Rodney Was Right

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Rookie said:
Stupid thread. Get a grip guys. We're all angry and stinging, even if its Monday still, but to blame the umpires is ridiculous. The White free kick was not there, but that's life. We let them back into the game. We need to wear this one.

the thing that ********s me about the white free was that the umpire was obviously not aware of what was going on. at best he must have seen whtie go down out of the corner of his eye, because he paid "in the back".

what that means is that an umpire is playing guessing games about whether a free kick in someones F50 should be paid with seconds to go and a kick the difference. they should nail that guys nuts to the wall, and he definately should not be allowed to umpire any finals this year as an example.
stefoid said:
the thing that ********s me about the white free was that the umpire was obviously not aware of what was going on. at best he must have seen whtie go down out of the corner of his eye, because he paid "in the back".

what that means is that an umpire is playing guessing games about whether a free kick in someones F50 should be paid with seconds to go and a kick the difference. they should nail that guys nuts to the wall, and he definately should not be allowed to umpire any finals this year as an example.

Totally agree. What is really frustrating me is all these media people saying the free was there. I know I am biased but I really can't see what Skipper did wrong.
Ted's Robot said:
Totally agree. What is really frustrating me is all these media people saying the free was there. I know I am biased but I really can't see what Skipper did wrong.

skipper didnt do jack. he had as much right to contest the ruck as the other 3 guys who were contesting it (minson and holland wrestling, skipper and white on the fringes).

his only 'fault' was he didnt go down like a sack of shyte when white ran into him. heres a picture.


so who is rucking? ump reckons its minson and white. OK then, award minson a free for interference from holland? I dont think so...
the herald sun has a caption 'skipper pushes white' which is rubbish - they are just protecting their editorial on the incident from sunday when they claimed it was soft but it was there. If you see the video you will see white come offscreen and effectivey hip and shoulder skipper - to skippers credit, he doesnt even blink but remains focussed on the ball and simply puts his arm out to steady himself

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stefoid said:
skipper didnt do jack. he had as much right to contest the ruck as the other 3 guys who were contesting it (minson and holland wrestling, skipper and white on the fringes).

his only 'fault' was he didnt go down like a sack of shyte when white ran into him. heres a picture.


so who is rucking? ump reckons its minson and white. OK then, award minson a free for interference from holland? I dont think so...
the herald sun has a caption 'skipper pushes white' which is rubbish - they are just protecting their editorial on the incident from sunday when they claimed it was soft but it was there. If you see the video you will see white come offscreen and effectivey hip and shoulder skipper - to skippers credit, he doesnt even blink but remains focussed on the ball and simply puts his arm out to steady himself
You're right. It was crap. Eade will ask questions and get no answers. Gotta move on. Tou're right and everyone thats argues it. But nothing changes. Boys just gotta use it for motivation now.
The umpires, also didn't see the numerous occasions leading up to this point where Jeff White did go up as the 3rd man. Once about 40 m from our goal, he he came over the top of Minson and Holland, got the tap and Melbourne got the clearance. It should have been our free kick and shot on goal as Jeff White was not the nominated ruckman in the contest. But we got nothing.
The Umpire can't reverse the decision.
The best we can get is an admission from the Umpire that he was wrong.
This is unlikely, but if Rocket was to get this it would be some compensation and might sort out all the staging and acting that goes on in boundary throw ins.
GoAds said:
The umpires, also didn't see the numerous occasions leading up to this point where Jeff White did go up as the 3rd man. Once about 40 m from our goal, he he came over the top of Minson and Holland, got the tap and Melbourne got the clearance. It should have been our free kick and shot on goal as Jeff White was not the nominated ruckman in the contest. But we got nothing.

that 'nominated ruckman' stuff is only valid at centre bounces. any other time, anyone can come over the top...

...except skipper. Its in the rulebook that skipper is not allowed to be 3rd man in a ruck contest, or in fact within 20m of one. page 34, article 12.section ii.
Thanks Stefoid, a picture says a thousand words.

No. 1 Skippers eyes firmly fixed on ball
No. 2 How did the umpire call that a push in the back?

I just couldn't believe people actually think that is a free kick! :mad:
Another thing from the picture shows Holland grappling with Minson. The AFL umpiring defence says White was in the ruck contest. If thats the case (yeah right) then why wasn't Holland penalised for impeding Minson as its obvious he is in the ruck contest?
Bulldogchick76 said:
See today's Herald Sun- Geischen has confirmed that it was a correct decision.

Of course it was :rolleyes:

Good to see that a couple of other columnist's seem to disagree

Was there ever any doubt? :(
Bulldogchick76 said:
See today's Herald Sun- Geischen has confirmed that it was a correct decision.

Of course it was :rolleyes:

Good to see that a couple of other columnist's seem to disagree

I disown Gieschen as a past player for the Bulldogs.
Even though he played for us it shows he has no concept of the spirit of footy. And I think the decision was wrong. Anyway in that tight and tense situation the clowns should have just let the play go on.

It's all been said before but, who was in the ruck ?, who was impeding who, who's the 3rd man in. White was just more experienced in throwing himself to the ground. If the freee wasn't paid he would have had a message from the runner for putting himself out of the contest.

When Gia had the free kick at the other end and Melbourne kept playing and kicked the ball away, why no 50 mts. When Minson had the free paid against him and kicked the ball away, in almost the same action, why did he have a 50 paid against him.
Great question. But no-one is listening and it's now tuesday and it was saturday. Gieshen's a hack and the what else are the umpires going to say "We got it wrong and cost the dogs a final spot", they'd rightfullt expect a law suit. They got it wrong we all know it, gotta move on.

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The herald sun took a stance on the decision on sunday and since then have backed themselves to the hilt. The first caption of the picture I posted above said 'skipper pushes white'...

the caption in todays paper reads 'skipper collides with white'

for those of you who havent seen the video, skipper was standing still and white comes in at full tilt and collides with skipper.

I just wonder if the Hun is protecting the umpires or being ultra-petty and simply protecting the hack journo who made the bad call in the paper on Sunday? If the latter, well, what can you say? it is the Hun after all....

heres the article.,8033,16351138%255E20322,00.html

gieschan is lying through his teeth. he says "skipper came in?" skipper was standing still at the time of the collision. he also says 'the umpire amde the correct decision', but the umpire called 'in the back'. In other words the umpire didnt see naything, and just made a guess, and geischan is backing his man.

and they wonder why coaches come out and rip into the umpires? its so just so bloody unfair that they arent allowed to lie about mistakes they make immune from criticism. my heart bleeds for them.
It's not the first time games have been decided by poor umpiring and it won't be the last.
What is so annoying is the fact that a coach is not able to express his diasappointment at such a decision and even worse that Gieschen and others will lie to protect the umpires.
It is utter crap there will be fewer umpires if you allow criticism.
Players and coaches get criticised, so can umpires be criticised.
They lie to protect themselves. The result can't be changed but have the guts to admit it when a mistake has been made.
bulldogtragic said:
can we please move on. it's not healthy it's the best part of 72 hours after the incident. move on.
Sorry but umpiring and alleged bias is the hot topic not just at the bulldogs but in the afl.
Is it heathly just to ignore the issue then go into the next game thinking we will get a fair go?

I wish it was Friday already!
ErnieSigley said:
Sorry but umpiring and alleged bias is the hot topic not just at the bulldogs but in the afl.
Is it heathly just to ignore the issue then go into the next game thinking we will get a fair go?
I dont think we've ignored it all Ernie. There have been several hundred posts onthe AFL board and this is no. 95 on this one. The ssue hasn't been swept away by supporters, i'm just saying we've gotta get past it already and look to Fridat night. That's all.
bulldogtragic said:
I dont think we've ignored it all Ernie. There have been several hundred posts onthe AFL board and this is no. 95 on this one. The ssue hasn't been swept away by supporters, i'm just saying we've gotta get past it already and look to Fridat night. That's all.

We supporters or the players? I'm sure the player and the coach if he is any good will put it in the past by Friday game time
However we as supporters have every right to complain. I left on Saturday night feeling cheated and I think a few others did as well. Its not been over done on the board.
Come Friday night I won't be worried about this but if we miss finals because of it would you say a 100 threads on this is enough?
I'd say the loss to Richmond earlier in the year was the real one we should of won.

That decision cost us, but going defencive allowed them to get back in.

The Richmond game was completely our fault and we should have won by 30 points not lost by 4. I'll personally blame that performance if we miss out.

But i'm looking to next year. Simple as that, getting caught up in it for too long aint healthy for me anyway, so i gotta move past it. Just trying to speed up the heailing process...
bulldogtragic said:
But i'm looking to next year. Simple as that, getting caught up in it for too long aint healthy for me anyway, so i gotta move past it. Just trying to speed up the heailing process...

Cricket is good.
Gooka said:
Cricket is good.
Yep. Brett Lee and Shaun Tait with a new red ball, hard pitch and favourable wind would be good to watch i think. Let em have a race to see who can bowl 100 miles an hour first.

Then after the ashes, the trade week, draft and PSD. Praccy games and perhaps a praccy game at the Whitten Oval would be good to bring back some memories.

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Rodney Was Right

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