What you do to maintain the fairness advantage is all clubs, inc Vic ones, are put up in hotels but hell I’ve be having a date with “name you super model” before that happens.
I'd be confident this is why all that noise from the players about having families in hubs came about.
They knew they'd never have to enter the hubs themselves, but now if anyone says they should stay in hotels instead of their own homes they can point to the lobbying they did so that (other) players could bring the families into these hubs.
"Hey we were happy to go, we just wanted to bring our families with us, you guys come to Melbourne and bring the kids"
A bit like Chris Scott fighting for Grand Final venue fairness over the last couple of years... he knows it won't happen, but when they are also fighting for more home games, especially in finals, they can say "we want the competition to be so fair, everyone should play at home in finals, including the Grand Final, but hey, if you just want to give us our prelims, well, we tried"