Pratt must resign

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a couple of points [please indulge me Audus]:

is nutcase888 shlomoglickstein re-incaranate? {the newer members will not know shlomo}
what Pratt was part of is actually reprehensible ie price fixing. There is NOTHING anyone can say that would possibly defend him in this issue.
Quite frankly Pratt is lucky he is not facing criminal charges.
regarding him remaining as CFC pres - I have no issue with this. He has been publically humiliated, fined [even for him] fair whack, made an apology [of sorts], sacked the CEO of Visy that was directly involved; reckon this is fair punishment.
if anyone [nutcase888] thinks Pratts actions will ''infiltrate'' the CFC then that is just plain stupid. There is NO question that we have learn't our lesson following the Elliot years.

Finally - the price fixing was disgusting - punishment dished out. Is history essentially, we all move on and this will not affect the CFC, the AFL or us apart from the weak minded and those with agenda's.

I think that you will find that the ACCC cannot lay criminal charges against anyone.

If they find evidence of fraud or other such acts and the person doesnt toe the line, they can pass that evidence to the DPP for them to investigate and the DPP can lay criminal charges against someone.

Pratt settled out of court and admitted culpability on behalf of his company and took steps to ensure that it will never happen again.
[/color]Have you bought petrol lately? Or do you just sniff it?

Exactly right petrol pricing is the biggest cartel out and graham samuel lets them get away with it also in this case there was another party do we all forget about AMCOR. Dick Pratt will pay his fine so lets just move on because we are Carlton and f**k the rest
Following the price fixing scandal.

First off all i would just like to say to you all that i told u so. I know some off you would remember that i was about the only one earlier in the year to stand up and say that i had a bad feeling about this guy. I was told that i am a troll and that my user name is a good reflection of me for sayign so. But it seems that i am right.

I will admit that he has been a very good president for our club. But Pratt is now seen as a white collar criminal and u can't have the HEAD off your club perceived in this way without it affectign the club. I have been reading other threads about this today and there is no doubt that other supporters just want to sink the boot in. But you can't argue it has nothing to do with Carlton and if Carlton to do nothing it is saying that they are supportive of this type off behaviour. First Elliott and now this, we are seen as the Carlton criminals and this cannot continue.

Dick do the right thing and resign now. you are welcome back at the club any time and can continue to make dontations and give advice.

Two things.
Firstly, if you "told us so" you'll be so kind as to dig up the quotes, or at lest a link to the threads.

Secondly, while he is responsible for this, it happenned prior to him being at the Blues.
Yes, it is bad, and I would have no problem with people that do this going to gaoll.........but who goes to gaol?

If Cousins is doing drugs......and his dad knows he is doing drugs and does nothing about it, should his dad go to gal as well?
This is why criminality in coporate cases is very difficult and the laws haven't been brought in.
One of Pratt's managers admitted to masterminding the whole thing last week.......truth or just falling on his sword?

If Pratt was complicit on not stopping it when he found out is that the same as the guy who masterminded it?

I don't know the answers and profess no legal knowledge.

You are right though, it is bad for the club image, and maybe Pratt has done all he needs to.
He was going to go in a year anyway, maybe he should go now.

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Two things.
Firstly, if you "told us so" you'll be so kind as to dig up the quotes, or at lest a link to the threads.

Secondly, while he is responsible for this, it happenned prior to him being at the Blues.
Yes, it is bad, and I would have no problem with people that do this going to gaoll.........but who goes to gaol?

If Cousins is doing drugs......and his dad knows he is doing drugs and does nothing about it, should his dad go to gal as well?
This is why criminality in coporate cases is very difficult and the laws haven't been brought in.
One of Pratt's managers admitted to masterminding the whole thing last week.......truth or just falling on his sword?

If Pratt was complicit on not stopping it when he found out is that the same as the guy who masterminded it?

I don't know the answers and profess no legal knowledge.

You are right though, it is bad for the club image, and maybe Pratt has done all he needs to.
He was going to go in a year anyway, maybe he should go now.

Bluebear i never said he was going to be found guilty of price fixing but i did say that my gut tells me there is something wrong with this guy. i said it at the time when everyone was raving on about him being the greatest thing ever. I was the only one that had the guts to even criticse the guy and i received lots of abuse for it. i am happy to dig up the quotes if u really want to see them

I am glad at least that you are not condonign this behaviour or writing it off as trivial like most of the other posters. I'm glad that you and a coupel of others can also recognise how it damages the clubs image.

As for your comparison with Cousins and his dad my answer is no his father should not go to gaol b/c Cousins is an adult now and is responsible for his own actions. Pratt is responsible for his company. The ACCC doesn't buy it for a minute that he was unaware of what was happening. And this is a bit more serious then Cousins taking some recreational drugs. This is a corporate scandal involving millions and millions of dollars.
Bluebear i never said he was going to be found guilty of price fixing but i did say that my gut tells me there is something wrong with this guy. i said it at the time when everyone was raving on about him being the greatest thing ever. I was the only one that had the guts to even criticse the guy and i received lots of abuse for it. i am happy to dig up the quotes if u really want to see them

I am glad at least that you are not condonign this behaviour or writing it off as trivial like most of the other posters. I'm glad that you and a coupel of others can also recognise how it damages the clubs image.

As for your comparison with Cousins and his dad my answer is no his father should not go to gaol b/c Cousins is an adult now and is responsible for his own actions. Pratt is responsible for his company. The ACCC doesn't buy it for a minute that he was unaware of what was happening. And this is a bit more serious then Cousins taking some recreational drugs. This is a corporate scandal involving millions and millions of dollars.
I just think when you make these "I told you so" statements you should provide a link or a quote.

I wasn't saying Pratt wasn't aware, just that it's hard to prove criminality - as far as how responsible are you for others actions?

That was my point.
Bluebear i never said he was going to be found guilty of price fixing but i did say that my gut tells me there is something wrong with this guy. i said it at the time when everyone was raving on about him being the greatest thing ever. I was the only one that had the guts to even criticse the guy and i received lots of abuse for it. i am happy to dig up the quotes if u really want to see them

I am glad at least that you are not condonign this behaviour or writing it off as trivial like most of the other posters. I'm glad that you and a coupel of others can also recognise how it damages the clubs image.

As for your comparison with Cousins and his dad my answer is no his father should not go to gaol b/c Cousins is an adult now and is responsible for his own actions. Pratt is responsible for his company. The ACCC doesn't buy it for a minute that he was unaware of what was happening. And this is a bit more serious then Cousins taking some recreational drugs. This is a corporate scandal involving millions and millions of dollars.

That is nice you have a bad gut feeling about Dick, maybe you can ask some of the charities that he has donated millions to what their gut feeling of him is. Kerry Packer used to gamble millions and Dick gives it away. Dick is a buisnessman and footy is a buisness, did you hear Demetriou when asked if Pratt should stand down? He had nothing but good things to say about him as he knows what he has done for Calton and the AFL. The AFL decides who has bought the game into disripute not the fans. When you have some facts about the case that shows why he should stand aside please share them or if not keep your little gut feel that he is a bad man to yourself. The AFL love him and true Carlton fans will be on our knees thanking him when we play finals this year.
There is no doubt that the supermarket chains are colluding in controlling the supply chain of food in Australia, none. Nothing has been done about this. The role Telstra plays as the major provider of wholesale telecommunications base services via the government is absolutely monopolistic, collusionist and a restriction of trade. Petrol price fixing has been in place for decades, all of which nothing is done about . Why ? The government makes too much money from the process.

ON top of this you have a myriad of other price fixing scandals being operated in Australia such as land banking to the Greater Sunrise fields scandal. In fact the prices of almost everything in Australia are a ridiculous rip off through State and corprorate collusion.

You are only hearing about this because the government didn't get its slice. You can sure as sh1t guarantee this would not have seen the light of day had the government been benefiting.

It is breath taking to consider the position taken by people on this board that Pratt is some criminal. This is business, prices are "set" all the time, in every industry and the use of linguistics like cartel etc are inflammatory designed purely to deflect attention from the hypocrisy of the governments position.

Business all over the world, including Australia's, is operating under a intellectual property treaty which has prevented Africans having access to cheap generic medicines which have resulted in MILLIONS of deaths through Aids, Milaria and a multitude of preventable, treatable diseases. This is absolutely artificial price fixing at its most despicable. (See Adam Smiths treatise on extended periods of inflated prices in any market, requires a market failure or an artificial "collusion").

The price of money is fixed, the price of wheat is fixed ...the list is bloody endless.

The entire AFL is a one big monopolistic price fixing scam.

You have Jodi Rich, James Murdoch, and Jamie Packer all involved in the biggest coprate scandal of modern times, onetel, and NOTHING had been done. In fact they merely closed up shop and re-opened under a new name.

When I see Demetriou go down for price fixing along with Howard, Packer, Murdoch then maybe we can talk about corporate and government civic social responsibility.

Till then , don't believe the hype buddy. No one has been charged with the murder of over half a million people in Iraq at the hands of the Coalition of the Willing, which you are a part of, so I think we can let go of a couple of blokes deciding on a fair price to charge Coke and Nestle for their card board boxes over a beer so that they don't end up in a price war.

Sorry Blah Blah, but it has to be said. Pratt has done more for charity and Philanthropy in this country than every government department combined, he really has, so this kind of clap trap just makes me cringe.
posted by audus

There is no doubt that the supermarket chains are colluding in controlling the supply chain of food in Australia, none. Nothing has been done about this. The role Telstra plays as the major provider of wholesale telecommunications base services via the government is absolutely monopolistic, collusionist and a restriction of trade. Petrol price fixing has been in place for decades, all of which nothing is done about . Why ? The government makes too much money from the process.

ON top of this you have a myriad of other price fixing scandals being operated in Australia such as land banking to the Greater Sunrise fields scandal. In fact the prices of almost everything in Australia are a ridiculous rip off through State and corprorate collusion.

You are only hearing about this because the government didn't get its slice. You can sure as sh1t guarantee this would not have seen the light of day had the government been benefiting.

It is breath taking to consider the position taken by people on this board that Pratt is some criminal. This is business, prices are "set" all the time, in every industry and the use of linguistics like cartel etc are inflammatory designed purely to deflect attention from the hypocrisy of the governments position.

Business all over the world, including Australia's, is operating under a intellectual property treaty which has prevented Africans having access to cheap generic medicines which have resulted in MILLIONS of deaths through Aids, Milaria and a multitude of preventable, treatable diseases. This is absolutely artificial price fixing at its most despicable. (See Adam Smiths treatise on extended periods of inflated prices in any market, requires a market failure or an artificial "collusion").

The price of money is fixed, the price of wheat is fixed ...the list is bloody endless.

The entire AFL is a one big monopolistic price fixing scam.

You have Jodi Rich, James Murdoch, and Jamie Packer all involved in the biggest coprate scandal of modern times, onetel, and NOTHING had been done. In fact they merely closed up shop and re-opened under a new name.

When I see Demetriou go down for price fixing along with Howard, Packer, Murdoch then maybe we can talk about corporate and government civic social responsibility.

Till then , don't believe the hype buddy. No one has been charged with the murder of over half a million people in Iraq at the hands of the Coalition of the Willing, which you are a part of, so I think we can let go of a couple of blokes deciding on a fair price to charge Coke and Nestle for their card board boxes over a beer so that they don't end up in a price war.

Sorry Blah Blah, but it has to be said. Pratt has done more for charity and Philanthropy in this country than every government department combined, he really has, so this kind of clap trap just makes me cringe.

what a pathetic argument Audus. The fact that other companies are also doing it is not an excuse for Visy. There are some crooked companies and others that are honest. Stop making excuses for this extremely fraudelant behavour
what a pathetic argument Audus. The fact that other companies are also doing it is not an excuse for Visy. There are some crooked companies and others that are honest. Stop making excuses for this extremely fraudelant behavour

No my arguments are not pathetic. They have totally flammed you and that is why you have not addressed them.

The basis of my argument is that you are reacting to government and media spin. This kind of behaviour, and much worse, is tolerated and even encouraged in other areas where it is not only condoned but considered healthy.

You are totally reacting to spin and institutionalised propaganda.

Consider the argument for your self. Two guys who are the sole supplier of a product entered into what was a gentleman's agreement to set the price of their product to avoid a price war (something which can have vastly worse implications: consider dumping). This price was not set at an extortionist rate, an unethical or immoral or at some economically inhibitive and destructive rate, in fact there was nothing negative about it, other than, they agreed to set a fair price.

Now this collusion is considered illegal, despite it being the basis for well functioning market economy AND that it is a practice the government itself engages in and far worse with vastly greater negative side effects, land banking being the most severe.

You position and reaction to this situation is based SOLELY on the spin and propaganda emanating from the state institutions and other interested parties. You are merely towing the line and being the lapdog of proletariat and kowtowing to the bourgeoisie intellect. It is about as middle class moralising as you can get.

Your deconstruction of the matter is simplistic at the most flattering and honestly borders on sheer ignorance.

Your response to my arguments were homologous to your apparent lack of acuity. Deploying such invectives as "Pathetic" is not some linguistic trump card but a tacit adumbrate of your more asinine qualities.

Look forward to hearing something remotely considered.
what a pathetic argument Audus. The fact that other companies are also doing it is not an excuse for Visy. There are some crooked companies and others that are honest. Stop making excuses for this extremely fraudelant behavour

So you think that business practices that everyone else follows should not be a part of the business ethos of visy?

You are as deluded about that as you are deluded in your support of the idiot Pagan...

Any billion dollar corporation will endevour to get the biggest profit margin it can for it's share holders and they will do anything that they can to acheive that. If it means colluding with your opponants to do so, then so be it.

If you knew anything about the whole deal, you would know that Amcor were the company that the ACCC were investigating initially for suspicion of price fixing and they rolled over and gave up VISY in exchange for immunity to prosection.

Would you be screaming like a little girl if it was VISY who gave up Amcor or would you be busy praising the honesty of Pratt for catching the CEO of Visy out for breaking the law and sacking him and handing Amcor over to the ACCC... even though Visy was a party to the cartel deal.

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No my arguments are not pathetic. They have totally flammed you and that is why you have not addressed them.

The basis of my argument is that you are reacting to government and media spin. This kind of behaviour, and much worse, is tolerated and even encouraged in other areas where it is not only condoned but considered healthy.

You are totally reacting to spin and institutionalised propaganda.

Consider the argument for your self. Two guys who are the sole supplier of a product entered into what was a gentleman's agreement to set the price of their product to avoid a price war (something which can have vastly worse implications: consider dumping). This price was not set at an extortionist rate, an unethical or immoral or at some economically inhibitive and destructive rate, in fact there was nothing negative about it, other than, they agreed to set a fair price.

Now this collusion is considered illegal, despite it being the basis for well functioning market economy AND that it is a practice the government itself engages in and far worse with vastly greater negative side effects, land banking being the most severe.

You position and reaction to this situation is based SOLELY on the spin and propaganda emanating from the state institutions and other interested parties. You are merely towing the line and being the lapdog of proletariat and kowtowing to the bourgeoisie intellect. It is about as middle class moralising as you can get.

Your deconstruction of the matter is simplistic at the most flattering and honestly borders on sheer ignorance.

Your response to my arguments were homologous to your apparent lack of acuity. Deploying such invectives as "Pathetic" is not some linguistic trump card but a tacit adumbrate of your more asinine qualities.

Look forward to hearing something remotely considered.

yeah sorry audas, Pratt is totally innocent. what visy and Amcor did is absoultely necessary to have a well functioning market economy. and of course it benefits Visy and Amcor b/c it shuts out the competition. thats what price fixing is, shutting out the little guy. and of course the ACCC pressed charges and Visy was fined 36 mil just for the sake of it. probably b/c Pratt is president of Carlton and the ACCC is part of a conspiracy to destry Carlton right? Sorry i can't come up with anything more considered.
BIggest price fixing scandal in Australian corporate history

Actually there was a bigger one, but it was happening with the full support of Federal Governments of both colours. Remember a couple of airlines named Ansett & TAA? For years their airfares were a mirror image of each other, as were their flight schedules & with the support of the Federal Government they were able to control our skies without fear of any competition. When the anti-competitive laws were finally changed they either gobbled up their competition eg East-West Airlines, or used their financial strength & government support to trim the fat via the govt backed fight against the pilots, in preparation for the entry of Compass into the market.

Of course we also see a great example everytime we go into a supermarket. Read a Coles & Woolworths/Safeway catalogue & you could be forgiven for thinking you are reading the same catalogue. The ACCC got themselves an easy catch because one of the parties involved 'dogged' & there will be no political fallout related to this catch. Pratt contributed to both major political parties, so they both pretend to be horrified by the price-fixing 'cartel', knowing full well that if Pratt pulls his contributions it will hit both parties. So no advantage to either side of politics.

What both Visy & Amcor did was wrong & Visy have been punished for this wrong, but if the ACCC were fair dinkum they would also be having a close look at the supermarket giants & the oil companies, because you & I are being ripped off every time we do our shopping or fill our cars with petrol.
yes thanks for bringing that up. this is one example of how the club could be hurt. It's ok to say we are carlton and **** the rest but that won't help the club propser. criminals come undone eventually. it ios this generation of Carlton supporters that will destroy the club. they get a hard on by having allthese rich suits around the place. it obviously gives them a big self esteem boost. obvioulsy lessons have not been learnt from the elliott era.

Suits have been a big part of the Carlton Football Club since the post World War II era. They have been an important part of our success during our great years from 1968-1995 when we won 8 premierships.

Our club has been attracting high-fliers since the days when Bob Menzies was our #1 ticket-holder. A walk through the car park behind the Social Club during the '70s would see you passing dozens of 'Mercs', 'Rollers', Ltds, Statesmans etc.

Just because John Elliott & Richard Pratt have found themselves on the wrong side of regulatory authorities does not mean that all the 'rich suits' associated with the club are bad news. It is some of these 'rich suits' that have seen our club able to acquire some of the Carlton greats of the last 40+ years. Do you know how Alex Jesaulenko found his way to Carlton instead of North Melbourne, who had signed him first? A certain recently retired, high ranking politician was able to pull some strings to get Jezza a transfer within the Commonwealth Public Service from Canberra to Melbourne. The North Melbourne Football Club were unable to arrange this transfer that is why they lost Jezza. I hate to think what would have become of our club if not for the support of all of the 'suits' over the years.
Let's get rid of Pratt, and reinstate Pagan. :thumbsu:

Your username is the definition of apt.

And dont forget to bring back either Smorgen or Collins...

Just what the AFL really wants... one of their true marque teams being put into a position where they have to relocate or merge with another team...

But hey... I am sure that it never occured to them to try and do that at all... did it
to ''nutcase 888''---u have been sucked in bad by the press---i've known the pratt family for 35 years & if u knew all the unrewarded & anonomous charity multi millions$$ this man/family has provided for society & diverse communities your comments may have some balance---just re carlton-yes it was his money that got carlton kerna, motts,bradley ,doroditch & naley for that '87 flag--- u have followed the sheep mentality on this one ''nutcase''--- please do some research for some balance next time u attack a great carlton man
Bluebear i never said he was going to be found guilty of price fixing but i did say that my gut tells me there is something wrong with this guy.

Funny, that's exactly what I said about you.

I am struggling to find one positive thing you have posted about the Carlton Football Club. Most of your posts are negative and verging on being anti-Carlton.

Now my problem is, should I go with my gut feeling or should I listen to my heart and believe you really are a Carlton supporter who really loves the club and just venting his frustration.
Following the price fixing scandal.

First off all i would just like to say to you all that i told u so. I know some off you would remember that i was about the only one earlier in the year to stand up and say that i had a bad feeling about this guy. I was told that i am a troll and that my user name is a good reflection of me for sayign so. But it seems that i am right.

I will admit that he has been a very good president for our club. But Pratt is now seen as a white collar criminal and u can't have the HEAD off your club perceived in this way without it affectign the club. I have been reading other threads about this today and there is no doubt that other supporters just want to sink the boot in. But you can't argue it has nothing to do with Carlton and if Carlton to do nothing it is saying that they are supportive of this type off behaviour. First Elliott and now this, we are seen as the Carlton criminals and this cannot continue.

Dick do the right thing and resign now. you are welcome back at the club any time and can continue to make dontations and give advice.
Seperate issues. He's not the first caught price fixing and he won't be the last. He has a perfect legal right to run our club.

You're probably still upset because he sacked your man Pagan. You spend alot of time on here talking sh1t, more so than anyone else.
One thing the prices that Amcor and Visy had were cheaper or on the mark of other cardboard manufacturers throughout the world...if their customers had issues with their prices they were more than welcome to go somewhere else... but no their prices were quite good.

Really the Amcor, Visy thing was almost a gentleman agreement in that we wont fight for each others clientelle you keep yours, I'll keep mine and lets make our prices similar to keep our clients happy that we are competitive with world wide prices...

Yes in a way it's price fixings... but the clients had a choice not to go with either if they found something better!
Funny, that's exactly what I said about you.

I am struggling to find one positive thing you have posted about the Carlton Football Club. Most of your posts are negative and verging on being anti-Carlton.

Now my problem is, should I go with my gut feeling or should I listen to my heart and believe you really are a Carlton supporter who really loves the club and just venting his frustration.

I think you might be right...its got to the point that this guy has seriously probably just been trolling this board the whole time.
all u people that want to believe i am a troll are just listening to what u want to ohear. Bee u know I am not or else u would have banned me long ago. I haven't even started a thread for ages before this. I have never said anythign positive? Does defending the coach of the club count as a positive? How about defending the players as I have said that they shouldn't be blamed b/c it's just a young team. I have preached patience when most of the people here have been screamin like idiots b/c we can't deliever immediate on field success. but lets stick to the topic at hand and look a some of th very sad arguments that have been used to justify this criminal behaviour and Pratts continuation as CFC president..

argument 1
every other company does it so why can't Visy

absolute rubbish. Not all companies collude. I'm sure there are other companies out there that do collude but that doesn't give Pratt the right to do what he did. Anyhow there is no evidence that Oil comoanies or supermarkets are colluding. There is a diffrence between say an oil company raising the price of petrol the day before a long weekend or someoone from Coles goign over to Bilo and seeing what the price is of eggs in their supermarket. That is legal behaviour. The behaviour from Visy is illegal b/c they have got together with their only competitior and colluded to keep the price above the rate it should be. It is theft on a mass scale. And so what if other company's collude? It's like saying that other people do drugs so what Benny done is no big deal. You guys that defend Pratt here then go on Bay 13 and stir up West Coast fans over Cousins are the ultimate hypocrits.

argument 2
Pratt didn't know about it

this is the argument i hate the most and is why i have lost complete respect for Pratt. If he seriously did not know what is happening he should be prosecuted for stupidity. But of course he knew what was happening. But rather than stand up and take responsibility for it he hangs his CEO out to dry.

argument 3

It's no big deal, he wasn't even charged with a criminal offence

In 12 dveloped countries he would be going to gaol for this. He gets away with it in australia b/c his liberal party mates have not acted on the ACCC's recommendation to criminalise cartel behaviour.

argument 4

If Jeff Kennett, being an ex politician who closed down schools and hospitals can be a president then why not Dick?

This is a laughable argument and shows how desperate the pro Pratt mob is. The premier of the state has to make judgement calls regarding school and hospitals and the cost to the txpayer and the needs of the community, the economic needs of the state. It's a very complex business and just b/c Jeff may have been an economic dry and closed some schools and hospitals, does not make him a dishonest thief. I am actually offended that somebody (you know who you are) would use that as argument to defend Pratt.

argument 5

If Visy's customers didn't like the price they could have gone somewhere else

Techinically true. but what other company's besides Visy or Amcor would be large enough to meet the needs of say Woolworths? There is none to my knowledge, Visy and Amcor rule the market which is how collusion occurs. Anyhow Woolworths don't care as long as they don't set the price up to high b/c they just pass the cost on to us. Everyone one of us have been stolen from by Visy and Amcor.

argument 6

Pratt has donated large sums to charity.

This is an argumet that could be used to justify leniency in a court of law if it went that far. But donating money to charity does not give Pratt the right to then go and rip off ordinary Australians. we are all accountable before the law. you guys would probably say that Pratt now has an excuse to go out and committ murder due to the money he has donated? what an absolutely ridiculous argument.

argument 7

It is nothing to do with Carlton

i can't believe you are all serious about this. Pratt is the president of our club. People ask themselves what type of club is Carlton? They then look at our leader and see he is the head of the company implicated in the biggest price fixing scandal in Australian history. Pratt is running the club, he is the head, the leader etc. I spose you wuldn't think it would matter if Christopher SKase was runig the club? Of course it would b/c SKase has no credibility and neither does Pratt after this. His reputation has been destroyed. I am thankful for him being a good president but now for the good of CFC he must go.

Some more facts about this case

  • the federal court has described this case as the worst in corporate history.
  • The judge said that Mr Pratt and his excutives were responsible for setting up the deal.
  • The conduct of Visy and Amcor was described as 'extremely destructive'.
  • The fine iimposed on Visy was twice as big as any fine previously.
You all had the opportunity to come out and state that you are opposed to this and you would not support Pratt as president of our club as a result of this. However all except maybe 1 or 2 others have chosen to to try and sweep this under the carpet and minimise these actions as no big deal. well i'm sorry to say that it is a big deal and as long as Pratt is president of our club, we deserve to be known as the carlton crims.
Question to Mr Bee, Mr mediumsizered and Mr Old Dark Navy.

If Mr Demetriou was found to be involved with a price fixing scandal performed by one of the boards he sits on outside the AFL, and then fined millions of dollars, would you expect him to continue as head of the AFL?

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Pratt must resign

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