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Marvin and Archie lying on the deck outside the back door today and we heard a whimpering/whiney sort of bark. We wonder what's wrong and head for the screen door. We could see them lying near the door, Marvin is on his side asleep, legs pumping, letting out little wimpers. Must have been a vivid dream. Archie does the same thing sometimes, although not as much now he's older, he used to have some great chases in his dreams and would let out the occasional bark and wake himself up:).

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Playing dead.....

What would you guys do? Need some advice.

The dog over the back broke in AGAIN early y'day evening around 6,00p.m. Mine were half snoozing inside when I spotted him trotting past the back door which was shut as had air con on. Rang owner at his restaurant, meanwhile mine have spotted intruder and were going off from inside. Owner comes, collects his dog, apologises. I know why the dog escaped, he's lonely as his owners work full time and does need a bit more exercise.

However, he's a Staffy who has already had a go at another dog in the area after escaping and even though a loving dog towards his owners he has a 400 lb strength in his jaw and I don't want to come home and see an outcome of what could happen if he broke in again. My two are very territorial. The other owner says "will have to fix access AGAIN" but this dog will get out if he wants to. I don't want to be in a feud with my neighbours, but would like to put to them diplomatically (huh me :D) that next time I may have to call the dog catcher.

All I can say is I'm glad I wasn't out. :eek:

It took Clyde nearly an hour to settle down by the way.

Is there something you guys know of that I could spray along the fence line that would deter him? Or some sort of plant that would grow in the tropics that dogs don't like, be a bonus for me as well.

Bloody neighbours.

and on a lighter note, I really enjoy taking a flattened old dead cane toad out of Clyde's mouth on our morning walks. :eek::eek:
Gee Gab, It's a hard one, but I'd probably have to ask myself how I would feel if the worst did happen and I hadn't done all I could to to protect my dogs. I think the direct/firm approach is usually better in these circumastances, a chat to the neighbour about the problem and what you'd like done about it.

The law would be on your side if you need to go down that path.

Having said that, I know It's never that easy and not being involved makes it a lot easier for others to have an opinion.

Good luck with it, please keep us informed of developments.
Gabbie, do you rent?....if so, speak to the agent about getting the fencing fixed so that this can't happen again..point out all the terrible things that could happen if not attended to immediately..might not be just your dogs that get hurt, could be a child etc..

If you own the place, you will need to discuss sharing costs with neighbour to fix fence to a level that it just cannot happen again...

If he is renting, find out his agent, talk to them, same spiel as above..

..good luck with it:)
How is Archer TT? Coming along fine? :)

Yep, he's 100% back to his old personality and levels of energy.

Originally Posted by Dan
Yeah how is Arch going TT, has he got that plastic collar thing off yet?

Yep, collar's off mate.
From my experience in owning Jack (Staffy), they are breed of dog that needs constant exercise. Either myself or someone else in the house will take Jack for a walk to the park everyday. If the owners nextdoor can't commit to properly looking after there staffy, then they should give him/she away to someone else who can. If they don't get any exercise or get to do anything physical in a day, they become incredibly bored and sometimes reckless. Your neighbours would be better suited with a more inside type of dog. My guess the dog next door just wants to say hi and play with your two Gabbie :)

As for a way to deter the other dog away? Jack not long ago hurt his paw nail and was constantly licking it. The Vet gave me some dimethyl phthalate to put on his nail area to prevent him from licking it. It's a repellent that dogs can't stand.

Perhaps you could put some of that stuff near the fence/entrance area where that other dog comes in. Don't know if you'll be able to get that sorta stuff from a pet store though.

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From my experience in owning Jack (Staffy), they are breed of dog that needs constant exercise. Either myself or someone else in the house will take Jack for a walk to the park everyday. If the owners nextdoor can't commit to properly looking after there staffy, then they should give him/she away to someone else who can. If they don't get any exercise or get to do anything physical in a day, they become incredibly bored and sometimes reckless. Your neighbours would be better suited with a more inside type of dog. My guess the dog next door just wants to say hi and play with your two Gabbie :)

As for a way to deter the other dog away? Jack not long ago hurt his paw nail and was constantly licking it. The Vet gave me some dimethyl phthalate to put on his nail area to prevent him from licking it. It's a repellent that dogs can't stand.

Perhaps you could put some of that stuff near the fence/entrance area where that other dog comes in. Don't know if you'll be able to get that sorta stuff from a pet store though.

Absolutely right Dan, but try convincing any owner no matter how little time/effort they put into their dogs wellbeing that they should give it away and you're probably in for a fight. Probably best to deal with the fence first and maybe try your chemical suggestion as well.
Thanks guys for all your advice.

Nah I don't rent, well me and the bank are the owners at the moment, same goes for neighbour.

Agree wholeheartedly that the dog at the back needs way more exercise than he gets. He's half the age of my two and more active. His owners are going to have to sort that one out, maybe pay some high school kid to walk him. I've suggested it last time but obviously they don't want to pay someone, not that they can't afford it but it's a thing up here, why pay if you can get it for free. Sometimes you have to reach into your pocket. Yes I reckon he came in, via digging under fence, to play with my two. The fence is ok-ish and my neighbour knows that it's his dog that did a bit of damage and hasn't mentioned repair stuff to me.

Not being of the computer generation it took a while for that light bulb to go off,:eek: so I googled dog repellent and there are a lot of products on the market, sprays, pellets (plant and animal friendly) that I can put along the fence line. And, that's not counting some electronic device, too hard basket for me that one.

Anyway, thanks for all the advice which I've taken onboard.
It seems Arch has past on the plastic collar onto Jack. He has an infected paw, will have the plastic collar on for at least a week.

Will post some pics later.

Hope it's not too bad for Jack, also hope he copes with the collar, I'm pretty sure Archie wouldn't:rolleyes:

I was going to post "aaawwww poor Jack" but seeing those pics I think Jack lives in Barkingham Palace, like mine. :D

FYI guys, am buying a repellant spray to try to ward off intruding dog at back. Also, have searched online and there is a granule type product that if the spray doesn't work, I'll try that. One works in rainy days and there are a heap of them up here at the moment.

I don't want to be the biggest baitch on the island but should intruder come back I'm seriously thinking a call to the island dog catcher may be on the cards.
I was going to post "aaawwww poor Jack" but seeing those pics I think Jack lives in Barkingham Palace, like mine. :D

FYI guys, am buying a repellant spray to try to ward off intruding dog at back. Also, have searched online and there is a granule type product that if the spray doesn't work, I'll try that. One works in rainy days and there are a heap of them up here at the moment.

I don't want to be the biggest baitch on the island but should intruder come back I'm seriously thinking a call to the island dog catcher may be on the cards.

Priority #1 is you and your dogs, Gabbie.

You don't know what might happen to you when you're trying to separate fighting dogs. If you can't keep the unwelcome visitor out or repel it, what choice do you have?

If a fight starts, stay calm (or as calm as possible) and wait your opportunity to grab one (the aggressor if possible) by the collar near the ear (so it's hard to bite you), reef it out of the brawl and hang on as if your life depended on it.

Some free advice that I hope you never need to use.
A video of Archie doing some of his stuff :)

Mrs Baz was under strict instructions to focus entirely on Archie, but didn't quite manage it.

So please ignore the fat dude with the swollen ankles and last years membership cap, he's a w***er anyway.:rolleyes:

What a good boy Arch is :thumbsu:

I struggle with the ball one with Jack. He just wants to play tug of war and simply won't give the ball back lol
Yeah same with Archie, no treat = tug of war, treat = I'm yours

Great stuff, Baz. I especially liked the treats on the back of the paws exercise.

He can do it for much longer, not sure exactly how long though because it just looks so sad, with the drool dripping, that I usually give in.

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