Agree with this but I also think he has played extremely well in our first 2 matches & I expect him to have a much better season in his 2nd year as Captain. I think it's important that we acknowledge his improvement in 2025 & I'm rapt that he's started so well.You’re right, he doesn’t need a hard edge in the media.
He needs it on the field, leading from the front by actions when the heat is truly on, not shrinking and looking mentally defeated before the ball is bounced like the Geelong QF last year.
Until then, he isn’t proven and he won’t be able to change the narrative until that moment arrives again. Price you pay for shitting the bed in finals is you have to wait another 12 months to atone for it, and nobody cares what you do in the meantime.
Not sure what part of this you’re not getting, go hand out some more encouragement awards.