State of Origin S13R02: South Australia V Vic Country @ Adelaide Oval

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4 : 20.48 {C} - spookism's kick slams into the right goal post.
South Australia : 11.9.75
Victoria Country : 12.9.81

4 : 20.58 {FB} - Shallow with the ball now.
4 : 21.02 {rHBF} - A measured kick to Croweater 41.
4 : 21.08 {rHBF} - All up but nobody can take the mark.
4 : 21.13 {lHFF} - Daniel1812 has possession.
4 : 21.19 {lHFF} - The umpires rules a push-out. Croweater 41 will get the free.
4 : 21.23 {rHBF} - Croweater 41 with the ball now.
4 : 21.27 {rHBF} - He's brought down by Daniel1812.
4 : 21.33 {rHFF} - Now deaneus has the ball. What can he do with it?.
4 : 21.37 {FF} - He tries to find Bengwatkins with a chip pass.
4 : 21.43 {FF} - Fizzler drops an absolute sitter.
4 : 21.47 {FF} - A bit of space for Bengwatkins to utilise.
4 : 21.53 {FF} - He has a shot from nowhere.

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4 : 21.58 {FF} - It's going to result in a goal. Goal to Bengwatkins.
South Australia : 12.9.81
Victoria Country : 12.9.81

4 : 22.02 {C} - Tigland waits and wins the hitout.
4 : 22.12 {lW} - Gentlemen signals for his teammates to present.
4 : 22.19 {lW} - But here comes Power Raid.
4 : 22.23 {rW} - Running with the ball is Power Raid.
4 : 22.27 {CHF} - A mongrel punt in the direction of Golumless.
4 : 22.33 {CHF} - Here's a chance for an opportunist rover.
4 : 22.37 {CHF} - Taking the ball is Golumless.
4 : 22.43 {lFP} - BoshtrichBurger calls for it.
4 : 22.47 {lFP} - BoshtrichBurger spills the mark.
4 : 22.53 {FB} - Fizzler slowing down the play.
4 : 22.58 {rHBF} - Gets onto his preferred foot and boots it long.
4 : 23.02 {rHBF} - Croweater 41 appeals for the mark but play on's the call.
4 : 23.08 {rHBF} - Running with the ball is Croweater 41.
4 : 23.12 {lW} - Hurried kick towards Gentlemen.
4 : 23.18 {lW} - Power Raid was hanging around the back of the pack but the ball fell into his lap.
4 : 23.22 {rW} - Power Raid with a little space.
4 : 23.27 {rHBF} - No-look handpass to roo2macca.
4 : 23.32 {lW} - Wacky Tiger takes off on a lead.
4 : 23.37 {lW} - Wacky Tiger takes that parallel to the ground..
4 : 23.43 {lW} - Wacky Tiger wants to get on with proceedings.
4 : 23.47 {rW} - A wild handball - but luckily Power Raid was well placed to clean up.
4 : 23.53 {rW} - Power Raid has a bounce.
4 : 23.57 {rW} - Gentlemen drags Power Raid down beautifully.
4 : 24.02 {lW} - Gentlemen sizes the options in front of him.
4 : 24.08 {lW} - Handballs to Tigland.
4 : 24.12 {rW} - Brahj screaming for the ball - and he is heard.
4 : 24.18 {rW} - Wacky Tiger did enough to prevent a mark being taken.
4 : 24.22 {lW} - With the ball is Wacky Tiger.
4 : 24.27 {rHFF} - A long pass towards deaneus.
4 : 24.32 {rHFF} - Anybody's ball.
4 : 24.37 {lHBF} - With the ball is Fred.
4 : 24.43 {rHBF} - Croweater 41 receives his handpass.
4 : 24.47 {rHBF} - He takes the opportunity to bounce.
4 : 24.51 {rHBF} - Quick hands to Willo_ under pressure.
4 : 24.57 {lHBF} - He transfers play using Fred.
South Australia : 12.9.81
Victoria Country : 12.9.81

Match Over!
Rich (BB code):
SOUTHAUS          3    3        7    5        8    6        12   9    81      
VICCOUNT          6    1        8    2        10   8        12   9    81      
SOUTHAUS   HO  K  M  H  T  FF FA G  B   Dt  VICCOUNT    HO  K  M  H  T  FF FA G  B   Dt
WAG         0  1  0  4  0  0  1  0  0    8  ClarkeM      0  3  1  4  0  0  0  0  0   20
I_Dont_Car  0  2  1  1  0  0  0  0  0   11  Fizzler      0  5  4  3  0  0  0  0  0   33
Footypie32  0  6  1  4  0  0  0  1  0   35  Shallow      0  4  1  2  0  1  0  0  1   21
roo2macca   0  1  1  2  0  0  0  0  0   10  Croweater    0  10 5  7  4  2  0  0  0   77
Smartys Po  0  3  2  4  1  0  0  0  0   27  Royboy2      0  10 5  3  0  1  0  0  0   52
MoOP        0  4  4  6  0  0  0  0  0   36  Fred         0  6  7  8  0  0  0  0  0   55
Power Raid  0  10 3  11 2  1  2  0  0   64  Brahj        0  5  1  7  1  1  0  1  0   43
spookism    0  15 5  12 0  0  6  0  2   68  Hen Da Man   0  5  6  5  2  1  4  0  0   40
Wacky Tige  0  14 5  12 1  0  1  1  0   88  Gentlemen    0  8  6  10 2  2  2  0  0   66
deaneus     0  7  5  7  0  0  0  2  1   63  Gibbsy       0  6  3  1  0  0  0  0  1   30
Golumless   0  7  1  2  1  0  1  1  0   35  Mobbenfuhr   0  1  1  1  0  0  0  0  0    8
Daniel1812  0  7  5  7  2  1  4  2  1   60  MightyDons   0  4  1  1  0  0  0  1  0   23
Mr_Smooth   0  0  0  0  0  0  1  0  0   -3  Dingster     0  6  3  1  0  0  0  2  2   43
Bengwatkin  0  7  0  0  1  1  0  4  3   53  Raveneyes    0  8  0  0  2  0  0  4  4   60
BoshtrichB  0  1  0  0  1  1  0  0  1    9  Tommypickl   0  3  0  0  0  1  0  3  0   28
RookieList  13 9  0  8  4  2  3  0  0   65  Tigland      9  6  0  6  2  0  2  0  0   41
BrewSmacke  0  10 0  2  2  3  0  1  0   51  Grockadoc    0  6  0  5  5  3  0  0  1   52
Andonis199  0  7  0  6  8  1  1  0  1   64  Willo_       0  7  0  10 8  9  2  0  0   76
Danger in   0  3  2  5  0  0  1  0  0   22  Frankston    0  3  0  2  0  0  0  0  0   13
MannumPowe  0  3  3  7  0  0  0  0  0   32  The Lone W   0  6  6  3  0  0  0  1  0   48

Rich (BB code):
            SOU   VIC
Hitouts   : 13   9 
Kicks     : 117  112 
Marks     : 38   50 
Handballs : 100  79 
Tackles   : 23   26 
Frees For : 10   21 
Frees Ag. : 21   10 
Smothers  : 2    0 
Ironouts  : 5    8 
Inside50  : 14   16 
Goals     : 12   12 
Behinds   : 9    9

Rich (BB code):
First Quarter :
2.05 - Goal to Dingster (VICCOUNT) - VICCOUNT by 6 point(s).
4.15 - Goal to Tommypickles (VICCOUNT) - VICCOUNT by 12 point(s).
5.49 - Goal to Bengwatkins (SOUTHAUS) - VICCOUNT by 6 point(s).
7.22 - Goal to Dingster (VICCOUNT) - VICCOUNT by 12 point(s).
10.03 - Behind to deaneus (SOUTHAUS) - VICCOUNT by 11 point(s).
11.21 - Behind to Dingster (VICCOUNT) - VICCOUNT by 12 point(s).
11.56 - Goal to Raveneyes (VICCOUNT) - VICCOUNT by 18 point(s).
14.06 - Behind to Andonis1997 (SOUTHAUS) - VICCOUNT by 17 point(s).
20.15 - Goal to Tommypickles (VICCOUNT) - VICCOUNT by 23 point(s).
21.53 - Behind to Bengwatkins (SOUTHAUS) - VICCOUNT by 22 point(s).
22.53 - Goal to BrewSmackerVeiny (SOUTHAUS) - VICCOUNT by 16 point(s).
24.18 - Goal to Daniel1812 (SOUTHAUS) - VICCOUNT by 10 point(s).
24.57 - Goal to Brahj (VICCOUNT) - VICCOUNT by 16 point(s).

Second Quarter :
.43 - Behind to Daniel1812 (SOUTHAUS) - VICCOUNT by 15 point(s).
2.17 - Behind to spookism (SOUTHAUS) - VICCOUNT by 14 point(s).
3.48 - Goal to MightyDons4 (VICCOUNT) - VICCOUNT by 20 point(s).
5.02 - Goal to Raveneyes (VICCOUNT) - VICCOUNT by 26 point(s).
6.55 - Goal to Daniel1812 (SOUTHAUS) - VICCOUNT by 20 point(s).
14 - Rushed behind to VICCOUNT - VICCOUNT by 21 point(s).
15.45 - Goal to Wacky Tiger (SOUTHAUS) - VICCOUNT by 15 point(s).
17.24 - Goal to Bengwatkins (SOUTHAUS) - VICCOUNT by 9 point(s).
22.52 - Goal to deaneus (SOUTHAUS) - VICCOUNT by 3 point(s).

Third Quarter :
5.09 - Behind to Bengwatkins (SOUTHAUS) - VICCOUNT by 2 point(s).
11.11 - Goal to Tommypickles (VICCOUNT) - VICCOUNT by 8 point(s).
12.5 - Goal to The Lone Wolf (VICCOUNT) - VICCOUNT by 14 point(s).
15.1 - Behind to Grockadoc (VICCOUNT) - VICCOUNT by 15 point(s).
15.45 - Behind to Raveneyes (VICCOUNT) - VICCOUNT by 16 point(s).
17.03 - Behind to Shallow (VICCOUNT) - VICCOUNT by 17 point(s).
17.59 - Behind to Raveneyes (VICCOUNT) - VICCOUNT by 18 point(s).
19.58 - Goal to Footypie32 (SOUTHAUS) - VICCOUNT by 12 point(s).
22.27 - Behind to Gibbsy (VICCOUNT) - VICCOUNT by 13 point(s).
24.02 - Behind to Raveneyes (VICCOUNT) - VICCOUNT by 14 point(s).

Final Quarter :
2.09 - Goal to Bengwatkins (SOUTHAUS) - VICCOUNT by 8 point(s).
4.37 - Rushed behind to SOUTHAUS - VICCOUNT by 7 point(s).
5.43 - Behind to Bengwatkins (SOUTHAUS) - VICCOUNT by 6 point(s).
8.18 - Goal to Golumless (SOUTHAUS) - scores level.
9.11 - Behind to Dingster (VICCOUNT) - VICCOUNT by 1 point(s).
9.46 - Goal to Raveneyes (VICCOUNT) - VICCOUNT by 7 point(s).
10.32 - Goal to deaneus (SOUTHAUS) - VICCOUNT by 1 point(s).
20.02 - Goal to Raveneyes (VICCOUNT) - VICCOUNT by 7 point(s).
20.54 - Behind to spookism (SOUTHAUS) - VICCOUNT by 6 point(s).
22.02 - Goal to Bengwatkins (SOUTHAUS) - scores level.

Rich (BB code):
Danger in Texas      0 (On) 80.54 (Off) Total : 80%
MannumPower          0 (On) 74.12 (Off) Total : 74%
I_Dont_Care          0 (On) 45.48 (Off) 74.12 (On) Total : 71%
WAG                  0 (On) 53.58 (Off) 80.54 (On) Total : 73%
Smartys Power        0 (On) Total : 100%
MoOP                 0 (On) Total : 100%
Power Raid           0 (On) Total : 100%
spookism             0 (On) Total : 100%
Wacky Tiger          0 (On) Total : 100%
deaneus              0 (On) Total : 100%
Footypie32           0 (On) Total : 100%
Daniel1812           0 (On) Total : 100%
Mr_Smooth            0 (On) Total : 100%
Bengwatkins          0 (On) Total : 100%
BoshtrichBurger      0 (On) Total : 100%
RookieListed         0 (On) Total : 100%
Golumless            0 (On) 3.4 (Off) 45.48 (On) Total : 58%
Andonis1997          0 (On) Total : 100%
roo2macca            0 (Off) 53.58 (On) Total : 45%
BrewSmackerVeiny     0 (Off) 3.4 (On) Total : 95%

ClarkeM              0 (On) Total : 100%
Fizzler              0 (On) Total : 100%
Frankston Rover      0 (On) 33.01 (Off) 64.1 (On) 80.19 (Off) Total : 49%
Croweater 41         0 (On) Total : 100%
Royboy2              0 (On) Total : 100%
Fred                 0 (On) Total : 100%
Brahj                0 (On) Total : 100%
Hen Da Man           0 (On) Total : 100%
Gentlemen            0 (On) Total : 100%
Dingster             0 (On) 37.15 (Off) 51.49 (On) Total : 85%
The Lone Wolf        0 (On) 88.25 (Off) Total : 88%
MightyDons4          0 (On) 56.26 (Off) 78.19 (On) Total : 78%
Shallow              0 (On) 51.49 (Off) 56.26 (On) 78.19 (Off) 80.19 (On) Total : 93%
Raveneyes            0 (On) Total : 100%
Tommypickles         0 (On) Total : 100%
Tigland              0 (On) Total : 100%
Grockadoc            0 (On) Total : 100%
Willo_               0 (On) Total : 100%
Gibbsy               0 (Off) 37.15 (On) Total : 62%
Mobbenfuhrer         0 (Off) 33.01 (On) 64.1 (Off) 88.25 (On) Total : 42%

Total :  3600               Average :  90.00001

  • In an epic battle, Andonis1997 and Willo_ were hard to separate - though Andonis1997 was slightly more effective. - 100m from 0 to 100.
  • In an enthralling contest, Bengwatkins came out tops over the brave Fizzler. - 93m from 5 to 98.
  • While very slim pickings for both players, ClarkeM was slightly more polished than BoshtrichBurger. - 77m from 9 to 86.
  • In an enthralling contest, Wacky Tiger had the better of Brahj. - 97m from 2 to 99.
  • In a resume-material performance, Grockadoc won the bout with BrewSmackerVeiny. - 93m from 4 to 97.
  • In an epic battle, Croweater 41 beat Daniel1812 today - but not by much. - 97m from 2 to 99.
  • In a solid performance, Tommypickles had Danger in Texas's measure. - 72m from 1 to 73.
  • Neither having much reason to brag, Footypie32 did well against Dingster. - 10m from 74 to 84.
  • Neither getting, near the ball much, Golumless did a demolition job on Dingster. - 14m from 59 to 73.
  • Neither getting, near the ball much, Dingster came out tops over the brave MoOP. - 34m from 1 to 35.
  • Neither getting, near the ball much, Royboy2 had Footypie32's measure. - 69m from 2 to 71.
  • Neither having much reason to brag, Frankston Rover had the better of Mr_Smooth. - 17m from 10 to 27.
  • In an epic battle, deaneus beat Fred today - but not by much. - 90m from 9 to 99.
  • In an enthralling contest, Power Raid did very well against Gentlemen. - 99m from 0 to 99.
  • In a comparatively small-fry arm wrestle, it could be argued that MoOP had the better game against Gibbsy - although there was very little in it. - 53m from 38 to 91.
  • Neither having much reason to brag, Golumless had the better of Grockadoc. - 3m from 0 to 3.
  • Neither having much reason to brag, Royboy2 had the better of Golumless. - 21m from 76 to 97.
  • In quite a tussle, spookism came out tops over the brave Hen Da Man. - 95m from 0 to 95.
  • While worlds weren't set on fire, Raveneyes gave I_Dont_Care a hiding. - 20m from 75 to 95.
  • Neither getting, near the ball much, I_Dont_Care gave Shallow a hiding. - 20m from 19 to 39.
  • Toe to toe throughout, Raveneyes and MannumPower were evenly matched. - 73m from 1 to 74.
  • In what was a very slow day for both, roo2macca exposed MightyDons4's frailties. - 7m from 91 to 98.
  • In what was a very slow day for both, MightyDons4 exposed WAG's frailties. - 52m from 0 to 52.
  • Neither having much reason to brag, not much between Mobbenfuhrer and Mr_Smooth - the former was probably a smidgeon better. - 0m from 55 to 55.
  • Neither having much reason to brag, Mobbenfuhrer had the better of Smartys Power. - 0m from 94 to 94.
  • While overall a quiet day for both players, Shallow massacred Mr_Smooth. - 15m from 81 to 96.
  • In a resume-material performance, RookieListed exposed Tigland's frailties. - 100m from 0 to 100.
  • Neither having much reason to brag, roo2macca either broke even with Shallow or vaguely bested him - it was hard to tell. - 11m from 58 to 69.
  • While the match-up was a bit of a side-show, The Lone Wolf either broke even with Smartys Power or vaguely bested him - it was hard to tell. - 83m from 0 to 83.
  • Neither having much reason to brag, Tommypickles beat WAG today - but not by much. - 0m from 84 to 84.

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Well, that was interesting. 7 points straight in the 2nd half didn't help.
Match Highlights

1 : 9.32 {lHBF} - Fred reads the kick best and marks well in front of deaneus.
1 : 9.38 {lHBF} - Fred takes off.
1 : 9.42 {lHBF} - Brought down by deaneus.
1 : 9.46 {rHFF} - So deaneus ... with a moment to digest his options.
1 : 9.53 {rHFF} - Open goal!.
1 : 9.56 {rHFF} - Shocking kick from deaneus results in just one behind.

Early game nerves.

1 : 22.23 {lHBF} - Fred and deaneus jostle for position.
1 : 22.29 {lHBF} - Horrific choice of kick and deaneus will mark unopposed.
1 : 22.33 {rHFF} - deaneus slowing down the play.
1 : 22.39 {rFP} - Handpass over the shoulder to BrewSmackerVeiny.
1 : 22.43 {rFP} - BrewSmackerVeiny lines up the sticks.
1 : 22.47 {rFP} - It's a goal to BrewSmackerVeiny.

Set up the goal. You're wlecome BrewSmackerVeiny

2 : 6.16 {rHBF} - Great smother by Daniel1812.
2 : 6.22 {lHFF} - Daniel1812 hits the ground running.
2 : 6.26 {lHFF} - Daniel1812 dummy's the handpass and then takes a bounce.
2 : 6.31 {rHFF} - Handpasses to deaneus.
2 : 6.37 {CHF} - Gets hands off within the nick of time.
2 : 6.41 {lHFF} - Long handpass to the running Daniel1812.
2 : 6.47 {lHFF} - Monster shot at goal from Daniel1812.
2 : 6.51 {lHFF} - And Daniel1812 gets it.

Another set-up!

2 : 16.28 {lHBF} - Fred with the ball now.
2 : 16.34 {lHBF} - Fred ran into deaneus and came off second-best.
2 : 16.38 {rHFF} - Its hard and tough but deaneus wins possession.
2 : 16.43 {rHFF} - A long looping handpass to RookieListed.
2 : 16.49 {CHF} - Footypie32 on the end of this.
2 : 16.53 {CHF} - Gives the ball to BrewSmackerVeiny.
2 : 16.59 {FF} - He rewards the Bengwatkins lead.
2 : 17.03 {FF} - Bengwatkins can't mark but is able to bring the ball to ground.
2 : 17.1 {FF} - Bengwatkins through heavy traffic.
2 : 17.13 {FF} - This will be a goal to Bengwatkins.
2 : 17.17 {FF} - Bengwatkins likes it and so does the goal umpire.

Tackled Fred nice and good, started a scoring chain for the side.

2 : 22.16 {lHFF} - A long looping handpass to BrewSmackerVeiny.
2 : 22.23 {rHFF} - He gets a handpass to deaneus.
2 : 22.27 {lHFF} - Finds Daniel1812 with a handball.
2 : 22.31 {lHFF} - A poor handpass but Andonis1997 is up to the challenge.
2 : 22.37 {rHFF} - Hands it off to deaneus.
2 : 22.42 {rHFF} - deaneus bombs it into the forward line.
2 : 22.47 {rHFF} - deaneus racks up number 1.

Another scoring chain followed by a monster bomb... for goal!

2 : 24.47 {rHFF} - He just bombs away in the direction of deaneus and Fred.
2 : 24.51 {rHFF} - deaneus can't mark but is able to bring the ball to ground.
2 : 24.55 {rHFF} - Who wants it? deaneus does. Great stuff.

That's right, I want it. It's mine.

4 : 1.34 {CHF} - Quick hands to Golumless.
4 : 1.38 {rHFF} - A poor handpass but deaneus is up to the challenge.
4 : 1.45 {rHFF} - He handpasses to Andonis1997.
4 : 1.49 {FF} - Handballs over the top to Bengwatkins.
4 : 1.55 {FF} - He takes the opportunity to bounce.
4 : 1.59 {FF} - Bengwatkins lines up the sticks.
4 : 2.05 {FF} - Perfect goal kicking technique. That's number 3 for Bengwatkins.

Scoring chain. Andonis1997 and I causing havoc in the forward line!

4 : 10.01 {C} - Gives the ball to RookieListed.
4 : 10.07 {rHFF} - That's a real finger-breaker in the direction of deaneus.
4 : 10.11 {rHFF} - deaneus gets crunched in that marking contest but comes out with the ball.
4 : 10.18 {rHFF} - deaneus looks downfield.
4 : 10.22 {rHFF} - The crowd will go nuts if this goes through.
4 : 10.25 {rHFF} - It's a goal. deaneus has 2.

Got crunched, didn't matter, banged it in from the right half-forward flank.

Great game everyone and a great game by me. Pity it was a draw but a tough, fair contest. Well played :thumbsu:

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State of Origin S13R02: South Australia V Vic Country @ Adelaide Oval

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