QAFA (A) 2016 Season

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I heard the umpire being called very colourful things at the lions game yesterday, zero free kicks paid to the opposing team of the supporter. It doesn't happen at higher levels so it shouldn't happen here. Just cop it on the chin and move on Moro grow a pair of aggots!
dare you to do that at a Logan or Beenleigh game you would probably need police escort home!
its not what we want to see. Players cop abuse from fans and so do umps, its footy not netball!

jack angry

Well Jack I don't quite understand why you would post this .......... either you can't read or you're stupid ..... or both

I replied to your original post and stated I did NOT pay the free kick against the supporters in the crowd ..... don't know why you bring Beenleigh and Logan into either ....... never had a problem with either club even when I do stuff up.

If you want to abuse me as a spectator well that's fine ........ you can't stop stupid (as can be seen by your comments) but really where does it get you ...

I'm sure there is a post coming back from you about this and when this is the case be happy with your self that you get the last word in because I won't reply to your dribble any further

Peirce Off Jack
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People who abuse umpires at COMMUNITY football level are gutless cowards, end of story. It isn't that important.
People who abuse umpires at COMMUNITY football level are gutless cowards, end of story. It isn't that important.
Yeah, footy's important to a lot of people no matter the level. Try telling the president of a club at QAFA level that the work he puts in unpaid to keep his club afloat and letting blokes get a kick on the weekend that "footy isn't that important at community level"

That's not to say that abuse of umpires is to be condoned, although I'm not perfect in this area myself as most aren't. But without emotional involvement in the game - which with humans is going to boil over particularly at key points of crucial games - what's the point?

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Well Jack I don't quite understand why you would post this .......... either you can't read or you're stupid ..... or both

I replied to your original post and stated I did NOT pay the free kick against the supporters in the crowd ..... don't know why you bring Beenleigh and Logan into either ....... never had a problem with either club even when I do stuff up.

If you want to abuse me as a spectator well that's fine ........ you can't stop stupid (as can be seen by your comments) but really where does it get you ...

I'm sure there is a post coming back from you about this and when this is the case be happy with your self that you get the last word in because I won't reply to your dribble any further

Peirce Off Jack

sorry Moro I must have missed the reply saying it wasn't against the crowd member, what was the kick for then?

I will take my hat off to you that it was a tough Saturday weather wise to earn your couple of hundred smackeroos , not sure if the long sleeves made you warmer or colder though???
Well "Oldmate" you seems to be a little confused as I was the umpire involved and I can say absolutely that the free kick I paid was not against anyone in the crowd and that I definitely paid it against a pirates player. From what I'm told the pirates supporters were interesting in their opinions but I can guarantee 100% a free kick was not paid against them. As Blocker says in one of his posts "imagine paying a free kick against the crowd at The G with 80000 there

And to my umpiring Buddies (you know who are are) who were putting Sh!t on me for paying a free kick against the crowd remember the old saying "is it the truth?????? Or did you read it on Big Footy ;)

I call bull shizen

If the free wasn't for crowd abuse what was it for then?

Fair enough you don't want to be known as the umpire who gave a free kick because he couldn't handle some crowd banter, but please don't blatantly lie about it.
Some of you bloke's are slow learner's.
Unlike team selection the umpires don't get dropped. Keep giving it to them and you will find out how abuse and words can hurt you.
Here's a crazy idea go get a kick and worry about your own game. I'm quite confident the umpires don't give a shit about bloke's who think they know better.
As previously mentioned they are only human so if you think this is helping your cause you are delusional.
If you take the time to actually get to know some of the umpires in our league, you quickly learn they are just blokes who love footy like the rest of us. I have always been a bit mouthy on the field due to my emotional investment in the game and I honestly believe that when umpires know you just a bit they understand that it isnt personal and more often than not will explain themselves and we all move on.

Moro is a great example of an umpire who actually takes time to get know people involved, hanging around for a beer and what not which I think alot of umpires could really benefit from.

Well it might be good for them to get to know people but then that does give them the chance to also give plenty back when they get the opportunity... hey Umpire Morris?? Ha ha, that was a fun Friday night, but glad you two were there as the crowd would have been 0 otherwise!!
I call bull shizen

If the free wasn't for crowd abuse what was it for then?

Fair enough you don't want to be known as the umpire who gave a free kick because he couldn't handle some crowd banter, but please don't blatantly lie about it.

Well sixth sense I was going to reply to Jack but since you asked so nicely the Free was paid for umpire abuse ............ I didn't even hear what the crowd was saying at the club house end and by the time this free kick was paid I was pretty spent so I was having trouble seeing crowd let alone hearing what they were saying . The Goal Umpire had mentioned that the boys were giving it to me but as I said in all honesty the only comments I heard came from Big Blocker down the other end ....... and as a passionate supporter he and everyone else are entitled to do what they want. I don't agree with the abuse of umpires ...... it does nothing except drive umpires out of the game but if that is what people want to do you can't stop them

And as for lying well as a lot of blokes on here know if I make a mistake (and I make plenty) I own those mistakes and I am the first one to say it. How you think it was lie is beyond me ........ You're bloody good if you can read minds ........ and I even pointed out the player the free kick was against

So I call your Bull Shizen ....... with a double Bull Shizen

Oh and Oldmatejack you mentioned a couple of hundred smackeroos ....... you're way off the mark there halve it and you're on the right track .... and the long sleeve ... absolutely warmer

Overall I cop a fair bit from off the field always have probably always will ... can't do much about it and I'm comfortable that I have never paid a free against the crowd and never will. I won't cop abuse or continual whinging and whining on the field though because next week it could be a newer or younger umpire who can't handle it and gives it away as many do due to this
Well it might be good for them to get to know people but then that does give them the chance to also give plenty back when they get the opportunity... hey Umpire Morris?? Ha ha, that was a fun Friday night, but glad you two were there as the crowd would have been 0 otherwise!!
It was good to be able to banter to the players for a change but I was on your side mighty

Moro is the best ump in QLD. You blokes don't know how lucky you are!

(3 votes)

I got your number for next time Thommo
I call bull shizen

If the free wasn't for crowd abuse what was it for then?

Fair enough you don't want to be known as the umpire who gave a free kick because he couldn't handle some crowd banter, but please don't blatantly lie about it.
I 100% agree it was defenety paid against the guy in the blue jumper in the crowed think your being to nice Morro . He was also warned at half time .
Umpire abuse is pointless. No matter whether it's from a player, coach or supporter, it reflects badly on your club. In the case of a player giving abuse, the effect is three-fold -- 1/ the player is putting his own frustrations ahead of his team; 2/ what's his opponent doing while he's mouthing off and 3/ he's showing the opposition how easily he can be frustrated and how little it takes for him to lose concentration on his game. My pet hate.

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calling triple bull shizen on you Moro, the bloke who yelled at you was 20 metres away from you and I bet you heard it loud and clear!
The players, Valdes #5 in particular looked just as confused as the spectators were when you paid the kick as they were all walking back to the centre for the bounce and old Muppet head in the crowd swore at you!

anyway good job would of been tough out there you weren't the most questionable umpire on the day that's for sure, that league umpire who did the ressies game is a banana.
On the subject of the ressies game well f**k me I have never heard 2 sides whinge so much, its like half of them had never played wet weather footy, I'm sure at one point I heard a pine rivers kid yell at the sky for it raining too much!

Well I thought the two umpires at the Kedron/Wynnum game did a great job, especially in those conditions. They tried to let the game flow and were constantly talking to the players so everyone knew what was going on.
Well done to both of them!!
Yes I did hear you Blocker but only when something went against your boys so maybe there was inconsistent sledging whinging and whining from you as well:rolleyes:

I reckon it was known early on when I reversed a free kick (to the pirates....... ) in the 1st Quarter for abuse that it not on. Although some may not agree we (the Green Team) are only human and when players whinge and whine about every free kick you take the risk of a free kick being paid against you

I agree Moro you set the tone with the 50 metre penalties early in the first quarter which I agree most of them were there that I could see in relation to pushing, or throwing ball back incorrectly and if there was abuse, had no issues with that.

Just thought there was similar situations throughout the day when they were not continually paid. But that's my opinion and mine only but I think Moro knows me well enough that I don't get personal to the extent of some of the comments that were apparently made. But as I said it was tough conditions for everyone on the weekend .

But at the end of the day Moro and his mates have the last laugh no matter what is said as they control the whistle. Have to say though I didn't hear much of the crowd as we were at other end. Not much Moro probably hasn't heard either umpiring or in his playing days. Probably not the cleanest player I ever played with young Moro, but times have changed lol.

Anyway enough has been said think we should all move on. Hopefully we get you for a home game Moro and will catch you for a frothy afterwards.

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QAFA (A) 2016 Season

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