QAFL 2025

Wondering if anyone would like to for a bit of fun put in their final ladder for the H&A season?

The way it’ll work is I’ll keep a record of everyone’s ladder and the winner will be determined as to who got closest. So say for example someone had Aspley 1st and they finish H&A season in 4th, they would be given 3 points, if you correctly place a team it’s zero points.

I’ll add up all the scores for everyone’s full ladder, with obviously the lowest total score the winner.

Once you’ve submitted your ladder you’re locked in (no adjusting) and entries close once the first ball is bounced Saturday.

If we get min 5 takers I’ll put up a leaderboard every 6 rounds.

Anyway here is my final ladder to get the ball rolling, those that put one up a few weeks ago feel free to repost.

1. Aspley
2. Morningside
3. Broadbeach
4. PBC
5. RVP
6. Surfers
7. Maroochy
8. Sherwood

9. Noosa
10. Grange
11. Labrador
12. Coorparoo
13. Mt Gravatt
My Predictions:

1st: PBC

2nd: Morningside

3rd: Aspley

4th: Broadbeach

5th: Maroochydore

6th: Surfers Paradise

7th: RVP

8th: Sherwood

9th: Labrador

10th: Wilston Grange

11th: Coorparoo

12th: Noosa

13th: Mt Gravatt

QAFL 2025
