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I'm enjoying the photos, clips and stories.

We've got a bit of a menagerie happening, but sadly I'm useless when it comes to taking/posting photos.I'll get the daughter to put some up.

We've got 4 dogs (2 unraced greyhounds - brother Rocky and sister Dallas - too slow but beautiful temperaments) kept in a very large secure run, a Maremma (Crystal -hmmm gotta watch her) and a yellow Lab (Tyson).

Tyson's the elder statesman (about 12+). He just loves food!!! But he's the gentlest of dogs. He sits on the front verandah with the chooks and roosters and if they want to get from A to B they'll walk over him, or peck him until he moves.

He was a dyed-in-the-wool ball chaser/retriever (including in and out of dams) but he's a bit old for ball catching and chasing now. It's always done at full throttle.

If only we could get everyone to play at full throttle every week (like JZ for example), we'd win a lot more games.

Oh, and we've got 4 cats. They're segregated into two pairs because they fight- it's like Berlin before the wall came down!

I'm just managing the art of posting photos but don't know what I'm doing wrong posting videos from You Tube. O well.

FOUR cats mr R. Oi Vay!!! They wouldn't survive at my place along with anything with feathers for that matter. Clyde even thought he could try to chase after a wallaby one day. Told him "you've got no hope mate" as it bounded away into the bush. We bumped into a cat one day on way back from walk and it was ON. Picture me hanging onto their leads trying to drag a combined weight of 60 plus kgs away from a spitting cat. :eek: I hope Clyde got a few claws in as poor Bonnie was lucky not to lose an eye as that cat got her one on the inside of the eye - a little bit of claret was flowing so I patched her up.

Mine a very territorial and go off if another dog goes past but are fine with people, love a pat from strangers walking past if we are in the front yard. I have side fences and front yard play is a treat for them. I'd have liked them to be more social with other dogs for walking with their owners together but I don't think it's meant to be and at their age I'll let it go.

More chilling out


Rubber necks or as I like to call them Mrs Mangle and Mrs Kravitz

OK, not strictly a pet but I thought due to the tenuous canine link that posting a pic here was more appropriate than starting a new thread in observance of the great man's 40th birthday (which it is today). Yet further proof of the theory that the only people worth knowing are over 40 (Bon being the exception that proves this rule).

I'll leave you with one of the great man's better quotes: "Britney would make a better prostitute than Christina. She's thicker."

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Lovin ur woofers, especially Archie. What's with dogs and THAT look they give like nobody love them. Oi, mega manipulators. FYI mine are snoring their heads off on their futons in my room. Bless them.

Thanks, they are both our dogs now, but we only adopted Marvin the Pug due to a family members change of circumstances, a Pug would not be my preference but they do kinda grow on you. His real problem is that he was never trained in any way and Pugs are not really the most trainable dogs anyway, so he can be a right pain in the arse. He is quite affectionate though. Archie on the other hand was carefully chosen (last puppy left in the litter :rolleyes:) and went to puppy training, he will do almost anything for food. I know pets are like kids (you're not supposed to have favourites) but I consider Archie "my dog".

Yeah, that look..... who can resist......??

Thanks, they are both our dogs now, but we only adopted Marvin the Pug due to a family members change of circumstances, a Pug would not be my preference but they do kinda grow on you. His real problem is that he was never trained in any way and Pugs are not really the most trainable dogs anyway, so he can be a right pain in the arse. He is quite affectionate though. Archie on the other hand was carefully chosen (last puppy left in the litter :rolleyes:) and went to puppy training, he will do almost anything for food. I know pets are like kids (you're not supposed to have favourites) but I consider Archie "my dog".

Yeah, that look..... who can resist......??


I hear you on that one. Clyde is a shocker when it comes to food. Should change his name to VOLTA. I feed them apart (had issues early in the piece) and he would gobble up his meal then race up to where Bonnie was still eating, breathing down her neck hoping against hope she'd leave him a morsel which she did for the first four weeks I had them but after that, nada, which he didn't take too well and cocked his leg and peed into her bowl. NAUGHTY DOG who got told off big time and hasn't done it since. Meal times is quite entertaining in a way. The vet told me he's the kind of dog that in his mind each meal is his last.

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I agree, quite a menagerie :thumbsu:

I'm loving this thread :)


Bonnie the Wonder dog got into a pickle late Saturday night, around mid-night I heard her get up to go to loo, started a bark up, got out of bed to tell her to be quiet thinking "those efffing possums are walking along fence and winding her up" when next thing she lets out an almighty squeal and yelping/howling constantly, race to her thinking "OMG hope she hasn't been bitten by a snake especially a death adder", she was holding up one of her front paws and making a painful noise, checked her out while she's howling with Clyde trying to help, no obvious injury, neighbour calls out to ask if things o.k., she soon settled down, relief on my part, and toddled back inside to bed. Still don't know what caused it though my theories are a) she stood on aloe vera plant with her foot, she has a bit of arthritis b) tried to catch a cane toad or c) maybe did encounter a snake but one of the harmless variety. Back to her old self next morning. Phew.


Bonnie the Wonder dog got into a pickle late Saturday night, around mid-night I heard her get up to go to loo, started a bark up, got out of bed to tell her to be quiet thinking "those efffing possums are walking along fence and winding her up" when next thing she lets out an almighty squeal and yelping/howling constantly, race to her thinking "OMG hope she hasn't been bitten by a snake especially a death adder", she was holding up one of her front paws and making a painful noise, checked her out while she's howling with Clyde trying to help, no obvious injury, neighbour calls out to ask if things o.k., she soon settled down, relief on my part, and toddled back inside to bed. Still don't know what caused it though my theories are a) she stood on aloe vera plant with her foot, she has a bit of arthritis b) tried to catch a cane toad or c) maybe did encounter a snake but one of the harmless variety. Back to her old self next morning. Phew.


Wow, snakes are not a big problem at our place (we've had 1 about 45cm in 10 years), nor Cane Toads (way too far south + Bass Strait helps), used to have more Possums before we had dogs.

I like your Black and White pics :D

Here's one of Archie, one of my favourite pics of him.

Wow, snakes are not a big problem at our place (we've had 1 about 45cm in 10 years), nor Cane Toads (way too far south + Bass Strait helps), used to have more Possums before we had dogs.

I like your Black and White pics :D

Here's one of Archie,:thumbsu: one of my favourite pics of him.


Possums are a pest though a few have moved to next door who have a rain forest garden but they come out at night and delight in walking along top of fence which fortunately is 6 foot high. Bonnie lives in hope of catching one. Hey will gladly send toads your way but bit too cold. The joys of island with bush living.
Snakes are a worry with dogs, but what can you do?

Crystal's instinct is to guard the property so she's always snooping around looking for anything that is unauthorised whenever she's out of the backyard. So far she hasn't found anything, except a few rabbits.

We won't let her near the fenced off dam unless we're there too.

She had a snake bailed up in the backyard :eek: a few Springs ago. A small, still sleepy tiger that had wandered in. We got her inside and the snake removed by a professional snake catcher. We were glad to see the back of that little fella.

Nothing since (touches head for luck).

Let's hope all our beloved pets are safe this summer.
Snakes are a worry with dogs, but what can you do?

Crystal's instinct is to guard the property so she's always snooping around looking for anything that is unauthorised whenever she's out of the backyard. So far she hasn't found anything, except a few rabbits.

We won't let her near the fenced off dam unless we're there too.

She had a snake bailed up in the backyard :eek: a few Springs ago. A small, still sleepy tiger that had wandered in. We got her inside and the snake removed by a professional snake catcher. We were glad to see the back of that little fella.

Nothing since (touches head for luck).

Let's hope all our beloved pets are safe this summer.

It's good to have a territorial curious dog but sometimes they're too nosey for their own good.

The snakes are on the move at the moment, mating season. :eek: Death Adders are the bad ones on the island. A small dog would die instantly from a bite and a larger dog would still need a shot from the vet at the cheap price of $1000.00 to survive. Humans aren't safe either from this snake. The dogs bailed up a harmless whip snake up the back yard one Sunday last year. I grabbed them by their collars and got them back in house before any damage to dog or snake was done HOWEVER, should I spot a death adder the shovel will win. I don't care about the fine as my dogs are more important.

Geez you're lucky that the snake catcher came to your yard, they only come here if the snake is in the house.

It's the giant "gheckos" :D that swim in the salt water that can be a problem up here, there's one hanging close to shore at one of the bays at the moment.
It's good to have a territorial curious dog but sometimes they're too nosey for their own good.

The snakes are on the move at the moment, mating season. :eek: Death Adders are the bad ones on the island. A small dog would die instantly from a bite and a larger dog would still need a shot from the vet at the cheap price of $1000.00 to survive. Humans aren't safe either from this snake. The dogs bailed up a harmless whip snake up the back yard one Sunday last year. I grabbed them by their collars and got them back in house before any damage to dog or snake was done HOWEVER, should I spot a death adder the shovel will win. I don't care about the fine as my dogs are more important.

Geez you're lucky that the snake catcher came to your yard, they only come here if the snake is in the house.

It's the giant "gheckos" :D that swim in the salt water that can be a problem up here, there's one hanging close to shore at one of the bays at the moment.

Hi Gabbie. Snake catching is a business down here. It cost us $120 for the visit but it was better than getting bitten. He said: "I'm on my way. Keep your eye on it and stop it from going anywhere until I get there." I said: "if it wants to leave I won't be trying to stop it."

If we ever have one IN the house, that's it for me. I'll be moving out!

Are you close to fresh water? Sounds like your dogs see more snakes than ours.
Hi Gabbie. Snake catching is a business down here. It cost us $120 for the visit but it was better than getting bitten. He said: "I'm on my way. Keep your eye on it and stop it from going anywhere until I get there." I said: "if it wants to leave I won't be trying to stop it."

If we ever have one IN the house, that's it for me. I'll be moving out!

Are you close to fresh water? Sounds like your dogs see more snakes than ours.

Yeah I'm close to water, THE OCEAN LOL:D:D My street has only 2 streets behind it more or less with courts off them and then there is HILLs and bushland surrounds. Here are some pics which should give an idea, lots of wildlife on Maggie. 3/4 of the place is national park. So snakes have a free reign most of the time. I have taught the dogs to stop sniffing around scrub by saying "snakes" which to them means a NO NO.

The view from my back door to yard before Yasi - more plants been put in since then.


Rec ground 3 mins walk down the street from me. Pic taken during winter, dry season - Great spot to walk dogs as it's an AFL ground and we do laps.

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