Picola & District 2021

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Would think not Trent. Which makes me wonder - if games being played at alternate venues and no bastard can attend where’s the community benefit...?!?

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I feel sorry for the commitees, volunteers, canteen people, bar people of the the nsw clubs who, up untill thursday arvo were not expecting a home game. A lot to organise in 24hrs.
as a person who has played at the same club their whole life in the PDFNL I remember a time when I was proud to tell people where I played and in what competition, from under 14s to under 17s to reserves and on to seniors football I was always proud.
ive been involved in the behind the scenes at our club for years now, when we separated from AFLvic to last year and now on to this year.
I no longer feel the pride I once felt about this competition I’ve seen the media time and time again question what’s going on in our comp and time and time again we prove that we have to be the black sheep.
ive seen friends join the committee and pull they’re hair out with all the questions they have to field from our supporters, I see volunteers give up because of this. I already foresee that happening again at our club.
I understand league just wants us to keep playing....but at what cost on the league and the clubs themselves.
What happens to the 4 points between tungamah and yarroweyah as the leauge has failed to find a suitable venue for the revised draw?
I feel sorry for the commitees, volunteers, canteen people, bar people of the the nsw clubs who, up untill thursday arvo were not expecting a home game. A lot to organise in 24hrs.
Crikey you can make up rubbish .
The decision to go ahead with football tomorrow is absolute negligence, no matter which way you look at it.
As a coach heading North tomorrow for footy, I am genuinely enraged by the position the League has put us in when it comes to the duty of care we should have for ALL players.
To highlight this I happened to have a quick read over the ‘Code of Conduct’ set forth by the AFL, Leagues (and to be honest, common decency) and it CLEARLY states “I will be reasonable in the demands I make on the time commitments of the players in my care, having due consideration for their health and well-being”. How can anyone claim that the health and well-being of players has been considered with this decision?
There has been no training for 11 days, 24 hrs notice and quite clearly a complete disregard for what clubs actually want to do.
This is evidently an ego trip by individuals, with no regard for the clubs and a genuine disregard for the overall situation here in Victoria along with player welfare.

Solution - Postpone football another week, give all players a chance to train prior to next weeks game. Avert the genuine risk to the welfare of players expected to perform tomorrow with ZERO preparation.
The decision to go ahead with football tomorrow is absolute negligence, no matter which way you look at it.
As a coach heading North tomorrow for footy, I am genuinely enraged by the position the League has put us in when it comes to the duty of care we should have for ALL players.
To highlight this I happened to have a quick read over the ‘Code of Conduct’ set forth by the AFL, Leagues (and to be honest, common decency) and it CLEARLY states “I will be reasonable in the demands I make on the time commitments of the players in my care, having due consideration for their health and well-being”. How can anyone claim that the health and well-being of players has been considered with this decision?
There has been no training for 11 days, 24 hrs notice and quite clearly a complete disregard for what clubs actually want to do.
This is evidently an ego trip by individuals, with no regard for the clubs and a genuine disregard for the overall situation here in Victoria along with player welfare.

Solution - Postpone football another week, give all players a chance to train prior to next weeks game. Avert the genuine risk to the welfare of players expected to perform tomorrow with ZERO preparation.
As a Coach you should also be disappointed if your players haven't been for a run and kick over the past 11 days I'd say the fair dinkum players would have been a few times.

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Boy o boy Wowee, should the board be stood down? Sounds like no crowds are allowed, even maybe next week? What's the rush?

The decision to go ahead with football tomorrow is absolute negligence, no matter which way you look at it.
As a coach heading North tomorrow for footy, I am genuinely enraged by the position the League has put us in when it comes to the duty of care we should have for ALL players.
To highlight this I happened to have a quick read over the ‘Code of Conduct’ set forth by the AFL, Leagues (and to be honest, common decency) and it CLEARLY states “I will be reasonable in the demands I make on the time commitments of the players in my care, having due consideration for their health and well-being”. How can anyone claim that the health and well-being of players has been considered with this decision?
There has been no training for 11 days, 24 hrs notice and quite clearly a complete disregard for what clubs actually want to do.
This is evidently an ego trip by individuals, with no regard for the clubs and a genuine disregard for the overall situation here in Victoria along with player welfare.

Solution - Postpone football another week, give all players a chance to train prior to next weeks game. Avert the genuine risk to the welfare of players expected to perform tomorrow with ZERO preparation.
As a Coach you should also be disappointed if your players haven't been for a run and kick over the past 11 days I'd say the fair dinkum players would have been a few times.

Absolutely. However, a run and a kick doesn’t constitute as preparation for a 4 quarter contact sport with 24 hrs notice. If it did, there would be no need to start training Pre Christmas!
Absolutely. However, a run and a kick doesn’t constitute as preparation for a 4 quarter contact sport with 24 hrs notice. If it did, there would be no need to start training Pre Christmas!
But when you've been training and playing for months already you'd be alot better chance to be prepared with that base under your belt.
Mathoura by 3 points over katty terrible crowd, feel for the clubs not making much profit. Don’t think the league thought about how much clubs would lose in income, more about how much the league can puff there chest out.
Mathoura by 3 points over katty terrible crowd, feel for the clubs not making much profit. Don’t think the league thought about how much clubs would lose in income, more about how much the league can puff there chest out.
Game I went too the Crowd was quite good ppl from other Leagues all ran well.

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Picola & District 2021

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