Teams Philadelphia Eagles - The Gold Standard

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Re: Vick signs 2year deal with Philadelphia!

Pfft taking the high moral ground. What a flog.

I'm a happy man :D

What he did was disguisting and the guy is obviously an absolute ****wit but he can play ball.. You got McNabb, DeSean (Maclin), Westbrook and now Vick. Our offense is gonna be scary.

yep, vick will have plenty of talent to over throw in philly.
Re: Vick signs 2year deal with Philadelphia!

Having only started following NFL last season, I know nothing about the guy, but I would have prefered someone of his character to not be playing for my team.

Oh well....

That was your own damn fault. You come in fresh to NFL and can be a fan of whomever you chose not subjected to family, friends, or birth place obligations and you choose the Eagles? The team residing in what every American would agree is the city containing the most vile, despised, and hated Americans on the planet?

I'm going to take your viewing rights away. :D
Re: Vick signs 2year deal with Philadelphia!

Glad you agree. Because that's certainly not where I was going with that. Trust me, if that had of been my dog he would have found himself wishing he had never been born.

While great care and respect should be given to any animal, in the end they are still animals. They aren't people. We aren't equal.

And I'm sorry but it irks me to no end that someone like Stallworth kills a human being, not a dog man, not a dog. A person, with friends and family, a job and a life, and essentially received a free pass from our media, but the Vick media drama went on for 6 months and now again 2 years later over animals.

If you don't live here, you have no idea what I'm talking about, because you're not pelted with it everywhere you go.

We talk a lot about forgiveness in this country, but when it comes down to backing that up with actions, the word forgiveness vanishes.

So I stand by what I said. For some jackass to claim that he's giving up on his team after 50-years because the Eagles want to give this guy a second shot to essentially ride the pine after he served his sentence to society, his entire fortune is completely gone to the point of bankruptcy, his "friends" were exposed for not truly caring about his, and his life wrecked is absolutely ridiculous. I can guarantee it was Internet fodder from some douche bag tough guy behind a computer screen. He'll be watching wide eyed game 1.

I agree with everything you said except on one front, but that is purely a difference of opinion on one view.
The comparison to Stallworth is valid in everyway, the comments on the so called "50 year fan" are on the money as well.

I just have to disagree with the comments on how dogs should be treated, we can see they are not treated equally because he spent 18 months in jail for making many of them suffer and ultimately killing them. If he had killed a human i would assume 18 years would be closer.
My view is just because they are an animal doesn't make it even remotely acceptable or even less of a crime.
I'm glad to see him back in the NFL but would love to see him get jacked up big a few times.

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Re: Vick signs 2year deal with Philadelphia!

That was your own damn fault. You come in fresh to NFL and can be a fan of whomever you chose not subjected to family, friends, or birth place obligations and you choose the Eagles? The team residing in what every American would agree is the city containing the most vile, despised, and hated Americans on the planet?

I'm going to take your viewing rights away. :D

Quiet you! :p
Re: Vick signs 2year deal with Philadelphia!

My view is just because they are an animal doesn't make it even remotely acceptable or even less of a crime.

I agree. I think for the most part we agree here. But I can't agree that killing a dog is not less of a crime than manslaughter. That's not even a question imho. If I walk in your house and kill your dog that's a completely different thing than me walking into your house and killing your wife/girlfriend.

Vick<Footy we have heard your opinions on this.

But i have a question for you, do you actually like Vick?

None of the following is said in arrogance. I'm just answering your question.

I don't get starstruck by athletes. I've been around them all my life. I went to private school from kindergarten to graduation. I grew up going to school with kids whose parents played baseball and football and their dads were no different than my dad to me. They just had different jobs. There were tons of Atlanta Braves that went to my church growing up. I spent time in clubhouses no problem. I was in the club house for Richmond Tigers games when I was in Oz talking to the guys like I grew up with them. I don't get starstruck with sportsplayers.

Vick was different. I was completely in awe of this guy as an athlete. I had Falcons season tickets every year he was in Atlanta. Watching him play was like being a little kid walking into Disney World or seeing a pro-baseball field for the first time. This is the only guy in pro-sports that has ever been "my guy".

He lied to his team and his fans. He crushed my spirit for the game when this went down. He destroyed the image of the Falcons and put a scar on my team that can never be forgotten. A scar that if not for Matty Ice would still be gushing blood. I was personally very hurt by what happened. And I never want him in a Falcons jersey ever again.

On that note, I respect his remorse and his time served. I believe he deserves a second chance if his remorse is legitimate. I wish him the best and outside of the fact that I hate the Eagles (and Yankees and Gators) more than any other sports clubs on the face of the earth and wouldn't piss in their mouths if they were dehydrated on a desert island I hope he succeeds.

And now that I've read all that back to myself and realize it was just typed by a 29 year old man I am going to go put my head in an oven. What am I on? My period? Jeez get over it...
Re: Vick signs 2year deal with Philadelphia!

Wow... didnt expect that. Craaaaazy.

Im not upset though.

The way i see it, Vick comes in intially to allow us to experiment alot on offense. Thats a good thing, our O tended to be fairly predictable sometimes in the past. Having Vick and McNabb both behind centre on occasions provides a bit of a second thought for alot of defenses.

Meanwhile, with Kolbs injury, it gives us a back up QB, who while he pretty much sucks throwing, can have an offense somewhat built around him for whatever period of time it would take for Donovan to get back out there.
Re: Vick signs 2year deal with Philadelphia!

I disagree entirely about animals not being equal to humans. I in fact would place animals ABOVE human beings....bottom of the barrel species imo.

But if you took this pov of mine away, definitely animals and humans are equal....they have emtions, they pine, they love, etc etc. They have the full range of emotions. Just because they cant speak english doesnt mean they dont communicate. It's like saying because Chinese people dont speak english then they're not equal to anglo-saxons.

Also, because domesticated animals are dependant on and rely on us to look after them etc, then they deserve/need EXTRA care than humans. Why it's a greater 'sin' to abuse them. Just like the abuse of children/infants. All sentient beings reliant on our care.
Re: Vick signs 2year deal with Philadelphia!

I disagree entirely about animals not being equal to humans. I in fact would place animals ABOVE human beings....bottom of the barrel species imo.

But if you took this pov of mine away, definitely animals and humans are equal....they have emtions, they pine, they love, etc etc. They have the full range of emotions. Just because they cant speak english doesnt mean they dont communicate. It's like saying because Chinese people dont speak english then they're not equal to anglo-saxons.

Also, because domesticated animals are dependant on and rely on us to look after them etc, then they deserve/need EXTRA care than humans.

Brilliant post GG. I feel entirely the same way. :thumbsu:

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Re: Vick signs 2year deal with Philadelphia!

I disagree entirely about animals not being equal to humans. I in fact would place animals ABOVE human beings....bottom of the barrel species imo.

But if you took this pov of mine away, definitely animals and humans are equal....they have emtions, they pine, they love, etc etc. They have the full range of emotions. Just because they cant speak english doesnt mean they dont communicate. It's like saying because Chinese people dont speak english then they're not equal to anglo-saxons.

Also, because domesticated animals are dependant on and rely on us to look after them etc, then they deserve/need EXTRA care than humans. Why it's a greater 'sin' to abuse them. Just like the abuse of children/infants. All sentient beings reliant on our care.

Not even conceivable. I think you're reading me the wrong way. Appreciation for animals, understanding their ability to have limited emotions, etc does not equate to the marvel that is humanity.

Animals while intelligent and able to feel some emotions are not in the slightest as complicated as the human being. 99% of animals are not even self aware.

You let me know when an animal creates the Internet, the car, the light bulb, nuclear power, the automobile, paints the Mona Lisa and puts a man on the moon and then we'll talk.
Re: Vick signs 2year deal with Philadelphia!

Look, Mike Vick ought to get a second chance, so should anyone. But only a second chance. No more. People who need/request a third chance end up needing/requesting a fourth and fifth etc.

It's not about the more technologically savvy species therefore means they are more valuable. Like I said, animals are like children, dependant on humans to look after them. And also innocent in terms of faith/loyalty/love. They just give it out. Therefore to abuse them is far worse a crime than the abuse of an adult human. It's the exact same as the neglect/abuse of a kid. It's a WORSE crime....what vick did.
Re: Vick signs 2year deal with Philadelphia!

Look, Mike Vick ought to get a second chance, so should anyone. But only a second chance. No more. People who need/request a third chance end up needing/requesting a fourth and fifth etc.

It's not about the more technologically savvy species therefore means they are more valuable. Like I said, animals are like children, dependant on humans to look after them. And also innocent in terms of faith/loyalty/love. They just give it out. Therefore to abuse them is far worse a crime than the abuse of an adult human. It's the exact same as the neglect/abuse of a kid. It's a WORSE crime....what vick did.

I mean I see your point. I just don't agree with it. I'm sure if we sat down to a beer and a discussion we would either 1) come to an agreement, or 2) just get drunk and it wouldn't matter. Not putting words in your mouth, but to say that animals are more important than humans on a superiority scale sorta comes off sounding like a psycho PETA crusader. I'm just sayin'.
Re: Vick signs 2year deal with Philadelphia!

I'll give you an example....

Imagine Vick's underground operation consisted of adult men engaging in combat to the death. The adult men would have had free-will to decide to get into that or the power to resist.

Imagine if it were adult women, from south east asia, say, forced and drugged into fighting to the death, like they're forced into prostitution.

Imagine if it were children aged 5-11.

Imagine if it were dogs.

Grade them all on severity of crime....

1. Animals/Children/Adult women

The Adult men (would just be considered a fight club actually).

But you would see that animals and children are in the same severity here because these two (animals and children) are the ones with the LEAST say, power, etc. Theyre fully innocent and always in faith of their 'carers' thinking they are there to love them back and do them good. And BOTH of them fully cognizant entities aware of being abused, being sad and miserable.
Re: Vick signs 2year deal with Philadelphia!

Just to get back to the actual signing. I think Eagles is a good fit because Vick and McNabb are fairly similar QBs. Well McNabb used to be anyway. Which should mean there will be a good proportion of plays in the playbook that would suit Vick's abilities without even having to resort to the Wild Cat (if McNabb goes down). But also Vick and McNabb on the field together in a Wild Cat would be far more interesting than what we've seen last year with RBs taking the snap.
Re: Vick signs 2year deal with Philadelphia!

Outstanding signing by the Eagles. Providing Vick still has 10% of the athleticism that he used to have then the Eagles have just improved their offense a fair bit. Vick won't be used much but put him on the field in a wildcat offense and they will get yards. Although McNabb doesn't scramble anywhere near as much as he used to, teams still need to respect his rushing ability. Vick and Mcnabb on the field together in a wildcat offense will make things very interesting.
Re: Vick signs 2year deal with Philadelphia!

Philly radio all over this- they will have the press conference live this morning at 11 AM (1 AM Saturday on the east coast of Australia).

Pretty negative comments coming out- big question seems to be "Would you buy a Vick jersey?" Answer seems to be a resounding no.
Re: Vick signs 2year deal with Philadelphia!

I mean I see your point. I just don't agree with it. I'm sure if we sat down to a beer and a discussion we would either 1) come to an agreement, or 2) just get drunk and it wouldn't matter. Not putting words in your mouth, but to say that animals are more important than humans on a superiority scale sorta comes off sounding like a psycho PETA crusader. I'm just sayin'.

I agree with you on that point. I mean you just have too look at the sentence he got compared to what he would got if he did what he did any of the other hyopethicals that have been mentioned here (kids etc.). Of course he would of got more. It's the way it works. Whether people like it or not, animals are limited in their emotions (of course, this varies between different animals) compared to humans. Vick<Footy explained it a lot better, i compltely agree where he is coming from, i just don't understand groups like PETA who seem to care more about animals than their own species, themselves. I find that really bizarre.

It's like saying killing a dog is worse than killing a human, come on how is that correct? This Stolleworth example, i guess it also comes down to start power of the player but killing a preson under manslaughter is far worse than killing a dof. Both are utterly disgraceful acts but the our world works, we rank different crimes over each other, it's the way it is.

Anyway, this is a good fit for the Eagles when i thought about, can help McNabb out, maybe running Wildcat etc. as well as being a backup QB. Not that will change anythign for the Eagles down the stretch. :p
Re: Vick signs 2year deal with Philadelphia!

There's a difference between killing a dog and abusing/neglecting/torturing dogs for fun.

A difference between accidently running over a human intoxicated and how a serial killer kills a human for fun.

It's the 'for fun' part that makes Vick's actions deplorable. The guy who works at a slaughterhouse isn't a criminal.
Re: Vick signs 2year deal with Philadelphia!

The arguement shouldn't be what is more important - animals or humans but should be focusing on the method to kill.

If VIck just ran over a dog while drunk, would anyone care? If he shot just two dogs while under the influence, would anyone care? Probably not. However he consistantly tortured and killed dogs over and over again. He funded it and he killed them. Some people are saying this is a 'Mistake'. A mistake is something you do ONCE, maybe TWICE, but not over and over again. When killing for enjoyment becomes a passion you fund, then something is seriously wrong.

This is also ILLEGAL and for no other purpose except enjoyment. You can't compare this to killing cattle for food or bull fighting (which sadly is legal in a few places). I can see both sides of the arguements and my bias aside (Dog lover), if he is sorry, throw himself to the wolves and do hard hitting interviews with no rules, not hide himself behind videos and amatuer interviewers.

For him playing football, the idiot should be playing UFL and help the establishment of a true NFL minor league instead of just trying to get paid. Help give back to the organisation that made him rich.

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Teams Philadelphia Eagles - The Gold Standard

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