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There's a connection here with the Al Madina Dawah Centre.

Abu Ousayd – also known as Wissam Haddad – used an online sermon on Friday to claim he and his Al Madina Dawah Centre have been blamed by mainstream Islamic leaders and the community for last Monday’s terror incident.

In his Friday sermon, Mr Ousayd said he “did not condone” the teenager’s alleged actions, but criticised Bishop Emmanuel’s remarks about Islam, although adding it did “not justify” what happened.

Mr Ousayd and his centre’s long history of inflammatory statements – which have ramped up since the beginning of the Israel-Hamas war last year – has made them a point of community speculation since last week’s stabbing.Mr Ousayd claimed on Friday that the state’s most prominent Islamic leaders, including Sheik Shadi Alsuleiman, the Australian National Imams Council president, audibly blamed him.

The Al Madina Dawah Centre has hosted a raft of incendiary sermons mainly targeting Jewish people, but has also warned of violence and death if Allah or the prophet Mohammed were attacked, which prompted the country’s peak Jewish body to lodge a vilification complaint to the Australian Human Rights Commission.

from The Australian
Strike Force investigators have released images of twelve men they believe can assist with the ongoing investigation into the public order incident at Wakeley last week.

The man carrying the large white cross appears to have been identified and has been removed from a NSW Police Update just issued.

'UPDATE: Appeal for information following Wakeley riot - Strike Force Dribs

Monday, 22 April 2024 02:09:07 PM

*** PLEASE NOTE: One of the men in the original media release has been identified and assisting police with their inquiries. Images of the men are available via new hightail –
There's a connection here with the Al Madina Dawah Centre.

Abu Ousayd – also known as Wissam Haddad – used an online sermon on Friday to claim he and his Al Madina Dawah Centre have been blamed by mainstream Islamic leaders and the community for last Monday’s terror incident.

In his Friday sermon, Mr Ousayd said he “did not condone” the teenager’s alleged actions, but criticised Bishop Emmanuel’s remarks about Islam, although adding it did “not justify” what happened.

Mr Ousayd and his centre’s long history of inflammatory statements – which have ramped up since the beginning of the Israel-Hamas war last year – has made them a point of community speculation since last week’s stabbing.Mr Ousayd claimed on Friday that the state’s most prominent Islamic leaders, including Sheik Shadi Alsuleiman, the Australian National Imams Council president, audibly blamed him.

The Al Madina Dawah Centre has hosted a raft of incendiary sermons mainly targeting Jewish people, but has also warned of violence and death if Allah or the prophet Mohammed were attacked, which prompted the country’s peak Jewish body to lodge a vilification complaint to the Australian Human Rights Commission.

from The Australian
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'Person A — has a large tattoo of Jesus Christ on his stomach'

This pale skinning no-shirted bloke pictured jumping on and damaging multiple vehicles, was reportedly described as "caucasian".

Wouldn't surprise me if his tattoo was a temporary one, he's not of any religion, and that he blew in just to stir up trouble.

Assyrians can look just like Italians/Spanish.

So they can quite easily look "Caucasian".

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Some updates in here;

  • 7 people arrested
  • All are juveniles
  • All share 'extremist' ideology
  • 13 search warrants carried out, still continuing.
  • Links between the Wakeley offender and the arrested were identified.
  • They're all known to each other to some extent
Apparently it’s been blocked for us snowflake Aussies but the e-safety commissar has no right to insist that no one in the world should be able to see it. Where would that end?

From what I can glean listening to the heads at the National Press Club today, the eSafety Commissioner and law enforcement might be using the Wakeley incident as a test to see how much resistance from big tech they might come up against having material removed fast.

That includes cooperation with end to end encryption apps, which from what I can gather, MAY have played a role through the investigations in to the Bishop's stabbing.
Apparently it’s been blocked for us snowflake Aussies but the e-safety commissar has no right to insist that no one in the world should be able to see it. Where would that end?

The case is also before the courts, that imagery will be in the brief. In that sense, it's not so unusual and we've seen it before across a range of charges.
Seven more young people arrested on terrorism charges and five more pending. This has a long way to go and will have wide ramifications. Wonder if we will be told any details of the threats. Parents probably “had no idea” …

They’ll have to tell us more or there’ll be “misinformation and disinformation” circulating very soon 🙄
Apparently it’s been blocked for us snowflake Aussies but the e-safety commissar has no right to insist that no one in the world should be able to see it. Where would that end?

There’s plenty of sites out there with it posted. There’s also a plethora of sites with banned media from Christchurch and other incidents which I shall not mention

Banning these videos on social media streaming services is an easy low hanging fruit target for censorship
Following inquiries, five juveniles were charged with the following:

  • Two males, aged 17 and 14, were charged with possessing or controlling violent extremist material obtained or accessed using a carriage service.
  • Two males, both aged 16, were charged with conspiring to engage in any act in preparation for, or planning, a terrorist act.
  • A male, aged 17, was charged with conspiring to engage in an act in preparation for, or planning, a terrorist act and custody of a knife in a public place.
All five were refused bail to appear before a Children’s Court today (Thursday 25 April 2024).

Children's commissioner blames autism, ADHD and 'neurodiversity' for radical and extremist beliefs leading to terrorism, and thinks its the job of the health system to deradicalise.

Seems she couldn't possibly bring herself to name and blame Islamic doctrine as a causative factor.

Children's commissioner blames autism, ADHD and 'neurodiversity' for radical and extremist beliefs leading to terrorism, and thinks its the job of the health system to deradicalise.

Seems she couldn't possibly bring herself to name and blame Islamic doctrine as a causative factor.

Well there are many thousands of them around the world. All autistic, ok.

Teens are the easiest cohort to radicalise, for ANY cause or belief system. They lack experience, are eager to feel important, to be part of something, to be admired. They are willing victims.
Following inquiries, five juveniles were charged with the following:

  • Two males, aged 17 and 14, were charged with possessing or controlling violent extremist material obtained or accessed using a carriage service.
  • Two males, both aged 16, were charged with conspiring to engage in any act in preparation for, or planning, a terrorist act.
  • A male, aged 17, was charged with conspiring to engage in an act in preparation for, or planning, a terrorist act and custody of a knife in a public place.
All five were refused bail to appear before a Children’s Court today (Thursday 25 April 2024).

Judge fell for a sob story and let one out on bail putting the mental health of one ahead of the safety of society as usual.

Miraculously the DPP actually appealed rather than sit back and say it is all too hard so bail temporarily rescinded at least.

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Children's commissioner blames autism, ADHD and 'neurodiversity' for radical and extremist beliefs leading to terrorism, and thinks its the job of the health system to deradicalise.

Seems she couldn't possibly bring herself to name and blame Islamic doctrine as a causative factor.

I don't think she is defending Islam (I dont think Islam is to blame - it is more about Culture and the individual and of course evil leaders taking advantage of circumstances to gain power and wealth like the Hamas leadership living it up in Qatar), she is more subscribing to the everyone is a victim and noone is responsible philosophy that plagues academia these days.

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I don't think she is defending Islam (I dont think Islam is to blame - it is more about Culture and the individual and of course evil leaders taking advantage of circumstances to gain power and wealth like the Hamas leadership living it up in Qatar), she is more subscribing to the everyone is a victim and noone is responsible philosophy that plagues academia these days.

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Christopher Hitchens would disagree that it's not to blame.
I don't think she is defending Islam (I dont think Islam is to blame - it is more about Culture and the individual and of course evil leaders taking advantage of circumstances to gain power and wealth like the Hamas leadership living it up in Qatar), she is more subscribing to the everyone is a victim and noone is responsible philosophy that plagues academia these days.

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Extreme orthodox Islam is definitely to blame. Hate sermons by Islamic clerics are freely available for anyone to view and while some may think they should be banned, it’s important to know what’s out there and what we are dealing with. They would only say worse behind closed doors.

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