couple of times but again paid massive dollars, probably to the long term detriment of the club. therefore it is very unfair to say wang 'bought' a flag in a derogatory manner becuase that is simply how it is in the o&m

another point on the players wang has brought in to the club in the last few years. most of them are not your stereotypical city traveller chasing the big bucks in the country. boofa higgs mullins mccormick thayer steer are all wang boys who have returned. mccormick for example could have obtained more cash elsewhere when he left carl but decided to head back home. cosgriff is a former bushie from the shepp area i think, kirby is from tat in the GV, hayse is from benalla, lord is from nathalia i think, trenfield had a run there in the early 2000's when he was a murray kangaroos supp player, so a big % of their recruits are from the local area and/or had ties to the club

as for being a powerhouse, i don't think anyone was saying move the GF to wang becasue the magpies are now a good side. the basis of the argument is that it is indeed the ovens and murray league and it would be appropriate to share the big day between the 2 major centres of the league once the facilities at wang are uprgaded. the playing surface itself at wang is superb so once the other facilities are up to scratch there is no bar to it hosting the big day. (just on the powerhouse issue, wang are currently in finals for the 4th time in 5 years. had mccormick not been cut down by his knee inj in 2005 when they were 2 games clear on top they would most likely be shooting for their 3rd flag in 4 years this sunday. no, not a powerhouse, but certainly building an imposing recent record)
you don't like the fact that wang 'bought' a flag? why not, should that concept remain the domain of the border teams only? please. as recent history shows in the o&m you have to spend big to get yourself in a position to have a crack. since the mid 90's and the demise of the rovers dynasty mainly it has been the cashed up border teams that have dominated the recruiting stakes and in turn the premiership stage. yarra and c/r have had a turn but again paid good dollars to do it. Myrt got close a couple of times but again paid massive dollars, probably to the long term detriment of the club. therefore it is very unfair to say wang 'bought' a flag in a derogatory manner becuase that is simply how it is in the o&m

another point on the players wang has brought in to the club in the last few years. most of them are not your stereotypical city traveller chasing the big bucks in the country. boofa higgs mullins mccormick thayer steer are all wang boys who have returned. mccormick for example could have obtained more cash elsewhere when he left carl but decided to head back home. cosgriff is a former bushie from the shepp area i think, kirby is from tat in the GV, hayse is from benalla, lord is from nathalia i think, trenfield had a run there in the early 2000's when he was a murray kangaroos supp player, so a big % of their recruits are from the local area and/or had ties to the club

as for being a powerhouse, i don't think anyone was saying move the GF to wang becasue the magpies are now a good side. the basis of the argument is that it is indeed the ovens and murray league and it would be appropriate to share the big day between the 2 major centres of the league once the facilities at wang are uprgaded. the playing surface itself at wang is superb so once the other facilities are up to scratch there is no bar to it hosting the big day. (just on the powerhouse issue, wang are currently in finals for the 4th time in 5 years. had mccormick not been cut down by his knee inj in 2005 when they were 2 games clear on top they would most likely be shooting for their 3rd flag in 4 years this sunday. no, not a powerhouse, but certainly building an imposing recent record)

That's right. Myrtleford - an example you use - has been notorious in the past few years for paying the big dollars for the big name players. It almost got them there two years in a row, but to no avail.

I knew a prominent former Wangaratta Rovers player as a I was growing up - a local legend. He told me a certain team on the border threw heaps and heaps of money at him year after year to lure him over. But his loyalty was too strong. My point is, throwing dollars everywhere is common place in the O&M, and singling out Wangaratta for doing what everyone has been doing for ages is a bit much.

And the quoted poster is correct - Wangaratta's core is mainly local. Only a handful are from out of town, and a few of those are from the Goulburn Valley area, which isn't exactly light years away. Only a few are from Melbourne, Ed Clarke being the most prominent I suppose.

Every team has its ring-ins. It's just the law of the land up in O&M territory!
That's right. Myrtleford - an example you use - has been notorious in the past few years for paying the big dollars for the big name players. It almost got them there two years in a row, but to no avail.

I knew a prominent former Wangaratta Rovers player as a I was growing up - a local legend. He told me a certain team on the border threw heaps and heaps of money at him year after year to lure him over. But his loyalty was too strong. My point is, throwing dollars everywhere is common place in the O&M, and singling out Wangaratta for doing what everyone has been doing for ages is a bit much.

And the quoted poster is correct - Wangaratta's core is mainly local. Only a handful are from out of town, and a few of those are from the Goulburn Valley area, which isn't exactly light years away. Only a few are from Melbourne, Ed Clarke being the most prominent I suppose.

Every team has its ring-ins. It's just the law of the land up in O&M territory!

How much do you think Myrtleford spent on their two years at the top??? I know for a fact it was only around $150k.

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Well Done to Jake Ryan.

For all he's been through to come through and win the Morrish is well deserving.

I heard that whilst he was in the Sari Club in 02, he at first thought he had been king hit by the boyfriend of the chick he's picked up the night prior, but until he struggled up & saw the bodies everywhere, did he realise what had happened.
How much do you think Myrtleford spent on their two years at the top??? I know for a fact it was only around $150k.

$150K is a lot of money for a country club over a two year period.

My point was that all the clubs throw around the dough. Not singling Myrtleford out at all - they're just an illustrative example.

What are you saying here? Wangaratta's flag last year is somehow diminished in value because we 'paid' for it?
Well Done to Jake Ryan.

For all he's been through to come through and win the Morrish is well deserving.

I heard that whilst he was in the Sari Club in 02, he at first thought he had been king hit by the boyfriend of the chick he's picked up the night prior, but until he struggled up & saw the bodies everywhere, did he realise what had happened.

do you reckon that's appropriate you tool... those bodies belonged to real people you fcukwit! Mite be an interesting story for a bloke like you at the pub, but not on here. Not sure if bright boy is a good name for you!
$150K is a lot of money for a country club over a two year period.

My point was that all the clubs throw around the dough. Not singling Myrtleford out at all - they're just an illustrative example.

What are you saying here? Wangaratta's flag last year is somehow diminished in value because we 'paid' for it?

Its all just sour grapes and jealousy! Congratulations to Wang on making their second consecutive gf. Undoubtedly they have had a successfull recruiting campaign over the last couple of years - lucky them. Surely any reasonable person and supporter of local footy wouldnt begrudge any team in the O&M having a fair crack - isnt that what its all about.

Good luck to both teams on Sunday.
do you reckon that's appropriate you tool... those bodies belonged to real people you fcukwit! Mite be an interesting story for a bloke like you at the pub, but not on here. Not sure if bright boy is a good name for you!

yer i agree with ya there head he must be a real *******k to be saying the kind of stuff or just deosnt have a brain who relly gets on and says that about people bright boy shouldnt judge other people on there rep
Well Done to Jake Ryan.

For all he's been through to come through and win the Morrish is well deserving.

I heard that whilst he was in the Sari Club in 02, he at first thought he had been king hit by the boyfriend of the chick he's picked up the night prior, but until he struggled up & saw the bodies everywhere, did he realise what had happened.

You sir are an idiot
Hutchys back boys. Havent been alot going on of late, although I will admit the Andy Carey was a good one (for everyone other than Myrtelford that is). But seeings it is grand final week I better give you boys (and maybe girls (flowerpower, no one could love themselves that much, gotta be Jakes better half doesnt it, although I have met the man and its a good possibility) the inside word.
Wang - Matt Pell to play. Unlucky bloke not decided as of yet. Huge concern over Carmody & Hayse carrying calves but will play. Can any side carry injured players in finals, been proven time and time again to bring sides undone.
Lavy - Not much to hear out of the panthers. Tim Sanson at his cagey best this week, he's been through this week a few times, knows how to handle it well. Have heard a whisper that there may be a bolter in the panthers pack, Fulton and the older Garland brother (dunno his first name) may play, plan is to try & stretch the magpies defence. Have the luxary of pulling a surprise on the day as their reserves are also in the big one, so i guess we will have to wait and see.

The all important tip - Wang comfortably. Lappin is an underrated leader and has proven not to get overawed by the occasion, altho he's up against a far better coach this year, but maggies by 27 points.
All the best to both sides. :thumbsu:
That's neither here nor there. The status of the club itself should have no bearing upon where the game is played.

Fact is, the Wangaratta Showgrounds is due for a huge overhaul, and should it all go to plan, will be an equal if not superior facility than what Lavvy is.

In my opinion the GF should probably rotate around between Wangaratta and Lavvy in future years after Wang is fixed up. It wouldn't hurt, and it'd bring alot to Wangaratta - a town that brings alot to the competition with two teams. It is one of the best footballing towns in the North East/Gouburn Valley area, and one of the best in Victoria in terms of the standard coming out of its two major league clubs.

I know the quality of the clubs has no bearing on where to GF is played - and nor should it - rather, the quality of the facility needs to be considered, as well as other factors, such as overall benefit to the competition and the district etc.

Oh, and by the way, Lavington as shitloads more bogans than Wangaratta does. Guaranteed. :thumbsu:

Spot on there flex, we have 10 times the amount of bogans you do... it just seems that all of the ones in wang own and computer and love bigfooty!!!:p
you don't like the fact that wang 'bought' a flag? why not, should that concept remain the domain of the border teams only? please. as recent history shows in the o&m you have to spend big to get yourself in a position to have a crack. since the mid 90's and the demise of the rovers dynasty mainly it has been the cashed up border teams that have dominated the recruiting stakes and in turn the premiership stage. yarra and c/r have had a turn but again paid good dollars to do it. Myrt got close a couple of times but again paid massive dollars, probably to the long term detriment of the club. therefore it is very unfair to say wang 'bought' a flag in a derogatory manner becuase that is simply how it is in the o&m

another point on the players wang has brought in to the club in the last few years. most of them are not your stereotypical city traveller chasing the big bucks in the country. boofa higgs mullins mccormick thayer steer are all wang boys who have returned. mccormick for example could have obtained more cash elsewhere when he left carl but decided to head back home. cosgriff is a former bushie from the shepp area i think, kirby is from tat in the GV, hayse is from benalla, lord is from nathalia i think, trenfield had a run there in the early 2000's when he was a murray kangaroos supp player, so a big % of their recruits are from the local area and/or had ties to the club

as for being a powerhouse, i don't think anyone was saying move the GF to wang becasue the magpies are now a good side. the basis of the argument is that it is indeed the ovens and murray league and it would be appropriate to share the big day between the 2 major centres of the league once the facilities at wang are uprgaded. the playing surface itself at wang is superb so once the other facilities are up to scratch there is no bar to it hosting the big day. (just on the powerhouse issue, wang are currently in finals for the 4th time in 5 years. had mccormick not been cut down by his knee inj in 2005 when they were 2 games clear on top they would most likely be shooting for their 3rd flag in 4 years this sunday. no, not a powerhouse, but certainly building an imposing recent record)[/quote]

I don't have anything against wang, the money they have or haven't spent or whether there players are locals etc... I'm actually happy to see them doing well after so many rough years in a row. I'm even happier to see a bloke like Jon Henry getting some reward for the effort he's put in over the years, and i'm sure there's plenty of behind the scenes people at the club who deserve it too.

But to suggest they would've won the flag in 2005 when mccormick did his knee opens up a whole can of worms. For example, if port adelaide had've kicked another 25 goals in last years AFL gf they'd have won it. And for something closer to home, if myrtleford had've kicked one more goal in 2005 and won the toss and year later, they mite've won back-to-back flags...
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