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Lockdown #5 for Victoria coming up

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really annoys me that we get locked down, away from friends and family and not making any money while the rest of the world gets to go around doing whatever they want like covid doesn't exist. my little niece and nephew are growing up thinking this is just how life is, which is so sad.. I'm all for doing everything we can to keep us safe but at this point there's no point since the rest of the world doesn't care. covid will just become the new flu and will never go away
really annoys me that we get locked down, away from friends and family and not making any money while the rest of the world gets to go around doing whatever they want like covid doesn't exist. my little niece and nephew are growing up thinking this is just how life is, which is so sad.. I'm all for doing everything we can to keep us safe but at this point there's no point since the rest of the world doesn't care. covid will just become the new flu and will never go away
Yeah I feel ya, basically been living week to week for the last year and a half. A night out here and there in between busy weeks but I know better to plan something more than a month in advance because chances are that either Victoria or the place I'm looking to go to is gonna be in lockdown. I'll count my blessings though, I have been fortunate enough to still be able to work.

To be real for a moment, it keeps me up at night sometimes knowing that this is basically going to be 1 1/2 years of my life that I'll never get back, and not only that but myself and my grandchildren and their grandchildren will have the absolute pleasure of paying it back. And I won't see not even the slightest compensation for that, it just makes me sick. Call me entitled or whatever but time is money and I've done my part for this long.

Anyway, I guess the important thing is to not let Lockdown 'lockdown' your mind. Find joy in the little things in life, go for walks, explore places around your local area that you've never visited before. The beauty of Nature has a way to tame an anxious mind. And you be surprised the things you find in your 'own backyard'.

If you need to talk more about this or just vent my DMs are open mate :thumbsu:
And I won't see not even the slightest compensation for that, it just makes me sick. Call me entitled or whatever but time is money and I've done my part for this long.
Just curious, how much money do you think you should be entitled to?
Just curious, how much money do you think you should be entitled to?
Well how long is a piece of string?

Sorry for the philosophical answer but how much my cooperation is worth is relative. For my friends/family/local community? Absolutely free. For government bureaucrats who don't even spare as much as a thought for the people they are supposed to represent? A whole lot more.
Just curious, how much money do you think you should be entitled to?
Well how long is a piece of string?

Sorry for the philosophical answer but how much my cooperation is worth is relative. For my friends/family/local community? Absolutely free. For government bureaucrats who don't even spare as much as a thought for the people they are supposed to represent? A whole lot more.


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Always a good feeling every four years when you remember the sport you reckon you could have gone pro at, based on your performances in year 6 PE (European Handball), exists.
Who’s a fan of the “psychedelic” style Nike track and field uniforms at these Olympics?
Not sure if these are the ones you're talking about but Kenya's uniforms are amazing in my eyes (though I did just read the Kenyan population aren't happy...)

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Discussion Random Chat Megathread Mk II

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