Whilst he may not be in your eyes a motivational speaker, I'm sure to motivate you don't need to speak, his feats on the footy field should be enough.
To the Dockers clown who has issues with Glass the WCE captain, I would think with your clubs history of outstanding coaches, Connolly, Drum and Neesham all obvious great motivators - you shouldn't be throwing rocks at Glass. See above, if he performs as he has for the last few years I'm sure he will provide the inspiration needed.
To the Dockers clown who has issues with Glass the WCE captain, I would think with your clubs history of outstanding coaches, Connolly, Drum and Neesham all obvious great motivators - you shouldn't be throwing rocks at Glass. See above, if he performs as he has for the last few years I'm sure he will provide the inspiration needed.