Official Match Thread S31 First Qualifying Final: Gumbies FFC vs West Coast Wonders The House of Gumby (MOTR)

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Rich (BB code):
GUM               0    6        5    8        5    9        9    14   68       
WON               6    2        12   6        17   8        23   9    147      
GUM        HO  K  M  H  T  FF FA G  B   Dt  WON         HO  K  M  H  T  FF FA G  B   Dt
saintkilda  0  6  3  3  0  0  1  0  0   30  craffles     0  4  1  4  1  0  0  0  0   27
peterss     0  3  6  10 0  0  1  0  0   44  kangaroos4   0  9  8  7  0  1  3  0  2   59
NSWCROW     0  7  0  3  0  0  0  0  0   27  Sab22        0  2  3  2  0  0  1  1  0   22
Genghis Tr  0  7  7  12 2  0  0  0  0   74  Crusty Und   0  10 4  9  0  0  0  0  0   60
bone2468    0  10 4  7  1  1  1  0  0   58  SSwans2011   0  4  4  9  3  1  0  0  0   55
omgfridge   0  3  5  11 2  2  3  0  0   47  dogs105      0  7  11 8  0  0  4  0  0   58
EagleOz     0  3  1  3  3  1  0  0  2   33  JT_the_Man   0  15 4  6  3  1  0  3  0  100
Barrybran   2  5  3  8  1  2  0  0  1   49  Cadsky       0  10 7  14 1  1  1  0  0   81
StFly       0  15 4  6  2  0  2  0  0   71  Elmer_Judd   0  7  4  7  0  0  1  1  0   50
Spuddd      0  2  2  9  1  4  1  0  0   35  mike123      0  3  4  9  0  0  0  0  0   39
Brick Loos  0  7  2  9  1  0  2  1  0   49  ArdentEagl   0  13 5  8  1  0  3  1  0   71
Ned Ryerso  0  4  3  8  2  0  0  0  0   45  bomberlege   0  7  5  3  1  0  2  0  0   40
Jivlain     0  4  1  1  0  0  1  1  0   20  akkaps       0  2  2  0  1  0  0  2  0   28
Rodney Dan  0  8  3  0  0  0  1  3  5   53  ClarkeM      0  12 1  0  3  0  1  7  5   95
BlueE       0  3  1  1  2  0  0  2  1   35  jezzajay     0  4  0  0  0  0  0  3  1   31
wherearemy  10 16 0  9  3  2  0  1  2   98  croweater    20 11 0  6  6  4  1  1  1   97
GWS Goose   0  12 0  15 7  3  2  1  1   98  haydo        0  16 0  9  6  4  2  1  0   94
Riviat      0  8  0  10 5  4  3  0  1   60  SweetD       0  15 0  8  8  7  1  3  0  115
Grimesy87   0  11 7  13 1  0  1  0  1   82  BallaratBu   0  3  2  5  0  0  0  0  0   25
beez        0  3  1  2  0  1  0  0  0   17  Grand Uncl   0  12 8  9  1  0  0  0  0   82

Rich (BB code):
            GUM   WON
Hitouts   : 12   20 
Kicks     : 137  166 
Marks     : 53   73 
Handballs : 140  123 
Tackles   : 33   35 
Frees For : 20   19 
Frees Ag. : 19   20 
Smothers  : 1    2 
Ironouts  : 8    5 
Inside50  : 15   33 
Goals     : 9    23 
Behinds   : 14   9

Rich (BB code):
First Quarter :
2.4 - Behind to ClarkeM (WON) - WON by 1 point(s).
3.24 - Goal to ClarkeM (WON) - WON by 7 point(s).
8.14 - Behind to Grimesy87 (GUM) - WON by 6 point(s).
9.2 - Goal to akkaps (WON) - WON by 12 point(s).
11.05 - Rushed behind to WON - WON by 13 point(s).
11.25 - Goal to ClarkeM (WON) - WON by 19 point(s).
12.03 - Goal to JT_the_Man (WON) - WON by 25 point(s).
13.27 - Behind to BlueE (GUM) - WON by 24 point(s).
14.02 - Behind to Rodney Dangerfield (GUM) - WON by 23 point(s).
14.53 - Behind to EagleOz (GUM) - WON by 22 point(s).
15.14 - Rushed behind to GUM - WON by 21 point(s).
16.1 - Behind to Rodney Dangerfield (GUM) - WON by 20 point(s).
18.38 - Goal to haydo (WON) - WON by 26 point(s).
23.47 - Goal to ClarkeM (WON) - WON by 32 point(s).

Second Quarter :
.07 - Behind to wherearemykeys (GUM) - WON by 31 point(s).
.33 - Goal to wherearemykeys (GUM) - WON by 25 point(s).
2.07 - Goal to GWS Goose (GUM) - WON by 19 point(s).
4.13 - Goal to SweetD (WON) - WON by 25 point(s).
7.14 - Goal to ClarkeM (WON) - WON by 31 point(s).
11.15 - Behind to kangaroos4eva (WON) - WON by 32 point(s).
12.41 - Goal to Jivlain (GUM) - WON by 26 point(s).
15.48 - Goal to akkaps (WON) - WON by 32 point(s).
17.46 - Behind to ClarkeM (WON) - WON by 33 point(s).
18.23 - Goal to SweetD (WON) - WON by 39 point(s).
19.17 - Behind to Rodney Dangerfield (GUM) - WON by 38 point(s).
19.46 - Goal to BlueE (GUM) - WON by 32 point(s).
22 - Goal to Brick Loosener (GUM) - WON by 26 point(s).
22.55 - Goal to JT_the_Man (WON) - WON by 32 point(s).
23.39 - Behind to kangaroos4eva (WON) - WON by 33 point(s).
24 - Behind to ClarkeM (WON) - WON by 34 point(s).
24.27 - Goal to ClarkeM (WON) - WON by 40 point(s).

Third Quarter :
1.36 - Goal to ArdentEagle (WON) - WON by 46 point(s).
9.09 - Behind to croweater 41 (WON) - WON by 47 point(s).
9.51 - Goal to ClarkeM (WON) - WON by 53 point(s).
11.31 - Goal to jezzajay (WON) - WON by 59 point(s).
15.21 - Goal to Elmer_Judd (WON) - WON by 65 point(s).
17.53 - Rushed behind to WON - WON by 66 point(s).
18.3 - Goal to ClarkeM (WON) - WON by 72 point(s).
20.01 - Behind to Rodney Dangerfield (GUM) - WON by 71 point(s).

Final Quarter :
1.3 - Goal to jezzajay (WON) - WON by 77 point(s).
3.48 - Behind to Riviat (GUM) - WON by 76 point(s).
5.56 - Goal to jezzajay (WON) - WON by 82 point(s).
7.22 - Goal to croweater 41 (WON) - WON by 88 point(s).
8.16 - Goal to Sab22 (WON) - WON by 94 point(s).
9.13 - Goal to SweetD (WON) - WON by 100 point(s).
11.01 - Behind to EagleOz (GUM) - WON by 99 point(s).
11.4 - Goal to Rodney Dangerfield (GUM) - WON by 93 point(s).
12.27 - Goal to JT_the_Man (WON) - WON by 99 point(s).
13.03 - Behind to wherearemykeys (GUM) - WON by 98 point(s).
13.29 - Goal to BlueE (GUM) - WON by 92 point(s).
19.09 - Rushed behind to GUM - WON by 91 point(s).
19.46 - Goal to Rodney Dangerfield (GUM) - WON by 85 point(s).
20.4 - Behind to ClarkeM (WON) - WON by 86 point(s).
23.1 - Goal to Rodney Dangerfield (GUM) - WON by 80 point(s).
24.41 - Behind to Barrybran (GUM) - WON by 79 point(s).

Rich (BB code):
NSWCROW              0 (On) 63.31 (Off) 80.1 (On) Total : 83%
bone2468             0 (On) 24.22 (Off) 34.55 (On) Total : 89%
peterss              0 (On) 12.4 (Off) 24.22 (On) Total : 88%
Genghis Tron         0 (On) Total : 100%
Jivlain              0 (On) 34.55 (Off) 35.42 (On) Total : 99%
omgfridge            0 (On) Total : 100%
beez                 0 (On) 23.29 (Off) Total : 24%
Grimesy87            0 (On) 93.4 (Off) Total : 93%
StFly                0 (On) Total : 100%
Spuddd               0 (On) Total : 100%
Brick Loosener       0 (On) Total : 100%
wherearemykeys       0 (On) 10.28 (Off) 11.38 (On) Total : 98%
EagleOz              0 (On) 35.42 (Off) 63.31 (On) Total : 72%
Rodney Dangerfield   0 (On) Total : 100%
BlueE                0 (On) Total : 100%
Barrybran            0 (On) 11.38 (Off) 23.29 (On) Total : 88%
GWS Goose            0 (On) Total : 100%
Riviat               0 (On) Total : 100%
saintkildaman        0 (Off) 12.4 (On) 80.1 (Off) 93.4 (On) Total : 73%
Ned Ryerson          0 (Off) 10.28 (On) Total : 88%

bomberlegend2007     0 (On) Total : 100%
BallaratBulldog      0 (On) 91.37 (Off) Total : 91%
Sab22                0 (On) 1.38 (Off) 10.09 (On) 23.19 (Off) 80.23 (On) Total : 34%
Crusty Undies        0 (On) Total : 100%
SSwans2011           0 (On) Total : 100%
dogs105              0 (On) Total : 100%
JT_the_Man           0 (On) Total : 100%
Cadsky               0 (On) Total : 100%
mike123              0 (On) 33.57 (Off) 82.33 (On) Total : 51%
kangaroos4eva        0 (On) 82.33 (Off) 91.37 (On) Total : 91%
ArdentEagle          0 (On) Total : 100%
Grand Uncle Horace   0 (On) 80.23 (Off) Total : 80%
akkaps               0 (On) Total : 100%
ClarkeM              0 (On) Total : 100%
jezzajay             0 (On) Total : 100%
croweater 41         0 (On) Total : 100%
haydo                0 (On) Total : 100%
SweetD               0 (On) Total : 100%
Elmer_Judd           0 (Off) 33.57 (On) Total : 65%
craffles             0 (Off) 1.38 (On) 10.09 (Off) 23.19 (On) Total : 84%

Total :  3600               Average :  90

  • Neither having much reason to brag, peterss did very well against akkaps. - 7m from 2 to 9.
  • In a comparatively small-fry arm wrestle, saintkildaman either broke even with akkaps or vaguely bested him - it was hard to tell. - 45m from 23 to 68.
  • While the match-up was a bit of a side-show, ArdentEagle did well against bone2468. - 60m from 35 to 95.
  • While overall a quiet day for both players, ArdentEagle massacred Jivlain. - 30m from 1 to 31.
  • Regardless that this wasn't a huge game for either player, BallaratBulldog was easily the winner in the clash with Rodney Dangerfield. - 80m from 8 to 88.
  • Neither having much reason to brag, it could be argued that Barrybran had the better game against Cadsky - although there was very little in it. - 18m from 81 to 99.
  • In a comparatively small-fry arm wrestle, croweater 41 did well against Barrybran. - 11m from 0 to 11.
  • In a bit of an exhibition, Elmer_Judd gave Barrybran a lesson. - 28m from 38 to 66.
  • Neither having much reason to brag, jezzajay did well against Barrybran. - 4m from 76 to 80.
  • Neither having much reason to brag, Barrybran came out tops over the brave mike123. - 9m from 24 to 33.
  • In a comparatively small-fry arm wrestle, mike123 did well against beez. - 22m from 0 to 22.
  • In quite a tussle, BlueE came out tops over the brave craffles. - 57m from 37 to 94.
  • Neither having much reason to brag, BlueE and Sab22 had an epic contest. - 1m from 13 to 14.
  • In quite a display, SSwans2011 won the bout with Brick Loosener. - 82m from 5 to 87.
  • In an epic battle, Cadsky and Grimesy87 were well-matched - there was no victor. - 100m from 0 to 100.
  • In a solid performance, ClarkeM exposed bone2468's frailties. - 21m from 2 to 23.
  • In what became a bit of a clinic, ClarkeM did a demolition job on peterss. - 66m from 29 to 95.
  • In an epic battle, not much between croweater 41 and wherearemykeys - the former was probably a smidgeon better. - 88m from 12 to 100.
  • Toe to toe throughout, Ned Ryerson did well against Crusty Undies. - 86m from 14 to 100.
  • In what was a very slow day for both, Crusty Undies had wherearemykeys's measure. - 9m from 0 to 9.
  • Neither having much reason to brag, not much between bomberlegend2007 and EagleOz - the former was probably a smidgeon better. - 4m from 13 to 17.
  • Neither having much reason to brag, craffles and EagleOz were hard to separate - though craffles was slightly more effective. - 0m from 8 to 8.
  • While worlds weren't set on fire, EagleOz massacred Elmer_Judd. - 24m from 74 to 98.
  • Spending most of the game pushing and shoving each other, Genghis Tron did well against bomberlegend2007. - 8m from 89 to 97.
  • In an epic battle, Grand Uncle Horace did well against Genghis Tron. - 67m from 0 to 67.
  • Spending most of the game pushing and shoving each other, not much between Sab22 and Genghis Tron - the former was probably a smidgeon better. - 2m from 81 to 83.
  • Neither getting, near the ball much, Grimesy87 gave jezzajay a hiding. - 1m from 89 to 90.
  • In an epic battle, haydo and GWS Goose were hard to separate - though haydo was slightly more effective. - 99m from 0 to 99.
  • While overall a quiet day for both players, bomberlegend2007 did a demolition job on Jivlain. - 35m from 37 to 72.
  • Neither having much reason to brag, Jivlain and Sab22 were evenly matched. - 13m from 86 to 99.
  • In a resume-material performance, JT_the_Man had StFly's measure. - 96m from 1 to 97.
  • Toe to toe throughout, kangaroos4eva and omgfridge were well-matched - there was no victor. - 79m from 2 to 81.
  • In a comparatively small-fry arm wrestle, omgfridge either broke even with mike123 or vaguely bested him - it was hard to tell. - 17m from 82 to 99.
  • Neither having much reason to brag, NSWCROW had the better of akkaps. - 12m from 80 to 92.
  • In what was a very slow day for both, NSWCROW won the bout with jezzajay. - 60m from 2 to 62.
  • In what became a bit of a clinic, SweetD gave Riviat a bath. - 98m from 1 to 99.
  • While worlds weren't set on fire, Rodney Dangerfield massacred kangaroos4eva. - 4m from 94 to 98.
  • In a resume-material performance, dogs105 had Spuddd's measure. - 92m from 5 to 97.
Wonders you ****ing legends! What a team effort! ClarkeM leading by example. Time to take the piss test. As I said earlier I expect you all to fail!

Barrybran and the gumbies thank you for the week. Bad luck today but I wish you the best of luck next week.

Wonders let's celebrate, KFC is on me tonight!

Thank you FootyGuy13 for all your work. Great win Wonders comrades.. sorry I had to be subbed off early in Q4.

Thanks Barrybran Riviat Genghis Tron and all the other Gumby funsterinos. Fun week. I have no doubt you will winn next week and with some luck we can meet up again in the GF.
Congrats Wonders.

Our first and third quarter didn't help us at all.

Thanks to akkaps for a good solid battle.

Time to regroup Gumbies and fix it for next week.

Now whats the match day special behind the bar Wonders?
4 : 13.25 {lFP} - That's a very important six points.
Gumbies FFC : 7.12.54
West Coast Wonders : 23.8.146
Biggest laugh I’ve had today.

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Bless Qooty.

After all these years of hating ClarkeM, the game increases that personal animus ten-fold in a manner of a few clicks.

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Official Match Thread S31 First Qualifying Final: Gumbies FFC vs West Coast Wonders The House of Gumby (MOTR)

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