Travel Public transport

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And your old man just sat there and watched his son being led astray by an obviously shady individual? Sounds like a good father.
Seriously, what's your issue?

You've got an issue with me in every single thread. I've never even attacked you! This all started when you told me to get a car.

I hate doing this, but a mod seriously needs to card you. You're illogical and your weird 'grudges' prove nothing but stupidity... but then again, that could have been grasped from your (evident) adoration for Toovey...

You do not know my father. What's my dad to do? Tell this guy to piss off? It's a train. It's someone who's obviously got an issue of some sort. Antagonising them is totally stupid and would endanger me more than anything.

You're an odd bloke, man.
On another note, what about horror cab drivers and or journeys ? Wonder if anyone's got any of those.
Was on the way home from Freo after a big night (post-thesis celebration), passed out and woke up at Midland station.

I passed out on the London tube drunk and ended up at the end of the line getting woken up by a tube guard in an empty carriage. It was the last tube for the night but luckily I was able to get a night bus home. I know another bloke that passed out drunk on the last tube and ended up out at Heathrow airport. There were no buses and he didn't want to fork out a fortune to get a cab home so spent the night sleeping in the airport and getting the tube back home in the morning.

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You do not know my father. What's my dad to do? Tell this guy to piss off? It's a train. It's someone who's obviously got an issue of some sort. Antagonising them is totally stupid and would endanger me more than anything.

You're an odd bloke, man.

I'll ignore the first bit because i have no idea where it has come from.

I just thought that if it was my 15/16 year old son being offered an alcoholic beverage, I would have a quiet word with the individual to let him know that he has crossed the line. No loud argument, no fisticuffs, just a quiet word. Unless your dad communicates in the pretentious tone that you have typed your response to me in, there would be no problems.
For some unknown reason, cabbies in Brisbane are worse than anywhere else in Australia. I once got into a cab in Fortitude Valley and asked to be taken to the Casino. He asked me for directions.
I LOL @ this one:) Yeah then I'm guessing at some stage they just migrate to Melbourne because i can assure you its the same problem that plagues this town .
So, of that whole carriage, nobody thought to warn her?

Rude. :thumbsdown:

Yeah my thoughts too. Altho you'd think you could see if a seat was soaking wet/ smelt of urine. You always check the seat before you sit down on trams, trains or buses. That is just common sense...

My fav moment travelling on public transport happened on xmas eve last year. Took my bf out for dinner at Docklands for his 30th birthday (xmas day baby), anyway, we got on this exceptionally packed tram. Found out they were all at these xmas carols, woman asks me what we have been doing, explain its the bf's birthday. She yells out "HEY EVERYONE ITS THIS GUYS BIRTHDAY" So the whole tram sang him happy birthday. :)

My fav moment travelling on public transport happened on xmas eve last year. Took my bf out for dinner at Docklands for his 30th birthday (xmas day baby), anyway, we got on this exceptionally packed tram. Found out they were all at these xmas carols, woman asks me what we have been doing, explain its the bf's birthday. She yells out "HEY EVERYONE ITS THIS GUYS BIRTHDAY" So the whole tram sang him happy birthday. :)
Ha ha ha ha :D Just love it:thumbsu:
She yells out "HEY EVERYONE ITS THIS GUYS BIRTHDAY" So the whole tram sang him happy birthday. :)

Did they call him, "Jesus"?

On a late train from Perth to Armadale one early morning, I was in a crowded carriage and one man was playing tunes on his acoustic guitar. He had a bald head and a slight resemblance to Midnight Oil frontman Peter Garrett. People were requesting songs from him and using the name,"Mr. Garrett".
Finished work a couple of years ago in St Kilda one night and caught the 16 tram back to the city.

Not many people on the tram and a dude gets on and sits opposite me. Pulls out some tobacco, grabs a bag of weed out of his socks, mixes the two together, then produces an empty can of V out of nowhere and made himself an instant can-bong. Dutched out the tram!

He then told me that if I wanted any of it then I better get some quick smart otherwise he'd smoke it all - I don't like smoking weed with tobacco mixed in it, so I thought that was an easier way to say 'no' rather than worrying about the probability of catching Hep C from using his old V can.

I thought it was pretty funny... just some of the characters you can come across while in St Kilda!
Also one day quite a few years ago on a packed 96 heading into the city, a couple of people spontaneously burst into a rendition of 'Flame Trees' by Cold Chisel..

Recently I found the event on youtube..


I was right at the end of the tram so I couldn't see at the time who was singing, but I definately had a smile on my face while I listened!
I'll ignore the first bit because i have no idea where it has come from.

I just thought that if it was my 15/16 year old son being offered an alcoholic beverage, I would have a quiet word with the individual to let him know that he has crossed the line. No loud argument, no fisticuffs, just a quiet word. Unless your dad communicates in the pretentious tone that you have typed your response to me in, there would be no problems.

You obviously have never taken western australian public transport.
Honestly, he seems to have never taken any public transport.

Or, to have been confronted by someone mentally ill or under the influence.

To approach someone in such a condition would be pretty stupid. The bloke did no damage. But my father, even politely, saying "hey, come on mate, that's not on" would have done some damage.

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Honestly, he seems to have never taken any public transport.

I do on occasions, yet i have a license so i drive mostly for the convenience.

Or, to have been confronted by someone mentally ill or under the influence.

To approach someone in such a condition would be pretty stupid. The bloke did no damage. But my father, even politely, saying "hey, come on mate, that's not on" would have done some damage.

What, he would usually be an arseh*le in a situation like the one described?

You're not approaching anyone, he has approached you and engaged you, as a minor, in an inappropriate conversation. He would be almost certainly be aware that he is doing the wrong thing in offering a minor a beer and has seen that the guardian has no objections to that. Where does he stop at? If i was the parental guardian, i would have said something. The odds of it blowing up into a confrontation would be minimal if the bloke was asked in a polite manner.
Finished work a couple of years ago in St Kilda one night and caught the 16 tram back to the city.

Not many people on the tram and a dude gets on and sits opposite me. Pulls out some tobacco, grabs a bag of weed out of his socks, mixes the two together, then produces an empty can of V out of nowhere and made himself an instant can-bong. Dutched out the tram!

He then told me that if I wanted any of it then I better get some quick smart otherwise he'd smoke it all - I don't like smoking weed with tobacco mixed in it, so I thought that was an easier way to say 'no' rather than worrying about the probability of catching Hep C from using his old V can.

I thought it was pretty funny... just some of the characters you can come across while in St Kilda!
Yes your right. its a great read,the thing is i could probably say yeah i can believe it. Or i wouldn't be surprised but hey. When it happens its still an odd out there thing i think.
Anyway good feed back and like your you tube tram trip:D Guy singing lol.
You're not approaching anyone, he has approached you and engaged you, as a minor, in an inappropriate conversation. He would be almost certainly be aware that he is doing the wrong thing in offering a minor a beer and has seen that the guardian has no objections to that. Where does he stop at? If i was the parental guardian, i would have said something. The odds of it blowing up into a confrontation would be minimal if the bloke was asked in a polite manner.

That's all good and well if he is a sensible and rational individual.
School kids throwing up on the backseat. Aboriginals standing up and asking for money then racially abusing some Asian students. Crazy disheveled white guys talking aloud to nobody in particular but everybody in the nearby vicinity, with random threats of violence uttered in between murmurings about Paul Keating. Once I saw a girl with a vegan sticker on her bag tweeze her underarm hair buds on a day train to Caboolture. I had no choice but to watch with curious fascination. I've had my issues too, what with having to put my anatomical replicas together on a crowded ferry and that time I flashed my wang at the brunette in the mauve polyester overcoat. An hour on a multi-tonne deathcan during its slow crawl through peak hour can warp a person. Those moments where the end of the tunnel is so close spatially but 20 minutes from reach as you ache for the congestion to fade is when you know what is going on in someone's mind. Bathed in tungsten, their eyes betray the reeling senses hidden behind those specsaver frames.
School kids throwing up on the backseat. Aboriginals standing up and asking for money then racially abusing some Asian students. Crazy disheveled white guys talking aloud to nobody in particular but everybody in the nearby vicinity, with random threats of violence uttered in between murmurings about Paul Keating. Once I saw a girl with a vegan sticker on her bag tweeze her underarm hair buds on a day train to Caboolture. I had no choice but to watch with curious fascination. I've had my issues too, what with having to put my anatomical replicas together on a crowded ferry and that time I flashed my wang at the brunette in the mauve polyester overcoat. An hour on a multi-tonne deathcan during its slow crawl through peak hour can warp a person. Those moments where the end of the tunnel is so close spatially but 20 minutes from reach as you ache for the congestion to fade is when you know what is going on in someone's mind. Bathed in tungsten, their eyes betray the reeling senses hidden behind those specsaver frames.

A great read here mate. Well written.:thumbsu:
All they need is one security guard on every cart and that would restore peoples confidence travelling on public transport. I've been using the train and bus now for about a month and the most annoying thing I've seen is women on mobile phones, broadcasting their public life to every bloody person. People who talk themselves up with the intention of making sure everybody hears them.

The other day the train was fully loaded, I had a free seat next to me and not one person chose to sit next to me, despite 20-30 people still standing. I couldn't help but laugh about that, It's not like I'm a dero or anything. I dress neat and respectable, I hardly look intimidating.

Probably the most bizarre thing I've seen so far however, is a guy who got off the train, ran reall funny on the platform, then jumped on another cart.
Bearded man in a fishing hat loudly dictating thoughts on Trotsky into a tape recorder on the bus.

And of course the standard drunks/racial abuse/crazies/loud phone users/people listening to music through speakers.
Must say I'm enjoying these posts , and proves it just wasn't my eyes playing tricks with me and am not the only one that ( Seems to attract ) this type of thing.
Remember if you witness something stupid or have had something odd happen just feel free to post :)

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Travel Public transport

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