Players Who Are Mates, Clubs And The Social Order

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Don't forget there aren't many senior players to begin with really so there are less people around their age to be friends with.

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my mate was out last night i got a message at around 1am
saying he was at a bucks party and bumped into deledio reckoned he was a top bloke had a chat had a beer and was as down to earth as they come
also said fev was there and was the complete opposite just a w***er apparently was throwing ice at people :|

the friday training sessions give u a bit of a glimpse into the personalities of blokes i remember matty white was jumping around all hypo trying to crack jokes while the others were just ignoring him seems like the likeable nice funny guy who might get a bit annoying

also the time patto through the ball at richos face (after he had just injured it) poor patto went up to richo 3 times to apologise hahah

richo is pretty much their god is how it looks from the outside

yeah fev and Chris Newman were at the EDFL grand final and fev told me and my mates to piss off when we asked for his autograph. Chris Newman is a great bloke though he gave me his autograph straight away. He also consoled me for my 4 point grand final loss..
Don't forget there aren't many senior players to begin with really so there are less people around their age to be friends with.
So what your saying is someone like Richo (senior player) will be alienated to someone like say Cotchin, yer. The big fella can only look to the like of Brownie, Simmo K J and perhaps J B for friendship and no one will be friends with the coaches and life members.:thumbsdown:
I don't think there is any kind of division in the club, but there seems to be a strong younger group with the likes of Riewoldt, Connors etc, and an old firm like Richo, Tivendale, Brown and KJ who are mates. Not such a bad thing though, it would be weird at the club with having 18 year olds and 33 year olds in the same team. Not what new recruits would be used to.

touche, your good I'll give you that. Yes, Joel is a clever guy. Are you Joel?:)
I'm not nearly as handsome ;)
I don't think there is any kind of division in the club, but there seems to be a strong younger group with the likes of Riewoldt, Connors etc, and an old firm like Richo, Tivendale, Brown and KJ who are mates. Not such a bad thing though, it would be weird at the club with having 18 year olds and 33 year olds in the same team. Not what new recruits would be used to.

nah, the young blokes like cotchin, riewoldt etc will manage to keep old ducks like richo young in the mind and allow him to play 6 more seasons.:D

Also, pretty sure cotchin and deledio are mates
I know that Simmo cant stand Brownie, reckons he is a flog, Sugar and Brown are good mates, not many of them like Brownie.
Browny still has plenty of mates at the Doggies.
He was best man at Giansiracusa's wedding and spends a bit of down time with West & Johnson, I think they sometimes go on holidays in Qld together.
He's probably Murphy's best mate, too.

Seems to spread himself around, Nathan.
Has plenty of friends at other clubs, too...
Got my final psychology exam tomorrow morning at 9am. Wish me luck fellas.

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I like loading hay actually. Was stuck in a room with a blaring heater that really wasn't needed for two hours while I regurgetated useless information. Went ok though, we'll see.
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Well I'm not actually a psychologist, but I would have a go and say that people who post here frequently are passionate, and as that passion is channeled into the RFC they want to immerse themselves in it as much as possible. But more so, I would say that we're always looking for approval, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. It can be a good thing actually because it reinforces positive behaviour. We all get a good feeling when someone says "great post" or gives us thumbs up to something we've written. We want to share our opinions and we want other people to be impressed by our opinions. We also want to be the first to break big news, for much the same reason.

well done ize, a good summary. we're all a bit crazy and misery likes company:rolleyes:
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Your too caught up in grammer :)
Was in my favourite little Vietnamese Soup Cafe in Victoria St the other day and Gus Graham and Daniel Connors walked in. Seemed pretty chummy and both had chicken & beef rice noodle soup and a sunkist. Second time i've seen Connors in there. Both looked buffed, Connors
looked lighter than last time I saw him.
Was in my favourite little Vietnamese Soup Cafe in Victoria St the other day and Gus Graham and Daniel Connors walked in. Seemed pretty chummy and both had chicken & beef rice noodle soup and a sunkist. Second time i've seen Connors in there. Both looked buffed, Connors
looked lighter than last time I saw him.

the best one is thanh phong!
Interesting thread. I guess the key to success is having a tight knit group as well as having a good time. The one thing that makes me happy above all the exciting prospects around the club and how we finished off the season is the connection within the group.

The fact is, they are all great mates.

Putt and Gourdis are best mates. Too bad about Goo.

But when I've spoken to some of the players, they alway say how close they all are.

Its exciting and heart warming to think that the group that will hopefully take us back to the top with the likes of Thursfield, Raines, Riewoldt, Cotchin, Edwards, Polo, McGuane, Pattison, Hughes, Connors, Collins and Graham are all really good mates. It would be difficult for them to ever want to leave the club.

Of course you get your introverted types like Deledio, Foley, Morton and Tambling, but thats life. It doesn't mean they're not liked its just they have a different way of going about things.

Deledio and Foley are very professional footballers, I'm not sure how Morton made his transition and of course Tambling has a family to look after.

We dont know exactly what goes on inside the club, but I get the feeling there's a lot of positive energy going around.

Great post, and all very accurate.

There is some great positive energy circulating through Richmond at the moment... it's the kind of energy that brings success.

TW has done a fantastic job of uniting this playing group; they are so focused on their next premiership and have a great belief in TW's masterful 5 year plan that it's almost impossible to see anything getting in the Tigers way.

Well done, just a huge well done to TW and the Tiger side for being so unified and willing to march together towards success :thumbsu:
I have seen Richo and Rainesy hangin at the cricket. They spent an entire first day of 2008 Boxing Day Test sitting next to each other in the Members of the G. And if anyone else read Brownie's article in The Age of a few months ago, he mentioned that he picks up a take away coffee and brings it round to Cho's place on the way to training. Cute or what?

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Players Who Are Mates, Clubs And The Social Order

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