Soooo... Goodes immediately pointing out someone (who he had no idea the age of) calling him a racially derogatory name, in Indigenous Round, is not ok? He should just cop anything that comes his way?
And puh-lease, that war dance was rad as hell (which again he only did in Indigenous Round), Inglis does his goanna crawl and it's dope and adds to the spectacle. You've been saying booing Goodes is all part of the theatre yet he should not have a right of reply? ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED!?
Yep, exactly my point, I dislike the war dance, so I can boo him if I wish (Actually I have never even boo'd him yet!) and people shouldnt be able to play the race card, was my one of my points. Anyway thats the end of the topic for me, thank you for the back and forth good sir!