Opinion Politics (warning, may contain political views you disagree with)

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McGowan trying to associate himself politically with the rescue of Cleo Smith makes my skin crawl
He's not the highest office representing the people. That's Kim Beazley. It's meant to be that things that are above party politics are represented by an apolitical head of state. It's only in recent times crass politicians have tried to appropriate things that should be above politics for their own advantage.
Howard was the one that made an artform of it nationally, so both sides are as bad as the other. But it's cringeworthy

If this is your attitude, you would also likely comment about the tweets and commentary by the Prime minister and leader of the opposition.
In this case, the Premier’s government, through quick action on rewards and police action and resources actually had a hand in Cleo’s successful recovery.
The WA police are rightfully getting strong recognition for this success and the Premier is drawing attention to that.
If this is your attitude, you would also likely comment about the tweets and commentary by the Prime minister and leader of the opposition.
In this case, the Premier’s government, through quick action on rewards and police action and resources actually had a hand in Cleo’s successful recovery.
The WA police are rightfully getting strong recognition for this success and the Premier is drawing attention to that.

I think he did say it was a blight started by Howard. I see so little of anyone on the left willing to criticise anyone on the left or be remotely critical... He criticised everyone who has done it from Howard on.

The Premier is drawing attention to himself. If he wanted to attention to remain on the police he would have stayed in Perth and focussed on his job.

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If this is your attitude, you would also likely comment about the tweets and commentary by the Prime minister and leader of the opposition.
In this case, the Premier’s government, through quick action on rewards and police action and resources actually had a hand in Cleo’s successful recovery.
The WA police are rightfully getting strong recognition for this success and the Premier is drawing attention to that.
Tweeting " isn't this good news" is hardly the same as forcing yourself on the family, taking her teddy bears and calling a news conference ro boast about what you just did
He's not the highest office representing the people. That's Kim Beazley. It's meant to be that things that are above party politics are represented by an apolitical head of state. It's only in recent times crass politicians have tried to appropriate things that should be above politics for their own advantage.
Howard was the one that made an artform of it nationally, so both sides are as bad as the other. But it's cringeworthy
No one voted for Beazley. He doesn't represent the people. He represents the Queen of England.
Tweeting " isn't this good news" is hardly the same as forcing yourself on the family, taking her teddy bears and calling a news conference ro boast about what you just did
Morrison also thanked the wrong deity for the job done to find little Cleo.
Do you think McGowan forced himself on the family? I’m pretty sure this wasn’t the case of him grabbing the hand of a person who refuses to shake hands?
Morrison also thanked the wrong deity for the job done to find little Cleo.
Do you think McGowan forced himself on the family? I’m pretty sure this wasn’t the case of him grabbing the hand of a person who refuses to shake hands?

Which deity should he have thanked?

Do you think pollies should get involved in these situations? I can be partial and so none should. You?
I see so little of anyone on the left willing to criticise anyone on the left or be remotely critical.

Clearly you don't spend much time in left wing spaces then if that's a generalization you have. The criticism really comes off more as petty than bipartisan objectivity, he's the premier it's common sense he's going to make an announcement. Seems more like the criticism itself is bringing politics where it isn't necessary by being offended by what really is a formality in the circumstances. If it was Trump style chest beating then you might have a point.
Which deity should he have thanked?

Do you think pollies should get involved in these situations? I can be partial and so none should. You?
I think the people responsible should be thanked in these situations. Thanking something else detracts from the hard work done by those people.

Public figures are involved in all sorts of public interest events. If they have a role to play, of course they should be involved. If their role is negative in that event, they should keep out of it or expect negative reactions.
If their role is positive, then they should and can be involved; it provides light on both the positive outcome and the work done by the public figure.

The work done by the government (swift response, large investment in police numbers) to get a good result in this case is clear. The police and government couldn’t have done any more and its a good news story and media outlets are happy to get more coverage. Having a politician talk may also protect the family from intrusion by giving the media something to show.

The problem is when a public figure has a negative or causative role in an event, and still expects to be involved. Then the hypocrisy is clear. This could include pissing off to Hawaii during a fire emergency, having public policy that serves to exacerbate a climate crisis, breaking quarantine rules to visit your kids when nobody else can or putting undue pressure on those actually doing the job with your presence or comments.

Of course sometimes it isn’t quite as clear that a public figures role has been positive or negative. A PM or Premier might be responsible for reducing funding to an emergency service, but provide relief to a disaster area. Maybe then they should show up and cop both sides of the reception.
Finding Cleo Smith alive is a coming together moment for the whole state and I don't care if they throw a parade or launch a [insert obscene euphemism hashtag for being very grateful to the police] campaign.

Politicians are supposed to represent the people they serve, they are doing that. It's entirely appropriate for them to express their good will on behalf of the people they serve.

When the Seven Network produce a mini series on it - that will be scummy.
Seven network might have a bit less cash to splash on a crappy mini series after that bloke who was mistakenly identified as the culprit gets a defamation lawyer 😆

i generally lean toward supporting mcgowan but I find politicians lurking around such things like this story icky. Was the phrase ‘skin crawling’? they all do it, but it does feel gross and his lapping up all the goodwill from this child’s trauma bothers me. A statement about the good work of the police, happy for everyone, but will now let them have their privacy to recover would be fine. very happy to leave god out of this. If god cared so much, wouldn’t have happened in the first place.
Finding Cleo Smith alive is a coming together moment for the whole state and I don't care if they throw a parade or launch a [insert obscene euphemism hashtag for being very grateful to the police] campaign.

Politicians are supposed to represent the people they serve, they are doing that. It's entirely appropriate for them to express their good will on behalf of the people they serve.

When the Seven Network produce a mini series on it - that will be scummy.
In an ideal world we wouldn't be seeing politicians popping their head in the media to associate themselves with every good news story but...

the fact that it has triggered some enough to post something here when they didn't feel the need to mention anything about ScoMo's inept diplomacy skills handling France, Tim Smith's DUI crash, Glady's extensive corruption rap-sheet or the WA State Libs still struggling to expunge themselves of Goiran and Collier despite the tsunami of reasons to do so...

And then claim anyone not willing to come out and criticise McGowan about a photo op is being too partisan is pretty ****ing stupid. But we live in a world where people find reason to defend that orange turd in the US so nothing really surprises me these days.

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No one voted for Beazley. He doesn't represent the people. He represents the Queen of England.
That's exactly the point. No one voted for him, he's an apolitical appointment that is meant to provide head of state functions supported by everyone in the community. Yes, like the queen.
As for some of the other histrionics on this topic, there's a difference between things on which there is legitimate political debate e.g. what steps at what pace should be taken by what countries to address climate change, and things where there's no debate and that shouldn't be politicised
Finding Cleo Smith alive is a coming together moment for the whole state and I don't care if they throw a parade or launch a [insert obscene euphemism hashtag for being very grateful to the police] campaign.

Politicians are supposed to represent the people they serve, they are doing that. It's entirely appropriate for them to express their good will on behalf of the people they serve.

When the Seven Network produce a mini series on it - that will be scummy.
#ThankDaPolice #PublicFrenemy
In an ideal world we wouldn't be seeing politicians popping their head in the media to associate themselves with every good news story but...

the fact that it has triggered some enough to post something here when they didn't feel the need to mention anything about ScoMo's inept diplomacy skills handling France, Tim Smith's DUI crash, Glady's extensive corruption rap-sheet or the WA State Libs still struggling to expunge themselves of Goiran and Collier despite the tsunami of reasons to do so...

And then claim anyone not willing to come out and criticise McGowan about a photo op is being too partisan is pretty ******* stupid. But we live in a world where people find reason to defend that orange turd in the US so nothing really surprises me these days.

Outside the whataboutism you could probably also say people didn't bother raising the other issues because they think ScoMo has handled the French about as well as we reasonably could have done, they don't care about interstate politics and the WA Libs aren't really relevant in state politics as it currently stands.

For what it's worth I don't have a huge issue with Mark McGowan having something to say about Cleo Smith; it would be genuinely weird for the premier to be silent about it. I do understand why it rankles in some quarters given McGowan's love of getting in front of a camera though.
Outside the whataboutism you could probably also say people didn't bother raising the other issues because they think ScoMo has handled the French about as well as we reasonably could have done
Lol in which alternate reality is this true?
Australia had a bad break up with France and it's playing out badly in social media, but Australia wasn't getting what France promised and it was taking up more and more emotional energy so Australia decided to take up the offer elsewhere.

South Australia aren't getting what they where promised re jobs and future maintenance contracts.
SA have been shafted as well.
Lies and broken contracts are now the normal.
Australia had a bad break up with France and it's playing out badly in social media, but Australia wasn't getting what France promised and it was taking up more and more emotional energy so Australia decided to take up the offer elsewhere.
Unfortunately it's just another Morrison lie that France wasn't upholding their end of the deal according to recent senate committee hearings. Everything was going as agreed. We know nothing of the deal that has been struck with US/UK, that it will take another 18 months to work out the details seems irrelevant to most people. The ship builders in Adelaide will have little faith that they will get anything out of the deal and it will be years if they do. Will they still be here? More billions wasted, more atrocious diplomacy to go with destroying our relationship with China. Our global reputation is seemingly at an all time low when our environmental credentials are thrown in. Our Prime Marketer is considered a liar by countries we had strong military and trading relationships with. His list of mishandled events is massive.
In an ideal world we wouldn't be seeing politicians popping their head in the media to associate themselves with every good news story but...

the fact that it has triggered some enough to post something here when they didn't feel the need to mention anything about ScoMo's inept diplomacy skills handling France, Tim Smith's DUI crash, Glady's extensive corruption rap-sheet or the WA State Libs still struggling to expunge themselves of Goiran and Collier despite the tsunami of reasons to do so...

And then claim anyone not willing to come out and criticise McGowan about a photo op is being too partisan is pretty ******* stupid. But we live in a world where people find reason to defend that orange turd in the US so nothing really surprises me these days.
France's reaction to our strategic decisions is their problem not ours. Especially when a big part of Micron's immature pleading is for his own petty domestic political needs.
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