Port Fans = Surprisingly mature

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Total Power said:
Explain how was that a choke?? geez, why cant you answer a simple question other than resorting to kiddish dribble?

watch 97 prelim Adelaide vs Bulldogs without the massive comeback, Hawthorn losing for most of the game then got up to win.

Fabian Francis on the run with not a player in site to win the game for Port.

= choke.

This is quite interesting reading! I just LOVE to see arguements break out! Esp. between Port and Crows-they really go for each other :p then again thats the fun of having rivals isnt it ;)
dipper86 said:
watch 97 prelim Adelaide vs Bulldogs without the massive comeback, Hawthorn losing for most of the game then got up to win.

Fabian Francis on the run with not a player in site to win the game for Port.

= choke.

Thats not my question.My question is how is that a choke??? no one expected us to do ANYTHING in 2001! we overachieved in 2001. At the end of the day i thought hawthorn played better, in the 4th quarter they played superb, kicked an excellent goal from 55 meters which really sealed our face. You see it as half empty, i see it as half full.Try again
dipper86 said:
Yep i agree with outback jack, he is very overrated.

would captain hawthorn, vandenberg give me a break . Ive found port fans on here to be well worded. Must say goes against the grain of the stereotype.
smeagol_17 said:
This is quite interesting reading! I just LOVE to see arguements break out! Esp. between Port and Crows-they really go for each other :p then again thats the fun of having rivals isnt it ;)
my god you're right there i was of the opinion there showdowns were annual love ins. How wrong can you be
outback jack said:
whats this 'contract'>? When did we agree to this? What you need to do is read my initial post again toots. Carefully this time too. Especially about the boring bit. You came onto the crows board preaching about his greatness and then promised 5 pics of contested marking. When you realized this would require work to find then its all of a sudden you want a 'contract' signed, instead of sticking to your word. That's a shame, feel free to deliver any of those 5 pics anytime at all though, alternatively you can just admit that warren doesnt take many and is overrated. Its up to you, but if you want to make sweeping statements its best to back them up with evidence.
Well let's just see who's telling the truth about this Jacky boy! Let's have a look at your posts and my posts and we'll see that I was talking about Collingwood attempting to recruit Jeff White and you brought up Tredrea as you do every second time you post....
here's the thread with the smilies and pics I had to delete in this post.
Toots Hibbert said:
You went after Jeff White though. There's no doubt you made a serious offer to him. You were rejected. Clearly the Pies are trying to boost their big man stocks. Adds credibility to this particular rumour IMO.
outback jack said:
no one asked for your opinion toots. And honestly how can it be credible when we have a whole yr before its even possible. Anything can happen in that time. Tredrea could finally be busted for steroid use, who knows.
SpringChoke said:
Call it a shot in the dark, but i'm starting to get the impression you don't care much for The Gimp Jackie Boy.

Even i'm willing to admit he is a quality MINOR round player, excluding recent showdowns.
Toots Hibbert said:
Whatever happened to your thread on the main board labelling Tredrea a "tosser" Jack? You really do have a problem staying on the right side of the law don't you?

I posted a hilarious and devastating response to you but when I went back to see your reply, what the hey! Your thread had gone!
Now we see that it was you who raised the subject of contested marks.
outback jack said:
is was simply as comical look at the million 'Rate a player:' threads popping up toots. No need to take tredders criticism personally. And ofcourse it would be deleted, you have the 'port power gang' (this was the name wasnt it?) with posters like total_power and paralowiepower running around reporting anything half offensive.

Was the reply the picture of a dead fish? If so i saw it then. Your right how hilarous I simply asked if you had run out of contested marks as this was what i was expecting, in your constant quest to prove the un-provable, but yes it had magically disappeared the next day. Oh well toots, enjoy the weekend.
outback jack said:
toots you recycle the same pictures of tredders taking contested marks. Is this different cause there isnt many to pick from?
Toots Hibbert said:
That's rubbish Jack like your other assertions about Tredrea. I post new ones every time. What's more there are plenty left to choose from.
Here you go again asking for Tredrea pics
outback jack said:
yep talk about a sense of humour. The fact that you take it seriously says it all really. Can you plz show me 5 NEW contested marks by tredders from this season that are actually completed? I think you may struggle.....
Toots Hibbert said:
A few quick points Jack:-

1) Excellent to see you have put Tredders in the same company as one of the all time greats in Wayne Carey. Good choice on your part.

2) I'm glad to see that the many pictures I've already posted of the great Wazza taking contested marks have backed you into a corner.

3) I'll happily oblige you but you need to promise that now you have made the rules clear you will abide by your side of the bargain and acknowledge you were wrong about Tredrea once I've done so. There's to be no back sliding on your part. None of the rubbish you've always served up such as the argument that the stats on Tredrea's contested marks are meaningless or the suggestion that he would have dropped a mark after the picture was taken. You're not to deny some time later that I've posted many pictures of contested marks.

Now, just to whet your appetite, here's a taste of what's in store if you promise to be good....

So what do you say Jack? you'll stop your ridiculous claims about Tredrea's contested marks if I post these pics? Hehehe.
outback jack said:
.... Couldnt you find any from this yr? Arent there any like the kings? All i wanted was 5. Lets take it down to 3 and i'll tell you he took one in the final against the kangaroos, so that leaves you with 2 to find for a key position forward. Shouldnt be hard unless he doesnt take many ofcourse.

whats this dribble toots, i've never made any promise. Our opinions of tredders differs thats all, you think hes the best forward in the comp and carey like while i have said the oppostie. His non AA selection tends to show i'm right.
Toots Hibbert said:
Ha Jack, just like I thought, you're running for cover because it's important to you to continue to spout drivel and deny facts.

If you're not going to shut up why would I bother to post yet another 5 pack marks just because you told me to when I've posted a steady stream of them for months. Just count these most recent picks as a bonus then. The thing is Jacko, you know I can do it otherwise you'd accept the dare in a flash.

While we're at I'm going to look at these Carey marks in the style we've become accustomed to from you when discussing Tredrea....
outback jack said:
yes there is no doubt in the pics of the king is there. Contested marking at its best. This just makes you look stupid really. Like is there some humour i'm missing or has trying to find those three marks sent you mad? Perhaps this is just your way of conceding? I'm not sure. Come on toots 3 marks from this yr, thats all. Surely a key forward (unless massively overrated) would take three a yr?
Toots Hibbert said:
So you're offering to shut up if I put up, Jack? Is that what you're saying? :p

I, Outback Jack, will stop making stupid statements about Warren Tredrea and acknowledge I was wrong about his marking prowess if Toots Hibbert posts three contested marks by Wazza from 2005.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Just sign on the dotted line Jackie boy and you'll get your pics. :D
GoSarge said:
What a GOLD thread, Im PMSL.

Dont do it Jack - I reckon he's taken at least 3 this year. No more than 5 though - surely ????
Toots Hibbert said:
The pressure is mounting on Jack.

GoSarge, Jack went to GettyImages and couldn't find any Tredrea pics so felt brave enough to do some sh*t stirring. Now he's realised I might still be packing heat he's not game to put his money where his mouth is.

The history of this thing is that Jack made a silly statement quite some time ago that Tredders never takes contested marks. That his marking stats look good because he's always on his own when he takes them. Macca19 and others pointed to the stats which show an outstanding record of contested marks by Tredrea. As is Jack's way, he then started arguing that black is white and stated that the stats are meaningless and are not about real contested marks. (Yes silly I know, but that's Jack for you). From time to time since then, when I've had a minute or two to spare and feel like taunting Jack, I post a pic of a Tredrea contested mark. He just hates it and that's why he's been banging on about it in this thread.

Come on Jack, sign on the dotted line!
outback jack said:
gees i leave you for a day toots and you get a bit excited dont you. Thats a shame.

And i am happy to do this if you wanted this show me 50+ contested completed new marks from this yr. This is the amount a dominant 'champion' CHF should take anyway. Asking for 5 which has been reduced to 3 simply shows how few he takes. You're struggling to find them, that's why we get them from yrs back. It took me literally two minutes to get those ones of wayne carey from getty images. If it was that easy for tredders you'd have them up by now. But its not, you'll have to go through games to find them wont you.
Toots Hibbert said:
Fascinating how you set out so confidently demanding 5 pics, but now at the hint of danger you've run for cover and demand 50+! You're so nervous about this that you're running like a startled rabbit, you've raced past 50 and you're still running scared! LOL mate! GoSarge warned you not to sign up for three but is pretty sure five would be safe. What's your worry!...
And that was the last we saw of you in that thread!

So tell me Jack was I talking about Tredrea? No.

Did you come on making a nuisance of yourself about Tredrea? Yes.

Did you duck for cover when challenged to shut up if I posted the pics you were demanding? Yes.
Toots Hibbert said:
Well let's just see who's telling the truth about this Jacky boy! Let's have a look at your posts and my posts and we'll see that I was talking about Collingwood attempting to recruit White and you brought up Tredrea as you do every second time you post....

Now we see that it was you who raised the subject of contested marks.

Here you go again asking for Tredrea pics

And that was the last we saw of you in that thread!

So tell me Jack was I talking about Tredrea? No.

Did you come on making a nuisance of yourself about Tredrea? Yes.

Did you duck for cover when challenged to shut up if I posted the pics you were demanding? Yes.
Rawhead said:
Can we see the pics?
That's up to Jack. ;) In the meantime you could do a search through my posts. You'll find plenty of them if you're prepared to trawl back. One place is in the thread I started called "Caring Sharing Warren Tredrea" or something like that.

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Johnson#26 said:
LOL. May well happen. :)

Also, why the nickname: Choppy?

BTW, Yes, the Power fans have handelled it well.
Probably every team has players that leave where the fans are p*ssed off with them. Reasons include that the player was important to the team, something to do with the way they left such as statements the player may have made to the effect he planned to stay at the club, or messing the club around during the trade period.Nick Stevens falls into that category at Port.

Other players leave and the fans don't get irate. With Port we were sorry to lose Josh Carr but recognised that he gave us good service and playing with his brother was good justification for going. Choppy left after a fairly poor season and subsequent disagreement with the club over his contract. That is something understandable. In addition most of us are of the view he was unlikely to get back to his best while at Alberton and a new environment might get him back on track. He had a great season for us in 2004 and helped us win a flag. He's the type of player that becomes a favourite and he seems to have inspired the same emotions at North Melbourne.
Toots Hibbert said:
And that was the last we saw of you in that thread!

yes, as i said in my initial post you crossed the line from humorous to boring. You are using those quotes out of context too, there were pictures in that thread of a comical nature. I dont know if you left all the posts in there either.

Toots Hibbert said:
So tell me Jack was I talking about Tredrea? No.

Yes, you do everywhere you go. You have talked about him long before this too, dont act stupid, why did you start your self praise lame ass ‘caring and sharing thread' which you begged to have put back on the main board? And since the thread you quoted you came in on several threads having nothing to do warren tredrea discrediting them and bringing him up.

Toots Hibbert said:
Did you come on making a nuisance of yourself about Tredrea? Yes.

No this is you. You complain about criticism about a airport as not being the 'pride of SA' so we should drop that from our clubs motto. Thats being a nuisance. Everyone knows you're a pain, why pretend any different.

Toots Hibbert said:
Did you duck for cover when challenged to shut up if I posted the pics you were demanding? Yes.

Already answered in the first question. As was initially said, you said you had plenty of pics and there and there were plenty more to come, so i asked for just 5 true contested marks from this yr. They were harder to find than you thought obviously. That’s when you came up with this contract nonsense.

On a serious note, tredrea is a good player, but not the player port supporters want to build him into. Take a look at your top 5 players of all time thread on the port board and half of you have him in there. He'd be lucky to be top5 in the comp atm. His main flaw as i have suggested is contested marking. This is due to a couple of factors such as his ability to read the long ball (he runs underneath it often) and his natural body build, which is that of a skinny wingman. The other is courage, esp going back with the flight. Mark williams clearly does not have faith in him either when he moves him to the wing on a regular basis when it called for a CHF to stand up. I predicted his down fall at the start of the season and it has happened, hes in his prime now and next yr pav might be a bit down coming back from a shoulder, but we should expect more improvement from riewoldt, kosi and brown as they are the next generation. Tredrea is a player who has got the most our of his ability. Anyone who has watched him closely will see this.
outback jack said:
yes, as i said in my initial post you crossed the line from humorous to boring. You are using those quotes out of context too, there were pictures in that thread of a comical nature. I dont know if you left all the posts in there either.
No the quotes are in chronological order and faithfully represent what was going on with your attempt to bait me and your subsequent failure to respond when I challenged you to shut up if I posted five pics of Tredrea taking contested marks.

I faithfully maintained the context of the posts and it can be seen that I was involved in trade week discussions regarding John Meesen when you posted telling me my opinion was not wanted and started banging on about Tredrea.
I put a link to the thread in my post so anyone could check the truth of what I said and the fact that you had been less than honest.

If you want to know what "boring" is take a look at your posts about Port Adelaide over just the last few days. Your obsession is truly pathological and you're an annoyance not just to Port posters but a good number of Adelaide people as well.

So FFS either say you'll stop banging on about Tredrea and contested marks if I put up five pics as requested by you or acknowledge that all you're interested in doing is be a nuisance in whatever way you think will cause a reaction that somehow validates your miserable existence.
portentous said:
I'm sure that you've been called worse things. ;)
It's Mr Mature to you young lady. :p

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Port Fans = Surprisingly mature

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