RDFNL 2018 Season discussion

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David G - I agree there should have been a statement to all clubs in the league about this could it have helped anyother club. Are clubs that dont have Club 18 now at a disadvantage. I dont blame Wallan because they went to the League for clarification but the fact remains it states in the by-laws that the games do not count so I dont see how the League could say yes when these are the rules put in place by them as Governing body . This could get messy from the Leagues point of view.
It won’t no one has enough balls to take on the ball less league it’s a joke move on
I agree mate you should never kick a side when they are down. Usually comes back to bite you on the arse.
have said it for the past two season ruppo
lack the killer instinct you need to give it to earn the premiership teams plot and beat them when it counts.
They are full of talent but it’s football They don’t bring the pressure.

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Pretty good weekend of footy. Gee some harsh criticism of rupo. I am sure they will hurt all summer, but they are the perfect example of how hard it is to get there never lone win em. If there list was on the park and they got rolled fair enough chop them down, but that list was not gong to beat the list of Macedon if both teams played at their best. Just pot luck in the end and that’s the beast, but with seniors top 4 reserves top 3 I am sure as a club there year is not as bad as some are suggesting to the point of changing the coach. They won the in or premiership having to overcome a difficult draw and a long list of injuries. Could not get through finals when it heated up and the injuries got worse. No excuse for them and I know w all take aim at times but I think long bow drawn to question their coach and club especially from those outside the top 6 and cop smashings. Those clubs would give their right arm to be rupo today. Look at Saturday games, diggers slightly undermanned could not go with the bombers. Take half a dozen out of bombers I am sure they have the same struggles with top teams. Macedon had some ordinary performances during the year, team on the park now dangerous. Still they have to get there same as the burra. Is bombers to lose from here. Fact is, there was 5good teams in the comp all year, 2 are gone three to go, best the rest get their club together and challenge these teams as opposed to potting them. That’s my say.

Must say from a coaching point of view
To have all your troops fit and firing come this time of year can't be under estimated.
If you happen to lose 3-4 of your best it does throw things out of whack a fair bit. I know first hand how hard this is
Some will say it gives others an opportunity to play in big games and this is true to some degree.
Macedon did well to keep it all together during the year with injuries and still make the 6. Now they have pretty much a full list which makes the dangerous.
I'm sure the Rupo coaching staff would of loved to have everyone available the last few weeks especially, but sometimes the football gods don't grant you that and as a club it can be disheartening.
I'm sure the Rupo, Wallan and Romsey clubs will bounce back in 2019 if they can keep their lists together.
Good luck to all remaining clubs.

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When did Rupo bag Rockbank champ? You seem pretty bitter towards Rupo? Or was it just one person on here suggesting they should relocate leagues?
You seem to remember the posts like I did mate. You can’t go giving out advice when a club is on its knees and then when the club you support does what everyone expects them to do to not have ‘advice’ coming back your way. You can’t be serious cobber in afl terms that’s a free kick.
PS I love Rupo my kids go to the school

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So you are bitter at the whole club because of one person giving Rockbank some advice? Out of respect for your coach (who I have a lot of respect for) I won’t bite back but it’s safe to say I’m satisfied with where my club is at and where we are heading.

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So you are bitter at the whole club because of one person giving Rockbank some advice? Out of respect for your coach (who I have a lot of respect for) I won’t bite back but it’s safe to say I’m satisfied with where my club is at and where we are heading.

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He sent me a message saying to give it to you as well.
Out of interest Leighroy38, how pleased are you with how your club is tracking? What is the future plan for the Rams, what re you guys doing to ensure sustainability of the club going forward?
Out of interest Leighroy38, how pleased are you with how your club is tracking? What is the future plan for the Rams, what re you guys doing to ensure sustainability of the club going forward?
I’m not involved in a club here say this year as I moved back from interstate a few months ago.
From an outside point of view the Rams are on the up off field and the Kangas are looking at changes in the future which I will know more of when I attend a proposed meeting in the coming weeks.
Is it a done deal do people think that Kangas will vote to exit? From a fair distance which is prob not entirely fair on the Rams, surely they are or have been assessing their options . They may determine that the RDFNL is their future, they may have already determined this. However if the Melton South team in the BFL go to the WRFL, that I assume will tap right into a current recruiting source. Is Broadford secure for a future in the RDFNL, maybe skip or Doona are able to answer?
Is it a done deal do people think that Kangas will vote to exit? From a fair distance which is prob not entirely fair on the Rams, surely they are or have been assessing their options . They may determine that the RDFNL is their future, they may have already determined this. However if the Melton South team in the BFL go to the WRFL, that I assume will tap right into a current recruiting source. Is Broadford secure for a future in the RDFNL, maybe skip or Doona are able to answer?
I’ve popped in for a beer and caught up with a few of us old timers mate and everyone I’ve spoken with seems to be going that way but admittedly haven’t spoken to the large number of members.

I was being cheeky when I was stirring up the Rupo lads they are a bloody good outfit and Nick Ash is very respected fella who will be better from the season, I do get a bit defensive around the Rams they have so many people who have been involved for such a long time and have gone through the ringer. It’s a bit of a fantasy of mine to hope one day they win a flag and all those people involved get a taste like I seen the mighty Kangas do.

I think the Rams should keep doing what they are doing off the field I just hope people like my knucklehead brother don’t burn out, they have some great kids in the side and if they manage to snaffle 8-10 recruits it can turn around real quick.

Apologies if I offended Rupo folk.
Nolan has qualified - has been confirmed by league (as was done by Wallan two weeks prior to finals commencing). All a bag of wind !!!

I think the bag of wind might just get a bit bigger !! This isnt over yet a lot still going on behind the scenes with the League over this one. Probably get a bit ugly through no fault of Wallan who done a ll the right things asking about the qualification rules.

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The bag of wind just got a bit bigger over the qualifcation rule with eligibillty of players to play in finals. Sorry to say this isnt over jet. I feel sorry for Wallan because they did all the right things and asked the League about the qualification rule and they approved it
Is Broadford secure for a future in the RDFNL, maybe skip or Doona are able to answer?

Sorry I'm not in any position to comment,
My ties to Broadford are purely as an interested multiple generation of past players, coachs, volunteers who occasionally chats and gives feedback when sounded out on things across the local footy landscape.
Beside I think I'm still in the doghouse with a few for being honest and not being willing to jeopardise my junior development interests in the region regarding the compilation of their 3rds side early in the season.

People need to remember that a lot of my stuff on here, often is tongue in cheek but still directed towards how we (at the time) even ended up back in the RDFL.
There's a totally diverse footy network this side of the region, our history is of a genuine country club football/netball feel.
I do know the president is pretty measured and thoughtful towards the entire "big picture" as well as being all over the entire 130 odd years of club histry so I'd also be surprised if they haven't had genuine conversation with Wardy about whats next.
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I think the bag of wind might just get a bit bigger !! This isnt over yet a lot still going on behind the scenes with the League over this one. Probably get a bit ugly through no fault of Wallan who done a ll the right things asking about the qualification rules.
Twos' footy for christ sake, to anyone 10-15km outside the postcode of local clubs they couldn't give a rats tossbag who wins it

(Spoiler) Inserts sarcastic type icon:rolleyes: :cool:.... thru fear of being taken as serious :p
The bag of wind just got a bit bigger over the qualifcation rule with eligibillty of players to play in finals. Sorry to say this isnt over jet. I feel sorry for Wallan because they did all the right things and asked the League about the qualification rule and they approved it
I think the key here is the RDFL if they approved it need to wear it. Wallan haven't done anything wrong, leave it as it is. In my business if I give someone gives out the wrong info I need to own it, wear the ramifications and move on, u can't just change ur decision.
Twos' footy for christ sake, to anyone 10-15km outside the postcode of local clubs they couldn't give a rats tossbag who wins it

(Spoiler) Inserts sarcastic type icon:rolleyes: :cool:.... thru fear of being taken as serious :p
Yeah let's move on, who really cares for sure, I mean surely Nolan wasn't the difference in the margin anyways?
Yeah let's move on, who really cares for sure, I mean surely Nolan wasn't the difference in the margin anyways?

I'm just staggered the blokes at Comedy Central think it's ok to change their own documented rules when it suits them.....

Not Wallans fault as they have consulted with the comedians, can totally understand Diggers situation.
Correct a mundo Wallan didnt do anything wrong but when the League CHANGED the rules put in place to govern the competition in the fairest way it has become a problem. The big picture is Doon rules are there for a reason I am sure there are still people interested in the results of the twos as the footy they play nowhas improved a lot over the years. Humphrey the player only kicked 4 goals and was one of there best players (P.S-also good to watch can play).
I remember as a kid playing Cricket and Basketball the competition would send out a list of all players from all sides that were eligible to play in the finals so all clubs knew who were eligilble maybe thats what we will get to.
Correct a mundo Wallan didnt do anything wrong but when the League CHANGED the rules put in place to govern the competition in the fairest way it has become a problem. The big picture is Doon rules are there for a reason I am sure there are still people interested in the results of the twos as the footy they play nowhas improved a lot over the years. Humphrey the player only kicked 4 goals and was one of there best players (P.S-also good to watch can play).
I remember as a kid playing Cricket and Basketball the competition would send out a list of all players from all sides that were eligible to play in the finals so all clubs knew who were eligilble maybe thats what we will get to.

Not a good situation at this time of year to be hearing
But surely the AFL handbook rules over rides what the RDFNL say

Just hope it's sorted and the league put out a statement for all concerned

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Head office need to come out rightly or wrongly state their position and wear the consequences. This from an organisation that is meant to have the strategic direction of the future of footy in the region in their hands!!!:drunk:
From what I am hearing and what I was asked last weekend the situation regarding player eligibility is a total farce.
AS for saying it is only seconds footy, who is to say that it could not happen at senior level and in most clubs the seconds are the backbone of the club -
They play for nothing, they play for the love of the game and the club and they deserve the opportunity to compete on a level playing field.
In many cases and families the blokes that play seconds are playing the highest level they can muster (age, ability, availability) and should not be treated as second class.
They also contribute to the club in many more ways than some of the high paid "superstar" who think the club owes them for playing.
It is now time for the RDFNL Board to STAND UP and be counted or get out. I know they are volunteers like most of the people running the clubs but that should not stop them from demanding top level administration from very well paid people who do not care about any club.
The administration have for this entire season said they consult on many issues when in fact they make an edict and expect everybody to follow it without ensuring that everybody has seen and read it, in todays communication world totally amateur and not good enough.
All Clubs are expected to keep scores up to date, keep an eye on player qualifications and eligibility, keep registrations up to date and they pay a fee for the privilege of doing this, what does the administration actually do?
I would dearly like 5 people to put their hand up to run the competition and insist that the paid administration does their job, administer for the benefit of all clubs and work with other leagues to assist all clubs and leagues to exist into the future.
Count me in, but not with the current attitude of the administration.
My desire would be to
1/ Design and reconstruct the leagues so that both their identities and histories are maintained.
2/ Modify the points system for clubs with reduced or weaker junior structures by allocating 1 point to any player recruited to the club who has not played a senior game regardless of age and where from.
3/ Limit competitions to 10 clubs based on geography and equality of opportunity.
4/ Assist all clubs across the region to field sides in all age groups they can manage even if it means playing permits for players loaned or borrowed.
For everybody's sake I hope this current situation is resolved TODAY and that action is taken almost immediately to protect not only our competitions but other competitions in the region and every club in the region.
From what I am hearing and what I was asked last weekend the situation regarding player eligibility is a total farce.
AS for saying it is only seconds footy, who is to say that it could not happen at senior level and in most clubs the seconds are the backbone of the club -
They play for nothing, they play for the love of the game and the club and they deserve the opportunity to compete on a level playing field.
In many cases and families the blokes that play seconds are playing the highest level they can muster (age, ability, availability) and should not be treated as second class.
They also contribute to the club in many more ways than some of the high paid "superstar" who think the club owes them for playing.
It is now time for the RDFNL Board to STAND UP and be counted or get out. I know they are volunteers like most of the people running the clubs but that should not stop them from demanding top level administration from very well paid people who do not care about any club.
The administration have for this entire season said they consult on many issues when in fact they make an edict and expect everybody to follow it without ensuring that everybody has seen and read it, in todays communication world totally amateur and not good enough.
All Clubs are expected to keep scores up to date, keep an eye on player qualifications and eligibility, keep registrations up to date and they pay a fee for the privilege of doing this, what does the administration actually do?
I would dearly like 5 people to put their hand up to run the competition and insist that the paid administration does their job, administer for the benefit of all clubs and work with other leagues to assist all clubs and leagues to exist into the future.
Count me in, but not with the current attitude of the administration.
My desire would be to
1/ Design and reconstruct the leagues so that both their identities and histories are maintained.
2/ Modify the points system for clubs with reduced or weaker junior structures by allocating 1 point to any player recruited to the club who has not played a senior game regardless of age and where from.
3/ Limit competitions to 10 clubs based on geography and equality of opportunity.
4/ Assist all clubs across the region to field sides in all age groups they can manage even if it means playing permits for players loaned or borrowed.
For everybody's sake I hope this current situation is resolved TODAY and that action is taken almost immediately to protect not only our competitions but other competitions in the region and every club in the region.
you sound like another one of these people who have many opinions but hide behind your keyboard and are not prepared to actually DO anything. Either put up your hand an get involved to actually do something or shut the hell up, at the moment all you have is an opinion, and opinions are like bum holes, everyone has one!!!
Not a good situation at this time of year to be hearing
But surely the AFL handbook rules over rides what the RDFNL say

Just hope it's sorted and the league put out a statement for all concerned

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Skip it will be sorted out tomorrow at the Big House in Melbourne thats how far it is going. A dampner on the finals though no one really sure who will be playing in the Reserves on Saturday yet. Not fair on all clubs concerned at the moment.
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