Couldn't say it any better. Perfect summation on players, Ken & club.What a joke.
I was concerned the minute they had players ruled out or looking likely to not play as we always think it means we can cruise. It's a horrible sign of what usually comes and it did bigtime.
Credit to Bonner. I don't rate him and still probably don't but he tried his best and may be the only player who looked like he cared. That's a horrible indictment on every other player out there.
Well done, Riley.
DBJ is the worst footballer I have ever seen in a position of leadership at the PAFC. Nearly all year this guy has jogged along without a care in the world pointing at others to do what he should have. He was appalling tonight - like he has been for 20 odd games this year.
Motlop and Fantasia didn't even bother trying to get in the game. They spent all night playing behind their players, not manning up, just waiting for easy out the back goals or stats and both actively avoided contact numerous times.
Boak, Gray and Dixon all couldn't handle the pressure early on when all had chances and all made pathetic attempts. That's unacceptable for leaders and senior players then Boak spent the rest of the game shitting himself every single time he had any sort of physical contact upon him or coming to him.
Butters escapes serious criticism only because of his injury but I'm starting to think it may be an injury that prevents him from being what I thought he may become. Spends too much time trying to prove his bravery or toughness and doesn't hunt the ball at all. Tries to be too cute when he does find a rare touch and generally is miles off the pace these days.
Rozee flashes in and out yet doesn't seem to be anything more than a cream on top type. No substance. No real desire.
Wines was back to thinking he's playing touch footy attempting to get rid of the ball before he has it all game. No strength, no desire.
Just another night of shame and embarrassment from a Club that seems more interested in creating a false narrative than actually admitting we have issues, have had issues, and will continue to do so without strong leadership. You can always lose but WTF Port happens too often for us to be anything more than a joke. And that will never be fixed while we have weakness starting in Koch and I honestly think Richardson isn't much either. He's weak too.
And to Ken. You can't coach, man. Never been able to. All you do is provide a very protected, insular environment and play the father figure. You keep them safe, they keep you safe and when collectively you're challenged you all collapse in fright and make excuses.
If things don't go to plan Ken hasn't a clue. Nothing.
Throw Ollie, Trav and Robbie in the guts and kick tumble punts all day/night long to Charlie.
That's what we get from a guy on over $500,000.00 per season - not to mention the other coaches taking up atleast that too.
Unforgivable and despite so much evidence to prove the point until tonight I always held out hope this was the real PAFC.
It's not