Riverina FL - Off Season News Part 2

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Stephanie Muir's article from the DA. At least she speaks common sense unlike your Father who is a dead set twit!! Les wrote an article about tradition in Group 9 in recent times and leaving things as they were but obviously it doesn't apply to the RFL.

Relegation amounts to miscarriage of justice
6/08/2009 12:00:00 AM

By Stephanie Muir

THE general consensus among the Riverina Football League fraternity is to leave Narrandera and Griffith alone.

I agree wholeheartedly.

If Narrandera is moved out of the RFL into the second-rate Farrer League after trying to develop new players and encourage the town's talented juniors, it will be a miscarriage of justice.

All clubs should seek to build up their teams and not always rely on recruiting from outside.

I sympathise with the Eagles' and Griffith's plight.

I would hate to face the prospect of moving to a new competition, leaving behind old rivals and friends.

No one wants their team to be punted into a weaker competition.

Collingullie-Ashmont-Kapooka has only won one grand final in the Farrer League to date and just one more could land it a place in the RFL.

This is totally ridiculous and unfair.

If it does earn a place in the league, I will be cheering the other clubs on and hoping they record massive wins each week.

The decision by AFL NSW-ACT not only spells the end financially of the Eagles but also of three decades of proud tradition.
Eagles vow to stand behind Griffith
6/08/2009 12:00:00 AM

IN AN admirable display of sportsmanship, Narrandera declared it would stand behind its rival Griffith, despite both clubs facing a 50-50 chance of being relegated to the Farrer League.

Narrandera president Peter Royle expressed concern for both Narrandera's future and Griffith's survival.

"We are not only concerned for ourselves but for Griffith," he said.

"If they were moved into the Farrer League it will be the demise of the Griffith club."

Royle boldly declared the club would support Griffith, despite Narrandera's future hanging in the balance.

"We will stand behind them to the end," he said.

Royle expects a united Riverina Football League front to challenge the AFL over the decision to introduce the promotion-relegation system at the end of the year.

AFL NSW-ACT shocked RFL clubs by announcing the system would come into effect at the end of the year.

The decision has left Narrandera in a serious bind, after the club decided not to pursue the signatures of experienced players, to instead blood the club's youngsters.

Narrandera and Griffith face the prospect of being shut out of the RFL.

Royle is adamant all RFL clubs will stand up to AFL NSW-ACT in the name of preserving the competition.

"All the clubs will be standing behind the whole footy," he said.

"Everyone knows this is not doing anything for the footy."

Narrandera players are heavily against the move.

"I have already spoken to the players, who say there is no way they will play down in the Farrer League," he said

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Rebel clubs cant be allowed to dictate terms
6/08/2009 12:00:00 AM

By Les Muir

NO CLUB is bigger than the sport in which it competes.

The sooner Narrandera and Griffith realise this indisputable fact, the better off we all will be.

The Eagles and Swans are just being downright precious by the way they are carrying on about the threat of relegation to the Farrer League next year.

Both clubs should just accept the decision of the umpire – the AFL in this case – and go where they are told.

People have been crying out for years for changes to be made to the Riverina Football League and Farrer League, and the AFL has acted accordingly.

But, rather than take some direction, Narrandera and Griffith are acting like spoilt brats.

These two clubs should just stop whinging and let progress take its course.

And if they don't, the other RFL clubs should just knock some sense into them – take out the big stick if necessary.

Someone needs to show these rebel clubs they can't dictate to the AFL.

The Eagles are spoiling for a fight over the promotion and relegation issue, but it is a scrap they won't win and it could be more costly than they think.
I know it wouldnt happen - but what if Eastern Hawks win two of there last three games, Narrandera or Griffith win only one (they play each other) and loose the rest that would change the bottom three teams. so would that make a difference then :confused:

Wonder what would happen if AFL only decided to send the bottom two back but East Wagga get on top of Narrandera (Very possible, Hawks only have to win one more if Eagles go down to Griffith). That would make things even more interesting.
I just want to concur with everything Eastlakes has put forward in his last few posts in regard to Shane Lenon, he seems to be the only one putting forward any rational input.

These ridiculous and unjustified statements against Shane Lenon without any evidence whatsoever, are a huge insult to a highly respected individual in the football community. Who has provided more to football (especially junior development) in the Riverina region than Shane Lenon in the last 10 years? His record speaks for himself.

I do agree that Collingullie should have to wait an extra year, but to suggest that Shane Lenon has 'a deal' with AFL House is laughable. I'm surprised that Benny_Cousins and NSWelshman haven't accused Marc Geppart also, since he at least is still employed by the AFL. But I'm hoping your common sense prevails and that redirecting your pointless accusation will also go nowhere.
The DA is really struggling atm. I see his daughter commenting on the RFL situation?

I'd suggest Eastlakes that you read some of Stephanie Muir's articles and you might take back that comment. You can't say she hasn't done a good job with the above article. It has a good argument with research which is accurate and relevant to back it up. Also, she is the only journalist at the DA who has a sound technique at writing a match report when she reports Group Nine games.

Her writing appears to indicate that she watches and ANALYSES the game, by noting critical moments and matchups in the game that had an influence on the outcome. All the other journalists seem to get sent the best players and goalkickers by the club and report that "none tried harder than (insert best players here)"... for example. Might be time her senior colleagues took a leaf out of her book.
Stephanie Muir's article from the DA. At least she speaks common sense unlike your Father who is a dead set twit!! Les wrote an article about tradition in Group 9 in recent times and leaving things as they were but obviously it doesn't apply to the RFL.

Relegation amounts to miscarriage of justice
6/08/2009 12:00:00 AM

By Stephanie Muir

THE general consensus among the Riverina Football League fraternity is to leave Narrandera and Griffith alone.

I agree wholeheartedly.

If Narrandera is moved out of the RFL into the second-rate Farrer League after trying to develop new players and encourage the town's talented juniors, it will be a miscarriage of justice.

All clubs should seek to build up their teams and not always rely on recruiting from outside.

I sympathise with the Eagles' and Griffith's plight.

I would hate to face the prospect of moving to a new competition, leaving behind old rivals and friends.

No one wants their team to be punted into a weaker competition.

Collingullie-Ashmont-Kapooka has only won one grand final in the Farrer League to date and just one more could land it a place in the RFL.

This is totally ridiculous and unfair.

If it does earn a place in the league, I will be cheering the other clubs on and hoping they record massive wins each week.

The decision by AFL NSW-ACT not only spells the end financially of the Eagles but also of three decades of proud tradition.

**her father?
Dealing or influencing, one or the other, its obvious Collingullie has jumped the que at AFL house Wagga. Give us another plausable reason for the big push to have the Demons in RFL, rise above, I am open minded on the reasons.

And Please note there are plenty of unpaid volunteers through out the area who have done more for junior football than all the development officers put together, so dont put him on to high a pedistal with that one
And Please note there are plenty of unpaid volunteers through out the area who have done more for junior football than all the development officers put together, so dont put him on to high a pedistal with that one

I agree with that statement as well, we could go into detail about a couple of those who work in devleopment at afl house, and there would be plenty of more credentialed with more knowldge about the game and footy in the region who could put there hands up for a job in there. (with the exception of Paul habel who has been involved for around 15 years).

in regards to stephanie muirs article, (a personal perspective), i was referring to her commenting on this AFL saga atm, nothin to do with rugby league, or the quality of her articles, or that she attends rugby league games. I think a personal perspective that would be of interest should be written by someone with a bit more knowldge on the matter. but at the end of the day, we have les writing about Local AFL.
I wonder what would happen if Wagga Tigers were in the relegation mix??? An interesting thought hey???
They have been strangely silent on this matter havent they???Opinions?
Yes the silence of Wagga Tigers and Turvey Park has been deafening. So - Griffith, Leeton and Narrandera - these are your RFL 'mates' in action. I guess it's no secret my sympathies are with the western clubs here.

I think the Lenon conspiracy theory is an overkill, and the guy deserves more respect.

I say look beyond conspiracies. But I also say, a club should be rewarded for having, and encouraging, junior teams. That a club without juniors should be rewarded with promotion, ahead of clubs (like Narrandera and Griffith) who actually care about nurturing their kids, it really upsets me.

For those who like conspiracy theories, here is one - let the clubs experience what promotion-relegation actually means. After that - the idea of conferences and superbowl finals may not seem quite so objectionable after all.

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les muir is a peanut. keep your comments to gp9. if a club is acting like spoilt brats it would be Gullie, they have 1 gf thats it. Threatening to appeal if they dont get put in the rfl. remember the rfl did what it thought was needed to save the ffl, it could have said stuff you but did what was best for football (especially the 2 bottom clubs when the vote was taken), the rock chose to stay, gullie are the only ones looking after themselves and being payed back for voting for the afl's stupid restructure.
les muir is a peanut. keep your comments to gp9. if a club is acting like spoilt brats it would be Gullie, they have 1 gf thats it. Threatening to appeal if they dont get put in the rfl. remember the rfl did what it thought was needed to save the ffl, it could have said stuff you but did what was best for football (especially the 2 bottom clubs when the vote was taken), the rock chose to stay, gullie are the only ones looking after themselves and being payed back for voting for the afl's stupid restructure.

Well said balls.

Another side fact, Turvey has told Narrandera they will support them and any action they choose to take.

Also eastlakes you make some very big calls for someone who hasnt been around for a few years
Well said balls.

Another side fact, Turvey has told Narrandera they will support them and any action they choose to take.

Also eastlakes you make some very big calls for someone who hasnt been around for a few years

I didnt think they were to bold to be honest. Still up to date on whats happening, which is okay isnt it?
les muir is a peanut. keep your comments to gp9. if a club is acting like spoilt brats it would be Gullie, they have 1 gf thats it. Threatening to appeal if they dont get put in the rfl. remember the rfl did what it thought was needed to save the ffl, it could have said stuff you but did what was best for football (especially the 2 bottom clubs when the vote was taken), the rock chose to stay, gullie are the only ones looking after themselves and being payed back for voting for the afl's stupid restructure.

Thats what I'm talking about, and it was Mr Lennon who was Gullies front man at a recent meeting giving a big spool as to why Gullie should be in the RFL
Article from today's Leeton Irrigator. A good reasoned article showing Leeton's support for the Western clubs and opposition to this farce.

Footy's future in turmoil
7/08/2009 4:00:00 AM

THE future of Australian football in the Riverina is in turmoil after AFL NSW-ACT revealed a promotion relegation system that goes against what Riverina and Farrer clubs voted for last month.
While the majority of clubs agreed to a relegation system between the two leagues, the vote was for it to commence after the 2010 season.

However, AFL NSW-ACT has decided the system will be implemented from the end of this season, taking all clubs by surprise and throwing them all off-side.

Pushing the system forward 12 months means three RFNL teams will be forced to move back to Farrer, with one Farrer team promotoed.

As it stands, North Wagga and Eastern Hawks will move back, plus either Narrandera or Griffith. It is believed Collingulie-Ashmont-Kapooka will be the team to move up to RFL.

Under the proposal voted on by the clubs in July, two teams would move down to Farrer at the end of this season (bottom-placed North Wagga and Eastern Hawks), with a third to be relegated after 2010 and the 2010 Farrer league premier would move up to play RFNL in 2011. This would create to eight-team competitions with promotion and relegation from the 2011 season.

Leeton-Whitton has led the outcry against implementing the system for 2010. President Ron Dunn said what is being pushed by AFL NSW-ACT is not what was voted for.

"The way we interpreted it at the meeting was the motion was moved that North Wagga and East Wagga were to go back to Farrer and that the relegation would start at the end of 2010," he said. "That's the way, to my memory, it would happen.

"Nothing changes other than the RFL loses two teams ? they voted on that and were happy with that and it was our understanding that the relegation would take place at the end of the 2010 season.

"This is a little bit left field because that's not the way we interpreted it at the time.

"The way I look at this is they (AFL NSW-ACT) are trying to look after Colingullie(-Ashmont-Kapooka). They're going to chuck them straight into RFL, which is wrong.

"I haven't been to a lot of the meetings (due to work) but I've been kept informed of what's going on and that was the motion that was moved at the meeting. AFL NSW has gone outside of what we actually voted on."

The RFL will hold a meeting on Monday night, but Dunn cannot predict what the outcome of that will be.

"I don't know that all the clubs are going to accept it," he said. "There's all sorts of things being talked about, breakaway leagues, all sorts of stuff.

"We don't seem to be getting a lot of information. Put it this way, I'm not getting any information. I don't know whether Travis (Irvin, Crows secretary) is getting any.

"As far as any of this is concerned, we were supposed to get something over the weekend and I didn't get anything."

Leeton-Whitton expresses fears

AS WELL as the direct affect on clubs such as Narrandera and Griffith who have not had the chance to fight for the Riverina league survival, there are several aspects of promotion and relegation that worry Leeton-Whitton.

Club president Ron Dunn has raised the prospect of losing the region's premier playing facility for finals.

"If Narrandera go back to Farrer, does that mean the (Riverina) final will be played in Wagga?" he asked.

"(If) Narrandera's in Farrer league, they're not going to say 'you can come over and have your RFL finals in Narrandera'.

"The next best ground outside of Narrandera is probably going to be Griffith. Griffith aren't travelling too well, they'll end up in Farrer, all of a sudden Wagga get what they want and that's all the grand finals in Wagga, which we're not very happy about.

"To me it's all starting to fall into Wagga's lap. Our biggest problem is Leeton is standing alone at the moment because Griffith and Narrandera aren't travelling real well and we're standing out here on our own."

Losing Griffith to Farrer would also jeopardise the use of the Ex-Servicemen's Oval facilities, which Dunn rates as second only to Narrandera Sportsground.

"Narrandera Sportsground is the number one ground in the league," he said. "Even the Wagga sides agree the grand final should be played there.

"Griffith would have the best facilities and Griffith Exies Club actually sponsors one of the finals so there is sponsorship money to think of. They just haven't thought of all these things that keep popping up."

Dunn said Narrandera deserved to be treated with more respect than it is being shown at present.

"Narrandera don't deserve that," he said. "A few years ago they were in the grand final. Every club has its ups and downs and Narrandera has been a strong club for some time.

"Two years ago it would have been us. We didn't win a game. One year later we bounced back into a grand final.

"It has put a lot of people off side. I know (Narrandera president) Peter Royle is not happy.

"What really gets us is Collingullie came into the RFL and lasted two seasons because they couldn't handle it. So they're going to kick Narrandera out and put in a side that still doesn't know whether they can actually compete."
Article from today's Leeton Irrigator. A good reasoned article showing Leeton's support for the Western clubs and opposition to this farce.

Footy's future in turmoil
7/08/2009 4:00:00 AM

THE future of Australian football in the Riverina is in turmoil after AFL NSW-ACT revealed a promotion relegation system that goes against what Riverina and Farrer clubs voted for last month.
While the majority of clubs agreed to a relegation system between the two leagues, the vote was for it to commence after the 2010 season.

However, AFL NSW-ACT has decided the system will be implemented from the end of this season, taking all clubs by surprise and throwing them all off-side.

Pushing the system forward 12 months means three RFNL teams will be forced to move back to Farrer, with one Farrer team promotoed.

As it stands, North Wagga and Eastern Hawks will move back, plus either Narrandera or Griffith. It is believed Collingulie-Ashmont-Kapooka will be the team to move up to RFL.

Under the proposal voted on by the clubs in July, two teams would move down to Farrer at the end of this season (bottom-placed North Wagga and Eastern Hawks), with a third to be relegated after 2010 and the 2010 Farrer league premier would move up to play RFNL in 2011. This would create to eight-team competitions with promotion and relegation from the 2011 season.

Leeton-Whitton has led the outcry against implementing the system for 2010. President Ron Dunn said what is being pushed by AFL NSW-ACT is not what was voted for.

"The way we interpreted it at the meeting was the motion was moved that North Wagga and East Wagga were to go back to Farrer and that the relegation would start at the end of 2010," he said. "That's the way, to my memory, it would happen.

"Nothing changes other than the RFL loses two teams ? they voted on that and were happy with that and it was our understanding that the relegation would take place at the end of the 2010 season.

"This is a little bit left field because that's not the way we interpreted it at the time.

"The way I look at this is they (AFL NSW-ACT) are trying to look after Colingullie(-Ashmont-Kapooka). They're going to chuck them straight into RFL, which is wrong.

"I haven't been to a lot of the meetings (due to work) but I've been kept informed of what's going on and that was the motion that was moved at the meeting. AFL NSW has gone outside of what we actually voted on."

The RFL will hold a meeting on Monday night, but Dunn cannot predict what the outcome of that will be.

"I don't know that all the clubs are going to accept it," he said. "There's all sorts of things being talked about, breakaway leagues, all sorts of stuff.

"We don't seem to be getting a lot of information. Put it this way, I'm not getting any information. I don't know whether Travis (Irvin, Crows secretary) is getting any.

"As far as any of this is concerned, we were supposed to get something over the weekend and I didn't get anything."

Leeton-Whitton expresses fears

AS WELL as the direct affect on clubs such as Narrandera and Griffith who have not had the chance to fight for the Riverina league survival, there are several aspects of promotion and relegation that worry Leeton-Whitton.

Club president Ron Dunn has raised the prospect of losing the region's premier playing facility for finals.

"If Narrandera go back to Farrer, does that mean the (Riverina) final will be played in Wagga?" he asked.

"(If) Narrandera's in Farrer league, they're not going to say 'you can come over and have your RFL finals in Narrandera'.

"The next best ground outside of Narrandera is probably going to be Griffith. Griffith aren't travelling too well, they'll end up in Farrer, all of a sudden Wagga get what they want and that's all the grand finals in Wagga, which we're not very happy about.

"To me it's all starting to fall into Wagga's lap. Our biggest problem is Leeton is standing alone at the moment because Griffith and Narrandera aren't travelling real well and we're standing out here on our own."

Losing Griffith to Farrer would also jeopardise the use of the Ex-Servicemen's Oval facilities, which Dunn rates as second only to Narrandera Sportsground.

"Narrandera Sportsground is the number one ground in the league," he said. "Even the Wagga sides agree the grand final should be played there.

"Griffith would have the best facilities and Griffith Exies Club actually sponsors one of the finals so there is sponsorship money to think of. They just haven't thought of all these things that keep popping up."

Dunn said Narrandera deserved to be treated with more respect than it is being shown at present.

"Narrandera don't deserve that," he said. "A few years ago they were in the grand final. Every club has its ups and downs and Narrandera has been a strong club for some time.

"Two years ago it would have been us. We didn't win a game. One year later we bounced back into a grand final.

"It has put a lot of people off side. I know (Narrandera president) Peter Royle is not happy.

"What really gets us is Collingullie came into the RFL and lasted two seasons because they couldn't handle it. So they're going to kick Narrandera out and put in a side that still doesn't know whether they can actually compete."

Yep good article. The only thing I disagree with Dunn is him saying that they are alone in the fight because they are higher on the ladder. Leeton, Griff and Narrandera should band together and let them know that they wont take this from the AFL. Like Dunn said it all seems to be aimed to suit the wagga teams while the Western teams get left out in the lurch. As been mentioned Ganmain to my knowledge has been very quiet in its support of either action. I'm sure of they were in the same situation they would like clubs to come out to support them. Maybe its because they have a connection to AFL house. Habels sons play/have played there, buchanan is there number 1 supporter, they have had other players in the past out there such as Lenon and Geppert when working for the AFL
Thats what I'm talking about, and it was Mr Lennon who was Gullies front man at a recent meeting giving a big spool as to why Gullie should be in the RFL

If this is the best evidence you can find to support your ridiculous idea that Lenon has a 'deal' with the AFL, or has 'influences' with the AFL, or whatever conspiracy theory you are trying to create, then you are digging a deeper hole than you're already in.
As coach of the football club, has he not got every right to put forward his club's best interests to the public in the appropriate forum?
Lets put this to rest. Shane Lenon hasn't done anything wrong here.

I don't agree Collingullie deserve to be in the RFL for 2010 for a minute. But if you take a step back and look at Gullie's recent dominance you can see their argument:
- They have been undefeated in over 30 games of football
- Of the 13 games played this year (without even looking at last year's dominance), they've won six games > 100 pts.
- Furthermore, the rest of their games they have all won > 55 pts.
- Collingullie want some opposition and players at the other clubs left in the FFL are fed up playing for 2nd place.
- While it is not unusual for sides to go undefeated for long periods of time, they have done so in such in an emphatic fashion. Furthermore, with the unusual case of being in the same area as another football league which is of a better standard, I suppose Gullie thinks it is only common sense to put them into that league where there is a side that hasn't won a game in two seasons.

It is these FACTS that would have influenced the AFL when considering their decision, not what 'Shane Lenon told them to do' NSWelshman.

However, I hope Narrandera can fight and stay where they belong. Collingullie can prove their right to be in the RFL in 2011 IF they win the 2010 FFL Grand Final.
I didnt ask you why Gullie think they should be in the RFL, I want you to tell me your theory on why the AFL NSW rushed the Gullie in against the Vote. You agree that the shouldnt be in there along with 99% of everyone else, so how did they do it then.
- They have been undefeated in over 30 games of football
- Of the 13 games played this year (without even looking at last year's dominance), they've won six games > 100 pts.
- Furthermore, the rest of their games they have all won > 55 pts.
- Collingullie want some opposition and players at the other clubs left in the FFL are fed up playing for 2nd place.
- While it is not unusual for sides to go undefeated for long periods of time, they have done so in such in an emphatic fashion. Furthermore, with the unusual case of being in the same area as another football league which is of a better standard, I suppose Gullie thinks it is only common sense to put them into that league where there is a side that hasn't won a game in two seasons.

It is these FACTS that would have influenced the AFL when considering their decision, not what 'Shane Lenon told them to do' NSWelshman.

However, I hope Narrandera can fight and stay where they belong. Collingullie can prove their right to be in the RFL in 2011 IF they win the 2010 FFL Grand Final.

Hopefully that clarifies it for you.
If this is the best evidence you can find to support your ridiculous idea that Lenon has a 'deal' with the AFL, or has 'influences' with the AFL, or whatever conspiracy theory you are trying to create, then you are digging a deeper hole than you're already in.
As coach of the football club, has he not got every right to put forward his club's best interests to the public in the appropriate forum?
Lets put this to rest. Shane Lenon hasn't done anything wrong here.

I don't agree Collingullie deserve to be in the RFL for 2010 for a minute. But if you take a step back and look at Gullie's recent dominance you can see their argument:
- They have been undefeated in over 30 games of football
- Of the 13 games played this year (without even looking at last year's dominance), they've won six games > 100 pts.
- Furthermore, the rest of their games they have all won > 55 pts.
- Collingullie want some opposition and players at the other clubs left in the FFL are fed up playing for 2nd place.
- While it is not unusual for sides to go undefeated for long periods of time, they have done so in such in an emphatic fashion. Furthermore, with the unusual case of being in the same area as another football league which is of a better standard, I suppose Gullie thinks it is only common sense to put them into that league where there is a side that hasn't won a game in two seasons.

It is these FACTS that would have influenced the AFL when considering their decision, not what 'Shane Lenon told them to do' NSWelshman.

However, I hope Narrandera can fight and stay where they belong. Collingullie can prove their right to be in the RFL in 2011 IF they win the 2010 FFL Grand Final.

Footy is a funny game though, things change very quickly and we have all seen it happen in the RFL. Im thinking it will be no different with CAK, perhaps another Tigers situation.
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