Think Tank Ranking Senior Coaches by Aura

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I think what makes this stick out more is that it's set against a backdrop of utter inanity from a handful of Punt Roaders and Ikon Parkers.

Quality content that really shines in the dungheap of recent threads.
note the posters club
I think what makes this stick out more is that it's set against a backdrop of utter inanity from a handful of Punt Roaders and Ikon Parkers.

Quality content that really shines in the dungheap of recent threads.

I am hurt. I always bring A Grade material and threads to the Bay.

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No wonder everyone (except me) likes the fred. He’s had all of September to write.

Comedy Sketch GIF by NETFLIX


Justin Longmuir - Fremantle Dockers​

View attachment 2146639
Some people enjoying watching a man fail. Perhaps it is a product of that morbid part of our brain that wants to watch slow motion videos of car crashes or iPhone recordings from passengers on board a plane crash.
Or maybe modern times have hollowed out the innards of the common man, and for many gratification can now only be reached through the pain of others.

But I'm not one of those people. In fact, I wish I could make things better for Justin 'JL' Longmuir.
It's been rough watching a man who once kicked a goal after the siren, and I'm sure did some other things also, wilt out, become gaunt and grey and watch on in hypoventilation as his team provides a laugh track that echoes out for no one into the big empty nothingness that is Western Australia.

But I'm pretty sure Jesus said you can only help those who help themselves, and the fact of the matter is: JL took the job of head coach of the Fremantle Dockers. He was cursed the second he chose that path, because you can't untell a joke.
And some jokes are so shit that they do irreparable damage to one's aura.

Positive Aura+:
  • Enemies with Rory Lobb
  • Tallest head coach
Negative Aura-:
  • Coaches Fremantle
  • Seems like his interests would be 'fitness' and nothing else
  • Going through a rough time (coaching Freo)
  • Looks lost out there

Ken Hinkley - Port Adelaide Football Club (est. 1997)​

View attachment 2146699
I used to want the best for Kenny. I like underdogs, and while Ken is no Rocky Balboa, if you recall he was nowhere near the top choice for the job at Port Adelaide after the sacking of Primus in 2012, so it came with enormous good will when Hinkley in his first 2 seasons in charge took Port Adelaide from losing to first year Gold Coast and the Bye to losing to the Hawks by 3 points in a prelim final. As it would turn out, with the benefit of a decade worth of hindsight, getting within 3 points of a Grand Final remains Kenny's best ever end of season result.

And as those results turned for Port, so did the fan sentiment. It's rough watching someone's good will run out.
Someone who once inspired so much hope in fans and had them believing that good times were only just around the corner, now a punching bag publicly falling into midlife obesity.
I felt like jumping to Ken's defence, screaming to these fans: "You all loved him once! Don't you remember!?".
I wished for nothing more than for Ken to get Port their 2nd flag, to fulfil the potential we all thought he had, to throw it in the face of all the neurotic haters.

But you know what I like more than underdogs? Actual dogs.
And while we may lampoon Justin Longmuir as a man who outwardly appears to have no recreational interests... Kenny uses his spare time to breed and race Greyhounds. A sport so despicable in its impacts on animal welfare that it is banned in almost every country on Earth, its effects responsible for thousands of pointless injuries and euthanasias, causing so many discarded animals to be sent to kill shelters in Australia that there is an entire foundation set up to advocate for their adoptions. It is so bad that a royal commission was held to understand the scale of its barbarity. You know how bad something has to be to require a royal commission??
Who the f**k is okay with that? Just straight up. F**k you Kenny, stop racing greyhounds.

Positive Aura+:
  • We all know the players love Kenny
  • Seemingly unsackable
Negative Aura-:
  • Managed to look stupid trolling Jack Ginnivan
  • Enemy of dogs

Simon Goodwin - Melbourne Football Club​

View attachment 2146790
the following is a work of satire and Simon Goodwin has denied ever using illicit substances.
If I heard there was a professional football coach who was allegedly a meth user and a gambling addict and also had a history of making threats of violence towards journalists and doctors, I would honestly think that was pretty baller.
But if I then heard that the alleged coach in question was Simon Goodwin, I would think: well that explains why he always looks in dire need of some chapstick.

Whether it's hitting up Stephen Dank to procure boner pills, betting $16,000 on AFL games or pawning off his premiership jumpers, there's just always something going on with Goody. He's like that cousin who's always selling his ps2 then mysteriously procuring a new ps2 a few days later.
But hold on a second, you may ask: all these things are awesome, plus he's a premiership coach, why is Goodwin's Aura level so low??

To put it plainly, his Aura is just off. Completely disregarding the rabble that has become of the Melbourne Footy Club, so deep is the pit they've found themselves in that stars are trying everything they can to get out, and prized Free Agents are pulling out of handshake deals to avoid the place...
Disregarding all of that; Goodwin is just a shifty fella. He's got tweaker energy. He seems like he'd ask to bum a ciggie off you at Box Hill Station, or piss in the coin cup while sat at the Pokie machine cos he doesn't want to stop watching the flashy lights.

Positive Aura +:
  • Alleged drug use
  • Premiership coach
Negative Aura -:
  • Always beefing with someone, probably just a catty bitch
  • Might be tweaking
  • Very dry looking
  • Pawned his clothes

Brad Scott - Essendon Football Club​

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I worry about Brad Scott.
You've probably wondered, what would be the psychological effects of having an identical twin brother who is more popular, more successful, better looking, held in higher regard, and is just generally more popular than you?
As someone whose twin brother lives in a car and has to shit in a bag and wash himself with wet t-shirts, I have never had to truly ponder this question, because I have lived it - my life is way worse than that and I can answer the question:
it sucks.

Scotty was not Essendon's first choice after sacking The Truck (I always thought having a diesel powered coach was a strange choice in the first place), nor was he their second choice. Essendon predictably chased after higher Aura coaches in Alastair Clarkson and Ross Lyon who both spurned the club's offers, before inviting Scott, Adem Yze and the man who not even 10 years ago got half the club's list suspended by the World Anti Doping Authority to interview for the role of head coach.

Scott, with a higher Aura level than Yze and without the baggage of Hird, easily landed the job, after which he went on record to say he wouldn't have taken it if the club did not go through a process to find their coach, rather than plainly anoint one. Thanks for that Ross and Clarko, because we sure as shit tried.

Scott's biggest plaudit is for overachieving as coach of North Melbourne, a feat that apparently comprises losing a preliminary final by 70 points and firing a handful of the club's best ever players. He now strives to bring that same success to the Bombers where he has so far lost both appearances of the Country Game and managed to axe club greats Jake Stringer and Sam Weideman.

I'm of the opinion that Brad Scott's Aura can go up. He's a smart guy, almost shoulder checked David King that one time, and he's got the highest Aura of the Low Aura category. But I can't help but feel that in becoming coach of Essendon he's gotten himself into a job for suckers... and only suckers do that.

Positive Aura +:
  • Smart and well spoken
  • Of good character
Negative Aura -:
  • Cringe McDonald's ad
  • Has the worst job in the country
  • The less successful twin
  • Said Tarryn Thomas was a good person
Best one so far.
Has anyone ever laughed at any of the inane shit you post?

My god that was a wretchedly bad second post.

I don't know, you'd have to ask them.

Has anyone ever enjoyed your high horse observations at the parties you, no doubt, oft get invited to?

Somehow I get the feeling that you rarely laugh in general, but it's difficult to get a good read of you up there.

Has anyone ever laughed at any of the inane shit you post?

This you?:


Anyway, apologies justlookingaround, no more derails from me.
TIER 3 New


Adam Kingsley - GWS GIANTS​

I heard a story about Adam Kingsley recently.

Adam booked an appointment with his doctor because something had been eating at him lately.

He'd always had a problem with his temper, but lately he felt like his anger had been boiling right to the top.

He'd tried to channel it into his usual healthy outputs like hitting the gym to get absolutely swole and camping out on the roof at Tom Wills Oval. But these still weren't enough, and recently his anger had been spilling out and effecting other areas of his life. He'd found himself cursing out his team's runners over simple mistakes, and lately the kids under his watch had started to exhibit some odd behaviours, like procuring a blow up doll and simulating acts of sexual violence on it, and even developing morbid fascination with acts of terrorism.
He was terrified at the prospect that his outbursts and the ripple effects on those around him might be to blame for these concerning actions.

He told all this to the doctor, who let out a deep sigh and bowed his head.

"Adam, there's not really a cure for what you're going through, but there are some things we can try... we'll start small: when you start to feel yourself losing control of your temper I want you to sit down with a glass of water and use this..."
The Doctor opened a drawer at his desk and pulled from it a small Red Sherrin shaped stress ball, gave it a squeeze then handed it to Adam, and said "Give that a try and come and see me in a few weeks", before ending the appointment.

Later that night on the after hours line, the doctor received an emergency call - it was Adam Kingsley and he sounded very worse for wear! "Doctor, please I need your help!" Kingsley said, "I feel awful, I'm shaking and my stomach is in knots ... I did what you said, I sat down and had water ... but was I supposed to take the Pill with or without food!?"

Positive Aura +:
  • most swole coach
  • always losing his shit
  • sits on the roof like batman
Negative Aura -:
  • straight sets exit
  • may spontaneously combust at any moment
  • was prescribed a stress ball which he then allegedly ate resulting in a hilarious punchline

Michael Voss - Carlton Football Club​


It's always a bit sad going into a McDonald's and seeing the coolest guy you knew in high school out back in the kitchen flipping burgers. That's the exact feeling I get watching Michael Voss coach at the Blues.

Voss comes from an era when football was harder, and a lot has always been made of his famous toughness.
In fact there is even a decades old YouTube video which over the years has amassed hundreds of thousands of views titled: "Michael Voss teaches Scott Burns what TOUGH is". So can someone explain to me how exactly the toughest man in the history of Australian Football gave Orazio Fantasia 15 games this year? The same limp wristed Orazio Fantasia who looks like the toughest thing he has ever done is t-bag some nerds in Halo 3?

Plainly put, while teams coached by Vossy may play in the image of their coach's no nonsense, no frills type of play - the toughness just hasn't transferred over. Watching the Blues play you do sometimes catch yourself wondering: "Their coach is the world's toughest man!? Are we sure they aren't actually coached by the world's biggest pussy?"

But this can't be true... Vossy's famous toughness was again on show this year during the pre finals bye when he abandoned his morning coffee to chase down and perform a citizen's arrest on a teenaged car thief. Voss received many plaudits for his supposed heroism in this act - which really is quite unbalanced reporting on this case, I didn't see anyone pointing out how that is some all time narc behaviour. If Vossy was cool he wouldn't have seen shit.

And it turns out, this wasn't Vossy's first run in with the police either, but he has found himself on the other side of the law. In 2007 Voss faced court over assault charges arising from an incident at the Prince of Wales Pub in St Kilda. Vossy was charged with striking a man in the face... with an open palm... hang on a second, Vossy went to court for... bitch slapping a guy? Is that how he taught him what TOUGH is?...

Positive Aura +:
  • Taught Scott Burns what tough is
  • Got Carlton to a prelim without any known salary cap breaches
Negative Aura -:
  • Narc
  • Got a court summons for a bitch slap
  • Coached Brisbane while they wore the Paddle Pop Lion jumper
  • Looks like he sunburns easy

Sam Mitchell - Hawthorn Football Club​


You know, it's funny reading Bigfooty over the years, apart from filling you with fear and dread about those who you share this relatively small portion of the world with - it's also an eye opening expose on the pathological pettiness of sports fans. People will argue about anything, and they'll also just bullshit for no reason. Have a read of the 'Craziest Footy Rumour You've Heard' thread and you'll see wild claims of Kane Cornes being diagnosed with Micropenis, or head to the 'Nicest and Rudest players you've met' thread for asinine stories of Jason Akermanis breaking into a poster's house, doing a handstand then shooting them in both their legs... (that one may be true)

But one thing that's brought up a lot and never up for debate, never challenged or second-opinioned or dismissed as bullshit is the widely reported claim that Sam Mitchell is a big prick who no one likes. Because I mean, just look at him, and if that's not enough watch a video of him talking for longer than 4 seconds. This may well be visibly the world's biggest c*nt. It's not a rumour or an opinion. It's straight up diagnosable on sight.

And the worst part is, for a period of time it was getting hard not to sort of respect Sam Mitchell as a coach.
It might wound the amoeba sized morsel of pride I have left after a lifetime of binging meatlovers pizzas and soiling myself, but I hoped, prayed for Sam Mitchell's downfall. And for a while it felt like his downfall was fast approaching. In the early parts of 2024 Kane Cornes's Stuart Little master coach was staring down an 0-5 start to his 3rd season in charge as coach. But we all know what happened next. They started winning, their little shitheads started kicking goals and celebrating by giving each other footrubs after every goal. They even got a brain-rot pet name from their illiterate zoomer fans: "Hok". I mean how often do rebuilds actually really work? And we're watching as one guy has got a team of kids playing the game 5 years in the future. So perhaps the worst case scenario has come to pass, it appeared as though Sam Mitchell may be a High Aura coach. F*ck.

But then came one faithful September night in Adelaide. The High Aura Sam Mitchell arrived at Adelaide Oval to coach his men against the team helmed by one of the lowest Aura men in the Southern Hemisphere in Ken Hinkley.
For a while it looked like Kenny's Aura may sink even lower into unseen subterranean levels with another straight sets finals exit. But then, with scores just about locked with a minute to go, Hawks skipper James Sicily missed a shot to seal win the game. Port were victorious. The siren sounded and out onto the pitch sprinted Ken Hinkley, sticking his arms out at his sides pretending to be an aeroplane, wizzing around the ground yelling: "you'll never cum again Ginni!! Hahaha I am going to Sydney and you are not!!". And Sam Mitchell started crying. It was a spectacle so rare and unbelievable, but in some sort of spiritual phenomena: Kenny's trolling somehow leached Aura from the tears of Sam Mitchell - transferring some of Mitchell's Aura into Hinkley, and in doing so dropping Mitchell down into Mid Aura, and elevating Ken ever so slightly into the Low Aura category.

Positive Aura +:
  • Serves c*nt
  • Survived double pneumonia
Negative Aura -:
  • Got immensely trolled by Low Aura Ken Hinkley
  • Big sook
  • Annoying way of speaking

Craig McCrae - Collingwood Football Club​

And so continues the age old trend of coaches tasting success then becoming complete insufferable f*cks.

And McCrae might be an all time example. Never before have I seen a man's mask of public good will slip so quickly to reveal the Joker underneath. And even before Craig McCrae went Cray McCrayzee his shtick was already weighing pretty thin. He's got this sort of Ted Lasso type persona going on, but it's kind of like if Ted Lasso got a botched vasectomy and started producing too much estrogen.

Yes, it's all just a bit 'me, me, me' with Fly. He's a bad loser, even insinuating it was the umpire's bias that lost them a game against a Swans side coming off a 600 point defeat to Kenny's Port Power. Pretty sure umpire bias got you a premiership medal, Craig.

I know some people might think this is harsh on a premiership coach, and it might be. He's obviously a good motivator and can get the most out of a team. Hell, the man made Beau McCreery and Tom Mitchell premiership players.
But one has to wonder; can his good guy "I'm on your side, we're never losers if we try" type mentality stick up to the ruthlessness of professional sport? If the guy edges someone out the door at Collingwood there's a whole press cycle of 'Craig McCrae... not such a good guy after all...'

Collingwood sits on a precipice at the moment, and there's a real possibility that they could film themselves fielding a team of arthritic has beens in the next couple years. But, if you drive west far enough from Melbourne, you'll know sometimes those old folk home teams win flags. If Fly gets more success there's no doubt he'll rocket back up the Aura chart, but for now... he's just another freak, like me.

Positive Aura +:
  • Premiership coach
  • Probably actually a really nice guy
Negative Aura -:
  • Prima donna
  • The Joker
  • Bit of a groan inducing schtick


Adam Kingsley - GWS GIANTS​

View attachment 2148095
I heard a story about Adam Kingsley recently.

Adam booked an appointment with his doctor because something had been eating at him lately.

He'd always had a problem with his temper, but lately he felt like his anger had been boiling right to the top.

He'd tried to channel it into his usual healthy outputs like hitting the gym to get absolutely swole and camping out on the roof at Tom Wills Oval. But these still weren't enough, and recently his anger had been spilling out and effecting other areas of his life. He'd found himself cursing out his team's runners over simple mistakes, and lately the kids under his watch had started to exhibit some odd behaviours, like procuring a blow up doll and simulating acts of sexual violence on it, and even developing morbid fascination with acts of terrorism.
He was terrified at the prospect that his outbursts and the ripple effects on those around him might be to blame for these concerning actions.

He told all this to the doctor, who let out a deep sigh and bowed his head.

"Adam, there's not really a cure for what you're going through, but there are some things we can try... we'll start small: when you start to feel yourself losing control of your temper I want you to sit down with a glass of water and use this..."
The Doctor opened a drawer at his desk and pulled from it a small Red Sherrin shaped stress ball, gave it a squeeze then handed it to Adam, and said "Give that a try and come and see me in a few weeks", before ending the appointment.

Later that night on the after hours line, the doctor received an emergency call - it was Adam Kingsley and he sounded very worse for wear! "Doctor, please I need your help!" Kingsley said, "I feel awful, I'm shaking and my stomach is in knots ... I did what you said, I sat down and had water ... but was I supposed to take the Pill with or without food!?"

Positive Aura +:
  • most swole coach
  • always losing his shit
  • sits on the roof like batman
Negative Aura -:
  • straight sets exit
  • may spontaneously combust at any moment
  • was prescribed a stress ball which he then allegedly ate resulting in a hilarious punchline

Michael Voss - Carlton Football Club​

View attachment 2148100

It's always a bit sad going into a McDonald's and seeing the coolest guy you knew in high school out back in the kitchen flipping burgers. That's the exact feeling I get watching Michael Voss coach at the Blues.

Voss comes from an era when football was harder, and a lot has always been made of his famous toughness.
In fact there is even a decades old YouTube video which over the years has amassed hundreds of thousands of views titled: "Michael Voss teaches Scott Burns what TOUGH is". So can someone explain to me how exactly the toughest man in the history of Australian Football gave Orazio Fantasia 15 games this year? The same limp wristed Orazio Fantasia who looks like the toughest thing he has ever done is t-bag some nerds in Halo 3?

Plainly put, while teams coached by Vossy may play in the image of their coach's no nonsense, no frills type of play - the toughness just hasn't transferred over. Watching the Blues play you do sometimes catch yourself wondering: "Their coach is the world's toughest man!? Are we sure they aren't actually coached by the world's biggest pussy?"

But this can't be true... Vossy's famous toughness was again on show this year during the pre finals bye when he abandoned his morning coffee to chase down and perform a citizen's arrest on a teenaged car thief. Voss received many plaudits for his supposed heroism in this act - which really is quite unbalanced reporting on this case, I didn't see anyone pointing out how that is some all time narc behaviour. If Vossy was cool he wouldn't have seen shit.

And it turns out, this wasn't Vossy's first run in with the police either, but he has found himself on the other side of the law. In 2007 Voss faced court over assault charges arising from an incident at the Prince of Wales Pub in St Kilda. Vossy was charged with striking a man in the face... with an open palm... hang on a second, Vossy went to court for... bitch slapping a guy? Is that how he taught him what TOUGH is?...

Positive Aura +:
  • Taught Scott Burns what tough is
  • Got Carlton to a prelim without any known salary cap breaches
Negative Aura -:
  • Narc
  • Got a court summons for a bitch slap
  • Coached Brisbane while they wore the Paddle Pop Lion jumper
  • Looks like he sunburns easy

Sam Mitchell - Hawthorn Football Club​

View attachment 2148101

You know, it's funny reading Bigfooty over the years, apart from filling you with fear and dread about those who you share this relatively small portion of the world with - it's also an eye opening expose on the pathological pettiness of sports fans. People will argue about anything, and they'll also just bullshit for no reason. Have a read of the 'Craziest Footy Rumour You've Heard' thread and you'll see wild claims of Kane Cornes being diagnosed with Micropenis, or head to the 'Nicest and Rudest players you've met' thread for asinine stories of Jason Akermanis breaking into a poster's house, doing a handstand then shooting them in both their legs... (that one may be true)

But one thing that's brought up a lot and never up for debate, never challenged or second-opinioned or dismissed as bullshit is the widely reported claim that Sam Mitchell is a big prick who no one likes. Because I mean, just look at him, and if that's not enough watch a video of him talking for longer than 4 seconds. This may well be visibly the world's biggest c*nt. It's not a rumour or an opinion. It's straight up diagnosable on sight.

And the worst part is, for a period of time it was getting hard not to sort of respect Sam Mitchell as a coach.
It might wound the amoeba sized morsel of pride I have left after a lifetime of binging meatlovers pizzas and soiling myself, but I hoped, prayed for Sam Mitchell's downfall. And for a while it felt like his downfall was fast approaching. In the early parts of 2024 Kane Cornes's Stuart Little master coach was staring down an 0-5 start to his 3rd season in charge as coach. But we all know what happened next. They started winning, their little shitheads started kicking goals and celebrating by giving each other footrubs after every goal. They even got a brain-rot pet name from their illiterate zoomer fans: "Hok". I mean how often do rebuilds actually really work? And we're watching as one guy has got a team of kids playing the game 5 years in the future. So perhaps the worst case scenario has come to pass, it appeared as though Sam Mitchell may be a High Aura coach. F*ck.

But then came one faithful September night in Adelaide. The High Aura Sam Mitchell arrived at Adelaide Oval to coach his men against the team helmed by one of the lowest Aura men in the Southern Hemisphere in Ken Hinkley.
For a while it looked like Kenny's Aura may sink even lower into unseen subterranean levels with another straight sets finals exit. But then, with scores just about locked with a minute to go, Hawks skipper James Sicily missed a shot to seal win the game. Port were victorious. The siren sounded and out onto the pitch sprinted Ken Hinkley, sticking his arms out at his sides pretending to be an aeroplane, wizzing around the ground yelling: "you'll never cum again Ginni!! Hahaha I am going to Sydney and you are not!!". And Sam Mitchell started crying. It was a spectacle so rare and unbelievable, but in some sort of spiritual phenomena: Kenny's trolling somehow leached Aura from the tears of Sam Mitchell - transferring some of Mitchell's Aura into Hinkley, and in doing so dropping Mitchell down into Mid Aura, and elevating Ken ever so slightly into the Low Aura category.

Positive Aura +:
  • Serves c*nt
  • Survived double pneumonia
Negative Aura -:
  • Got immensely trolled by Low Aura Ken Hinkley
  • Big sook
  • Annoying way of speaking

Craig McCrae - Collingwood Football Club​

View attachment 2148117
And so continues the age old trend of coaches tasting success then becoming complete insufferable f*cks.

And McCrae might be an all time example. Never before have I seen a man's mask of public good will slip so quickly to reveal the Joker underneath. And even before Craig McCrae went Cray McCrayzee his shtick was already weighing pretty thin. He's got this sort of Ted Lasso type persona going on, but it's kind of like if Ted Lasso got a botched vasectomy and started producing too much estrogen.

Yes, it's all just a bit 'me, me, me' with Fly. He's a bad loser, even insinuating it was the umpire's bias that lost them a game against a Swans side coming off a 600 point defeat to Kenny's Port Power. Pretty sure umpire bias got you a premiership medal, Craig.

I know some people might think this is harsh on a premiership coach, and it might be. He's obviously a good motivator and can get the most out of a team. Hell, the man made Beau McCreery and Tom Mitchell premiership players.
But one has to wonder; can his good guy "I'm on your side, we're never losers if we try" type mentality stick up to the ruthlessness of professional sport? If the guy edges someone out the door at Collingwood there's a whole press cycle of 'Craig McCrae... not such a good guy after all...'

Collingwood sits on a precipice at the moment, and there's a real possibility that they could film themselves fielding a team of arthritic has beens in the next couple years. But, if you drive west far enough from Melbourne, you'll know sometimes those old folk home teams win flags. If Fly gets more success there's no doubt he'll rocket back up the Aura chart, but for now... he's just another freak, like me.

Positive Aura +:
  • Premiership coach
  • Probably actually a really nice guy
Negative Aura -:
  • Prima donna
  • The Joker
  • Bit of a groan inducing schtick
Why haven’t you posted in the Bay more often?

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I don't know, you'd have to ask them.

Has anyone ever enjoyed your high horse observations at the parties you, no doubt, oft get invited to?

Somehow I get the feeling that you rarely laugh in general, but it's difficult to get a good read of you up there.

This you?:


Anyway, apologies justlookingaround, no more derails from me.
Wow, you really had to dig that reply out.
So can someone explain to me how exactly the toughest man in the history of Australian Football gave Orazio Fantasia 15 games this year? The same limp wristed Orazio Fantasia who looks like the toughest thing he has ever done is t-bag some nerds in Halo 3?
Loving it.

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Think Tank Ranking Senior Coaches by Aura

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