Yep, you wouldn't want to be trying to bring in too many rpemiums who are just going to have their bye anyway, so you should try and bank a little bit of cash so you can more easily upgrade to R12 and 13 premiums in weeks 13 and 14Still really confused on which way to go this week.
Bye structure looks like 9/10/11 after my current trades of Rocky to Cripps and Scrimshaw to Gardner with $288k in the bank.
Like many I can't really see many obvious premo options to bring in after the round 12 bye (Currently have Macrae, Dunkley, L.Shiels, Worpel and Boak as players I will hold through the byes) apart from Merrett or Fyfe. Trading Rocky now means he is another option to potentially bring in.
The main issue I am having trouble with is getting my head around next weeks trades.
In a perfect world I would do a Hayes downgrade and then upgrade Miers and Rozee to a premo mid and a premo defender but that is a very tricky thing to balance with the byes.
What are the general thoughts on trading next week?
Two down and one up?