Game Day Preseason Game 1 - West Coast vs Adelaide, Sat 2/3 : It’s Melt Day

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A lot of the time the step up in the pace of the game is just too much for players to handle. He was certainly quite an attacking junior player. However it seems the moment he marks he has to stop, prop, think, get called to play on half the time or kick sideways or backwards all after the first part plays out.

The clubs midfield patterns, running for each other and making space however have been horrid these last few years so it's not like he's on his pat malone either.
A lot of the time the step up in the pace of the game is just too much for players to handle. He was certainly quite an attacking junior player. However it seems the moment he marks he has to stop, prop, think, get called to play on half the time or kick sideways or backwards all after the first part plays out.

The clubs midfield patterns, running for each other and making space however have been horrid these last few years so it's not like he's on his pat malone either.
What about the heartlidge problem??
His natural ability is driving down to next wafl game (Kent).

Have not seen that excitement at all. Even when he has the ball in backline with open paddock to do whatever he wants. Doubt coach instructions are to stand still.

I dunno, do agree with Dark Sharks in the sense that in his first season or two at AFL level, as well as his WAFL performances during and before those, he did look way more attacking and instinctive. Hough vibes. Has regressed as a player since. One of those things where it's on both the club/coaches and on himself, but definitely wouldn't say we've got the best out of him. Definitely head of the delist pile after this year.

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They aren't mutually exclusive.

Nobody is forcing Rotham to get the footy, stop, prop and kick sideways defensively like a crab... however he's never been an established player and for whatever reason the only time he's played in the AFL side is when he's playing a defensive 2nd/3rd tall, so i don't blame him for doing what has likely been drilled into him. His body shape and program was obviously adjusted to suit that role as well.

It's pretty common for new recruits to look the most exciting when they first join the club. Look at Duggans first season... it's still arguably his best year of footy. Looked like he'd be a weapon, now he's dull as dishwater these days. Yeo was very exciting off the HBF doing things on instinct when he first joined, thankfully he's still doing it, albeit not so much. Wellingham's debut season was very impressive and looked like it was going to be a joy to watch in our midfield, then never happened again.

Then you've got Redden and Jetta who didn't fall into line and play their new role when they came over, so they spent time in the WAFL instead, until they "adjusted".

It'll be interesting to see what happens with both Harley and Hunt. I feel like enough FB fan ire calling out Simpsons slow game plan over recent years might have changed the clubs coaching/thinking a bit. If Rotham had of been drafted in 2023 to the club, it'd be interesting to see how we would've developed him.
I think also coz NRL is in Vegas so no games in NSW/QLD this weekend or something, trying to maximise on absence

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I honestly thought it was a preseason game this thurs but my mate said nah its for points.

I just can't see how you can have a fair comp when you have two teams playing on the 7th and the others 10 days later...I just think its wrong ..yes you can argue about byes etc

just keep it simple have everyone play in the same bloody round its not hard

and check this out Melb/syd could be on 8 points before we have even bounced the ball to start our seriously come on please :rolleyes:
I honestly thought it was a preseason game this thurs but my mate said nah its for points.

I just can't see how you can have a fair comp when you have two teams playing on the 7th and the others 10 days later...I just think its wrong ..yes you can argue about byes etc

just keep it simple have everyone play in the same bloody round its not hard

and check this out Melb/syd could be on 8 points before we have even bounced the ball to start our seriously come on please :rolleyes:
It's worse than that. The teams not playing this week are technically on a bye. That means the teams that do play get two byes during the season which could be a huge leg up against others fighting for finals.

No-one needs a bye in Round 1 - you've had all pre-season to manage the load. It's when you're slogging through the season that sore bodies need a rest.

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Duggans always had periods of footy where he looks like he might finally take that strp up to being a good player but then gets injured and comes backs as an unfit hack
Duggans always had periods of footy where he looks like he might finally take that strp up to being a good player but then gets injured and comes backs as an unfit hack
A hack - that's a premiership player you are talking about there. Not a star, definately not a hack, he is a good solid player, the type every team needs.
Perhaps the 'southern states' are largely a saturated market. 50% of Australia live in Old and NSW - a recognised expansion opportunity not lost on the AFL.

And all games are either sold out or close to sold out so really it’s been a success… even just to hear the victorians whinge the season isn’t starting in Melbourne

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Duggans always had periods of footy where he looks like he might finally take that strp up to being a good player but then gets injured and comes backs as an unfit hack

I think he's been a "good player", but when he was drafted it was hoped he would start off in defence and develop into a classy and hard midfielder. In his first year he showed signs that was potentially on the cards - but unfortunately he's stagnated and is really only a defender. Never really developed or had the midfield nous - which to be honest is partly our fault as we drafted him hoping he would have it but it was probably never his go.
A hack - that's a premiership player you are talking about there. Not a star, definately not a hack, he is a good solid player, the type every team needs.
When he returns from injury he is absolutely shit house and then after a couple weeks is ok.
Just wait til they bring in the extra team for Tasmania instead of just relocating the useless Kangas down there, and then we have to sit through byes throughout the season.
Silver lining to all the doom and gloom on these pages. Tassie team might be the saving grace in few years when the AFL hand them, and I quote "a competitive team from day 1". Hate to be rebuilding in 4 years time!!!
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