Current Trial Russell Hill & Carol Clay Pt 2 *Pilot Greg Lynn Guilty for the Murder of Carol Clay

When will the jury have delivered their decisions of guilty or not guilty on both?

  • 1st day

    Votes: 4 6.0%
  • 2nd day

    Votes: 16 23.9%
  • Between day 3 and 5

    Votes: 21 31.3%
  • Over 1 week

    Votes: 5 7.5%
  • Hung on one or both timeframe unknown

    Votes: 21 31.3%

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  • Poll closed .

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Hmmm, drinking link with AF, not always, but is notable for it
He was dragging and lifting very heavy weights multiple times
during his murderous escapades which can have a detrimental affect on the heart and it is also well known stress can cause all sorts of severe physical health issues.

Actually, I’m a bit surprised to learn he has a heart. I wouldn’t have thought it was possible.
This was clearly two murders in my view.
Why did he tell police where bodies where?
Without that, there wasn't any real evidence against him was there.
He vehicle was caught on the CCTV towing a trailer the next morning hours after leaving the murder scene. Hill’s mobile phone was obviously still turned on and transported with body as it pinged several times during that journey. I don’t think Lynn could have explained those two things away.
Agree with his idea, if in crude form, that when the accused has destroyed all the evidence, they lose the presumption of innocence.

I still don't agree with him being stunned that the jury "either believe him or you don't" so therefore there must be two same verdicts.

The prosecution gave the jury a scenario that made way for split verdicts and I did post in here I think it was on the first day of the trial, we might get split verdicts, pegging it as guilty for the manslaughter of Hill and the murder of Clay.

This isn't how law works. Innocence is presumed, a legal process follows to determine guilt. It is not impossible that an innocent person destroys evidence.

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This isn't how law works. Innocence is presumed, a legal process follows to determine guilt. It is not impossible that an innocent person destroys evidence.

Yeah I know. The presumption of innocence as I've said before is a cornerstone of justice and I wouldn't like to see that compromised however, the potential is there for a flip in very special circumstances, where the onus be on the defendant to prove innocence rather than the burden be all on the prosecution to prove a crime where the defendant admits to obliterating all the evidence.
From The Age

“There was also mention at one point ... about being bitten by a snake would be a good way to go,” Florence said.

“He regularly spoke to himself.”

The recording captured Lynn’s ramblings: “I saw some people fishing, what’s that, a snake bite. Would be a good way to go. Just f---ing never know when it’s coming, f---, shit. Australia’s gift.

“I think she knows I’m on the way up, one of the pages of the final chapter.”

Police grew concerned Lynn sounded depressed, and knowing he was in a remote location with firearms, decided to move in”.

What an odd conversation to have with oneself, Gollum like.

To me that sounds like a bit of deluded fantasy talk, on the way up meaning he was looking to "harm' again, if he was that way inclined.

Fishers my have gotten a bit lucky.
Yeah I know. The presumption of innocence as I've said before is a cornerstone of justice and I wouldn't like to see that compromised however, the potential is there for a flip in very special circumstances, where the onus be on the defendant to prove innocence rather than the burden be all on the prosecution to prove a crime where the defendant admits to obliterating all the evidence.

There can never be a flip in any circumstances. To do so once opens the door to innocent people being convicted simply because they can't prove a negative.
I don't know but Lynn may have been flying with Qatar after his 1st wife died and was seeing someone over there. In fact it was reported or rumored that she disappeared too? I'm hoping that the person who was on these threads early days would comeback with some comment? In a weird way perhaps justice has been done for Lynn's 1st wife who died in a tangled relationship with Lynn. She no doubt in my mind would be alive today if it weren't meeting Lynn IMO.
I'm here just keeping quiet. Very pleased about the guilty verdict. Justice has finally been served.

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What an odd conversation to have with oneself, Gollum like.

To me that sounds like a bit of deluded fantasy talk, on the way up meaning he was looking to "harm' again, if he was that way inclined.

Fishers my have gotten a bit lucky.
Final chapter though - I'd assume he's talking about himself. He's clearly an odd bucket IMO
Here's the information of where Hill's phone was sitting when it pinged at Hotham. It was in Hill's pocket.

What Lynn didn’t realise was Mr Hill’s phone was still in his pocket.

By the time Lynn found and destroyed it, along with the drone, the device had made two brief connections to phone towers and provided police with the first clues to crack the case.
Interesting, I thought Lynn said that Hill was in his pyjamas. Pyjamas don't normally come with pockets or even if they did you wouldn't think he'd be going to sleep with his phone in his pocket in the bush with no reception.
Interesting, I thought Lynn said that Hill was in his pyjamas. Pyjamas don't normally come with pockets or even if they did you wouldn't think he'd be going to sleep with his phone in his pocket in the bush with no reception.
He could have slipped a jacket over his PJs when he left the tent. The phone could have been in a jacket pocket.
There can never be a flip in any circumstances. To do so once opens the door to innocent people being convicted simply because they can't prove a negative.

Yeh I agree but it's a good job that Lynn was convicted because if he'd got away with it, he'd have basically given instructions to the masses on how to do it.

Perhaps the pursuit of charges and a tougher penalty for destruction of evidence in serious indictable crime might be a consideration. More specifically when someone has died.

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Yeh I agree but it's a good job that Lynn was convicted because if he'd got away with it, he'd have basically given instructions to the masses on how to do it.

Perhaps the pursuit of charges and a tougher penalty for destruction of evidence might be a consideration.

5 years is the max prescribed penalty for destruction of evidence. That'll come into sentencing surely.

Also, I doubt the masses are going to go on a camping trip and wait for a potential murder victim to annoy them at a campsite then somehow forget to turn off the phone of their victim while travelling straight past a traffic camera that matches them to their victim!
'Turned down to zero' might have been hyperbole, it was just remarked on that it was real cold and Dann said they must have been 'freezing their balls off' so investigators were also in the room.
Unless it’s a coolroom, aircon wouldn’t go below 16 anyway.
Also, I doubt the masses are going to go on a camping trip and wait for a potential murder victim to annoy them at a campsite then somehow forget to turn off the phone of their victim while travelling straight past a traffic camera that matches them to their victim!

I'm sure there's more than a few people out there who'd love to kill someone and would if they thought they could get away with it
Not sure if anyone has seen this comment that Lynn was recorded making from the above:

"Another story about the couple aired on the radio earlier that day as he was driving. The court heard Lynn had turned up the volume and said: “I put a f..king trigger lock on it. You’ve gotta get a second set of trigger lock f..king keys and stick them in there … They’ve just got to keep pushing all the time, don’t they?” Police scoured hours of recordings to find instances where they believed he was talking about Hill and Clay."

This seems significant to me, but I'm not familiar with that shotgun.

Edit: Or was it on the rifle?
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