Unsolved Rhianna Barreau - Adelaide schoolgirl disappearance

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I've been taking a dive lately in this case. I live right around the corner, lived down this way all my live. She was two years older than me. I went to Reynella Primary in Carews Fields.

Im suss of the Neighbour looks real drugged out with his comments on the ABC interview. I want to know who this Housemate is. He could have easily been sitting out the front and bam.

Guy about the keys is suss too.

So still is the Torana cause of that other girl who said he was following her. Some daranged dude on the hunt.

Either way it's freaking eerie if the disgusting low life is still living here. I could have walked past so many times and she's buried in backyard without even knowing it.

Listened to all podcasts and recommended the case to some to keep it alive.

Her Mum stayed in the house for like 20 years hoping she's come come. Can't even imagine.

Photo of her name written into the concrete right at end of David Tce. I see it most days so constantly reminded

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As the Crime stoppers notice suggests, the offender may be closer than people think. So far I haven't seen any connection with rust.
The wording of Det. Arthur Allen in the ABC report video has always intrigued me. Notice that he says he thinks "her abductor, and I'll say killer" "performed the act of abduction without fault or interruption" ... taken literally, these are interesting choices of words:

- "abductor" "act of abduction" = This would basically confirm she was taken against her will... If someone lured her somewhere under false pretenses then killed her, that's different to her abduction. Makes me think she did not know her killer personally. This would indicate a knock on the door and taking her, or her leaving the house and being intercepted not far away.

- "abductor and I'll say killer" = would indicate single perp responsible for both her abduction and murder.
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I'm not saying was Rust or not. But likely candidate. He was "operating" since 83 and is most definitely a suspect in other murders.

I will maintain that initial reports around 4pm at the deli are real. I believe she ventured back out after dropping off the card to the deli with every intention of being back home when her Mum got home. And that the 100m stretch of side fencing opposite said deli was where she was abducted where nobody could see or hear a thing. I don't agree it was someone she knew and a perp who has done it before and will go on to do it again

Dr. Jack White, forensic psychologist known for Snowtown murders trial speaks about Rust on Twisted Minds podcast episode "Twisted" well worth a listen.
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I remember Rust's involvement in the murders that he was jailed for, but just read his wiki page as a refresher.

Interesting to see he has Klinefelter Syndrome, a condition I've seen discussed in other threads on the BF Crime board.

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I'm not saying was Rust or not. But likely candidate. He was "operating" since 83 and is most definitely a suspect in other murders.

I will maintain that initial reports around 4pm at the deli are real. I believe she ventured back out after dropping off the card to the deli with every intention of being back home when her Mum got home. And that the 100m stretch of side fencing opposite said deli was where she was abducted where nobody could see or hear a thing. I don't agree it was someone she knew and a perp who has done it before and will go on to do it again

Dr. Jack White, forensic psychologist known for Snowtown murders trial speaks about Rust on Twisted Minds podcast episode "Twisted" well worth a listen.
I lean toward Rust because of the consistency with the other victims of his e.g. predatory toward lone women. Don't forget that he actually went to jail for rape BEFORE he get caught for Jakic and Suzuki. He cut the lights to the building the woman worked via the fuse box and he only got caught because she was able to remember partial license plate numbers of cars in the car park while fleeing the scene. Police cross checked this with sex offender register and bingo. If not for that, if he had killed her - it's likely he would've struck again. Rhianna walked from Southgate to her house, there is ample opportunity for her to have been spotted anywhere along the route.

Rust also got sent to prison in 93 for lighting factory fires late in 92... why would a rapist and killer light fires, if not to get news attention away from other things? Then we look at the phone call to police, and the possession of the keys. Rust called police re Mayas body, and kept Megumis CD player in prison as a trophy.

His grandmother lived at Port Noarlunga and it's been confirmed he didn't attend a 4pm CBD appointment that day.

I find it hard to believe a local killer would evade arrest for so long, unless they operated in a similar manner to MR.

There is a video on YouTube of a PI speaking to Rusts mother. While she doesn't know for sure, it definitely adds to the circumstantial evidence. I'll see if I can find it.
For context: Mark Rust has tried to pin the blame for Rhianna on Mark Trevor Marshall, who was actually (unbeknownst to Rust) already in prison at that time. What I've been told is that directly after this ends, Rust basically shuts off and says no more.

For context: Mark Rust has tried to pin the blame for Rhianna on Mark Trevor Marshall, who was actually (unbeknownst to Rust) already in prison at that time. What I've been told is that directly after this ends, Rust basically shuts off and says no more.

Who is the other person talking - ie police, friend, Private Investigator etc?

Sounds very much like a pressure phone call that has no commentary from Rust
Who is the other person talking - ie police, friend, Private Investigator etc?

His voice sounds familiar, is it the same guy that recorded a telephone conversation with Mark Marshall?
Who is the other person talking - ie police, friend, Private Investigator etc?

Sounds very much like a pressure phone call that has no commentary from Rust
PI based in Queensland. The reason it sounds like pressure is because Rust had previously given info to the PI trying to pin it on MTM, including info on where her body is located. Now bear in mind whatever he says is from MTM, is really from him.

The PI took this info to the police (naturally), who obviously know MTM was in prison at time of Rhiannas abduction. They told the PI this (but he already knew), so when he called Rust back, he was trying to push as hard as he could to get something incriminating on the record. Unfortunately he didn't bite. From what I've been told, Rust is very much on a different wavelength any time you talk to him. Sometimes very amiable, other times clams up and says nothing.

This same PI, after the cops did nothing with the info, came down from QLD with some people and took a GPR out to the location at Smithfield. Interestingly they did find evidence of a disturbance in the soil near the creek, and dead vegetation nearby. Whether that is actually anything, who knows.

The PI has sent me other recordings where Rust is more talkative, but I cannot share them here. One interesting thing though he mentions is that at one point, MTM and Von Einem were thick as thieves together.
One interesting thing though he mentions is that at one point, MTM and Von Einem were thick as thieves together.
I think in the Mulligan report MTM discusses how both he and VE have been present at the major cases in SA -or it's one of his MTM many fantasies.

It could also be the basis of Rusts blaming of MTM for Rhianna. MTM , by reports, was quite happy discussing his fantasies with anyone who would listen.

I personally don't think Rust is responsible for Rhianna and would need compelling evidence to change my mind.

I have discussed previously why I think this
I think in the Mulligan report MTM discusses how both he and VE have been present at the major cases in SA -or it's one of his MTM many fantasies.

It could also be the basis of Rusts blaming of MTM for Rhianna. MTM , by reports, was quite happy discussing his fantasies with anyone who would listen.

I personally don't think Rust is responsible for Rhianna and would need compelling evidence to change my mind.

I have discussed previously why I think this
Yeah it can't be assumed crims are ever telling the truth. Rust is well documented as being unhappy with his indefinite detention order, so could be trying anything to get some kind of leverage to get dealt a non parole period.

At the very least it's all very interesting stuff!
coming up to the 30 year anniversary of the disappearance. October 7, 92
there may be a new media release from either crimestoppers or SAPol closer to October.

In my opinion, it still should be an active case. "the offender is closer than people think"
I am seeking to contact former Det Allen Arthur, if anyone has contact details, please PM me

There is a new podcast -

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His voice sounds familiar, is it the same guy that recorded a telephone conversation with Mark Marshall?
had a bit of spare time and listened to the rest of the Videos on the PI's channel. he does take on the most undesirable of inmates SA has to offer.
talking to Rust and MTM, must have been a bit creepy. they have indicated locations, but so far haven't triggered any real searches

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It's hard to believe that Rhianna has been gone 30 years this year, it's so sad and it must be terrible for her family. She would be 42 years old now.

Looking back at the case and the known events that day, I think the only logical explanation is that Rhianna was specifically targeted beforehand by an abductor who knew certain things about Rhianna and her family and used this information to kidnap her using a confidence trick.

Just as a theory, say Rhianna was at home that day when a man knocked on the door pretending to be a police officer, saying that her mother Paula had been in a minor accident, was okay but in hospital and wanted to see her. Even if the 'policeman' wasn't in uniform, if he was dressed in a suit, had a convincing enough fake police badge and a car that could easily be an unmarked police car, this type of ruse could work, especially if Rhianna was understandably upset about her mother, And even if she thought to ask questions about why they hadn't sent two uniformed officers or a marked police car, he could have easily talked his way out of it, saying he was a detective and many uniformed officers at the station and either busy or away sick at the same time, so he was driving her to the hospital instead.

It would explain the strange things about the case, like how Rhianna had clearly returned from her morning shopping trip to buy a card for her pen friend but later in the day left the house so abruptly with the TV on and no note for her mother, no signs of a struggle, nothing out of place or signs forced entry to the property and how nothing suspicious was seen or heard by neighbors even though she disappeared on a weekday in the daylight hours.
It's hard to believe that Rhianna has been gone 30 years this year, it's so sad and it must be terrible for her family. She would be 42 years old now.

Looking back at the case and the known events that day, I think the only logical explanation is that Rhianna was specifically targeted beforehand by an abductor who knew certain things about Rhianna and her family and used this information to kidnap her using a confidence trick.

Just as a theory, say Rhianna was at home that day when a man knocked on the door pretending to be a police officer, saying that her mother Paula had been in a minor accident, was okay but in hospital and wanted to see her. Even if the 'policeman' wasn't in uniform, if he was dressed in a suit, had a convincing enough fake police badge and a car that could easily be an unmarked police car, this type of ruse could work, especially if Rhianna was understandably upset about her mother, And even if she thought to ask questions about why they hadn't sent two uniformed officers or a marked police car, he could have easily talked his way out of it, saying he was a detective and many uniformed officers at the station and either busy or away sick at the same time, so he was driving her to the hospital instead.

It would explain the strange things about the case, like how Rhianna had clearly returned from her morning shopping trip to buy a card for her pen friend but later in the day left the house so abruptly with the TV on and no note for her mother, no signs of a struggle, nothing out of place or signs forced entry to the property and how nothing suspicious was seen or heard by neighbors even though she disappeared on a weekday in the daylight hours.

your theory does have merit !
Opposite their house, is a park and a shed adjoining a corner house. So there was no neighbours keeping an eye on the property. (viewing the front door)
Anyone pulling up in the driveway, would have done so pretty much undetected.
your theory does have merit !
Opposite their house, is a park and a shed adjoining a corner house. So there was no neighbours keeping an eye on the property. (viewing the front door)
Anyone pulling up in the driveway, would have done so pretty much undetected.

Apart from the confidence trick, the only other explanation I could think of that might fit is that sometime during the afternoon Rhianna had to make an unexpected urgent purchase that couldn't wait - something such as headache tablets, toilet paper or female products - so left the house to walk to the same local shops where she purchased the card earlier in the day, was in the wrong place at the wrong time and unfortunate enough to meet her abductor on the short journey there. It would have to be on the way there, because if she did make the shops then there are no reported witness sightings of her there in the afternoon.

This theory would explain why the house was left the way it was, and why she didn't leave a note for her mother, thinking as it was a short trip she would be back before her mum returned. However, it would be a pretty audacious abductor/s who kidnapped a girl from suburbia in daylight hours during school holidays. There could be lots of potential witnesses, and a girl of Rhianna's age could quite easily fight back, making a lot of noise at the very least.
However, it would be a pretty audacious abductor/s who kidnapped a girl from suburbia in daylight hours during school holidays. There could be lots of potential witnesses, and a girl of Rhianna's age could quite easily fight back, making a lot of noise at the very least.

Right...thus the theory she may of knew the abductor in some capacity... because of zero commotion and the way the house was left.

This looks like one that will never be solved.
Right...thus the theory she may of knew the abductor in some capacity... because of zero commotion and the way the house was left.

This looks like one that will never be solved.

That Rhianna's abductor could have been somebody she knew has always been a possibility. But if there was somebody like that in Rhianna's life who seemed like a really nice guy but in fact was a Humbert Humbert, there's still the problem of why she left the house so abruptly leaving the TV on, her records on the floor and no note for her mother. This was out of character, she was known to be responsible, not the sort of girl who ran with the wrong crowd and would just up and leave the house to do whatever she wanted whenever she wanted. Clearly she left in a hurry, if she was taken directly from the house by means of a confidence trick, what was it?

Also what of the strange Torana seen in the area with Victorian registration plates in the days leading up to Rhianna's disappearance but not after, reports of somebody hearing a girl scream late that day, and an un-confirmed sighting of Rhianna in her street later that afternoon? These may not have been factors at all, but some or all could be. Going back to my second theory - Rhianna needing to make a purchase urgently - if the Torana was involved perhaps Rhianna had been targeted when she went to the shops in the morning, but there wasn't the chance for the kidnapper to make his move at that time - witnesses around, losing his nerve etc. Then in the afternoon, Rhianna gets a bad headache, finds they are out of painkillers, and leaves the house to walk to the shops to buy some more, the abductor is still in the area hoping for another opportunity and this time carries out the kidnapping.

Of course this is just speculation, and I agree that this eerie case will probably never be solved. As I've noted on previous posts, it's Australia's answer to the infamous Springfield Three case from Missouri earlier the same year.
That Rhianna's abductor could have been somebody she knew has always been a possibility. But if there was somebody like that in Rhianna's life who seemed like a really nice guy but in fact was a Humbert Humbert, there's still the problem of why she left the house so abruptly leaving the TV on, her records on the floor and no note for her mother. This was out of character, she was known to be responsible, not the sort of girl who ran with the wrong crowd and would just up and leave the house to do whatever she wanted whenever she wanted. Clearly she left in a hurry, if she was taken directly from the house by means of a confidence trick, what was it?

Also what of the strange Torana seen in the area with Victorian registration plates in the days leading up to Rhianna's disappearance but not after, reports of somebody hearing a girl scream late that day, and an un-confirmed sighting of Rhianna in her street later that afternoon? These may not have been factors at all, but some or all could be. Going back to my second theory - Rhianna needing to make a purchase urgently - if the Torana was involved perhaps Rhianna had been targeted when she went to the shops in the morning, but there wasn't the chance for the kidnapper to make his move at that time - witnesses around, losing his nerve etc. Then in the afternoon, Rhianna gets a bad headache, finds they are out of painkillers, and leaves the house to walk to the shops to buy some more, the abductor is still in the area hoping for another opportunity and this time carries out the kidnapping.

Of course this is just speculation, and I agree that this eerie case will probably never be solved. As I've noted on previous posts, it's Australia's answer to the infamous Springfield Three case from Missouri earlier the same year.
In the recent Podcast, the speaker talks about abductions, Breaking down the various categories, friends and family (someone known to the victim), stranger abductions (someone unknown to the victim or family)
She states, there is a higher instance of the Friends and Family involved rather than a stranger.
In this instance, I am split between the two categories. I cant prove Rhianna knew the offender, but he is a local, living with-in 600m.

I went through the surrounding houses to find anybody with form, either for violence against women or any sex offences. I did turn up a couple of candidates. One is extremely close to the victims home. the other is a bit further away in surrounding streets. Both guys, you wouldn't want to date your daughter.

I would imagine the offender has a line of sight to one of Rhianna's routes to the shops or bus.
My theory is that Rhianna and offender first interacted at Target or the Sanity store at Southgate plaza. But its is also highly likely the offender saw Rhianna walking home from school, as I do imagine the offender was employed at one of the local factories at the time. most finished at 2pm to 3pm.
Apart from the confidence trick, the only other explanation I could think of that might fit is that sometime during the afternoon Rhianna had to make an unexpected urgent purchase that couldn't wait - something such as headache tablets, toilet paper or female products - so left the house to walk to the same local shops where she purchased the card earlier in the day, was in the wrong place at the wrong time and unfortunate enough to meet her abductor on the short journey there. It would have to be on the way there, because if she did make the shops then there are no reported witness sightings of her there in the afternoon.

This theory would explain why the house was left the way it was, and why she didn't leave a note for her mother, thinking as it was a short trip she would be back before her mum returned. However, it would be a pretty audacious abductor/s who kidnapped a girl from suburbia in daylight hours during school holidays. There could be lots of potential witnesses, and a girl of Rhianna's age could quite easily fight back, making a lot of noise at the very least.
This is my theory too. She quickly went out and was taken on Highwray drive. As I've stated before there is a section of about 8 houses in that road where there is no house on the opposite side, and in school holidays would be less activity. It bends just afterward too so there is no visibility from Acre Ave.

I lean toward it being a stranger, because I think police would've gone hard at any POI in the vicinity, and even if they weren't on the police radar at the time, in subsequent years would've been questioned about it. They went hard at Megumi Suzukis ex BF to the extent he attempted suicide, and it turns out it actually was someone not connected. Also there has been no other big cases in the area, and you wouldn't expect the type of offender to do such a thing would strike only once. This is why Rust is a potential because behaviour does fit the pattern and his lack of connection to RB could account for lack of body.

It's true that It's often someone known to the victim, but I'd suspect in that case her body would've been disposed of in a fairly hasty manner and thus been found. For me the most likely case is someone clocked her walking on Highwray and struck. I'm 50/50 on whether it was a stranger or local, though it doesn't sit right with me that someone local would be able to commit it without leaving enough evidence.
This has most likely been discussed here to death and ruled out etc but again my memory isn't great.

Was the guy who took Louise Bell (Dieter whatever his name is) free on the streets when Rhianna went missing??

Both down south.
Just started to look at the material on this case reading all thread posts. She made it home and was enticed out appears the conventional explanation. Records spread on the floor, TV still on, Xmas card purchased still on table, door locked.

Human nature around some of these facts. If you were leaving to go any reasonable distance (say 3 houses away) most people turn TV off unless you are distracted by some event and know your are returning within mere seconds. It was instead left on. Alternatively, when you leave and are moving further than the front yard you usually lock the door and take keys. It was locked. These two unrelated states with incongruent treatments suggest to me that whoever distracted her at the front door did so for a reason that prompted her to believe she would go far enough to lock the door but for a reason that would be quickly sorted so as to leave the TV running when the request was dealt with. There was also likely familiarity perhaps even trust with the person....probably not a stranger in my opinion

In my opinion the most likely scenario consistent with this incongruency is going to an immediate neighbours house or yard to assist a request. TV on ( I'm returning) but door locked for security being away from your house. From what I read there was a neighbour under suspicion AND the police had implicated that the POI was closer than one might expect. They have a neighbour in mind my guess

I should add that a neighbor is in the prime position to observe:

  • she was alone
  • brother was away at camp
  • mum not due home for some time yet

I suspect she was asked to help a chore with a neighbour for a second and he pounced with the opportunity. He probably was late teens and had observed her for some time from afar. Does anyone meet that description?
lock the door and take keys. It was locked.
Were keys left behind?

Its not incongruent if the keys are there.

Same scenario different outcome could be - ' hey did you see my kitten it came into your yard'

Step outside and the door auto closes and locks

''I left my keys inside '' - ' thats ok you can wait at my house and play with the kitten'

I'm more comfortable with a neighbour grab than a random off the street attempt

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Unsolved Rhianna Barreau - Adelaide schoolgirl disappearance

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