Racist Aussies?

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Originally posted by BTige

I am a smeggin Pom, but you presumed that because I'm from the British Isles that I was a Pom.

Anyhow, I'm part Welsh, are they poms?

Nope ... or, well, sortah.

I think the term is "Pwllyllmwymmllommy"

(intended in jest)

RIP Neddie Seagoon! I can see you don't come from sardines, Jim.
I think Aussies are "culturalist" rather than "racist".

By that I mean that if a person of Asian appearance, say, opens their mouth and comes out with a broad Aussie accent, talks about the footy and cricket, and buys when its their shout, they will be perfectly accepted. I've seen heaps of examples of that.

A racist is someone who believes that their race is inherently better than another race, regardless of cultural experience, upbringing etc. I don't really see that here. But there is certainly intolerance of people who want to ACT differently.

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the Klan are racist.
The Nazis were / are racist.
The Taliban are racists.

Do, because of a few cultural differences and a tendency to make comments about ones race in jest, we as Aussies deserve to be labelled racists?

I think not.

In Japan many locals refer to westerners as 'roundeyes' very similar to the way many westerners refer to asians as "slopes / slanty eyes' really whats the difference?
From the overseas perspective Aussies are honest bastards that speak as they see it without using nice poetry. And I love that perspective.

Better to call someone an ugly black prik and be called a racist rather than an 'unfortunately bred person of an alternate culture who is of dislikeable character'

ps all insults in reply will be forwarded to mein fuhrer for action ;).
Originally posted by Frodo
From the overseas perspective Aussies are honest bastards that speak as they see it without using nice poetry. And I love that perspective.

Better to call someone an ugly black prik and be called a racist rather than an 'unfortunately bred person of an alternate culture who is of dislikeable character'

ps all insults in reply will be forwarded to mein fuhrer for action ;).

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
Originally posted by Slax
I actually find some of the most racist people those who claim to be disgriminated against. They can't stop complaining and it's always gimmie gimmie gimmie.

So just burn the lot of them and the problem will disappear.

I don't think you know what racism is BOY!

Shine my shoes!
Okay starting with....
So just burn the lot of them and the problem will disappear.
Way to close to neo-nazi comment there! :(

A friend of mine is very racist. Well, he's bad if someone can't really speak English, or has broken English. He's a bogan.....Is it possible to put bogan Aussies against all other Aussies in this? Did I just sound racist? Is 'bogan' a race?

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..... :confused: :confused: :confused:

As far as I'm concerned there's too many "ism's" and "ist's" in the world today......the obvious solution, delete all knowledge of these words......then everyone can go hacks and nothing will be "racist" because it won't exist. (What's that? Time for my medicine already? :D )

My conclusion:
I'm not racist......I hate bastard equally! :D
Originally posted by TigerCraig
I think Aussies are "culturalist" rather than "racist".

By that I mean that if a person of Asian appearance, say, opens their mouth and comes out with a broad Aussie accent, talks about the footy and cricket, and buys when its their shout, they will be perfectly accepted. I've seen heaps of examples of that.

A racist is someone who believes that their race is inherently better than another race, regardless of cultural experience, upbringing etc. I don't really see that here. But there is certainly intolerance of people who want to ACT differently.
I think you may have hit the nail on the head.
Originally posted by BTige
The caste system has nothing to do with race. It's no more than a form of a rigid class system. It's like saying the British class system is racist.

Actually, there is enormous caste prejudice on southern Indians by Northern Indians. Apparently the lighter-skined northern Indians don't like their family being involved with darker-skined people of the south.
Originally posted by Frodo

Good opinion but not supported.

If I see an aboriginal gang beating up some pensioners and i think 'they are aboribinal' because i recognise their looks and I write here what I saw then I am called a racist.
Now, as a race I don't see aboriginals as being inferior but my comments are interpreted nonetheless as being racist.

The word 'rasism' is now being used as an effective curb on freedom of speech. ie we are being manipulated and the sheep just keep on baaaa.......ing

But it depends on how you report it Frodo.

If you say "I saw a gang beating up a bloke" then it is not racist.

If you say "I saw an Aboriginal gang beating up a bloke" then it is racist because there is no real need to report the gangs race. It is not necessary to point out their race.

If the police then asked you to describe them and you said you thought they were of aboriginal origin then that is just a description and not racist.

But pointing out that they were aboriginal in the first place would be racist.

For example, if it were a causasian gang beating up a bloke would you say "I saw a Causasian gang beating up a bloke?" Would you point out their race then?

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My opinion on the topic is that I think there is a fair degree of racism in Australia, but it is decreasing rapidly with each generation.

Most of us "GenX" Aussies have had the opportunity to grow up and make friends with people from many racial backgrounds. It's a part of our lifestyle.

And I reckon the great thing about this country is the level of integration into society that new cultures are encouraged to do. In the past, new migrants have pretty much stuck to their own cultures, which is understandable as it is what they know and what they grew up with. But as the generations pass the children of these migrants become far more integrated into our society. Australian culture is now very multi-cultural and we benefit from it as people.

It also amazes me how so many different cultures can live here and there a very few, if any, racial riots or problems that you see elsewhere.

We have a lot to be proud of in this country. Yes, we have made some horrible blunders in the past in terms of race relations, but we can not change history and the future looks pretty rosy.

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Racist Aussies?

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