Current Trial Russell Hill & Carol Clay Pt 2 *Pilot Greg Lynn Guilty for the Murder of Carol Clay

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Here is PART 1 Russell Hill & Carol Clay - Wonnangatta *Pilot Greg Lynn Pleads Not Guilty to Murder

DPP v Lynn [2024] VSCA 62 (12 April 2024) INTERLOCUTORY APPEAL

R v Lynn (Rulings 1-4) [2024] VSC 373 (28 June 2024)

R v Lynn (Rulings 5 & 6) [2024] VSC 375 (28 February 2024)

R v Lynn (Ruling 7) [2024] VSC 376 (8 May 2024)

The Greg Lynn Police Interview Tapes (Shortened Version)

The 3.5 HR Police Interview

High Country Disappearance of Prison Boss David Prideaux
The Disappearance of Warren Meyer

2008 - Warren Meyer (23 March 2008) not found
2010 - Japp and Annie Viergever (29 March 2010) both shot & 3 dogs, house burnt.
2011 - David Prideaux (5 June 2011) not found
2017 - Kevin Tenant (17 February 2018) shot 3 times, played dead.
2019 - Conrad Whitlock (29 July 2019) not found
2019 - Niels Becker (24 October 2019) not found
2020 - Russell Hill and Carol Clay (20 March 2020) murdered

Lynn's first wife Lisa, was found dead on 26 October 1999.
Last edited:
Last one ran out ☹️

Gimme a joke then…..maybe ………A narcissist, a psychologist, and a sociopath walk into a ba……….


A narcissist, a psychologist, and a sociopath walk into a bar. The bartender says, "Who's paying?" The narcissist says, "I deserve a free drink," the psychologist says, "Let's explore that," and the sociopath says, "I already took the money from the register."


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Hope this helps, and happy for anyone else to add their experiences as well

The shotgun used by Lynn has a magazine that holds the shells. So assuming the magazine was already full, Hill would have to have the magazine the right way around, then there would be a little tab/catch that gets pressed so that the magazine will click in and out of place. With Hill not being familiar with the weapon and it being dark, this alone would have been a process and taken some time. Even finding the tab on the gun would have been a process in full light, let alone in the dark. If Hill had to load the shells into the magazine, in the dark, with a pissed off bloke on his tail.... Hill would have been better off using the shotgun as a club.

Hill would then need to draw the bolt back so a slug enters the chamber, and then slide the bolt back forward so the shotgun is ready to fire. This would have been a bit easier, but, again, as Hill would have been unfamiliar with the gun, it would have been hard in the dark, as you want to be able to see what you are doing the first time at least. The bolt would need to be pulled back and slid forward after each shot to eject the spent slug and load a fresh slug into the chamber.

I cant talk about what Lynn was like with his guns (and I dont believe the story about the weapons 'just' being in the front seat as this goes against all of his safety training), but any real hunter knows that you do not load a bullet into the chamber until the moment just before you are ready to fire. You never carry around a gun with a round in the chamber. This means that on bolt action rifles at least, the safety catch is somewhat redundant and is often left 'open'.

FWIW if it was a 'break-open' shotgun the story would have been more believable, as Hill would have just had to flick the catch to 'open' the shotgun, put the slugs in the chamber and 'close' the shotgun for it to be ready to fire.

I think with this model the shotgun is cocked when the bolt is pulled back but there’s no need to push it forward manually as it slides back to closed once charged ie you pull it back and let it go. Could be wrong but it seems to be that type of gun.

One other item that I think is a hole. According to GL, RH approached him over the bonnet of his car in a right handed position. I’m assuming RH was right handed given GL’s statement ie right handed approach with the shotgun, knife in his right hand etc.

The shotgun had the bolt set to the left hand side. That would mean someone unfamiliar with this type of weapon would have all the issues in using it for the first time in the dark/low light (as you stated), plus trying to **** it in a configuration designed either for a left hand or someone that has a personal preference to have the bolt on the left hand side. Either way the bolt is in an unnatural position for a novice right hander.
If she's 50+ she'll have to get a full time job now (like other 50yo that find themselves/hims/hers/thems without the Breadwinner providing anymore)

Or divorce - sell & rent.

Or move on with Mr Right.

Multiple options really ;)

(ps) I suggest renting near the Jail - less petrol spent on visiting - or, even better - close to the bus stop near prison.
Why does sunscreen come to mind?
Frig - I do THAT all the time !! But, also glad you changed it ;) :straining:

Well if you’ve read my interactions with old mate you’d realise there’s not a lot of love there
Reminder: I'll pop this one back here from Nov 2021 DM:

Tips on travelling with kids (3 boys) by Melanie (she was the face of JetStar at one point)

Other tips included handy ways to ensure you look fresh after a long haul flight.

'While I’m at work I lightly mist my hair with Tresemme hairspray to keep myself looking fresh and keeping the fly-aways at bay. They do a great travel-sized spray,' she said.

Adding: 'Rub some hand cream onto your hands and then lightly run your hands over your hair. That helps harness the fly-aways.'

50+ cream - cream and more cream :hearnoevil::hearnoevil::hearnoevil:
Sunscreen for Him
Handcream for Her

Frig how the internet can come back to bite you.
Reminder: I'll pop this one back here from Nov 2021 DM:

Tips on travelling with kids (3 boys) by Melanie (she was the face of JetStar at one point)

Other tips included handy ways to ensure you look fresh after a long haul flight.

'While I’m at work I lightly mist my hair with Tresemme hairspray to keep myself looking fresh and keeping the fly-aways at bay. They do a great travel-sized spray,' she said.

Adding: 'Rub some hand cream onto your hands and then lightly run your hands over your hair. That helps harness the fly-aways.'

50+ cream - cream and more cream :hearnoevil::hearnoevil::hearnoevil:
Sunscreen for Him
Handcream for Her

Frig how the internet can come back to bite you.
What about Mel’s tips on going to court?

1. Walk with your chin up down William St
2. Barge through any courtroom queue straight to the front
3. Sit at the front of the gallery and reserve a seat next to you for absolutely nobody
4. Blow kisses to husband at the end of the day
5. Make sure to come every day of the trial, even if you end up with 5 bucks from hubbies estate
6. Don’t rock up to court for the verdict
7. Kiss husband goodby for a very long time

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What about Mel’s tips on going to court?

1. Walk with your chin up down William St
2. Barge through any courtroom queue straight to the front
3. Sit at the front of the gallery and reserve a seat next to you for absolutely nobody
4. Blow kisses to husband at the end of the day
5. Make sure to come every day of the trial, even if you end up with 5 bucks from hubbies estate
6. Don’t rock up to court for the verdict
7. Kiss husband goodby for a very long time
She played her part in promoting his image as a mild-mannered innocent man, caught up in circumstances not of his making, whose family strongly supported his side of the story. The defence team choreographs the demeanour of everyone, including the defendant and his close family. All for the jury.
She played her part in promoting his image as a mild-mannered innocent man, caught up in circumstances not of his making, whose family strongly supported his side of the story. The defence team choreographs the demeanour of everyone, including the defendant and his close family. All for the jury.
A show for the jury yes. Most people of the public prob thought she was arrogant and rude.
I would think it to be unlikely to leave a suicide note if the end goal was to burn the house down with the bodies and note incinerated in the flames.

Obviously the fire was started prior to death due to smoke in both their lungs, so that may well have been their own doing.
The fire was started in their study; the Coroner included that detail in the report.

IMO possibly a deliberate action to destroy financial records stored there, and possibly to destroy other records stored there.
This happened during the trial.

Every week we got one person magically appear from out of nowhere, championing Greg Lynn.

I've not seen the phenomenon of people opening accounts to so fully and aggressively launch in to a defence for someone accused of such horrible crimes before and I've been modding this board for a long time now.

It's even more unsettling that it's still going on after Lynn's been convicted of murder. Murder for selfish reasons, to save his career and elite club memberships.

If they're not family but a friend of Lynn's, I'd think it's possibly airline staff. Do they not like old people?
Perhaps some clever internet sleuth will reveal him to be a serial killer. It could be YOU!

There seems so much wrong in the alleged murder-suicide of the couple in Macedon, especially wrt to the fire. Fire doesn't ever seem to be a feature of murder-suicide if guns are involved. Fire is often used to cover up murders and other crimes. Then there are the dogs...
And it seems Gregory does like a fire or two.! Anyone know of a motive for the murder suicide ?,
I've not seen the phenomenon of people opening accounts to so fully launch in to a defence for someone accused of such horrible crimes before and I've been modding this board for a long time now.

It's even more unsettling that it's still going on after Lynn's been convicted of murder. Murder for selfish reasons, to save his career and elite club memberships.

If they're not family but a friend of Lynn's, I'd think it's possibly airline staff. Do they not like old people?
The motives could be many and the perception different again. Usually when the cold reality sets in, people change their views. I remember when Bradley Robert Edwards was first arrested his brother came out and said it's all a mistake give it sometime and the truth will come out. However times does come along eventually and the cold reality delivers the brutal truth. Edwards brother gone into hiding since, Melanie and all the Lynn fans or supporters will most likely do the same. I also remember the Ivan Milat FB page and it's supporters all convinced he was innocent. This applies to so many killers or those that always believe the opposite. The moon landing and 911 conspiracy theorists are also examples that aren't murder related. This phenomenon will increase if anything because of the divided world we live in today IMO
The fire was started in their study; the Coroner included that detail in the report.

IMO possibly a deliberate action to destroy financial records stored there, and possibly to destroy other records stored there.
Makes sense re study and them wanting to burn their personal papers etc. She also was not in good health. Chronic conditions which can make life tedious and difficult.

They loved their dogs and I do know dog owners who wouldn’t trust their dog to anyone else’s care. Maybe they didn’t want to leave anything behind. Their choice. Probably more a suicide pact.
Bugger! Mods are too efficient, looks like I missed some unhinged llama drama last night haha
Me too.! Guilty of having other things to do. I went back a few pages and picked up on the sudden attack from no doubt someone close to Greg. No matter how you spin this, loved ones will have their lives turned upside down but it all points back to Greg and it's also guilty of ignoring the real pain and suffering the Clay & Hill families have had to endure and are still enduring IMO. Nobody is a winner in this other than a dangerous killer has been caught.
The fire was started in their study; the Coroner included that detail in the report.

IMO possibly a deliberate action to destroy financial records stored there, and possibly to destroy other records stored there.

Which is why I was asking if it's possible there were any business or other links between Greg Lynn and Mr and Mrs V. If there might be a document that had his name on it.

They were neighbours at one time, it's possible imo.

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Current Trial Russell Hill & Carol Clay Pt 2 *Pilot Greg Lynn Guilty for the Murder of Carol Clay
