I want cumdog in toomini poll
are you #ECI or #eco
im surprisingly eco for the start of a season
feel about as interested as our veterans have looked since that west coast game where we knew it was over
but a campaigner like dimma will do that to ya
hope alan oozay can ignite the old arousal levels
and ffs get bakes out of the fwd line he hates it there, he sucks there compared to the backline, get grimes outta tbl and bakes in
then fugn get cumdawg into the fwdline
same old shyte im cancelling my membership if they keep treating cumdawg like this he fugn won the game for the 2s last week
but nooooo, we gotta have ol man panic at the disco fugn grapey grimes spudding it up and bakes out of position to make it happen
we are fugn cooked as a club for the next 20 years and wehn they look back they will know why
our treatment of the firestarter we need right now
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