Current Rye bashing resulting in tragic death *Man Charged*

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This is one of if not the biggest load of shit i have ever read on this site including visits to the Essendon and Norf boards. Culturally Australia and particularly anglo-Australians are very peaceful. One only needs to look at the over-representation of Aboriginal, Somalian, Maouri, Sudanese and Italian / Greek populations in our prison systems to work this out.

Only cultural issue Australia has which contributes to these sort of things is the courts going easy on trying to weed out and severly punish the few dickheads who are almost always smashed off their heads or high as a kite and lock them away for a substantial period of time

You do realise that Italians/Romans and Greeks had civilization and culture, when anglos where uncivilized thugs.
Romans colonized England.

Very late on connecting this, but thought it was interesting that one of the group who were charged and convicted of lesser offences for this incident was the man charged for the murder of Sam Liszczak.

Liszczak himself had found himself in the news several years ago as one of the two associates of Matthew Johnson who'd gone on a rampage against the Williams family that had been equal parts savage and comical, until they shot a police officer who'd tried to apprehend them.


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Current Rye bashing resulting in tragic death *Man Charged*

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