Summer Paris 2024 - General Discussion

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Her - a month ago - "Why am I digging this hole Daddy?"

You - "Shut up and keep digging darling"

After the Games, I’ll bury myself in it so I can finally get some sleep.

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I think I’ll struggle to be up beyond 9, if I want to get up at 4 for swimming finals. My energy levels are through the floor already. Low iron and sub clinical hyperthyroidism will do that to you.
Things you don't see every day

Mark Taylor commentating the diving :p
Came in to write that I never would have picked him calling diving.

No wonder last Sunday on WWOS show he tipped this event could be our first medal at the Games.

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Just finished watching the opening ceremony, While I appreciate the uniqueness of it all, It just didn't do it for me, something just felt missing. Maybe it was not having that stadium atmosphere or the athletes not marching which is a great part of Olympic history even through I find that the most boring part of any opening ceremony or maybe it was the rain, I don't know it just didn't feel right.
Know what you mean, they didn’t nail it. Here are some suggestions for what could/should have been in the ceremony, based on various Great Moments in French History.

First, every opening ceremony needs a great opening act. Sydney 2000 set the standard here with The Man From Snowy River charging out on his horse cracking his whip. The French could have had Napoleon ride out on his white stallion. Then, once he’d played his part, he could be ‘exiled’ to a little island in the Seine until the end of the ceremony.

Second, they didn’t do enough with the various Parisian landmarks. For example, the Place de la Concorde, which was once the Place de la Revolution, where all the guillotine action took place. They could have set up a modern guillotine, got someone to play Louis XVI and re-enacted his demise in 1793. Zenedine Zidane could then have come out and done a few of his party tricks, using the severed head as an improvised soccer ball.

Finally, lighting the flame. Seriously, who gets excited about a hot air balloon? Think of what could have been. Either:

1. They could build a big pile of kindling in front of the Eiffel Tower and strap a likeness of Joan of Arc on top. The flag bearer of the British team could then set it all alight; or

2. They could get Louis XIV (‘The Sun King’) to ride in from Versailles. He could stand in front of the Louvre, drop his trousers, bend over and moon the pyramid. As he’s the Sun King, the sun would shine out of his ass, reflect off the glass pyramid (like on the Pink Floyd album cover) and light the flame; or

3. They could light up Notre Dame again. Though it was sad to see the Old Lady on fire a few years ago, you have to admit it was a pretty spectacular blaze, that certainly captured the world’s attention. Now that the French authorities have figured out how to rebuild it once, rebuilding it a second time should be a piece of cake, or as they say in Paris, une part de gateau.

Let the Games begin.
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Summer Paris 2024 - General Discussion

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