Senior List
There's way too much emphasis on catching a rookies first price rise. If he's playing well and getting more games, he will continue to make lots of money in the following rounds. Especially since he's starting @ 89k. Last year I missed Zorko's (opening price 98k) first few price rises because I had injuries that needed sorting in other parts of the ground. I eventually bought him in @ around 230k. He still made me 250K though and ended up being a keeper. But could have traded him to just about any forward when he peaked. Although I already have Dwyer myself, if I didn't I would still bring him after his first price change, so long as he's getting games and playing well for his team he will continue to make lots of DT$
totally agreed, especially if Dwyer keeps racking up the points, then he'd be a keeper where his price rise wouldn't matter as much.