Current Trial Russell Hill & Carol Clay Pt 2 *Pilot Greg Lynn Guilty for the Murder of Carol Clay

When will the jury have delivered their decisions of guilty or not guilty on both?

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    Votes: 4 6.0%
  • 2nd day

    Votes: 16 23.9%
  • Between day 3 and 5

    Votes: 21 31.3%
  • Over 1 week

    Votes: 5 7.5%
  • Hung on one or both timeframe unknown

    Votes: 21 31.3%

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Here is PART 1 Russell Hill & Carol Clay - Wonnangatta *Pilot Greg Lynn Pleads Not Guilty to Murder

DPP v Lynn [2024] VSCA 62 (12 April 2024) INTERLOCUTORY APPEAL

R v Lynn (Rulings 1-4) [2024] VSC 373 (28 June 2024)

R v Lynn (Rulings 5 & 6) [2024] VSC 375 (28 February 2024)

R v Lynn (Ruling 7) [2024] VSC 376 (8 May 2024)

The Greg Lynn Police Interview Tapes (Shortened Version)

The 3.5 HR Police Interview

High Country Disappearance of Prison Boss David Prideaux
The Disappearance of Warren Meyer

2008 - Warren Meyer (23 March 2008) not found
2010 - Japp and Annie Viergever (29 March 2010) both shot & 3 dogs, house burnt.
2011 - David Prideaux (5 June 2011) not found
2017 - Kevin Tenant (17 February 2018) shot 3 times, played dead.
2019 - Conrad Whitlock (29 July 2019) not found
2019 - Niels Becker (24 October 2019) not found
2020 - Russell Hill and Carol Clay (20 March 2020) murdered

Lynn's first wife Lisa, was found dead on 26 October 1999.
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30-35 metres is very close for bush camping IMO!
I have just measured the campsite via google earth, 50 metres is more like the correct measurement.

Detective Stamner (on 60 Minutes) indicated Lynn's camp was near the river. Below is an estimate of distance using GE.

Self defence IMO. As soon as a deadly weapon is produced in an altercation, the person without the knife is technically fighting for their life. Fight or flight at it’s purest IMO.
I am under the impression that a person that has possession of a knife, is the aggressor. Isn't that why many States in Australia (and other places) now have legislation that makes it a criminal offense to carry a knife.

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I think it shows his ingrained personality type - to take control of all situations.

This NASA study is fascinating: Note: I did not do the high-lighting.

View attachment 2022372

An emotionally stable individual low on impulsivity and high on dutifulness and conscientiousness, doesn't even do what Lynn said he did by deliberately aggravating elderly campers in turning music up late at night and car doors open leaving weapons and ammunition flung throughout the vehicle unsecured.
Balance of probabilities should never come into play imo.
Yes, should never be, but I can imagine this is how many of the jurors could treat the Lynn account of the events. The same as many on here I think have treated it and arrived at a personal "guilty" view. This is unless stated that he did commit murder in their opinion, but should be found not guilty if viewed in accordance with court requirements and the judge's directions (i.e if they based their opinion on the balance of probabilities).
I think it shows his ingrained personality type - to take control of all situations.

This NASA study is fascinating: Note: I did not do the high-lighting.

View attachment 2022372
This is a general description of the personality traits of a pilot.
I am under the impression that a person that has possession of a knife, is the aggressor. Isn't that why many States in Australia (and other places) now have legislation that makes it a criminal offense to carry a knife.
Picture it for minute. Hill wearing his pjs aggressively moves in on GL with his kitchen knife without any hesitation. ‘To hell with two guns he has, I have my kitchen knife🍴

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But in GL’s own words, he remained calm because he can handle stress.

These two things can both be true; commercial pilots would be generally able to manage stressful situations better than the average punter given that's the personality type they select for when hiring, they're put through significant amounts of time in the simulator to experience common in-flight stressful situations so as to both see how they react and help diminish their 'reactivity' (for lack of a better term) to those situations, and will generally be process-driven in how they rectify those situations.

In an unusual or unknown situation they'll still likely panic, unless they're a genuine sociopath (ASPD officially) type personality. They might however be able to still focus on a process where someone else wouldn't, given their training and general personality type would lend itself to that kind of response as a way of working through the situation.

So in an unusual or unknown situation he could easy have panicked, making a poor choice, then followed through a process in rectifying (in the strangest way possible if you're innocent) the situation.

IMO far too much focus is being put on the 'he's a pilot, he never would have panicked' angle, as it's not really that cut and dry. Source: friends who are commercial pilots, but also normal people.
An emotionally stable individual low on impulsivity and high on dutifulness and conscientiousness, doesn't even do what Lynn said he did by deliberately aggravating elderly campers in turning music up late at night and car doors open leaving weapons and ammunition flung throughout the vehicle unsecured.
Oh to hear more about neighbour accounts of living next door. Apart from camping in his backyard to escape his kids, reportedly, wonder if he was into winding neighbours up in any conniving or obvious way. Or was he just one of those - ‘ seemed like a normal good guy’ bloke. Cant imagine him bringing in my bins IMO
I wouldn’t say he’s exactly in the right mind though if he can roast two bodies from sunset to sunrise. Capable of anything. IMO.
May I suggest that by the time Lynn was able to return to the bodies, due to Covid restrictions restricting his travel, the bodies would have consisted of mainly major bones remaining. He was obviously still in control and was able to complete his 'project' , and he has described how difficult the final process was; he didn't walk away.

It seems he placed the bodies off the Union Spur Track, believing others would have discovered the bodies prior to the time he returned to find the bodies still in situ; according to information in the media.

These two things can both be true; commercial pilots would be generally able to manage stressful situations better than the average punter given that's the personality type they select for when hiring, they're put through significant amounts of time in the simulator to experience common in-flight stressful situations so as to both see how they react and help diminish their 'reactivity' (for lack of a better term) to those situations, and will generally be process-driven in how they rectify those situations.

In an unusual or unknown situation they'll still likely panic, unless they're a genuine sociopath (ASPD officially) type personality. They might however be able to still focus on a process where someone else wouldn't, given their training and general personality type would lend itself to that kind of response as a way of working through the situation.

So in an unusual or unknown situation he could easy have panicked, making a poor choice, then followed through a process in rectifying (in the strangest way possible if you're innocent) the situation.

IMO far too much focus is being put on the 'he's a pilot, he never would have panicked' angle, as it's not really that cut and dry. Source: friends who are commercial pilots, but also normal people.
Yeah I totally agree. We’re all human and our occupation doesn’t necessarily define who we are or our personality traits.
People can be trained to do anything in a job but not necessarily take that across into their personal lives.
It was just that GL mentioned his career, and training in his interview with police.
Apparently LH was set-up at the same same campsite the week prior and spoke with 3 hunters that were also set-up at the same campsite. RH had used his drone in the park on that occasion as well, and had during conversation with the shooters, asked if they minded if he used his drone and they apparently, indicated it wasn't an issue with them.

RH had talked to the shooters at length about safety around firearms and hunting and his personal work history connected to the park; and detailed what had occurred a few years before regarding the accidental shooting death involving his male relative and another younger male relative. Note: I posted information yesterday about that tragedy.
Nope... That wasn't in the valley
Completely different site.
Yeah I totally agree. We’re all human and our occupation doesn’t necessarily define who we are or our personality traits.
People can be trained to do anything in a job but not necessarily take that across into their personal lives.
It was just that GL mentioned his career, and training in his interview with police.

I imagine GL is mentioning it as a way of making it seem less like 'calculated murderer covering their tracks' and more like 'organised mystical pilot who doesn't panic because pilots never panic and definitely not because they're a cold-blooded killer'.
May I suggest that by the time Lynn was able to return to the bodies, due to Covid restrictions restricting his travel, the bodies would have consisted of mainly major bones remaining. He was obviously still in control and was able to complete his 'project' , and he has described how difficult the final process was; he didn't walk away.

It seems he placed the bodies off the Union Spur Track, believing others would have discovered the bodies prior to the time he returned to find the bodies still in situ; according to information in the media.

Yes, Apparently this is true.
I would suggest most people stick to roasting marshmallows.
An emotionally stable individual low on impulsivity and high on dutifulness and conscientiousness, doesn't even do what Lynn said he did by deliberately aggravating elderly campers in turning music up late at night and car doors open leaving weapons and ammunition flung throughout the vehicle unsecured.
I understand the firearms and ammunition were 'placed' on the rear seat of Lynn's vehicle; to me that doesn't indicate 'flung'. It all depends of the 'vibe' between individuals at the camp on that late afternoon/night to fully understand what occurred.

Would you consider that if all doors of Lynn's vehicle had been closed and locked, when the firearms and ammunition were placed on the rear seat by Lynn, would that have been within the lawful requirements for stowing firearms in a locked area?

Yep and I do hear what you are saying re aggravating elderly campers with loud music. I think that is the 'major' decision that Lynn made that changed the course of that day.

If only they had all sat down and had a peaceful discussion, then came to an agreement, and shook hands and had a friendly cuppa together.
I understand the firearms and ammunition were 'placed' on the rear seat of Lynn's vehicle; to me that doesn't indicate 'flung'. It all depends of the 'vibe' between individuals at the camp on that late afternoon/night to fully understand what occurred.

Would you consider that if all doors of Lynn's vehicle had been closed and locked, when the firearms and ammunition were placed on the rear seat by Lynn, would that have been within the lawful requirements for stowing firearms in a locked area?

Yep and I do hear what you are saying re aggravating elderly campers with loud music. I think that is the 'major' decision that Lynn made that changed the course of that day.

If only they had all sat down and had a peaceful discussion, then came to an agreement, and shook hands and had a friendly cuppa together.
This is the problem with accessing services in rural areas. Where’s a mediator when you need one!?
GL could have turned the music down half a notch just to compromise and all would be fine🙄
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This is the problem with accessing services in rural areas. Where’s a mediator when you need one!?
GL could have turned the music down half a notch just to compromise and all would be fine.

The whole thing's farcical. Two parties, both completely unknown, both without criminal histories, both seemingly upstanding members of the communities. RH sets up camp right next door, theres kms of space available. How the two parties got into an argument is ridiculous in this scenario. GL should've left instead of engage. Guess it's all coulda woulda shoulda now though.

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Current Trial Russell Hill & Carol Clay Pt 2 *Pilot Greg Lynn Guilty for the Murder of Carol Clay
