Current Trial Russell Hill & Carol Clay Pt 2 *Pilot Greg Lynn Guilty for the Murder of Carol Clay

When will the jury have delivered their decisions of guilty or not guilty on both?

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Here is PART 1 Russell Hill & Carol Clay - Wonnangatta *Pilot Greg Lynn Pleads Not Guilty to Murder

DPP v Lynn [2024] VSCA 62 (12 April 2024) INTERLOCUTORY APPEAL

R v Lynn (Rulings 1-4) [2024] VSC 373 (28 June 2024)

R v Lynn (Rulings 5 & 6) [2024] VSC 375 (28 February 2024)

R v Lynn (Ruling 7) [2024] VSC 376 (8 May 2024)

The Greg Lynn Police Interview Tapes (Shortened Version)

The 3.5 HR Police Interview

High Country Disappearance of Prison Boss David Prideaux
The Disappearance of Warren Meyer

2008 - Warren Meyer (23 March 2008) not found
2010 - Japp and Annie Viergever (29 March 2010) both shot & 3 dogs, house burnt.
2011 - David Prideaux (5 June 2011) not found
2017 - Kevin Tenant (17 February 2018) shot 3 times, played dead.
2019 - Conrad Whitlock (29 July 2019) not found
2019 - Niels Becker (24 October 2019) not found
2020 - Russell Hill and Carol Clay (20 March 2020) murdered

Lynn's first wife Lisa, was found dead on 26 October 1999.
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This is wild. You’ve made some bold claims before surely you’ve got some meat on the bones with these ones

I’m 100% ok with people doubting me and thinking many of the suspicious incidents linked to Lynn, beggar belief.

I know it is hard to believe that someone could do the things he might have done, especially the the murder suicide, but I think the court case revealed the depth of his depravity. To mutilate corpse as he did is so far off the scale of normal that any of his past activities need to be reviewed with that new understanding of what he is capable of and the DNA of his psyche.

Think back to when he was first arrested - I think everyone was of the mindset of - how could a pilot be involved?

That was well before we even had details of what he did to the bodies.

Within aviation circles as soon as his name dropped - we knew, because of the back story with Lisa.

Months ago I had a private exchange with a well respected user on here who asked if there were any other related cases that might be linked to Lynn. I said the murder suicide on zigzag road 10 years after Lisa.

That was a full 5/6 weeks before Sly broke the news in the press.

I won’t breech the privacy of that exchange. But they may care to jump in and confirm this here.

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It was reported GL had recently purchased night vision binoculars prior to March 2020. Nothing unusual about that or even having ordinary vision binoculars in a vehicle IMO.
Maybe this is how he knew Russell and Carol were having fun in bed. Otherwise to know this, he must have been close to their tent. Either way, he must have been spying on them. (According to his version.)
I’m 100% ok with people doubting me and thinking many of the suspicious incidents linked to Lynn, beggar belief.

I know it is hard to believe that someone could do the things he might have done, especially the the murder suicide, but I think the court case revealed the depth of his depravity. To mutilate corpse as he did is so far off the scale of normal that any of his past activities need to be reviewed with that new understanding of what he is capable of and the DNA of his psyche.

Think back to when he was first arrested - I think everyone was of the mindset of - how could a pilot be involved?

That was well before we even had details of what he did to the bodies.

Within aviation circles as soon as his name dropped - we knew, because of the back story with Lisa.

Months ago I had a private exchange with a well respected user on here who asked if there were any other related cases that might be linked to Lynn. I said the murder suicide on zigzag road 10 years after Lisa.

That was a full 5/6 weeks before Sly broke the news in the press.

I won’t breech the privacy of that exchange. But they may care to jump in and confirm this here.
You’re right, the depravity of destroying the bodies is telling.

I’m not sure why everyone was in disbelief that he was a pilot though, anyone in any profession, walk of like can commit atrocious crimes.
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I actually wonder now the reason for him leaving the RAAF...I have a couple of acquaintances who are long-standing Qan/Jester Captains, and to reach the level of Check Captain is not trivial, nor indicative of mediocre flight ability...whilst they do not know Lynn personally, they know enough based upon normal workplace chatter.🤔
One of my school buddies is a long time RAAF fighter pilot, and has been his lifelong mission from when we started high school, and has said the flight training is rigourous in not only flying aptitude and skill, but also heavily weighted in the disciplines of decision making under pressure, mental and psychological robustness.
Given there seems to be no doubt about his later Commercial flying aptitude, one must consider the reasons for him "failing flight training" may encompass those decision making aspects, or those of mental robustness....
Certainly what has transpired has proven he is "wired different to most", and arguably wired different to most pilots too?

I agree it was a remarkable turn around to reach the role of check captain.

He was well regarded by management at Jetstar and to get that role you have to be able to talk the talk and tick all the boxes. He was skilled at this.

The rank and file, those in the right hand seat, those who he assessed in the sim tell a very different story. The most common description is that he was odd. That is universal. One example reading the Quran after 9/11.

There are other reports of fits of anger when others made errors. Not what you need on a flight deck.

As too the hosties at Jetstar who tell a different story to those at Qantas.

Like a tale of two cities, it’s a tale of two Lynn’s
The handheld speaker/microphone was attached near the centre console of RH vehicle cabin which may have forced him/CC to be seated in his vehicle with the doors closed for private conversation.
What’s surprising to me is that these calls were made around 6.30 which to me would be around dinner time. Lynn says he has come back to the camp being confronted by Hill and he left it then went over to cook his dinner. So Hill was meant to have the drone on Lynn and confronting him around the same time Hill makes his call and yet no mention of any drama/problems just planning a trip to Dargo the next day.
Lynn has described Hill as a person who was threatening him including going to police but yet here he is not worried about the person he just threatened, calling his friends on the radio and having fun in bed.
If GL had succeeded with the fighter pilot training 1985 to 1995 he more likely would have been retired way before the time he would have been retired being involved in the 'outside' airline industry. I would imagine his psych reports would have best suited employment in the airline industry. Fighter pilots are trained to destroy and airline pilots are trained to save.

Nice point.

What neither can do is panic.

In the HS today

Missing camper killer Greg Lynn gets powerful prison job, cell with a view​

High country killer Greg Lynn has jostled his way into a powerful jailhouse job and secured himself a quiet corner cell – but prison sources say he’s also put a bullseye on his back.

Former Jetstar pilot Greg Lynn may be a cold-blooded killer himself, but he doesn’t mix with others killers.
Fresh new details about Lynn’s life behind bars have emerged following his double murder trial, including how he has wielded control over prison staff and peers but remains vulnerable to attack.

Days after he was convicted of the murder of Carol Clay, 73, and acquitted of the murder of her lover Russell Hill, 74, in June, Lynn was “shit-bombed” by rival detainees in the prison yard.

A clearer picture has since emerged of why Lynn was attacked inside the maximum-security Melbourne Assessment Prison.

A prison source, speaking on the condition of anonymity, said Lynn has refused to align with criminal networks on the inside, placing a target on his back.

“Lynn does not show normal traits of a run of the mill prisoner,” the prison source said.

“He is aloof, arrogant and entitled and the other prisoners do not like him.

“He is not part of any criminal network which is why he is isolated and why he was attacked.”

Another reason he is disliked by his prison foes is due to the power he has over them.

The prison source said that Lynn demanded the head billets job within his prison unit.

The request was initially knocked by the prison authority in charge – but later overruled.

“Head Office take close interest to high profile prisoners like him,” the prison source said.

The head billet is a coveted prison job, attracting a higher payment and ability to order others around.

“It’s the plum job,” the source said.

“He runs the food line and directs the other billets to do work.

“He also gets the corner cell – cell 1 with the nice view to Spencer St and no north side adjoining cell – one of the quietist cells in the prison for sure.”

Lynn’s career as a commercial pilot meant he was practised at maintaining control and a cool head under pressure.

Such a skill assisted in his High Country crimes, including the burning of Mrs Clay and Mr Hills bodies.

During his hours-long police interview, Lynn appeared calm as he recounted disposing of the pair’s remains.

He cooly told detectives he “had to collect” pieces of Mrs Clay’s skull from the campsite, saying he cleaned the scene “with a bucket and spade”, throwing some into the fire and some in the river.

Lynn will return to the Supreme Court for a pre-sentence hearing on Friday.
Missing Campers Trial
Voice of a Killer Part 2
now released

Chilling and disturbing to listen to him. He is not remorseful for his actions, only getting caught. So arrogant and superior. As for ML in court, her behaviour was in very poor taste and totally insensitive to the Clay and Hill families.
In the HS today

Missing camper killer Greg Lynn gets powerful prison job, cell with a view​

High country killer Greg Lynn has jostled his way into a powerful jailhouse job and secured himself a quiet corner cell – but prison sources say he’s also put a bullseye on his back.

Former Jetstar pilot Greg Lynn may be a cold-blooded killer himself, but he doesn’t mix with others killers.
Fresh new details about Lynn’s life behind bars have emerged following his double murder trial, including how he has wielded control over prison staff and peers but remains vulnerable to attack.

Days after he was convicted of the murder of Carol Clay, 73, and acquitted of the murder of her lover Russell Hill, 74, in June, Lynn was “shit-bombed” by rival detainees in the prison yard.

A clearer picture has since emerged of why Lynn was attacked inside the maximum-security Melbourne Assessment Prison.

A prison source, speaking on the condition of anonymity, said Lynn has refused to align with criminal networks on the inside, placing a target on his back.

“Lynn does not show normal traits of a run of the mill prisoner,” the prison source said.

“He is aloof, arrogant and entitled and the other prisoners do not like him.

“He is not part of any criminal network which is why he is isolated and why he was attacked.”

Another reason he is disliked by his prison foes is due to the power he has over them.

The prison source said that Lynn demanded the head billets job within his prison unit.

The request was initially knocked by the prison authority in charge – but later overruled.

“Head Office take close interest to high profile prisoners like him,” the prison source said.

The head billet is a coveted prison job, attracting a higher payment and ability to order others around.

“It’s the plum job,” the source said.

“He runs the food line and directs the other billets to do work.

“He also gets the corner cell – cell 1 with the nice view to Spencer St and no north side adjoining cell – one of the quietist cells in the prison for sure.”

Lynn’s career as a commercial pilot meant he was practised at maintaining control and a cool head under pressure.

Such a skill assisted in his High Country crimes, including the burning of Mrs Clay and Mr Hills bodies.

During his hours-long police interview, Lynn appeared calm as he recounted disposing of the pair’s remains.

He cooly told detectives he “had to collect” pieces of Mrs Clay’s skull from the campsite, saying he cleaned the scene “with a bucket and spade”, throwing some into the fire and some in the river.

Lynn will return to the Supreme Court for a pre-sentence hearing on Friday.

Maybe even into the long drop.

You’ll never-never know, if you never-never go … and look.

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In the HS today

Missing camper killer Greg Lynn gets powerful prison job, cell with a view​

High country killer Greg Lynn has jostled his way into a powerful jailhouse job and secured himself a quiet corner cell – but prison sources say he’s also put a bullseye on his back.

Former Jetstar pilot Greg Lynn may be a cold-blooded killer himself, but he doesn’t mix with others killers.
Fresh new details about Lynn’s life behind bars have emerged following his double murder trial, including how he has wielded control over prison staff and peers but remains vulnerable to attack.

Days after he was convicted of the murder of Carol Clay, 73, and acquitted of the murder of her lover Russell Hill, 74, in June, Lynn was “shit-bombed” by rival detainees in the prison yard.

A clearer picture has since emerged of why Lynn was attacked inside the maximum-security Melbourne Assessment Prison.

A prison source, speaking on the condition of anonymity, said Lynn has refused to align with criminal networks on the inside, placing a target on his back.

“Lynn does not show normal traits of a run of the mill prisoner,” the prison source said.

“He is aloof, arrogant and entitled and the other prisoners do not like him.

“He is not part of any criminal network which is why he is isolated and why he was attacked.”

Another reason he is disliked by his prison foes is due to the power he has over them.

The prison source said that Lynn demanded the head billets job within his prison unit.

The request was initially knocked by the prison authority in charge – but later overruled.

“Head Office take close interest to high profile prisoners like him,” the prison source said.

The head billet is a coveted prison job, attracting a higher payment and ability to order others around.

“It’s the plum job,” the source said.

“He runs the food line and directs the other billets to do work.

“He also gets the corner cell – cell 1 with the nice view to Spencer St and no north side adjoining cell – one of the quietist cells in the prison for sure.”

Lynn’s career as a commercial pilot meant he was practised at maintaining control and a cool head under pressure.

Such a skill assisted in his High Country crimes, including the burning of Mrs Clay and Mr Hills bodies.

During his hours-long police interview, Lynn appeared calm as he recounted disposing of the pair’s remains.

He cooly told detectives he “had to collect” pieces of Mrs Clay’s skull from the campsite, saying he cleaned the scene “with a bucket and spade”, throwing some into the fire and some in the river.

Lynn will return to the Supreme Court for a pre-sentence hearing on Friday.

Not unlike a chief pilot role.
To my mind, if Lynn was involved, it was revenge.

Nothing more. Nothing less.

Ask anyone who was close to Lisa - they will say the same thing.

To kill her pet pig. To tie her up and hose her down in the middle of night is an anger that has no bounds.

Some have speculated that their deaths may have been related to incriminating evidence that they might have held in the office or a safe about Lisa’s death.

I can’t imagine if they had, say a tape from an answering
machine with threats to Lisa, that they had kept this from the police at the time of her death.

I’m 100% ok with people doubting me and thinking many of the suspicious incidents linked to Lynn, beggar belief.

I know it is hard to believe that someone could do the things he might have done, especially the the murder suicide, but I think the court case revealed the depth of his depravity. To mutilate corpse as he did is so far off the scale of normal that any of his past activities need to be reviewed with that new understanding of what he is capable of and the DNA of his psyche.

Think back to when he was first arrested - I think everyone was of the mindset of - how could a pilot be involved?

That was well before we even had details of what he did to the bodies.

Within aviation circles as soon as his name dropped - we knew, because of the back story with Lisa.

Months ago I had a private exchange with a well respected user on here who asked if there were any other related cases that might be linked to Lynn. I said the murder suicide on zigzag road 10 years after Lisa.

That was a full 5/6 weeks before Sly broke the news in the press.

I won’t breech the privacy of that exchange. But they may care to jump in and confirm this here.
What is 'off the scale' for me is that GL admitted to everything that he had done, post-death of two individuals. He didn't have to give-up the final site of RH and CC, but he chose to do so, thus giving the families of RH and CC the closure to the questions they would have posed to themselves hundreds, possibly thousands of times.

It is very rare that an individual that has been involved in such (self described by GL as) "despicable post-death acts" gives up so much detailed information; this leads me to continually ponder if the details GL gave regarding the pre-death occurrences, actually did occur. A question I continually pose to myself, is why would he give up the post-death details and lie about the pre-death details?

BTW most safes are fire proof for 4 to 5 hours (or more) so anything that was allegedly contained therein at 99 Zig Zag Road, Mt Macedon, would have been located. I am sure that if there were 'secrets' contained within a safe, a copy would have been held elsewhere, like in the hands of a solicitor or estate executor with a request the document/s to be passed on to certain individuals.
Many of us during our lifetime have faced crushing defeats, bitter disappointments, loss of face with our families and friends, and anxiety inducing set backs. In spite of this, we have not turned into inhumane and dangerous personalities, keen to shoot the bejabbers out of strangers and wipe out any trace of their lives once lived, to the point that they might never have existed on this planet.

Even the skeletons of the wild animals dead from drought are left alone to bleach in the sun as a memory they once lived and had a place in society. They contributed. They mattered.

If we all acted like Lynn because we have faced extreme upheaval and personal crises brought on by unfair and unpredictable circumstances, then society would be severely threatened.

Look at Charlie Teo. Battered and bruised and humiliated by his colleagues and the community. A brilliant mind. He retaliated against bitter defeat by rising again to relocate overseas and save the lives of many who are deemed inoperable and who otherwise are doomed. He admitted he made mistakes. He atoned and fought back.

Lynn may well have suffered anguish and disappointment from humiliating events in his lifetime but that doesn’t excuse him from obliterating the very existence of two people who did not deserve to be horrifically murdered for no good reason.
It would be chaos if we all responded to multiple set backs, possibly loss of identity in such a violent manner. He is no doubt in the minority, a psychopath.

His actions were cold and calculated - which is why I tend to believe him when he says he disposed of the bodies, so he could continue with his life as normal. Only a psychopath could think and behave in that way. It will be very interesting in time to learn about his childhood.
Chilling and disturbing to listen to him. He is not remorseful for his actions, only getting caught. So arrogant and superior. As for ML in court, her behaviour was in very poor taste and totally insensitive to the Clay and Hill families.
'We' tend to forget Lynn at the time, was presumed to be innocent of all charges.
It would be chaos if we all responded to multiple set backs, possibly loss of identity in such a violent manner. He is no doubt in the minority, a psychopath.

His actions were cold and calculated - which is why I tend to believe him when he says he disposed of the bodies, so he could continue with his life as normal. Only a psychopath could think and behave in that way. It will be very interesting in time to learn about his childhood.

We hear about it every day on the roads. Cut in on someone or fail to give way or not keep to your lane and you are likely to have some maniac attack you at the next traffic light or try to run you off the road. Road rage is a form of self entitlement, whereby people believe they have the right to kill or maim someone for a minor infringement.
Not unlike a chief pilot role.
A quote from Martha Stout, an American psychologist from a book called "the psychopath test" by Jon Ronson:

"Psychopaths love power. They love winning. If you take loving kindness out of the human brain there's not much left except the will to win... The higher you go up the ladder the greater number of sociopaths you'll find there."

A frightening thought.
Many of us during our lifetime have faced crushing defeats, bitter disappointments, loss of face with our families and friends, and anxiety inducing set backs. In spite of this, we have not turned into inhumane and dangerous personalities, keen to shoot the bejabbers out of strangers and wipe out any trace of their lives once lived, to the point that they might never have existed on this planet.

Even the skeletons of the wild animals dead from drought are left alone to bleach in the sun as a memory they once lived and had a place in society. They contributed. They mattered.

If we all acted like Lynn because we have faced extreme upheaval and personal crises brought on by unfair and unpredictable circumstances, then society would be severely threatened.

Look at Charlie Teo. Battered and bruised and humiliated by his colleagues and the community. A brilliant mind. He retaliated against bitter defeat by rising again to relocate overseas and save the lives of many who are deemed inoperable and who otherwise are doomed. He admitted he made mistakes. He atoned and fought back.

Lynn may well have suffered anguish and disappointment from humiliating events in his lifetime but that doesn’t excuse him from obliterating the very existence of two people who did not deserve to be horrifically murdered for no good reason.

I agree. Doesn’t excuse anything.

You can’t change DNA. But if you are predisposed to a personality disorder certain events can be a undoubtably be a trigger to push you over the edge.

I watched a Netflix show last night on triplets that were separated at birth. Three Identical Strangers (2018).

It was a scientific experiment and the end result appeared to suggest that both nurture and nature are critical to how one turns out. They can’t be divorced.

There are three cases on the public record of Lynn killing animals. Lisa’s pet pig. A neighbours dog at Macedon. And one in Tassie. I, along with others, referenced these long before they hit the media.

I believe there are others that will eventually be confirmed.

We all know these are the biggest of red flags in psychology. The incidents above were all as an adult.

If similar cases come to light from his childhood … that would shorten the odds considerably.
We hear about it every day on the roads. Cut in on someone or fail to give way or not keep to your lane and you are likely to have some maniac attack you at the next traffic light or try to run you off the road. Road rage is a form of self entitlement, whereby people believe they have the right to kill or maim someone for a minor infringement.
I hear what you're saying however I think it's important to differentiate the crimes psychopaths commit compared to non-psychopaths.

A road rage incident typically incites a strong emotional response (rage, often preceded by fear e.g., "I could have been killed", with the rage as the secondary emotion). This if you like would be a crime of passion, reactive. More likely for a person to feel remorse after the event.

Psychopaths on the other hand have little emotional response therefore their crimes are more premeditated and kill in cold blood.
Interesting Times!
Dann has flagged the intention to appeal, on the grounds of 20-25 instances of the Prs. "not following the rules" during the latter stages of the trial. He raised a lot of red flags, and is seeking a stay in the sentencing based on the pathways to appeal. He was reserved in proferring detailed plea based on concerns raised in the trial, the Jury's responses to those directions, and also their analysis of the pathways that the jurors took to reach the split verdict. Some of that concern regarded the notion that motive could not be proven for CC's murder verdict, based on RH murder charge being found not guilty...given that the Prs. put forward their argument that CC was murdered on the basis of her witnessing the murder of RH.
There is much more to see yet in this trial that keeps giving.
Also, the timing and manner of delivery of the Victim Impact Statements was debated, with Dann having reservations about their effect upon a potential retrial. Also discussed the effect on same due to the subsequent post-verdict reporting of GL's involvement or otherwise in additional crimes and behaviours.
I'll add more soon after i find somewhere warm with food😉😊
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Current Trial Russell Hill & Carol Clay Pt 2 *Pilot Greg Lynn Guilty for the Murder of Carol Clay
