Picola & District NW 2018

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Haha :D

Btw you playing for Rumba this year?

I'm hoping they take it out, shame about Nat Rat.

Yeah mate going around again, fingers crossed!!
going to be a tight comp!!
Yeah it was a shame!! He's a head strong lad. He'll be back nxt yr.
What is really going on with this umpire mess???
I've gleaned that the league has made numerous attempts to open negotiations towards resolution with the GVFUa since the announcement in November all of them unsuccessfully by accounts.
I understand our new ops manager Greg Watmore in an attempt to move things along sent a proposal to GVFUA based on RUMOURS of what the issues were and I think we all know that was communications Between pdfnl and GVFUa. I understand this proposal set out a protocol for communications that being written communication where ever possible and via nominated parties that being league ops manager and GVFUa secretary. At least some progress apparently with Meek replying that this is "common courtesy" they expect with all parties they deal with.
I understand that in this communication, the only one Meek has seen fit to provide since November, indicates a few club related issues they want addressed. all of which I would assume the league would fully agree with.
Those issues being umpire safety and abuse of umpires at games being one.
Club goal umpires abusing GVFUa central umpires another. Also the issue that some boundary umpires cannot throw the ball in and at times are bare foot when umpiring.

So after blaming the board, personalities of the board we now ,after all this time, have that the issues are with the clubs and supporters??? Thats if you believe what they have allegedly written???

Well I for one would be very interested in knowing if this is the view of the whole membership of the GVFUA?

The latest I've heard is that GVFUA won't mediate at all. The most likely outcome is the league will have its own umpires employed by them with a possibility of 3 umpires officiating each game and not the 2 we have had in the past. If this is the case and they find it viable and can get enough umpires, it could be better for the league and may aid in any misconduct behind the play.

As far as club goal umpires abusing umpires and boundary umpires not wearing footwear surely in this day and age no club allows this and if so they should have good look at themselves. Have you heard of any cases of this actually happening?

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Truth beginning to emerge in today's shepp news. Umpire saga all about $$$. No not for the umpires but for the services of Martin Gleeson of AFLGM!!!!

Ok, backtrack at least 6 months when I revealed that in a conversation with an AFLGM commissioner that it became blatantly obvious that the hub needs pdfnl to be viable.
Since then being a woman ,and this is what we do, I've kept a watch on events and talked to the right people.

Is it questionable that the email from Meek to clubs was timed to be just prior to an AGM???
Is it questionable that Meek only seems to want Gleeson involved in negotiations by steadfastly refusing to negotiate otherwise???
Is it questionable given that Meek has attended GVFL meetings during the past season and the GVFL is managed by AFLGM????
Is it questionable given GVFL made a significant loss last season that Gleeson is desperate and will stop at nothing??

My recent mail is he is directly contacting clubs trying to sell his deal. BEWARE!!!!
Have a look at his price tag $5000.

If that is the value he puts on this what on earth would they charge for administering the league?? Please, please start thinking along these lines because this is not about the umpires and everything about the hub. This is politics and dirty politics at that.

It is my understanding that the pdfnl offer put to GVFUA secretary prior to "white knight " Gleeson arriving on the scene has not received a reply???

Also we all know the umpires, great people, I really do question if they are aware of any valid reasons behind this. Are they being informed??

The only consistent thing is a sledge at the board in particular the President. So all this over a sook over someone's personality. Come on!!!!!!

But perhaps it's not about personalities at all only that this board refuses to join the hub??

Apparently pdfnl are not allowed to say No deal!!!

Clubs you need to demand that Meek stand aside from negotiations and you need to make that clear to Gleeson and perhaps even AFLGM.

I'm not in a position to do so as I'm not on any boards but I think my love and passion for the league has always been obvious.

Do not get sucked in by Gleesons apparent care about this mess have a look it's about the $$$. Not about the wonderful communities your clubs represent.
Truth beginning to emerge in today's shepp news. Umpire saga all about $$$. No not for the umpires but for the services of Martin Gleeson of AFLGM!!!!

Ok, backtrack at least 6 months when I revealed that in a conversation with an AFLGM commissioner that it became blatantly obvious that the hub needs pdfnl to be viable.
Since then being a woman ,and this is what we do, I've kept a watch on events and talked to the right people.

Is it questionable that the email from Meek to clubs was timed to be just prior to an AGM???
Is it questionable that Meek only seems to want Gleeson involved in negotiations by steadfastly refusing to negotiate otherwise???
Is it questionable given that Meek has attended GVFL meetings during the past season and the GVFL is managed by AFLGM????
Is it questionable given GVFL made a significant loss last season that Gleeson is desperate and will stop at nothing??

My recent mail is he is directly contacting clubs trying to sell his deal. BEWARE!!!!
Have a look at his price tag $5000.

If that is the value he puts on this what on earth would they charge for administering the league?? Please, please start thinking along these lines because this is not about the umpires and everything about the hub. This is politics and dirty politics at that.

It is my understanding that the pdfnl offer put to GVFUA secretary prior to "white knight " Gleeson arriving on the scene has not received a reply???

Also we all know the umpires, great people, I really do question if they are aware of any valid reasons behind this. Are they being informed??

The only consistent thing is a sledge at the board in particular the President. So all this over a sook over someone's personality. Come on!!!!!!

But perhaps it's not about personalities at all only that this board refuses to join the hub??

Apparently pdfnl are not allowed to say No deal!!!

Clubs you need to demand that Meek stand aside from negotiations and you need to make that clear to Gleeson and perhaps even AFLGM.

I'm not in a position to do so as I'm not on any boards but I think my love and passion for the league has always been obvious.

Do not get sucked in by Gleesons apparent care about this mess have a look it's about the $$$. Not about the wonderful communities your clubs represent.

I haven't seen the Shepp News this morning but just for clarification Gleeson wants each club to pay $5,000 for his services. If they do that, everything will run smoothly and if they refuse to succumb to his demands he will make it hard for the everyday running of our great community Football Clubs by doing whatever means necessary? Does he expect this $5,000 from every club in every league that he is obviously (mis)managing?
I haven't seen the Shepp News this morning but just for clarification Gleeson wants each club to pay $5,000 for his services. If they do that, everything will run smoothly and if they refuse to succumb to his demands he will make it hard for the everyday running of our great community Football Clubs by doing whatever means necessary? Does he expect this $5,000 from every club in every league that he is obviously (mis)managing?

No this is $5000 to the league. For mediating the outcome and apparently liasing match days with umpires. Yearly contract I believe. Sorry but that last bit is bull. GVFUa would be advising umpires and leagues as they have done for years and it's even easier these days with Twitter.

My understanding is even the GVFUa doesn't deem this fee necessary.

This is pure and simple Gleeson trying to create division between clubs and league. I've been watching him do it with every little hiccup we have.

"Look clubs I have the solution I can save you of course for a fee of $5k but it's taken me along time to create this document" Oh please !!!!

My solicitor and accountant look bloody cheap in comparison!!!

They need pdfnl in the hub he will stop at nothing and absolutely he will make it hard if we let him get away with that and not support the board.
The majority of GVFUA members do not agree with comments surrounding club umpires abusing GVFUA umpires or for that matter little kids boundary umpiring . It is a path for those kids to become central Umpires and it happens in all leagues including with GVFUA boundary umpires .
The majority of GVFUA umpires I have spoken to have no issue with the PDFL or the level of abuse from spectators as the abuse is far less than in other leagues .
Most GVFUA members don't know what the issues are as Meeky won't say .
$5k is ridiculous , the offer I was shown has nothing new in it just solely normal business .
Meeky needs to stop worrying and sticking his bib in others issues and business and start worrying about the GVFUA .
That includes what would appear a scrap between PDFL and aflgm or what is happening between pdfl clubs and that board.
I haven't seen the Shepp News this morning but just for clarification Gleeson wants each club to pay $5,000 for his services. If they do that, everything will run smoothly and if they refuse to succumb to his demands he will make it hard for the everyday running of our great community Football Clubs by doing whatever means necessary? Does he expect this $5,000 from every club in every league that he is obviously (mis)managing?

If you read the Shepp News article, it says that the $5000 is an administrative fee for the league to pay the AFL GM. It is not every club that has to pay the 5K. I think it is a good deal as there is no other resolution to this.
If you read the Shepp News article, it says that the $5000 is an administrative fee for the league to pay the AFL GM. It is not every club that has to pay the 5K. I think it is a good deal as there is no other resolution to this.

Thats exactly what Gleeson wants. Administrative fee for what exactly? Allowing meek to say deal???
If you read the Shepp News article, it says that the $5000 is an administrative fee for the league to pay the AFL GM. It is not every club that has to pay the 5K. I think it is a good deal as there is no other resolution to this.
Why would it not be reasonable for the GVFUA to pay the $5k or at least a share as it would appear from what Gleeson has said they are the ones who have dealt with afl GM to come up with this alleged deal ?
From correspondence sent to clubs I think you'll find both the GVFUA and PDFNL to their credit , agreed before the offer from Gleeson on a appropriate path for communication and they need to just sought through smaller issues .
If this is all about personality clashes maybe Meek , Railton and Gleeson should step aside on this issue and allow others to come up with a resolution .
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We have all read where umpires have been assaulted in some leagues and at no stage were the umpires pulled??

Think about that and think what has Meek come up with that justifies pulling umpires out of our Comp??

Don't let the noise of sledging distract from the real game.
We have all read where umpires have been assaulted in some leagues and at no stage were the umpires pulled??

Think about that and think what has Meek come up with that justifies pulling umpires out of our Comp??

Don't let the noise of sledging distract from the real game.

Tell me if im wrong but was railton and gleeson having a bit of a riff last year?
i can recall of railton mentioning his name this time last year (can not recall what it was about) but could it all just be a personal issue and gleeson is having the last laugh? I think if it was about club behavior or spectators the pdfl would not be the only league is this situation, so in my opinion its either got to do with not excepting the points system or there is something personal going on between the people running the show.

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Tell me if im wrong but was railton and gleeson having a bit of a riff last year?
i can recall of railton mentioning his name this time last year (can not recall what it was about) but could it all just be a personal issue and gleeson is having the last laugh? I think if it was about club behavior or spectators the pdfl would not be the only league is this situation, so in my opinion its either got to do with not excepting the points system or there is something personal going on between the people running the show.

do you think it's acceptable behaviour from Gleeson and Meek in that case?
Tell me if im wrong but was railton and gleeson having a bit of a riff last year?
i can recall of railton mentioning his name this time last year (can not recall what it was about) but could it all just be a personal issue and gleeson is having the last laugh? I think if it was about club behavior or spectators the pdfl would not be the only league is this situation, so in my opinion its either got to do with not excepting the points system or there is something personal going on between the people running the show.
Do you honestly reckon either of those options are good behaviour big deck .
Do as I say or criticise me and I will do x, y or z ??
Sounds like a vindictive person who should probably stand down if they can't put there personal issues aside or need to use their position in an attempt to sought their personal shit out .
What is the opinion of the clubs? The facts are its mid feb and you don't have umpires for the season. Whatever the personal issues here there should be 17 clubs concerned about the way this is being handled. If it takes a mediator to get some dialogue going things have gone too far. Surely the issues can't be so big that it puts the league in this position.
Ok Cueball following are posts of yours from last year on the GVFL thread. I am going to leave it to individual posters to work out if you are part of AFLGM management.

Gents just watching the thread and thought I would join. The decision to join the RAC was taken after over 12 months of discussion and negotiation. A decision not lightly taken. Judging by the reaction to last weeks Presidents meeting with the RAC the level of service has risen considerably already. I think we need to be careful when quoting figures and comparing apples with apples. The league is no worse off than last year and we are now, as a league administration, in the 21st century. Cant wait for the RAC's expertise to kick in but given the state of the leagues commercial arrangements I wouldn't expect too much in the first 12 months. There is a lot of tidying up to do.

cueball, Feb 19, 2015 Report
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What I am saying is when you compare an 84 year old man being paid 12k a year to manage a league against what it would cost to go to the market place and hire a league manager for approx. 70k a year we are well ahead on the new deal. In addition to that we no longer have the running costs of the additional staff at Dunkirk Ave. So when you way it all up there is not much in it and given the benefits we are already seeing its a no brainer. The fees for the clubs have not been set by the board as yet so we don't know what we will be paying.

cueball, Feb 19, 2015 Report
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Geez Roar it doesn't appear you are going to give any credit as we go along. Do you have an axe to grind? Maybe from another league that isn't currently with the RAC. That would be my guess. It may not be an initiative for you but it is for us, the first bit of IT help we have had for a while. Notice you didn't want to talk about the "No Change in Fees". That's puts us $10k per club to the good if we go off previous figures quoted on this blog. Give us a spell. More of a meeoww than a roar.

cueball, Mar 17, 2015 Report
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What is the opinion of the clubs? The facts are its mid feb and you don't have umpires for the season. Whatever the personal issues here there should be 17 clubs concerned about the way this is being handled. If it takes a mediator to get some dialogue going things have gone too far. Surely the issues can't be so big that it puts the league in this position.

"At the moment we are working hard on recruiting umpires for our own association as the GVFUA have refused to mediate" explained Shane Railton

Cueball what is the other option the league should take if GVFUA won't mediate?
Also Cueball if you are AFLGM you may wish to know that as a concerned PDFNL member I messaged (yeah that's right messaged) our Federal Sports Minister Sussan Ley last night. First thing this morning details have been handed to Federal Sports Advisers. They will be getting back to me most probably later today or tomorrow. So I guess you could say your management is now on their radar.

Chest beating and verbals between people is one thing. But pulling umpires for no valid reason, refusing to mediate with anyone, letting time just drift on , then coming in with a ransom demand in the final hours is a whole new level despicable behaviour.

Our clubs and the many volunteers who run them, especially those that take on executive roles deserve better.
Thats exactly what Gleeson wants. Administrative fee for what exactly? Allowing meek to say deal???

The fee is for acting as the go between. Somebody has to do it, who else would do it ? It's obvious the league executive and umps executive will not get along whilst certain egos are in their positions, so better to have a third party oversee it and make sure everything is transparent. My club is in favor of this cos at 5K divided by 17 it is a cheap insurance policy to have senoirs umpires.
Good to see that there are attempts being made to rectify the situation. Hopefully you get there soon for the clubs' sake.
The fee is for acting as the go between. Somebody has to do it, who else would do it ? It's obvious the league executive and umps executive will not get along whilst certain egos are in their positions, so better to have a third party oversee it and make sure everything is transparent. My club is in favor of this cos at 5K divided by 17 it is a cheap insurance policy to have senoirs umpires.

Wrong there is no valid reason for the umpires to be pulled none. If you think it's ok for Meek to use his position to pull the umpires in this manner then that's your choice and an indication of how you view things.

I take characters egos out and look at the facts. Also based on knowledge from aflgm commissioner that they need us in the hub and I know how much so.

$5k is a ridiculous sum of money so don't try and lessen it by dividing it.

I will repeat IMO this is staged to discredit the board to get Gleeson to be the white knight.

Again the only argument you come up with is "certain egos" and discrediting character basically proves my point.

Who else would do it? Seriously?
Easy our new Ops manager and the GVFU secretary. Take Railton, meek and Gleeson out of talks.

Not that hard but is if that's not the strategy.
$294 per club to sort problem out, money well spent time is getting on, as for Susan ley you have a lot more confidence in her ability than most , election must be close. IMHO she has been a disappointment for years
$294 per club to sort problem out, money well spent time is getting on, as for Susan ley you have a lot more confidence in her ability than most , election must be close. IMHO she has been a disappointment for years

Do you always sign agreements without reading the fine print or knowing full details??
you have said previously that it's pointless for minorities to be heard. Someone who basically whinges but doesn't really try to change things because shucks it's just too hard. So here I am trying to ensure pdfnl doesn't get sucked into an arrangement to lead them to the hub because the hub isnt viable without us and you offer that.

Make no mistake this has nothing to do with umpire issues.

As I've said what's being done by aFLgm is very similar to the nonsense of the basin plan. I recall certain ministers telling farmers to agree to certain things or they would just change the rules anyway. That's the same type of tactics Gleeson is trying to employ on us right now. Standover tactics.

The only reason the $5k is there IMO is to ensure this got talked about and I reckon Gleeson was banking on ppl thinking its rejected solely on $$ issue to make the board look bad and create division.

They need the board gone so they can convince a new inexperienced board how wonderful the hub would be.

You think it's ok for Meek to pull umpires but provide no reason??
Why is he not being asked to explain such drastic actions more clearly and far more than sooking over someone's character. Seriously that's the issue that people should be concerned about.

That's why politicians can be disappointing because people don't focus on the actual issue to busy arguing about personalities.
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You have to secure the present & then make the best arrangements for the future , pfnl need to be up to speed for this year and it's fast approaching . Do you want to be right or do u want to be happy !
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