Rumour Petty sister sledge resurfaces

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Aug 13, 2018
South Melbourne
AFL Club
So apparently Noah Answerth did a "cry baby" gesture to Harrison Petty.

Not sure I have much sympathy for Petty personally but I'm sure there will be a wide range of views on this.

Most folk probably won't care either way and may consider this incident.... ummm... rather petty...
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So apparently Noah Answerth did a "cry baby" gesture to Harrison Petty.

Not sure I have much sympathy for Petty personally but I'm sure there will be a wide range of views on this.

Most folk probably won't care either way.
Weird behaviour but kind of funny

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Dumb for a couple of reasons

1) It's not even good or clever banter. Like who looks at that and thinks that's clever or funny. Im not offended I just sat there cringing at Answerth because he has taken the lowest of hanging fruit and served it up with the most bogan of hand gestures, there are more nuanced ways to imply crying. The only thing that could have made it more lower class was if he used the work 'sook'. NicNat handing ROB a phone wasn't world beating but it was halfway clever and a bit of effort went into it.

2) You're gonna end up looking like a tool in the media and probably gonna end up having to apologise. AKA You've lost. AFL is a brand and an organisation and one that seems to be on board with the version of man as an emotional creature. Therefore taking the piss out of someone who displayed emotion is going to get you a bollocking, and Noah will now have to come out and either apologise or walk back his action with some bs statement. Well done, Noah, you lost. Oh and Dayne ****ing Zorko is now somehow the level-headed morality police as per the above.

3) At the end of the day You've gone not only for that low-hanging fruit but you've essentially exploited a personal vulnerability. If you think too hard about it that's pretty scummy. Calling someone a ****ing campaigner is not considered that bad because it's a pretty general, vague statement but this is a very specific act. And you've done it in front of thousands of people. So it's just dumb and scummy.

Soooooo yeah as much as most people won't be offended, it's just plain dumb and also projects to the world that you enjoy bogan culture. Cooooool, Noah
Pettys been giving it out in every Melbourne game I’ve seen this season, but can’t handle it when it comes back his way. I genuinely felt bad for him when that Zorko stuff happened, but pettys clearly a flog.

Not sure Petty has been driving the response to this one has he? Don't know if we need to bring made up things into the debate
Like the Wicks thing, I feel something is missing in this.

It was said the first time players were going at each other and Zorko taunted him over his sick mum. But his mum went on radio and said she was fine? So what did he get teary about? Or was he just a bit flat at the time mentally
What kind of message does this send to those suffering mental illness?
By not acting, is the AFL condoning mockery of men who show emotion?
For godsakes, has anyone even thought about the children?
Ainsworth must be suspended.
Meh but kudos for the thread title.
sister sledge disco GIF

“We are family…”

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The only thing Answerth will be
remembered for is this act. Seems weird but I’d suggest making sure your a competent AFL player and a consistent member of squad of 22 before bringing up a rather ugly incident again
Please, no one is going to remember or care about this taunt by the end of the weekend. Last night's action by Answerth was lame but is a non-issue that doesnt deserve the attention its been given.

The whole situation from the beginning is just weird. Unless there's more to the story, Petty seems like the type who can give it but not take it, so not surprised Lions players would get into him about it when he's taking shots at them. He regularly seems to be mouthing off at the opposition. And Zorko has always come across as an ordinary unit. Flogs on both sides.

When the rumours came out about Petty's sick family member, which later turned out not to be true, it was also bizarre that it was left to fester for so long before being shut down.
Zorko said he’d have a word to Answerth, ironic but still. I think it looked a bit ordinary.

Petty is no angel though, has to expect to cop it if he wants to dish it.
Even Melbourne fans are starting to call out Petty for his tendency to mouth off and then sook it up when he cops it back.

Robbo and Caro both called him out on it at the time of the original incident, saying that Petty had said far worse and more personal to Zorko first and that the Lions were pretty classy in not leaking it. The Lions more than anyone protected Petty and took the heat to stop it boiling over.

However I think it’s clear we ran out of good will after multiple Demons players and coaches continued to take potshots at Zorko (exploiting his reputation as a brat) in the media over the course of that week, and allowed the fake nonsense about Petty’s mum having cancer to keep bubbling instead of shutting it down.

In light of that, you can’t blame us for giving the glass jawed flog an annual reminder of what a precious hypocrite he is. Long may it continue.

It’s a bizarre situation but Petty is clearly a bizarre dude.
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