"Sack Goodwin!"

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For the sake of my mental health I’m getting on the May train. Conditioned myself with some serious cognitive dissonance. Have decided that Bailey Smith is a precious private school boy and nothing good can come from an 18yo that doesn’t drink alcohol. Can’t even explain how badly I need Ben King to be a flop. Wish Karmichael Hunt was still around.

All hail May. If we win a flag I’ll buy him as many Sunday beers as he wants, even if we’re playing Sunday games later on the same day.
For the sake of my mental health I’m getting on the May train. Conditioned myself with some serious cognitive dissonance. Have decided that Bailey Smith is a precious private school boy and nothing good can come from an 18yo that doesn’t drink alcohol. Can’t even explain how badly I need Ben King to be a flop. Wish Karmichael Hunt was still around.

All hail May. If we win a flag I’ll buy him as many Sunday beers as he wants, even if we’re playing Sunday games later on the same day.

If mcGovenrn has taught us one thing it is that a defender with a sloppy rig can still win premierships
For the sake of my mental health I’m getting on the May train. Conditioned myself with some serious cognitive dissonance. Have decided that Bailey Smith is a precious private school boy and nothing good can come from an 18yo that doesn’t drink alcohol. Can’t even explain how badly I need Ben King to be a flop. Wish Karmichael Hunt was still around.

All hail May. If we win a flag I’ll buy him as many Sunday beers as he wants, even if we’re playing Sunday games later on the same day.

Know someone who went to school with Bailey Smith. Apparently he's got a bit of a weirdo with his whole anti-drinking agenda. Goes to parties and gets shitty with everyone else for drinking, ruined his girlfriends Schoolies by continuously calling her and making sure she wasn't drinking.

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Know someone who went to school with Bailey Smith. Apparently he's got a bit of a weirdo with his whole anti-drinking agenda. Goes to parties and gets shitty with everyone else for drinking, ruined his girlfriends Schoolies by continuously calling her and making sure she wasn't drinking.
Seems like the kind of bloke that would call Steven May and ruin his Sunday by making sure he wasn’t drinking. We don’t need that kind of negativity around
Know someone who went to school with Bailey Smith. Apparently he's got a bit of a weirdo with his whole anti-drinking agenda. Goes to parties and gets shitty with everyone else for drinking, ruined his girlfriends Schoolies by continuously calling her and making sure she wasn't drinking.

May would have thrown up on him on an off season trip to China
Goodwin is a pretty ordinary coach but unfortunately I'm not sure chopping him is the right thing to do. All that hard work under Jackson and Roos, it's actually pretty funny if it wasn't so depressing

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We needed Roos to stay on. Club is never going anywhere without an experienced pro righting the ship. Need someone of that calibre if we’re going to rise from perpetual mediocrity.

what's crazy is, we essentially required a mini rebuild already
  • Game plan
  • Most of the coaching staff if not goodwin itself
  • I'm not sure if our players from last year just had amazing years or they couldn't be ****ed this year, but something seems mentally off
As I said somewhere else, it's not like we shouldnt have 5 wins to this point of the season, but absolutely stupid selection and coaching cost us port, st kilda and arguably the essendon games
We needed Roos to stay on. Club is never going anywhere without an experienced pro righting the ship. Need someone of that calibre if we’re going to rise from perpetual mediocrity.
The club decided we had to have a succession plan, from memory they wanted Dew and he said no so they went with whoever was available not who was best and that was a bloke who didn’t have a job at the time after being given the ass from Essendon over the drug shit. We can thank Roo’s and Jackson for that and now it’s been compounded by giving the prick an extension.
The thing is, there are literally only a handful of good coaches

Most clubs hate their coaches in one way or another or at one time or another

Definitely need some fresh assistant coaching talent from another team, poach someone that can help our forward line function properly or make our ball movement more fluid and efficient and we'll come back in 2020 a pretty hard team to beat

Sack Chaplin for lols though
what's crazy is, we essentially required a mini rebuild already
  • I'm not sure if our players from last year just had amazing years or they couldn't be ****** this year, but something seems mentally off

Are people aware of the amount of players we have has out?

We have like 20 players out injured or coming back through the VFL from injury.

Our list of outs would near beat the list of players we have playing lol.
Are people aware of the amount of players we have has out?

We have like 20 players out injured or coming back through the VFL from injury.

Our list of outs would near beat the list of players we have playing lol.

Richmond and Collingwood both have a higher quality list of injuries and aren't as embarrassing as us.
Richmond and Collingwood both have a higher quality list of injuries and aren't as embarrassing as us.
Agree, but wouldnt sack a coach who is dealing with an injury crisis like ours.

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