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Priority #1 is you and your dogs, Gabbie.

You don't know what might happen to you when you're trying to separate fighting dogs. If you can't keep the unwelcome visitor out or repel it, what choice do you have?

If a fight starts, stay calm (or as calm as possible) and wait your opportunity to grab one (the aggressor if possible) by the collar near the ear (so it's hard to bite you), reef it out of the brawl and hang on as if your life depended on it.

Some free advice that I hope you never need to use.

Thanks Mr R and I hope I don't need to. Yep don't want any fighting, though mine have had a dust up or two over a bone, imagine it over food :D , which I quickly stopped via the hosing of them or picking up their water bucket and throwing water over them, cools the situation pronto.

Here's a pic, taken a year ago of the the back fence of my yard which the intruder somehow got through, it's 6ft high for a start, the swine chewed a few of the palings then dug, it's been fixed.

Yeah same with Archie, no treat = tug of war, treat = I'm yours

He can do it for much longer, not sure exactly how long though because it just looks so sad, with the drool dripping, that I usually give in.

He's one smart woofer there Baz, makes mine look errrr "slow" tho when I say, "got to do the dishes and get on the computer" Clyde is in the room waiting for me.

Treats are wonderful, especially when bribing at mine for bath time. :D
At our house we get fed our bones apart because one of us is a big guts and tries to pinch Bonnie's as well and that has caused an altercation a couple of times, now our mum only buys us smaller ones and Bonnie will go and hang out with mum while the guts aka Clyde will munch on his then finish her's off.



We're also the biggest rubber necks.



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At our place the two greyhounds get fed together. About once a week, they start off at one dog per bowl about 20 feet apart but as soon as I leave the dog run Rocky (big brother) will be standing over Dallas (sister) until she leaves that bowl.

At this point she will go to the other bowl, followed by Rocky (who now wants the contents of that bowl).

They might go back and forth a few times and then she'll give up and wait him out. He'll spend an hour or two guarding both bowls and then he'll finally give up.

I've tried going back to restore order but as soon as I turn my back Rocky's at it again.

Maybe sometimes they're not hungry enough when we feed them.:confused:
At our place the two greyhounds get fed together. About once a week, they start off at one dog per bowl about 20 feet apart but as soon as I leave the dog run Rocky (big brother) will be standing over Dallas (sister) until she leaves that bowl.

At this point she will go to the other bowl, followed by Rocky (who now wants the contents of that bowl).

They might go back and forth a few times and then she'll give up and wait him out. He'll spend an hour or two guarding both bowls and then he'll finally give up.

I've tried going back to restore order but as soon as I turn my back Rocky's at it again.

Maybe sometimes they're not hungry enough when we feed them.:confused:

That is funny Mr R. :D:D Dog's are always hungry, they think. The vet explained to me that in Clyde's mind each meal could be his last.

I feed mine apart, learnt that lesson when I would put their bowls together when I first got them. Bonnie is given her bowl first at one end of patio, Clyde the other, he should be called Electrolux as he sucks his up quick sticks then will go down and stand behind Bonnie breathing down her neck til she finishes, he hopes that there will be a morsel left for him. She used to leave him some when I first got them then decided life was good where she was and scoffed the lot. That day Clyde was not a happy camper and lifted his leg and pissed in her bowl.:eek: Got a telling off and clip across the snout for that. Hasn't done it since. Bonnie will walk away when she is finished, he licks her bowl then races back to his just in case he missed a tichie bit then back to hers, it's a comedy routine from where I'm watching.

I've heard of cases where one dog will be fed in the front yard and the other in the back. :eek:

Sounds like Bonnie is more dominant than Clyde. If the roles were reversed Bonnie would stand there growling until Clyde walked away, I reckon.

That's what Rocky does. When Dallas walks away to the other bowl Rocky rushes down there to claim that one.

Poor boy - trying to guard two bowls 20 feet apart at the same time while Dallas rushes up and down thinking it's a fun game.

I think tying him up until he eats HIS food might be the solution.
Thought i'd put this in here.:thumbsu:

Sounds like Bonnie is more dominant than Clyde. If the roles were reversed Bonnie would stand there growling until Clyde walked away, I reckon.

That's what Rocky does. When Dallas walks away to the other bowl Rocky rushes down there to claim that one.

Poor boy - trying to guard two bowls 20 feet apart at the same time while Dallas rushes up and down thinking it's a fun game.

I think tying him up until he eats HIS food might be the solution.

Oh hell yeah, she's the boss and doesn't let us forget it. :D Nah, being that bit older than him she would have been in control from the time their previous owners brought him home as a puppy.
Archer update:

Looking good. Back to normal in every sense of the word, as this photo of him interacting with Zoe shows.


Bella however was struggling. Usually she'd be the first into the fun whenever we're in the backyard. She was zonked out and lacking the energy to move.



I've been helping her as much as possible, carrying her inside and out, helping her conserve her energy. Yesterday she collapsed in the backyard. Carried her inside, called the vet's and took her straight down. They examined her thoroughly, finding a bloody lump on her spleen. They suggested she be kept there overnight so they could perform more tests today. They have, and the vet phoned half an hour ago to say "it's not looking good I'm afraid!"

He read out the results of blood tests etc and things are way off normal, further suggesting cancer of the spleen and secondary cancers to boot.

He was going to make a small incision right after the call, under anaesthetic, to see if they could help her by removing the tumour etc. Then he said "If we can't do anything for her then I suggest we just leave her asleep!"

He just phoned.

They're leaving her asleep!

Pet loving eh? It does come with a downside, as I know a few of you know very well. Bloody devastating receiving that call and having the conversation.

RIP Bella, my dearest most loving friend of the past 13 1/2 years.
Archer update:

Looking good. Back to normal in every sense of the word, as this photo of him interacting with Zoe shows.


Bella however was struggling. Usually she'd be the first into the fun whenever we're in the backyard. She was zonked out and lacking the energy to move.



I've been helping her as much as possible, carrying her inside and out, helping her conserve her energy. Yesterday she collapsed in the backyard. Carried her inside, called the vet's and took her straight down. They examined her thoroughly, finding a bloody lump on her spleen. They suggested she be kept there overnight so they could perform more tests today. They have, and the vet phoned half an hour ago to say "it's not looking good I'm afraid!"

He read out the results of blood tests etc and things are way off normal, further suggesting cancer of the spleen and secondary cancers to boot.

He was going to make a small incision right after the call, under anaesthetic, to see if they could help her by removing the tumour etc. Then he said "If we can't do anything for her then I suggest we just leave her asleep!"

He just phoned.

They're leaving her asleep!

Pet loving eh? It does come with a downside, as I know a few of you know very well. Bloody devastating receiving that call and having the conversation.

RIP Bella, my dearest most loving friend of the past 13 1/2 years.

Vale Bella TT. Another star in heaven.

My condolences to you and all the TT family. I'm guessing you had Bella before the kids came along? A hug and a big doggie slobber from me and my woofers to you and yours.

It sure does come with a downside.
Oh no, sorry to hear that 'Toes. Condolences from Me and Mine. Losing a loved pet is a very hard part of the whole pet thing. 13 1/2 years is good innings, but that only makes the parting harder. I feel for you and your family. RIP Bella.
Thinking of you, TT.

RIP Bella. I'm sure she had a very happy life with you and the family.

That's about all we can do for our pets. As Cesar would say: exercise, discipline, affection.

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Feel sad for you TT and your family:(..

..our pets hold a completely different place in our hearts to our normal relationships, they just love and trust us so unconditionally, that when we lose them, it really is a terrible loss..

cheers to you....MM
Sincere thanks for your kind words guys. It's like having your heart ripped out. I've been so engulfed in saving Archer's life, and knew Bella was getting on but thought she'd be fine. How wrong I was!

The void in my world without her alongside me is immense. The whole house feels empty. Archer appears lost without his mate. Holly the cat, who's 6 months older than Bella, is overly affectionate all of a sudden.

As inevitable as it is for us all, it tears you apart going through the experience of your loved one going through pain and illness or accident, and moreso knowing they're gone forever.

Bella has been by my side since '98. In '99 alone I had a major court case which was stressful beyond belief, was diagnosed with a serious illness and discovered my then wife had been having an affair with her boss for the past year (then suddenly she left). Needless to say, it was stress way over and above the norm. Without one shadow of a doubt it was Bella's love and affection which got me through the tough times.

Carrying her from the backyard, through the house to the car, driving her to the vet's, carrying her from the car inside the vet's, sitting in the waiting room with her held in my arms, placing her on the examination table and comforting her face to face as the vet began preliminary checks, kissing her goodbye and telling her "it's ok Bella, I'll see you in the morning" then leaving her there and never seeing her again is gut wrenching.

Something Mr Reliable once told me a little while ago really hits home at a time like this.

I'm all over the shop now anyway. The fact I'm about to go for a long walk at almost 12.30am is evidence enough.

Again, thanks for your kind words folks.

Gab - yes, Bella's been with me since '98 and Zoe wasn't born till 2010.
Geezus TT what a shite year it was for you in '99. Without sounding flippant at least your team did the right thing by you that year. I'm sure Bella got extra treats the day after that year.

Sometimes we can't count on our footy team but always can count on our pets, our best mates. They don't judge us, especially when we do a silly dance in the back yard because a frangipani cutting from down the street we found and planted a few days after Yasi is finally flowering.

Take care and give your loved ones a hug cos we can always do with a hug.
Dexter at 14 weeks - Border Collie



Mandy at 11 Years - Labrador



Nice Dogs there 40, I like Dexter's blue eyes and I would stock up sunscreen for the nose:) and Mandy is a Lab so :thumbsu: from me every time.

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