Current Trial Russell Hill & Carol Clay Pt 2 *Pilot Greg Lynn sentenced 32 yrs with a non-parole period of 24 yrs

When will the jury have delivered their decisions of guilty or not guilty on both?

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Here is PART 1 Russell Hill & Carol Clay - Wonnangatta *Pilot Greg Lynn Pleads Not Guilty to Murder

DPP v Lynn [2024] VSCA 62 (12 April 2024) INTERLOCUTORY APPEAL

R v Lynn (Rulings 1-4) [2024] VSC 373 (28 June 2024)

R v Lynn (Rulings 5 & 6) [2024] VSC 375 (28 February 2024)

R v Lynn (Ruling 7) [2024] VSC 376 (8 May 2024)

The Greg Lynn Police Interview Tapes (Shortened Version)

The 3.5 HR Police Interview

R v Lynn [2024] VSC 635 (18 October 2024)

High Country Disappearance of Prison Boss David Prideaux
The Disappearance of Warren Meyer

2008 - Warren Meyer (23 March 2008) not found
2010 - Japp and Annie Viergever (29 March 2010) both shot & 3 dogs, house burnt.
2011 - David Prideaux (5 June 2011) not found
2017 - Kevin Tenant (17 February 2018) shot 3 times, played dead.
2019 - Conrad Whitlock (29 July 2019) not found
2019 - Niels Becker (24 October 2019) not found
2020 - Russell Hill and Carol Clay (20 March 2020) murdered

Lynn's first wife Lisa, was found dead on 26 October 1999.
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Yep, the odds are bugger all, I'm not disagreeing with that.

All I am trying to do is clarify how the not guilty/guilty verdict is not flawed.

For instance, consider the following scenario: Lynn and Hill are wrestling over the gun, Hill has a heart attack and drops dead, Clay starts screaming like a banshee "you killed him!!", Lynn thinks 'well, they will say I did it anyway, its my word against hers, in for a penny...' then blam, away goes that problem. Lynn has no culpability for Hill, but murder for Clay.

Is it likely that the above scenario happened? hell no, and even though it doesn't follow Lynn's narrative, it is enough to introduce doubt, which is all that is needed.

I suppose the issue between us here, is what constitutes "reasonable".

As a one-off death that is plausible. When it is minutes apart from a murder by that same person, who has been identified legally as a liar, the likelihood of accident or health event reduces dramatically IMO.
That tracks, but if you dont believe Lynn's version of events, that does not automatically mean that the jury can find him guilty beyond reasonable doubt on both counts.

It was clear and agreed by the parties that Clay died from a shotgun slug to the head which was fired from Lynn's gun. However, and due to Lynn destroying evidence, the prosecution could not say how Hill died. This IMO is why the jury could not find Lynn guilty of Hill's murder beyond reasonable doubt (although if it was balance of probabilities I reckon Lynn would have been done on both counts).
This sums it up and if you were to ask the Judge or the Jury off the record they would say Lynn killed Hill via murder IMO. Lynn's supporters such as NinaBallerina or Gymjam won't talk about Lynn getting away with 1 x count of murder. They'd rather talk about him being unfairly subject to rumors (NinaBallerina) or Hill shot Clay, not Lynn, in the case of Gymjam. I find it strange we live in a world where there is always a support team for a murderer as evil as Lynn.
Sorry, I haven't read the detail of today's mention yet.

As I read your post, the Defence has flagged it's intention to appeal the conviction; no surprise there and mentioned in the Court within 28 days of conviction.

As it stands on 19 July 2024, Lynn has been convicted of one charge of murder and will be sentenced of that in September and the Judge will impose a sentence in relation to that conviction, not on the implied intention to appeal the conviction.

Did the Defence state or imply that the appeal against conviction will be heard before the sentencing date?

Unlikely, but if he either acquitted or a retrial ordered on Appeal, the sentencing is moot
The appeal will take years normally, its not something heard straight away as i understand. He will be sentenced in september.

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Your posts read like sanscript?
I think you meant Sanskrit, o wise Sensei!🙄🤣😂 Oh Milo, give me strength..🙄🙄🙄
Read much? Other than sensationalist tabloid headlines?
Shut down your computer, and retreat back to the sanctity of your little bedroom world, and leave the grown-ups to engage in reasoned discussion.

Before you comment on here (or any forum), please READ a bit and gauge the general manner and register of how reasonable people communicate. If you can't abide by this tenet of reasonable discussion, perhaps this place is not for you. That's ok, just don't diminish the amenity of considered contributions of some very valuable members on here.
I refuse to acknowledge or read your ill-reasoned and petulant statements....
Now toddle off!
This sums it up and if you were to ask the Judge or the Jury off the record they would say Lynn killed Hill via murder IMO. Lynn's supporters such as NinaBallerina or Gymjam won't talk about Lynn getting away with 1 x count of murder. They'd rather talk about him being unfairly subject to rumors (NinaBallerina) or Hill shot Clay, not Lynn, in the case of Gymjam. I find it strange we live in a world where there is always a support team for a murderer as evil as Lynn.

If it was a really obvious case, it wouldn't generate this much discussion.

Those of us on the guilty side can't even agree on the 2 verdicts. It is so unique that people can argue the same as GL did and still not be proven categorically wrong on all counts. In fact, in 50% of the cases, they are technically right.
I think you meant Sanskrit, o wise Sensei!🙄🤣😂 Oh Milo, give me strength..🙄🙄🙄
Read much? Other than sensationalist tabloid headlines?
Shut down your computer, and retreat back to the sanctity of your little bedroom world, and leave the grown-ups to engage in reasoned discussion.

Before you comment on here (or any forum), please READ a bit and gauge the general manner and register of how reasonable people communicate. If you can't abide by this tenet of reasonable discussion, perhaps this place is not for you. That's ok, just don't diminish the amenity of considered contributions of some very valuable members on here.
I refuse to acknowledge or read your ill-reasoned and petulant statements....
Now toddle off!


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Just when you think its safe to close the door on GL, he bobs up with silliness of appealing this case.

I heard today on the news, reporter said GL was looking dishevelled and was quite stressed in court. Shocker of a day too. Macbethian element to it. Fair is foul and foul is fair. He’d be looking up at the sky and thinking there goes my life. Why am I here?

Someone please give the guy a reality check as the poop shower didn't appear to work IMO.
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Why do people continue with this "motive" bull shit.

The charge of Murder in Victoria is a Common Law Offence, which is the unlawful killing of another with the intenction to kill or cause grievous bodily harm.

The Prosecution has to prove to the Court beyond reasonable doubt (not flights of fancy ..."but, but ...") that the alleged offender (being of sound mind) killed another unlawfully with the intent to kill or cause Greivous Bodily Harm.

End of story

The jury determined that Carol Clay was murdered on the basis of the evidence provided to them. Lynn was aquitted of the murder of Hill on the same basis.

I would suggest that the jury's decision is more "pure", in that the prosecution did not present a motive, and it was decided on the basis of the evidence alone rather than comparing it to a narrative the prosecution supplied.

The just did not believe Lynn's narrative.

Leave discussions of "motive" to the "true crime" writers, producers or podcasters to wax elequent about or watch TV shows where the crime is solved in 60 minutes less commercials

Spot on. And Croucher gave those exact instructions when he charged the jury.

Makes me wonder why Dann is even bringing it up as a potential factor in appeal. He’s up to something IMO.
I never said that road rage incidents are linked to psychopaths. I was merely suggesting that rage or outrage at a minor incident is blown out of proportion and reactions of violence against the other person is indicative of an inflated sense of importance and an inability to control violent impulses.
Gotcha. I had to go back and look at your previous post. I can see you bolded the part of my quote before I started talking about psychopaths. My apologies.
Just when you think its safe to close the door on GL, he bobs up with silliness of appealing this case.

I heard today on the news, reporter said GL was looking dishevelled and was quite stressed in court. Shocker of a day too. Macbethian element to it. Fair is foul and foul is fair. He’d be looking up at the sky and thinking there goes my life. Why am I here?

Someone please give the guy a reality check as the poop shower didn't appear to work IMO.
If jail was just about being locked up, everyone would want to be there!
This sums it up and if you were to ask the Judge or the Jury off the record they would say Lynn killed Hill via murder IMO. Lynn's supporters such as NinaBallerina or Gymjam won't talk about Lynn getting away with 1 x count of murder. They'd rather talk about him being unfairly subject to rumors (NinaBallerina) or Hill shot Clay, not Lynn, in the case of Gymjam. I find it strange we live in a world where there is always a support team for a murderer as evil as Lynn.

Denial can be an incredibly strong defence mechanism. Hopefully they are in therapy.
I think RH attachment to CC which included his willingness to lie to his own family and friends about his continuance of their long term relationship to me shows he would have attempted to harm anyone he considered had caused harm to CC or to offload blame to someone else if he was involved even by accident. That's what makes me consider CC was accidentally shot by RH and by approaching GL in the manner GL stated, RH was attempting to set the scene to blame GL for CC death and if RH had successfully stabbed and killed GL he would have gone down the self defence road.

Serious question. Are you a flat earther?

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Probably a pilot GL failed, salty little boy 🤷🏼‍♂️
Failing an aviation exam is totally irrelevant. I’m sure there’s thousands of pilots out there that have failed an exam or two who are better pilots than Lynn. You need to understand that the real failure is Lynn himself. He has failed his family, friends and society by his callous actions. No doubt he will have a long time to think about it in prison but I doubt he will change.
Failing an aviation exam is totally irrelevant. I’m sure there’s thousands of pilots out there that have failed an exam or two who are better pilots than Lynn. You need to understand that the real failure is Lynn himself. He has failed his family, friends and society by his callous actions. No doubt he will have a long time to think about it in prison but I doubt he will change.
Let’s be real, if Lynn’s capable of doing the things he did, he should never have been a pilot let alone training/passing/failing someone.
Some people have Lynn on a pedastal that he was never really on.
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Months ago I had a private exchange with a well respected user on here who asked if there were any other related cases that might be linked to Lynn. I said the murder suicide on zigzag road 10 years after Lisa.

That was a full 5/6 weeks before Sly broke the news in the press.

I won’t breech the privacy of that exchange. But they may care to jump in and confirm this here.

I can confirm this conversation and the timing, which was well before Sly raised it.
He did. I shiver to think of him being in control of a plane. He’s proved he only thinks if his own well being.
That's not really a stopper for a good pilot, keeping himself alive by piloting the aircraft safely is of obvious benefit to his passengers. It's the suicidal ones that you have watch out for, unfortunately the issue of pilot mental health is a bit of a taboo topic.
Just reading the ABC article, and Dermot Dann is quoted as saying (Lynn) "maintains that he's never killed any person, at any time, at any place, anywhere, ever"....

Somewhat strange that the defence has been expanded to 'any person... ever'.... Does Lynn get access to Bigfooty in the clink?
Yep, I did pick up on this emphatic utterance
I can confirm this conversation and the timing, which was well before Sly raised it.
Sly has the good fortune of not only being clever, but also being the son of an 'old school' Victorian Assistant Police Commissioner who was respected by both sides of the law. One imagines that connection gives you a journalistic currency for life, if you're smart enough to know the rules--which clearly the longevity of Silvester's 'exclusives' suggests. Of course there are some organised realms of the underworld that his copper connections can't crack and hence there's a well worn theme to his crime stories. I would wager he has known all about GL, including Zig Zag Rd, for some time, waiting for the whistle to put it to print.
That's not really a stopper for a good pilot, keeping himself alive by piloting the aircraft safely is of obvious benefit to his passengers. It's the suicidal ones that you have watch out for, unfortunately the issue of pilot mental health is a bit of a taboo topic.
There’s lots of scenarios where a pilot has a duty of care to passengers though. He would never have had his license if they knew what they know now and he’ll never have it again.
Why is pilot mental health a taboo topic? Everyone has mental health.
There’s lots of scenarios where a pilot has a duty of care to passengers though. He would never have had his license if they knew what they know now and he’ll never have it again.
Why is pilot mental health a taboo topic? Everyone has mental health.
Can't tell you why specifically but it just is. Pilots regularly rate in the top 3 most trusted professions and they are protective of that and the confidence it instills in air travel. Most professions probably have similar attitudes. A few years ago I was suicidally depressed after my wife bolted. My professional college would not give me any special consideration so I retired. Best thing to do and as luck would have it, Covid struck a few months later and I avoided having to wear PPE for a few years. The devil looks after his own.

The pilot community are even more reluctant to accept murder-suicides by pilots, even when there is good evidence it is. When MH370 went down, during the early discussion on PPRUNE they would ban people who said it was a likely murder suicide. Folks write papers how it couldn't possibly be murder suicide (note PDF has been removed , only the summary exists).
Can't tell you why specifically but it just is. Pilots regularly rate in the top 3 most trusted professions and they are protective of that and the confidence it instills in air travel. Most professions probably have similar attitudes. A few years ago I was suicidally depressed after my wife bolted. My professional college would not give me any special consideration so I retired. Best thing to do and as luck would have it, Covid struck a few months later and I avoided having to wear PPE for a few years. The devil looks after his own.

The pilot community are even more reluctant to accept murder-suicides by pilots, even when there is good evidence it is. When MH370 went down, during the early discussion on PPRUNE they would ban people who said it was a likely murder suicide. Folks write papers how it couldn't possibly be murder suicide (note PDF has been removed , only the summary exists).
Love your openness and honesty.
Can't tell you why specifically but it just is. Pilots regularly rate in the top 3 most trusted professions and they are protective of that and the confidence it instills in air travel. Most professions probably have similar attitudes. A few years ago I was suicidally depressed after my wife bolted. My professional college would not give me any special consideration so I retired. Best thing to do and as luck would have it, Covid struck a few months later and I avoided having to wear PPE for a few years. The devil looks after his own.

The pilot community are even more reluctant to accept murder-suicides by pilots, even when there is good evidence it is. When MH370 went down, during the early discussion on PPRUNE they would ban people who said it was a likely murder suicide. Folks write papers how it couldn't possibly be murder suicide (note PDF has been removed , only the summary exists).
Some work places have a lot of catching up to do when it comes to workers and mental health. I’m glad you were able to recognise and take the steps you needed to, to look after your health although not being supported by your workplace shouldn’t happen, not in today’s society. I though we’d come a lot further than that.
Totally see your point about the airlines and possible causes of incidences that might be linked to mental health.
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Current Trial Russell Hill & Carol Clay Pt 2 *Pilot Greg Lynn sentenced 32 yrs with a non-parole period of 24 yrs
