Current Trial Russell Hill & Carol Clay Pt 2 *Pilot Greg Lynn Guilty for the Murder of Carol Clay

When will the jury have delivered their decisions of guilty or not guilty on both?

  • 1st day

    Votes: 4 6.0%
  • 2nd day

    Votes: 16 23.9%
  • Between day 3 and 5

    Votes: 21 31.3%
  • Over 1 week

    Votes: 5 7.5%
  • Hung on one or both timeframe unknown

    Votes: 21 31.3%

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From photos taken at the Court and descriptions of her behaviour, she seems pretty nutty too.
She comes across just incredibly naive and not particularly intellectual. I read a mamamia article that she was interviewed for about travel tips and I found it very superficial. Maybe that was the aim, but it came across as very ditsy and vain.
I thought Lisa had two sons and no daughters. Did you misquote here or does this reveal wrong info?


Lisa had a daughter with an undisclosed man
Then Lisa had 2 sons to Greg Lynn
Then Greg (according to Lisa’s daughter) had a daughter with a woman in SA
Then Greg had a son with Melanie.

Sad to think that not only the respective children of Russell and Carol have to live with the consequences of GL’s actions, but also collectively 5 more children, even though most of them are also adults now, have to deconstruct and reconcile their relationships/proximity to a man now convicted of murder.

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Lisa had a daughter with an undisclosed man
Then Lisa had 2 sons to Greg Lynn
Then Greg (according to Lisa’s daughter) had a daughter with a woman in SA
Then Greg had a son with Melanie.

Sad to think that not only the respective children of Russell and Carol have to live with the consequences of GL’s actions, but also collectively 5 more children, even though most of them are also adults now, have to deconstruct and reconcile their relationships/proximity to a man now convicted of murder.
Thanks for the clarrification Irma. Baddog has cleared it up already and I thought you wouldn't have got it wrong, you're too precise for that. Yes indeed, the damage wrought by this person has claimed many victims. It is tragic and for them very difficult.
Yes, it didn't really make much sense for him to be talking about trigger locks at that stage.

Edit: He was arrested in November 2021
Sale, in November. doesn't usually have bitterly cold spells spanning 3 days that would permiate a modern air conditioned building.

Might be different if he was interviewed in Bright or Mansfield though
Thank you very much for that info. I didn’t realise it was recorded before he was charged.

In an appeal which is obviously judge (not jury) and possibly even more evidence deemed inadmissible (ROI etc) is it possible he wins an appeal??

In the justice Crouchers defence I believe he was looking forward (to possible appeals) in making the decision to initially deem certain evidence inadmissible (in pre trial). He spent several of his earlier yrs in appellate court so knows all about trials being overturned at appeal and the precise circumstances that lead to that.

Even with his charge to the jury saying ‘narrow path to guilty’ we maybe saw that as judge trying to sway jury to not guilty but once again I feel he was looking forward to possible appeals…….

Either way I hope there isn’t an appeal and if there is he loses and the psychopath spends the rest of his days behind bars. Thankyou universe for closing that road.
You make some good points re the judges thinking. What's interesting though now all his past and the recordings of his behaviour post murder has been made public it's like the lid has been lifted. As I understand it a re-trial is starting all over again and the pros could vastly improve their tactics given MS was off the table. Could it be they charge Lynn with manslaughter over Hill and murder once again for Clay? Just thinking how the defense would see their chances given they also have to be aware of what the Pros will do in a retrial? No legal expert obviously but there are risks for the defense I would have thought? It seems like a can or worms and Lynn has to be prepared to fork out the big bucks all over again. With the talk of a fresh coroner's inquiry into Lisa Lynn's death everything could capitulate for Lynn IMO.

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First thoughts aren't always right but when I saw the restrainer Vic Police put over the family home and knowing Vic Police generally leave the wife and kids alone to try and pick up the pieces after they arrest someone for serious crime was, "ooh they don't like/trust her".
Some of her comments during the secret recordings about Carol Clay being donged on the head etc and Lynn having to hide things more one could read that she's still supporting Lynn, one Sweetpeas to the other. If the house falls the way of compensation and goes to the Clay and Hill families how would they fund a retrial? One might assume Lynn has substantial savings and doesn't live a lavish lifestyle so let's see. The house is in her name and if it goes whose name it's in is largely irrelevant IMO. She seems fully aligned with Lynn even though she knows he's killed people or is she blindsided by her plans to re-unite the family?. I see Lisa Lynn's son accompanied Melanie to the trial I wonder how he feels about the death of his mother and Lynn's involvement in her death?
Yes, in that he has show psychopathic tendencies on that I agree.
However overall I think there is difference in that IK was a systematic hunter of victims that set out to continously trap random victims as a sick occupation. IK was very organised to operate on a continous basis and also bought an ideological element of justification in via his families connection to the quasi religious/nationalist mindset that produced the Oklahoma City bomb builders that were IK's childhood friends.
Without Lynn having a know ideological framework or attachments, that would encourage such disrespect for human life nor a constant and systematic hunter of victims that we know of I don't think the comparison is apt.
I would put GL as the garden variety narcisistic psychopath category, only dangerous when crossed or had his despotism challenged.

I've got to say here, I am now facinated as to Mrs Lynn's capacity to live comfortably with such a psychopath given the recent revelations on the police recordings and with the now suspicious knowledge that she did know more than 'nothing at all' of the incident at Wonnangatta.
Agree with your views and IMO IK was next level, criminal career started at 14, rapes, arson, bank robberies, murders, torture and following a search of his own cabin in the woods the FBI declared him a terrorists. He had grandiose plans for mass killings and a torture dungeon. His unfortunate partners, family and friends had no idea, he was a great father and hard worker, a concept difficult for many to understand.
There is no minimum, average sentence is about 18 I read today it think..
he gets 30 with 23-26 at the bottom
Is my guess
26 takes him to 80 odd if he lives that long? Lisa Lynn's mother says Lynn has a very warped mind and I would agree with her after hearing his mutterings etc. I wonder how that warped mind copes with Prison and the sudden fact he is no longer an outstanding citizen of today's society? Lot's of questions and possibilities
Some of her comments during the secret recordings about Carol Clay being donged on the head etc and Lynn having to hide things more one could read that she's still supporting Lynn, one Sweetpeas to the other. If the house falls the way of compensation and goes to the Clay and Hill families how would they fund a retrial? One might assume Lynn has substantial savings and doesn't live a lavish lifestyle so let's see. The house is in her name and if it goes whose name it's in is largely irrelevant IMO. She seems fully aligned with Lynn even though she knows he's killed people or is she blindsided by her plans to re-unite the family?. I see Lisa Lynn's son accompanied Melanie to the trial I wonder how he feels about the death of his mother and Lynn's involvement in her death?

Not sure how victims of crime compo is worked out but doubt it would be the value of the entire house.

RH family can't access that with GL acquitted of his murder.
There is no minimum, average sentence is about 18 I read today it think..
he gets 30 with 23-26 at the bottom
Is my guess

Worth a read:

25 years will be the minimum. Add in the aggravating factors i.e incriminating conduct, no early confession, not guilty plea etc. I’d say he’s getting the top end of the range.

Wouldn’t say his prospects of rehabilitation a great and given the uniqueness of this crime the deterrence factor has to be high.

Flip side is he has no prior convictions. Something no doubt his lawyers will harp on about, family man, pillar of the community, even helps clean the aircraft cabin blah blah blah. But, by the sounds of it he’s going to struggle to get a character reference.
Anyone got a Herald Sun Subscription it seems they are ramping up the jucy stuff on Lynn:

Lynn’s family regularly joked about his ‘Wolf Creek’ trips to the bush

Greg Lynn loaded his Nissan with booze and guns then set off on another of what his family jokingly referred to as “his Wolf Creek trips” to the bush. That’s when armed police swooped.

The tragic ex-wife and the woman in the desert: Lynn’s past to be probed

The mystery death of Greg Lynn’s first wife is set to be referred to the coroner in a bid for a fresh inquest, as the disappearance of a woman linked to the high country killer’s time as a pilot for Qatar Airways is also probed.

What’s the minimum GL could get?
The "standard" sentence for murder is a head sentence of 25 years.

However, this is an indication only, the actual sentence is determined by the Judge after hearing the pre-sentence pleas and judicial precedent of similar matters

Of course, there cannot be any deduction for an early guilty plea or for any remorse expressed during the trial for his actions.

One view could be entered that Lynn would be unlikley to commit a similar offence after his release, he has led a blameless life leading up to the offence (ie, he had no priors that have been adjudicated by a Court).

The negative side could be extensive efforts he took to ensure that the bodies would never be found and the indecencies he perpetrated upon the bodies.

Historically, the period of parole supervision for a murderer following release on parole was set at five years, so a "standard" sentence would be a head sentence of 25 years with a Non-Parole Period of 20 years.

There is no mandatory sentence or mandatory Non-parole Period following a conviction for murder.

I would suggest that a head sentence of less than 25 years would be immediately appealed by the Crown

Remember, he has been held in custody since November 2021 and unless a lesser period of Pre-Sentence Detention is declared by the Court, add the Non-Parole Period to November 2021 to work out his parole eligibilty date. Add the head sentence to November 2021 to determine his parole expiry, which would discharge his sentence.

He'll be older that Clay and Hill were when he's released
Geez he’s a piece of work, I wonder if he was subjected to a psych report after his arrest. Pathological Narcissist IMO.

Definitely agree. He’ll get a psych report for his plea hearing. If he hasn’t had one already. Has the traits of narcissistic personality disorder with sociopathic features IMO. But he’s got this far in life without tripping over himself so no doubt he’s good at faking these tests.

Might have to roll out Professor Ogloff for this one.
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Worth a read:

25 years will be the minimum. Add in the aggravating factors i.e incriminating conduct, no early confession, not guilty plea etc. I’d say he’s getting the top end of the range.

Wouldn’t say his prospects of rehabilitation a great and given the uniqueness of this crime the deterrence factor has to be high.

Flip side is he has no prior convictions. Something no doubt his lawyers will harp on about, family man, pillar of the community, even helps clean the aircraft cabin blah blah blah. But, by the sounds of it he’s going to struggle to get a character reference.

I reckon you’re on the money.
With a guilty plea for murder in Vic you’re looking at 13-19. This one was pretty aggravated so he’ll cop a good wack (by Victorian standards)
Not sure how victims of crime compo is worked out but doubt it would be the value of the entire house.

RH family can't access that with GL acquitted of his murder.
I don't know either but they seized the house subject to the trial. And yes Clay's side get's the money unless off course there is an appeal? There is no mention of a guilty manslaughter verdict for Hill which may be a possibility in a retrial scenario? Anyways who knows how much they take?

26 takes him to 80 odd if he lives that long? Lisa Lynn's mother says Lynn has a very warped mind and I would agree with her after hearing his mutterings etc. I wonder how that warped mind copes with Prison and the sudden fact he is no longer an outstanding citizen of today's society? Lot's of questions and possibilities
I have no evidence to support my theory re his behaviour in prison long term but I wonder whether he would set himself up as the cleverest most well liked bloke in the slammer ? Sort of cultivate an air of grand importance and mystery around
himself so that anyone he admits to his select friendship group would feel honoured to be his friend.
Don’t know, pure speculation based on what I have read about who he believes he is.