Autopsy Round 2 vs Essendon @ Marvel Stadium. 26/03/23 - 2:20pm

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The game on the weekend reminded me a lot of the game against the Giants early last year. Where it felt like everything went their way and we were absolutely terrible, except the swans were a far better team than the Giants were.

And we came out the next week to spank the blues who looked unreal up until that game.

The only two changes I hope we make is:

Levi Casboult for Tom Berry, our forward half pressure was absolutely terrible and I hope we never go with 4 talls ever again. (I’d much rather drop Chol after his absolutely awful and lazy game, but I don’t see that happening)

Alex Davies for Brayden Fiorini. Davies made some unforgivable mistakes on the weekend, and watching from the ground looked like one of the worst on.

Dew’s presser he said that Weller could have played 2’s on the weekend but they decided against it, so I can’t imagine he’ll get straight back in the team without a warm up game. If so, I don’t think Constable who was brought into the team for his good ball use and decision making deserves another chance after Saturday and would have Weller take his spot
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I think Lukosius is a far better option at half back than constable but I'd be surprised if they changed it up after one bad game. I'm bringing rosas in for casboult and Humphrey for Davies.
Maybe Lukosius to a wing especially if he was up against heppell he won't be done for speed. A forward line of chol, King, rosas, Flanders, Jeffery, ainsworth, Humphrey, holman gives us a better balance and the ability to defend the run of essendon. Last year it wasn't so much our back 6 that let is down it was further up the ground where it all started for the Bombers.
Jeffery King rosas
Ainsworth chol Flanders
Hollands Anderson Lukosius
Constable ballard long
Farrar Collins uwland
Witts Rowell miller
Humphrey swallow holman dmac
Sub Davies but someone like Ace might be worth a shot for maximum impact.
Chol needs someone to deflate his massive ego down a few notches.
He should have taken 6+ contested mark and dropped every one of them.
Luko needs to be left as a running HB he has zero contested marking presence he's not a KP footballer it's so obvious. He's an oversized flanker.
Luko is playing as an oversized half forward flank / wing.

He played as a deeper KPF early last year but hasn’t for the last 15+ games.

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Depends on his fitness of course, but we need the experience.
And the run and foot skills. Just watched the replay against Sydney. The Swans pressure was intense and had us on the back foot nearly all night, but we were atrocious for most of the game, missing simple handballs, marks and kicks and played with next to no cohesion at all. Not sure Dew has figured out where to put all of his chess pieces yet? Forward line, midfield and defence all very poor. Hope they’re very embarrassed after that performance.
I heard a bit of the hawthorn essendon game on the radio.

Apparently essendon were pushing their forwards up the ground and then using quick and mobile players like Davey, Menzie etc.. to race back into an open 50. We seem to concede many goals to these ‘fast play’ type situations’.

Keeping a spare defender back in the 50 who can read the play and cut off these fast forays forward seems to be the play.
Re watching the player highlights section on AFL app. Ned Flanders did a few nice things, few nice ground ball gets with clean hands.

He did kick 2 goals and dropped a mark 25m out on a slight angle that should have been a third.

If he can come out and kick another 1 or 2 against Essendon certainly gives some confidence he can function in that half forward role.
Re watching the player highlights section on AFL app. Ned Flanders did a few nice things, few nice ground ball gets with clean hands.

He did kick 2 goals and dropped a mark 25m out on a slight angle that should have been a third.

If he can come out and kick another 1 or 2 against Essendon certainly gives some confidence he can function in that half forward role.
I was surprised he didn't get more time in the middle considering how bad we were playing, thought he was solid
The coast to coast style is the new trend. To do this you need speed, endurance and skill. We have the endurance but not the speed and skill. Weller and Powell will definitely help as will Ellis, luko needs to be back behind the ball as his kicking is what we need for this style. King and chol are good talls with their speed, casboult not so much. Rosas speed is needed and Humphrey would be a good addition as that mid sized who can get behind the forwards and be a good one on one target. Sexton also would enjoy this game style. The game shifts year to year and I don't think the bomb it long is going to cut it this year.

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The coast to coast style is the new trend. To do this you need speed, endurance and skill. We have the endurance but not the speed and skill. Weller and Powell will definitely help as will Ellis, luko needs to be back behind the ball as his kicking is what we need for this style. King and chol are good talls with their speed, casboult not so much. Rosas speed is needed and Humphrey would be a good addition as that mid sized who can get behind the forwards and be a good one on one target. Sexton also would enjoy this game style. The game shifts year to year and I don't think the bomb it long is going to cut it this year.
Team selection this week will be telling. It was a shocking one last week. I'm no DMac hater but that was such a poor decision having him and Constable down back as key ball movers.

Hoping we get Ellis and Weller back but we need to improve across the ground. That was diabolical and makes me worried this team are making the mistake of thinking the rise up is inevitable this year.
I have just been to training at Carrara. It’s the first time the temperature has been below 30 in ages. It made me think the team may be suffering from prolonged exposure to excessive heat and humidity. I live a Carrara, and it is always hotter out here than at the seaway where the temperature is measured. The guys have had a long off-season with more running. This may have caught up to us by the time the season rolled around. There is no excuse for the lack of skills, but it could explain the lack of effort. However, this training block should leave us in good stead later in the season once we recover and the temperature drops.

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I’ll be there. I’m in Melbourne this weekend for a wedding, also squeezing in the Ice Cube concert on Wednesday. Geelong v Carlton at the G on Thursday. Here’s hoping the Suns can be the highlight of the weekend

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sounds like you not really planning on going to the wedding...going to everything else!
I heard a bit of the hawthorn essendon game on the radio.

Apparently essendon were pushing their forwards up the ground and then using quick and mobile players like Davey, Menzie etc.. to race back into an open 50. We seem to concede many goals to these ‘fast play’ type situations’.

Keeping a spare defender back in the 50 who can read the play and cut off these fast forays forward seems to be the play.

was less that than just the fact most of our attack was generated off our backline and the hawks allowed us to move the ball way too easily and quickly through the middle, so it put their backs under constant pressure. We never really allowed Hawthorn to set up a proper defensive structure.

If Gold Coast can put forward pressure on our backline and keep us out of the corridor to slow the rebound speed down it will allow your defense to set itself up a bit more easily to defend it. Will make us bomb it to talls as opposed toi be able to pick off open targets.
I heard a bit of the hawthorn essendon game on the radio.

Apparently essendon were pushing their forwards up the ground and then using quick and mobile players like Davey, Menzie etc.. to race back into an open 50. We seem to concede many goals to these ‘fast play’ type situations’.

Keeping a spare defender back in the 50 who can read the play and cut off these fast forays forward seems to be the play.
Wil Powell?
I'm an Essendon fan but I have a soft spot for the Suns.

I think a couple of positional changes and making some tough calls on some talls is needed to front up with a more mobile team that can cover the ground a bit better. This week or next pending the fitness of a couple of guys I'd like to see a Gold Coast side looking like this:

B: Farrar Collins Long
HB: Weller Ballard Lukosius
C: Powell Rowell Hollands
HF: Jeffrey Chol Ainsworth
F: Rosas King Humphrey
R: Witts Miller Anderson
Int: Flanders Swallow Graham Holman Sub: Fiorini/Davies
I'm an Essendon fan but I have a soft spot for the Suns.

I think a couple of positional changes and making some tough calls on some talls is needed to front up with a more mobile team that can cover the ground a bit better. This week or next pending the fitness of a couple of guys I'd like to see a Gold Coast side looking like this:

B: Farrar Collins Long
HB: Weller Ballard Lukosius
C: Powell Rowell Hollands
HF: Jeffrey Chol Ainsworth
F: Rosas King Humphrey
R: Witts Miller Anderson
Int: Flanders Swallow Graham Holman Sub: Fiorini/Davies
Probably pretty close but I doubt Dew will throw both Weller and Powell back into the starting lineup on the back of long recoveries from injuries. Seems we're more likely to see Weller getting named than Powell (although Powell could be a sub option). I also don't think Graham will be named now that we know Peter Wright won't be playing. I think Uwland keeps his spot over Graham. My guess would be something like this:

B: Farrar, Collins, Uwland
HB: Long, Ballard, Weller
C: Lukosius, Rowell, Hollands
HF: Flanders, Chol, Ainsworth
F: Jeffrey, King, Holman
R: Witts, Miller, Anderson
Int: Swallow, Davies, Fiorini, Sexton
Sub: Macpherson/Powell

IN: Weller, Fiorini, Sexton
OUT: Casboult, Macpherson, Constable
Probably pretty close but I doubt Dew will throw both Weller and Powell back into the starting lineup on the back of long recoveries from injuries. Seems we're more likely to see Weller getting named than Powell (although Powell could be a sub option). I also don't think Graham will be named now that we know Peter Wright won't be playing. I think Uwland keeps his spot over Graham. My guess would be something like this:

B: Farrar, Collins, Uwland
HB: Long, Ballard, Weller
C: Lukosius, Rowell, Hollands
HF: Flanders, Chol, Ainsworth
F: Jeffrey, King, Holman
R: Witts, Miller, Anderson
Int: Swallow, Davies, Fiorini, Sexton
Sub: Macpherson/Powell

IN: Weller, Fiorini, Sexton
OUT: Casboult, Macpherson, Constable
Yeah ok Powell mightn't be available this week that's fair, but I did say either this week or next when they are ready. Humphrey probably falls into that category too.
But yeah, this is the changes thread for the match against Essendon so I hear you.

I don't particularly rate Graham but I like the fact that he allows Lukosius to be more of the architect back there when you want him to be, rather than a genuine key defender.

For example, Essendon will play three talls up there a lot of the time, even without Wright i.e. Weideman, Jones and the resting ruck. Draper played a lot forward. Having Collins, Ballard and Graham accountable for those three allows Lukosius to play to his strengths and be more of a distributor.
I was surprised he didn't get more time in the middle considering how bad we were playing, thought he was solid
Dew seems fixated on what a player can’t do rather than what they can, 2MP and Brodie are prime examples that when allowed to play to their strengths they shine

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